英文搭讪 表白神句


    I love your smile /laughter eyes hair dress       我喜欢你的微笑   、眼睛  头发  连衣裙

   has anyone ever told you that you have the best smile?       有人跟你说过 你有最好的微笑吗

   has anyone ever told you that you look like ___             有人告诉过你 长的像。。。

  I couldn't help but notice that you look a lot like my next girlfriend                  我忍不住留意到你,长的像我下一任女朋友   

  Did it hurt when you fell from heaven                  你从天堂掉下来 疼不疼啊   (间接夸对方 是掉入人间的天使)

  Can I get your number, are you on  _  , do you use _?     我能拿到你的账号吗, 你用。。吗  ?



Ready to change your relationship status?    准备好改变你的情感状态了吗

You are the only girl I want, will you please be my girlfriend.       

I'm totally into you            我被你完全吸引了

we are meant for each other.       我们是为了彼此而存在的

we are meant to be.   

I'm falling for you     >>  I love you         我被你深深的倾倒了 

I 'd like to get together sometime        我们能出去约会吗

Do you have an ugly boyfriend? do you want one        你有一个丑丑的男朋友吗, 你想要一个吗 


posted @ 2021-09-14 18:05  西凤楼  阅读(717)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
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