
focus on scientific computue, 3dgis, spatial database


09 2006 档案

a excellent website for javascrpt & dhtml:
摘要:WZGrapher Function Graphing and Math Program Web Development: Advanced DHTML, JavaScript Online Function Grapher 阅读全文

posted @ 2006-09-28 09:12 风过 无痕 编辑

MapGuide open source开发系列教程四: 体系结构(转贴)
摘要:MapGuide是Autodesk公司推出的在网络上发布空间数据的新一代Web GIS平台,为了促进开源Web GIS的发展,Autodesk公司推出了开源版的MapGuide,同时还有商业版MapGuide,开源版本与商业版本相比,软件构架与功能相同,只是开源版本仅支持的数据格式较少,目前支持shp、sdf、ArcSDE、MySQL、ODBC、RASTER、WMSWFS,要支持其他格式的数据或者数据库则需要购买MapGuide 商业版或者由用户自行开发数据处理组件。 阅读全文

posted @ 2006-09-27 13:26 风过 无痕 编辑

content in map
摘要:Has anyone started to play around with adding rich content (i.e. Video, links, imagery, etc.) in the map features? ESRI incorporate ATLAS/AJAX "mashups" in there new stuff coming out. Displaying video and magery in the tooltip of points, lines, and polygons. 阅读全文

posted @ 2006-09-25 10:08 风过 无痕 编辑

nabble: Free Hosted Public Forums
摘要:Free Hosted Public Forums , for Everyone, software, gis, osgeo, mapguide open source 阅读全文

posted @ 2006-09-23 11:34 风过 无痕 编辑

MapGuide open source开发系列教程三: 一个绝好的内部资料,详细的开发例子
摘要:内容包括 Hello Map Interacting With Layers Working With Feature Data (AJAX Viewer) Working With Feature Data (DWF Viewer) Modifying Maps and Layers Analyzing Features Digitizing and Redlining Custom Output 阅读全文

posted @ 2006-09-22 16:28 风过 无痕 编辑

about NetTopologySuite
摘要:website:http://nts.sourceforge.net/NetTopologySuite is a C#/.NET port of JTS Topology Suite, a Java library for GIS operations, (OpenGIS compliant). The main goal of this project is to have a .NET GIS... 阅读全文

posted @ 2006-09-21 16:18 风过 无痕 编辑

about osgeo中国
摘要:9月19日上午,经国际地理空间开源基金会正式授权的非盈利组织地理空间开源基金会中国中心(OSGeo China Chapter)成立仪式在外国专家大厦举行,此举标志着OSGeo正式登陆中国 阅读全文

posted @ 2006-09-21 16:06 风过 无痕 编辑

about Discuz!NT
摘要:website:http://nt.discuz.net Discuz!NT 1.0 测试版 for SQL Server 提供下载 作为Discuz!产品线的新成员,Discuz!NT从一开始上线就得到了许多朋友的关注和支... 阅读全文

posted @ 2006-09-21 15:43 风过 无痕 编辑

about codeplex
摘要:http://www.codeplex.com/Default.aspxCodePlex is Microsoft's community development web site. You can use CodePlex to create new projects to share with your fellow developers around the world, join othe... 阅读全文

posted @ 2006-09-21 15:28 风过 无痕 编辑

about scriptsharp
摘要:nikhilk 's bloghttp://www.nikhilk.net/ Script# Script# brings the C# developer experience (programming and tooling) to Javascript/Ajax world. This post shares a project for enabling script authoring v... 阅读全文

posted @ 2006-09-21 15:19 风过 无痕 编辑

about SharpScript
摘要:(1)引:该项目获得2002“微软杯”.Net全国软件大赛三等奖,#########联系方式:bfchen@mail.ustc.edu.cn ######(2)SharpScript Project简介1. SharpScript语言简介SharpScript是一种用于Web页面的、面向对象的脚本语言。因为其设计参考新一代.Net平台开发语言C#,所以取名为SharpScript。但相比于C#,... 阅读全文

posted @ 2006-09-21 15:03 风过 无痕 编辑

news about MsSqlSpatial - Spatial Extensions for SQL Server 2005
摘要:website: http://www.codeplex.com/Wiki/View.aspx?ProjectName=MsSqlSpatialMsSqlSpatial - Spatial Extensions for SQL Server 2005. This project conforms... 阅读全文

posted @ 2006-09-21 13:25 风过 无痕 编辑

三本web client開發的入門好書
摘要:我所看的web客戶端開發的入門好書。JavaScript網頁制作徹底研究,陳會安著,臺灣旗標出版股份有限公司。由陳葵,羅智改編,人民郵電出版社www.pptph.com.cn。附光盤。HTML:The complete Reference. Thomas A. Powell著,The McGraw-Hill Companies出版。簡體中文版:HTML參考大全,楊正華,葛菱南等翻譯,清華大學出版社... 阅读全文

posted @ 2006-09-20 23:33 风过 无痕 编辑

arcgis9 安装说明中文版
摘要:时间: 2006-09-07翻译: 风过无痕arcgis license manager: [arcgis 许可管理]-------------------------------1. 安装 arcgis 许可管理2. 选择 "I received the license by fax" [我通过传真收到了许可] , 然后点击 CREATE & EDIT [生成和编辑]3. 输入 "NNISO ... 阅读全文

posted @ 2006-09-12 21:42 风过 无痕 编辑

moblie development based on .net compact framework3 question:activeX
摘要:On how to Hosting ActiveX Controls in the .NET Compact Framework 2.0, ms did not give a answer. There are 2 solutions cfcom and openNETCF, which i have mentationed at the above post.I have worked for ... 阅读全文

posted @ 2006-09-12 21:00 风过 无痕 编辑

moblie development based on .net compact framework2 solution:activeX
摘要:at .net cf1, it did not support com interop.at .net cf2, it supports basic com interop. but it did not supports hosting activeX in cf diectly.Then comes with two solution to Hosting ActiveX Controls i... 阅读全文

posted @ 2006-09-12 20:49 风过 无痕 编辑

moblie development based on .net compact framework1: concept
摘要:some technical termppc : pocket pcpda : Personal Digital Assistant 个人数字助理sp : smart phonecf : compact framework based on .net cf, we can develop mobile software with vs2005 radicly, just as desktop... 阅读全文

posted @ 2006-09-12 20:34 风过 无痕 编辑


