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google earth 二次开发

google earth二次开发的功能非常弱,资料也非常少。
GoogleEarth API使用说明
GoogleEarth API   Keyhole 1.0 Type Library
当你要使用GoogleEarth API时首先要在工程里引用他,以VB为例,在“工程”菜单中选择“引用”,
如果你已经安装了GoogleEarth,那么引用栏里会有“Keyhole 1.0 Type Library ”

引用完毕后,打开对象浏览器,你就可以看到GoogleEarth API的类和函数及属性了!!

GoogleEarth API有4个类,每个类下面有多个函数及属性

Class KHFeature
     Property hasView As Long            只读      暂时还不知道什么意思,没用过,哪位高手能给个解释
     Property visibility As Long                        地标的可视选项

Class KHInterface     
     Property autopilotSpeed As Double                  GE的自动飞行速度
     Function currentView(terrain As Long) As KHViewInfo      GE的当前视图
     Property currentViewExtents As KHViewExtents            只读
     Function getFeatureByName(name As String) As KHFeature
     Function getPointOnTerrainFromScreenCoords(screen_x As Double, screen_y As Double) As Double()                 
     Sub LoadKml(kmlData As String)            导入KML字符串,不支持中文
     Sub OpenFile(fileName As String)      打开地标文件
     Sub QuitApplication()                  退出程序
     Sub SaveScreenShot(fileName As String, quality As Long)            保存截图
     Sub setFeatureView(feature As KHFeature, speed As Double)
     Sub SetRenderWindowSize(width As Long, height As Long)
     Sub setView(view As KHViewInfo, terrain As Long, speed As Double)      用KHViewInfo设置视角范围
     Sub setViewParams(lat As Double, lon As Double, range As Double, _
                   tilt As Double, azimuth As Double, terrain As Long, speed As Double)用数值设置视角范围
     Property streamingProgressPercentage As Long            只读            数据传输进度百分比

Class KHViewExtents
     property east As Double      只读
     Property north As Double      只读
     Property south As Double      只读
     Property west As Double      只读

Class KHViewInfo     
     Property azimuth As Double      方位角
     Property latitude As Double      纬度
     Property longitude As Double      经度
     Property range As Double      范围
     Property tilt As Double      倾角

利用这些函数,可以对GE进行部分 控制,实现一些小的功能,

Google Earth COM API Documentation


This document describes the features of the Google Earth COM API. The Google Earth COM API allows third party applications to query information from and send commands to Google Earth. Through IApplicationGE, applications can query the current viewport, control the 3D viewpoint, use KML features, and more.

This Google Earth COM API documentation package includes:

  • This documentation
  • earth.idl - the original IDL for COM interface and documentation

GEVContorl(GEVC)是一个完全COM的控件,对截止目前所有版本的GoogleEarth都支持,具有很高的兼容性和可用性,能够将GE视图(地球视图)集成到开发人员的应用系统中,并且支持滚轮功能.通过GEVC开发人员就可以不用关心GE如何集成到系统中,把工作重心直接放在利用GE API开发业务功能上.

link: http://www.gis9.com

posted on 2007-07-12 17:26  风过 无痕  阅读(7103)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报

