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ajax学习笔记二:frameworks & study plan

 I have spent two weeks on "Foundations_Of_Ajax". now I have the basic ideal about ajax.
the most gai is that I have learned the advanced javascript & dom.
the main ajax frameworks on client side & server side(just .net) is below(just my interest)
client side: dojo, rico, qooxdoo, bitet, flash/javascript, google ajaxslt, libxmlrequest, rslite, sack, sarrisa, xhconn
the server side framework is simple ,such as ajax.net, atlas...

my study plan:
prototype.js -> dogo.js ->atlas

posted on 2006-11-14 22:53  风过 无痕  阅读(224)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报

