Error: You must `brew link pcre openresty-openssl` before homebrew/nginx/openresty can be installed
xilanglangdeMacBook-Pro:pcre xinshaofeng$ brew link pcre
Linking /usr/local/Cellar/pcre/8.40...
Error: Could not symlink bin/pcre-config
Target /usr/local/bin/pcre-config
is a symlink belonging to pcre. You can unlink it:
brew unlink pcre
To force the link and overwrite all conflicting files:
brew link --overwrite pcre
To list all files that would be deleted:
brew link --overwrite --dry-run pcre
xilanglangdeMacBook-Pro:pcre xinshaofeng$ brew link --overwrite pcre
Linking /usr/local/Cellar/pcre/8.40... 261 symlinks created
xilanglangdeMacBook-Pro:pcre xinshaofeng$ brew link openresty-openssl
Linking /usr/local/Cellar/openresty-openssl/1.0.2k... 89 symlinks created
xilanglangdeMacBook-Pro:pcre xinshaofeng$ brew install homebrew/nginx/openresty
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