自从CSS出现以来,就有厂商希望CSS能够更加灵活一点,最早的CSS动态化体现为“动态表达式”(或动态属性,Dynamic attribute)的构想,动态表达式的构想也许是源自于以下的一些场景:
- 元素的尺寸或者位置由浏览器或者html文档来计算
- 使用变量作为style属性的值,比如频繁使用的颜色,用一个全局变量
“JavaScript Style Sheets. In the beginning, they were JASS (JavaScript Accessible Style Sheets), then JSSS or JSS (JavaScript Style Sheets), and now Netscape has taken to calling them Style Sheets with JavaScript Syntax. They exist in the Netscape DHTML documentation, a few books, and a couple of old third party articles on the web. The best introduction to JSS is by HTML veteran Chuck Musciano, at SunWorld. A concise, clear examination, this article was written a year ago (April 1997). Next to nothing has been written on the Web since then。”
with (parent.frames.main.document.classes.items.SPAN) {
width = menuWidth;
color = fntCol;
fontSize = fntSiz;
fontWeight = fntWgh;
fontStyle = fntSty;
fontFamily = fntFam;
borderWidth = borWid;
borderColor = borCol;
borderStyle = borSty;
lineHeight = linHgt;
position: absolute;
width: 100px;
height: 100px;
left: expression(document.body.offsetWidth - 110 + "px");
top: expression(document.body.offsetHeight - 110 + "px");
background: red;
- 1、CSS本身的静态特性
- 2、W3C标准与浏览器版本不能也永远不能同步的矛盾
- 3、html开发人员的期望与W3C标准不能也永远不能同步的矛盾