mommy is doing the dishes 洗碗
we should do the dishes
there are a lot of dishes today
can you clear/wipe the table
put the dishes in the sink (水池)
please put away the dishes you used
please put away the dishes from the table
can you help me do the dishes
who will do the dishes today
can I do the dishes today
I want to try doing the dishes
where is the sponge (海绵)/ liquid soap (洗洁精)
Let me do the dishes from now on
you are a big boy now helping me do the dishes
you can do that when you are older
put on the rubber gloves (橡胶手套) and put some liquid soap on the sponge
wash the dishes carefully so they will not break
wash them carefully so there is no food left
they are sparkling (闪闪发亮的) clean
turn off the water / tap (手龙头)
there is still some soap on it. It's slippery
oily residue (油污)is hard to get off
use hot water to wash off the grease(润滑油)
place the dripping bowls upside down on the rack
dry the plates with a dish towel (手巾)
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