在50年代的时候,心理学家James Olds 和Peter Milner曾经做过这样一个实验:他们将电极连入小鼠的大脑中。电极的一头连着一个按钮,只要小鼠按下按钮,电极就会刺激小鼠的大脑,让小鼠产生一种强烈的X快感。
1972年的时候,学界发表了一篇有着严重伦理道德问题的研究:Septal stimulation for the initiation of heterosexual behavior in a homosexual male。这篇文章大体的思路是用电极刺激病患的大脑,让他们获得xing快感,然后帮他们治疗或者缓解痛苦。实验中有一个当时24岁的同性恋小伙子(70年代错误地认为认为同性恋是疾病,可以通过刺激回归异性恋),在连入了电极之后,他为了获得强烈的xing快感疯狂的按动按钮,直到科研人员将连接强制断开。论文:"During these sessions, B-19 (就是那个小伙子)stimulated himself to a point that, both behaviorally and introspectively, he was experiencing an almost overwhelming euphoria and elation and had to be disconnected despite his vigorous protests."
男人如此,女人也不例外。一个女性被试为了治疗慢性疼痛,也大脑中连入了电极。结果连入之后,为了获得强烈的xing快感,也是不顾一切按动按钮,完全忽视自身的卫生情况,完全忽视家庭责任。可能由于存在最后一丝理性,她恳求自己的家人阻止她按动按钮,但当家人阻止她之后,她又自己要求再把电极连上。论文:"At its most frequent, the patient self-stimulated throughout the day, neglecting her personal hygiene and family commitments. A chronic ulceration developed at the tip of the finger used to adjust the amplitude dial and she frequently tampered with the device in an effort to increase the stimulation amplitude. At times she implored her family to limit her access to the stimulator, each time demanding its return after a short hiatus"