SharePoint portal server架构

自己本来打算一直做J2me做下去,没想到现在的一个项目被安排到做SharePoint.开始还觉得是没有兴趣,后来感觉微软还是不错!有SharePoint portal server这样一件东西.于是现在就开始需求分析,栏目,UI设计,还有颜色等等筹备.我呢,还是以前毕竟自己认为,我就学Java,c/c++,其他的别想吸引我-----但是还是被吸引了!!!!可是我的C#,自己承认,让我读程序还是可以读懂的!!!!WebPart自己看是做不了多少!现阶段还是搞点相关知识的了解.搞点UI,需求等等!顺便翻译一点文章.我的英文很烂,献丑了!!!!中英文对比,不想看英文那就看我翻译的中文好了!

Changes to Front-End Components


SharePoint Portal Server has the same front-end/back-end split of components that Windows SharePoint Services has. Because SharePoint Portal Server has additional services that it can provide, it also has more front-end server roles and has more back-end database types than does Windows SharePoint Services. Figure 5-1 shows the components that are available in a SharePoint Portal Server deployment.

  SharePoint portal ServerWindows SharePoint Services一样有前端/后端独立的功能。原因是SharePoint Portal Server 只是在Windows SharePoint Server能够提供的服务上面的一些功能的添加,当然和Windows SharePoint Server相比它还拥有更多的前端服务角色和后台数据库类型。图5-1向我们显示了在SharePoint Portal Server部署的时候用得到的一些组成部分。

Figure 5-1.Architecture of SharePoint Portal Server includes front-end Web servers, search servers, a job server, index servers, and back-end databases

5-1SharePoint Portal Server的架构包括一个或多个前端的Web服务,一个或多个搜索服务,一个工作服务器,一个或多个索引服务器和后台数据库。

The split between front-end and back-end components in SharePoint Portal Server is a logical one. Physically, the front-end and back-end components can exist on the same server or on separate servers. In fact, in a single-server deployment, all the server farm roles are performed on a single server.

SharePoint Portal Server中,把前端和后台的区分是通过逻辑上进行划分的。在物理上,前端和后台可以存在相同的服务器上或者是在分散的服务器上。事实上,在一个单个服务部署中,所有的服务配置角色都被在一个服务器上完成。

Front-End Servers


Windows SharePoint Services has only one role for front-end Web servers. These servers host sites and process search requests. SharePoint Portal Server includes the ability to separate front-end roles for Web servers and also includes separate roles for index management servers, search servers, and a job server. One or more servers can fill each role, except for the job server, depending on the number of users that are supported. There is only one job server per portal site, regardless of how small or large the environment is.

Windows SharePoint Services对于前端的Web服务仅有一个角色。这些服务管理各个内部站点和处理各种搜索请求。SharePoint Portal Server不仅包括把前端的Web服务角色分开的能力还包括了把索引管理服务器,搜索服务器和一个工作服务器分配独立的角色。除工作服务器外,每个角色都可以由一个或多个服务器扮演,这依赖于所要支持的用户数量。不管整个环境是大还是小,对于每个Portal站点仅有一个工作服务器。

Job Server


The purpose of a job server is to manage the additional services that are supported in SharePoint Portal Server that are not available in Windows SharePoint Services. This includes the following additional services:

工作服务器是用来管理这些在SharePoint Portal Server新增的服务,这些功能在Windows SharePoint Services中并不能用。它包含下面的一些新增的功能:

Hosting the Single Sign-On pages

Importing user profiles

Performing audience calculations

Crawling and indexing portal site content

Hosting the Alerts service







posted on 2005-03-31 20:40  星星博客园  阅读(665)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报

