
focus on scientific computue, 3dgis, spatial database


SOS: Autodesk MapGuide Studio - Preview can not display "Feature Label" with Chinese text on the platform of MapGuide Open Source

SOS: Autodesk MapGuide Studio - Preview can not display "Feature Label" with Chinese text on the platform of MapGuide Open Source

enviroment: MapGuide open source(v1.1) and MapGuide WebServer Extension are the latest version downloaded form http://mapguide.osgeo.org website.
development platform: vs2005 (.net framework 2)

"Properties" displayed in Viewer, "URL" activated for feature, "Tool tip" displayed for feature can work fine when the field(property) has Chinese text;
BUT in the style setting, it can not display Feature Label when the label has Chinese text.
If you come across this problems or know how to solve problems , please leave some information such as your contact info, network resource or solutions.
many thanks in advance.

contact me:

posted on 2006-08-24 12:52  风过 无痕  阅读(916)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报

