

  • @NotEmpty根据JDK源码注释说明,该注解只能应用于char可读序列(可简单理解为String对象),colleaction,map,array上,因为该注解要求的是对象不为null且size>0,所以只有上述对象是拥有size属性的,而Integer,Long等基础对象包装类没有该属性
 * The annotated element must not be {@code null} nor empty. Supported types are:
 * <ul>
 * <li>{@code CharSequence} (length of character sequence is evaluated)</li>  char值得可读序列,CharSequence的实现类有String, StringBuffer, StringBuilder, CharBuffer
 * <li>{@code Collection} (collection size is evaluated)</li> 集合类
 * <li>{@code Map} (map size is evaluated)</li> map散列表
 * <li>Array (array length is evaluated)</li> 数组
 * </ul>
  • @NotNull,表示不能为null,但可以为empty,与@NotEmpty注解相比是少了size属性,所以"Accepts any type"可以接受任何类型对象
 * The annotated element must not be {@code null}.
 * Accepts any type.
  • @NotBlank,"Accepts {@code CharSequence}"表明只应用于char值可读序列,则可以简单理解为只用于String,且不能为null,"non-whitespace"表示不能是空白字符,所以校验字符串是调用trim()方法之后的字符串长度大于0
 * The annotated element must not be {@code null} and must contain at least one
 * non-whitespace character. Accepts {@code CharSequence}.
posted @ 2019-12-05 16:07  苹果大大个  阅读(5362)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报