






This repo contains various IPython notebooks I've created to experiment with libraries and work through exercises, and explore subjects that I find interesting. I've included notebook viewer links below. Click the link to see a live rendering of the notebook.


These notebooks contain introductory content such as an overview of the language and a review of IPython's functionality.

Introduction To Python
IPython Magic Commands


Examples using a variety of popular "data science" Python libraries.


Machine Learning Exercises

Implementations of the exercises presented in Andrew Ng's "Machine Learning" class on Coursera.

Exercise 1 - Linear Regression
Exercise 2 - Logistic Regression
Exercise 3 - Multi-Class Classification
Exercise 4 - Neural Networks
Exercise 6 - Support Vector Machines
Exercise 7 - K-Means Clustering & PCA
Exercise 8 - Anomaly Detection & Recommendation Systems

Tensorflow Deep Learning Exercises

Implementations of the assignments from Google's Udacity course on deep learning.

Assignment 1 - Intro & Data Prep
Assignment 2 - Regression & Neural Nets
Assignment 3 - Regularization
Assignment 4 - Convolutions
Assignment 5 - Word Embeddings
Assignment 6 - Recurrent Nets

Spark Big Data Labs

Lab exercises for the original Spark classes on edX.

Lab 0 - Learning Apache Spark
Lab 1 - Building A Word Count Application
Lab 2 - Web Server Log Analysis
Lab 3 - Text Analysis & Entity Resolution
Lab 4 - Introduction To Machine Learning
ML Lab 3 - Linear Regression
ML Lab 4 - Click-Through Rate Prediction
ML Lab 5 - Principal Component Analysis

Fast.ai Lessons

Notebooks from Jeremy Howard's fast.ai class.

Lesson 1 - Image Classification
Lesson 2 - Multi-label Classification
Lesson 3 - Structured And Time Series Data
Lesson 4 - Sentiment Classification
Lesson 5 - Recommendation Using Deep Learning
Lesson 6 - Language Modeling With RNNs
Lesson 7 - Convolutional Networks In Detail

Deep Learning With Keras

Notebooks using Keras to implement deep learning models.

Part 1 - Structured And Time Series Data
Part 2 - Convolutional Networks
Part 3 - Recommender Systems
Part 4 - Recurrent Networks
Part 5 - Anomaly Detection
Part 6 - Generative Adversarial Networks


Notebooks covering various interesting topics!

Comparison Of Various Code Optimization Methods
A Simple Time Series Analysis of the S&P 500 Index
An Intro To Probablistic Programming
Language Exploration Using Vector Space Models
Solving Problems With Dynamic Programming
Time Series Forecasting With Prophet
Markov Chains From Scratch
A Sampling Of Monte Carlo Methods


二、Deep Learning Models

A collection of various deep learning architectures, models, and tips for TensorFlow and PyTorch in Jupyter Notebooks.

Traditional Machine Learning

  • Perceptron
       [TensorFlow 1: GitHub | Nbviewer]
       [PyTorch: GitHub | Nbviewer]

  • Logistic Regression
       [TensorFlow 1: GitHub | Nbviewer]
       [PyTorch: GitHub | Nbviewer]

  • Softmax Regression (Multinomial Logistic Regression)
       [TensorFlow 1: GitHub | Nbviewer]
       [PyTorch: GitHub | Nbviewer]

  • Softmax Regression with MLxtend's plot_decision_regions on Iris
       [PyTorch: GitHub | Nbviewer]

Multilayer Perceptrons

  • Multilayer Perceptron
       [TensorFlow 1: GitHub | Nbviewer]
       [PyTorch: GitHub | Nbviewer]

  • Multilayer Perceptron with Dropout
       [TensorFlow 1: GitHub | Nbviewer]
       [PyTorch: GitHub | Nbviewer]

  • Multilayer Perceptron with Batch Normalization
       [TensorFlow 1: GitHub | Nbviewer]
       [PyTorch: GitHub | Nbviewer]

  • Multilayer Perceptron with Backpropagation from Scratch
       [TensorFlow 1: GitHub | Nbviewer]
       [PyTorch: GitHub | Nbviewer]

Convolutional Neural Networks


  • Convolutional Neural Network
       [TensorFlow 1: GitHub | Nbviewer]
       [PyTorch: GitHub | Nbviewer]

  • Convolutional Neural Network with He Initialization
       [PyTorch: GitHub | Nbviewer]


  • Replacing Fully-Connnected by Equivalent Convolutional Layers
       [PyTorch: GitHub | Nbviewer]

Fully Convolutional

  • Fully Convolutional Neural Network
       [PyTorch: GitHub | Nbviewer]


  • LeNet-5 on MNIST
       [PyTorch: GitHub | Nbviewer]

  • LeNet-5 on CIFAR-10
       [PyTorch: GitHub | Nbviewer]

  • LeNet-5 on QuickDraw
       [PyTorch: GitHub | Nbviewer]


  • AlexNet on CIFAR-10
       [PyTorch: GitHub | Nbviewer]


  • Convolutional Neural Network VGG-16
       [TensorFlow 1: GitHub | Nbviewer]
       [PyTorch: GitHub | Nbviewer]

  • VGG-16 Gender Classifier Trained on CelebA
       [PyTorch: GitHub | Nbviewer]

  • VGG-16 Dogs vs Cats Classifier
       [PyTorch: GitHub | Nbviewer]

  • Convolutional Neural Network VGG-19
       [PyTorch: GitHub | Nbviewer]


  • DenseNet-121 Digit Classifier Trained on MNIST
       [PyTorch: GitHub | Nbviewer]

  • DenseNet-121 Image Classifier Trained on CIFAR-10
       [PyTorch: GitHub | Nbviewer]


  • ResNet and Residual Blocks
       [PyTorch: GitHub | Nbviewer]

  • ResNet-18 Digit Classifier Trained on MNIST
       [PyTorch: GitHub | Nbviewer]

  • ResNet-18 Gender Classifier Trained on CelebA
       [PyTorch: GitHub | Nbviewer]

  • ResNet-34 Digit Classifier Trained on MNIST
       [PyTorch: GitHub | Nbviewer]

  • ResNet-34 Object Classifier Trained on QuickDraw
       [PyTorch: GitHub | Nbviewer]

  • ResNet-34 Gender Classifier Trained on CelebA
       [PyTorch: GitHub | Nbviewer]

  • ResNet-50 Digit Classifier Trained on MNIST
       [PyTorch: GitHub | Nbviewer]

  • ResNet-50 Gender Classifier Trained on CelebA
       [PyTorch: GitHub | Nbviewer]

  • ResNet-101 Gender Classifier Trained on CelebA
       [PyTorch: GitHub | Nbviewer]

  • ResNet-101 Trained on CIFAR-10
       [PyTorch: GitHub | Nbviewer]

  • ResNet-152 Gender Classifier Trained on CelebA
       [PyTorch: GitHub | Nbviewer]

Network in Network

  • Network in Network CIFAR-10 Classifier
       [PyTorch: GitHub | Nbviewer]

Normalization Layers

  • BatchNorm before and after Activation for Network-in-Network CIFAR-10 Classifier
       [PyTorch: GitHub | Nbviewer]

  • Filter Response Normalization for Network-in-Network CIFAR-10 Classifier
       [PyTorch: GitHub | Nbviewer]

Metric Learning

  • Siamese Network with Multilayer Perceptrons
       [TensorFlow 1: GitHub | Nbviewer]


Fully-connected Autoencoders

  • Autoencoder (MNIST)
       [TensorFlow 1: GitHub | Nbviewer]
       [PyTorch: GitHub | Nbviewer]

  • Autoencoder (MNIST) + Scikit-Learn Random Forest Classifier
       [TensorFlow 1: GitHub | Nbviewer]
       [PyTorch: GitHub | Nbviewer]

Convolutional Autoencoders

  • Convolutional Autoencoder with Deconvolutions / Transposed Convolutions
       [TensorFlow 1: GitHub | Nbviewer]
       [PyTorch: GitHub | Nbviewer]

  • Convolutional Autoencoder with Deconvolutions and Continuous Jaccard Distance
       [PyTorch: GitHub | Nbviewer]

  • Convolutional Autoencoder with Deconvolutions (without pooling operations)
       [PyTorch: GitHub | Nbviewer]

  • Convolutional Autoencoder with Nearest-neighbor Interpolation
       [TensorFlow 1: GitHub | Nbviewer]
       [PyTorch: GitHub | Nbviewer]

  • Convolutional Autoencoder with Nearest-neighbor Interpolation -- Trained on CelebA
       [PyTorch: GitHub | Nbviewer]

  • Convolutional Autoencoder with Nearest-neighbor Interpolation -- Trained on Quickdraw
       [PyTorch: GitHub | Nbviewer]

Variational Autoencoders

  • Variational Autoencoder
       [PyTorch: GitHub | Nbviewer]

  • Convolutional Variational Autoencoder
       [PyTorch: GitHub | Nbviewer]

Conditional Variational Autoencoders

  • Conditional Variational Autoencoder (with labels in reconstruction loss)
       [PyTorch: GitHub | Nbviewer]

  • Conditional Variational Autoencoder (without labels in reconstruction loss)
       [PyTorch: GitHub | Nbviewer]

  • Convolutional Conditional Variational Autoencoder (with labels in reconstruction loss)
       [PyTorch: GitHub | Nbviewer]

  • Convolutional Conditional Variational Autoencoder (without labels in reconstruction loss)
       [PyTorch: GitHub | Nbviewer]

Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs)

  • Fully Connected GAN on MNIST
       [TensorFlow 1: GitHub | Nbviewer]
       [PyTorch: GitHub | Nbviewer]

  • Fully Connected Wasserstein GAN on MNIST
       [PyTorch: GitHub | Nbviewer]

  • Convolutional GAN on MNIST
       [TensorFlow 1: GitHub | Nbviewer]
       [PyTorch: GitHub | Nbviewer]

  • Convolutional GAN on MNIST with Label Smoothing
       [TensorFlow 1: GitHub | Nbviewer]
       [PyTorch: GitHub | Nbviewer]

  • Convolutional Wasserstein GAN on MNIST
       [PyTorch: GitHub | Nbviewer]

  • "Deep Convolutional GAN" (DCGAN) on Cats and Dogs Images
       [PyTorch: GitHub | Nbviewer]

  • "Deep Convolutional GAN" (DCGAN) on CelebA Face Images
       [PyTorch: GitHub | Nbviewer]

Graph Neural Networks (GNNs)

  • Most Basic Graph Neural Network with Gaussian Filter on MNIST
       [PyTorch: GitHub | Nbviewer]

  • Basic Graph Neural Network with Edge Prediction on MNIST
       [PyTorch: GitHub | Nbviewer]

  • Basic Graph Neural Network with Spectral Graph Convolution on MNIST
       [PyTorch: GitHub | Nbviewer]

Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs)

Many-to-one: Sentiment Analysis / Classification

  • A simple single-layer RNN (IMDB)
       [PyTorch: GitHub | Nbviewer]

  • A simple single-layer RNN with packed sequences to ignore padding characters (IMDB)
       [PyTorch: GitHub | Nbviewer]

  • RNN with LSTM cells (IMDB)
       [PyTorch: GitHub | Nbviewer]

  • RNN with LSTM cells (IMDB) and pre-trained GloVe word vectors
       [PyTorch: GitHub | Nbviewer]

  • RNN with LSTM cells and Own Dataset in CSV Format (IMDB)
       [PyTorch: GitHub | Nbviewer]

  • RNN with GRU cells (IMDB)
       [PyTorch: GitHub | Nbviewer]

  • Multilayer bi-directional RNN (IMDB)
       [PyTorch: GitHub | Nbviewer]

  • Bidirectional Multi-layer RNN with LSTM with Own Dataset in CSV Format (AG News)
       [PyTorch: GitHub | Nbviewer]

  • Bidirectional Multi-layer RNN with LSTM with Own Dataset in CSV Format (Yelp Review Polarity)
       [PyTorch: GitHub | Nbviewer]

  • Bidirectional Multi-layer RNN with LSTM with Own Dataset in CSV Format (Amazon Review Polarity)
       [PyTorch: GitHub | Nbviewer]

Many-to-Many / Sequence-to-Sequence

  • A simple character RNN to generate new text (Charles Dickens)
       [PyTorch: GitHub | Nbviewer]

Ordinal Regression

  • Ordinal Regression CNN -- CORAL w. ResNet34 on AFAD-Lite
       [PyTorch: GitHub | Nbviewer]

  • Ordinal Regression CNN -- Niu et al. 2016 w. ResNet34 on AFAD-Lite
       [PyTorch: GitHub | Nbviewer]

  • Ordinal Regression CNN -- Beckham and Pal 2016 w. ResNet34 on AFAD-Lite
       [PyTorch: GitHub | Nbviewer]

Tips and Tricks

  • Cyclical Learning Rate
       [PyTorch: GitHub | Nbviewer]

  • Annealing with Increasing the Batch Size (w. CIFAR-10 & AlexNet)
       [PyTorch: GitHub | Nbviewer]

  • Gradient Clipping (w. MLP on MNIST)
       [PyTorch: GitHub | Nbviewer]

Transfer Learning

  • Transfer Learning Example (VGG16 pre-trained on ImageNet for Cifar-10)
       [PyTorch: GitHub | Nbviewer]

Visualization and Interpretation

  • Vanilla Loss Gradient (wrt Inputs) Visualization (Based on a VGG16 Convolutional Neural Network for Kaggle's Cats and Dogs Images)
       [PyTorch: GitHub | Nbviewer]

  • Guided Backpropagation (Based on a VGG16 Convolutional Neural Network for Kaggle's Cats and Dogs Images)
       [PyTorch: GitHub | Nbviewer]

PyTorch Workflows and Mechanics

Custom Datasets

  • Custom Data Loader Example for PNG Files
       [PyTorch: GitHub | Nbviewer]

  • Using PyTorch Dataset Loading Utilities for Custom Datasets -- CSV files converted to HDF5
       [PyTorch: GitHub | Nbviewer]

  • Using PyTorch Dataset Loading Utilities for Custom Datasets -- Face Images from CelebA
       [PyTorch: GitHub | Nbviewer]

  • Using PyTorch Dataset Loading Utilities for Custom Datasets -- Drawings from Quickdraw
       [PyTorch: GitHub | Nbviewer]

  • Using PyTorch Dataset Loading Utilities for Custom Datasets -- Drawings from the Street View House Number (SVHN) Dataset
       [PyTorch: GitHub | Nbviewer]

  • Using PyTorch Dataset Loading Utilities for Custom Datasets -- Asian Face Dataset (AFAD)
       [PyTorch: GitHub | Nbviewer]

  • Using PyTorch Dataset Loading Utilities for Custom Datasets -- Dating Historical Color Images
       [PyTorch: GitHub | Nbviewer]

  • Using PyTorch Dataset Loading Utilities for Custom Datasets -- Fashion MNIST
       [PyTorch: GitHub | Nbviewer]

Training and Preprocessing

  • Generating Validation Set Splits
       [PyTorch: GitHub | Nbviewer]

  • Dataloading with Pinned Memory
       [PyTorch: GitHub | Nbviewer]

  • Standardizing Images
       [PyTorch: GitHub | Nbviewer]

  • Image Transformation Examples
       [PyTorch: GitHub | Nbviewer]

  • Char-RNN with Own Text File
       [PyTorch: GitHub | Nbviewer]

  • Sentiment Classification RNN with Own CSV File
       [PyTorch: GitHub | Nbviewer]

Parallel Computing

  • Using Multiple GPUs with DataParallel -- VGG-16 Gender Classifier on CelebA
       [PyTorch: GitHub | Nbviewer]


  • Sequential API and hooks
       [PyTorch: GitHub | Nbviewer]

  • Weight Sharing Within a Layer
       [PyTorch: GitHub | Nbviewer]

  • Plotting Live Training Performance in Jupyter Notebooks with just Matplotlib
       [PyTorch: GitHub | Nbviewer]


  • Getting Gradients of an Intermediate Variable in PyTorch
       [PyTorch: GitHub | Nbviewer]

TensorFlow Workflows and Mechanics

Custom Datasets

  • Chunking an Image Dataset for Minibatch Training using NumPy NPZ Archives
       [TensorFlow 1: GitHub | Nbviewer]

  • Storing an Image Dataset for Minibatch Training using HDF5
       [TensorFlow 1: GitHub | Nbviewer]

  • Using Input Pipelines to Read Data from TFRecords Files
       [TensorFlow 1: GitHub | Nbviewer]

  • Using Queue Runners to Feed Images Directly from Disk
       [TensorFlow 1: GitHub | Nbviewer]

  • Using TensorFlow's Dataset API
       [TensorFlow 1: GitHub | Nbviewer]

Training and Preprocessing

  • Saving and Loading Trained Models -- from TensorFlow Checkpoint Files and NumPy NPZ Archives
       [TensorFlow 1: GitHub | Nbviewer]





  •  Data Analytics,Data Analysis,数据挖掘,数据科学,机器学习,大数据的区别是什么?

  •  学习如何去学习

  •  不要斩断锁链

  •  如何自学





  •  梦


  •  形象的机器学习简介

  •  一份温柔的机器学习指南

  •  为开发者准备的机器学习简介

  •  菜鸟的机器学习基础

  •  你如何向非计算机专业的人来解释机器学习与数据挖掘?

  •  在罩子下的机器学习,博文简单明了地介绍了机器学习的原理

  •  机器学习是什么?它是如何工作的呢?

  •  深度学习——一份非技术性的简介


  •  掌握机器学习的方法

  •  程序员的机器学习

  •  掌握并运用机器学习

  •  Python机器学习小课程

  •  机器学习算法小课程


  •  机器学习真有趣!

  •  Part 2: 使用机器学习来创造超级马里奥的关卡

  •  Part 3: 深度学习与卷积神经网络

  •  Part 4: 现代人脸识别与深度学习

  •  Part 5: 翻译与深度学习和序列的魔力

  •  Part 6: 如何使用深度学习进行语音识别

  •  Part 7: 使用生成式对抗网络创造 8 像素艺术

  •  Part 8: 如何故意欺骗神经网络


  •  Part 1 : 什么是机器学习?

  •  Part 2 : 监督学习与非监督学习


  •  概述,目标,学习类型和算法

  •  数据的选择,准备与建模

  •  模型的评估,验证,复杂性与改进

  •  模型性能与误差分析

  •  无监督学习,相关领域与实践中的机器学习


  •  一周的机器学习

  •  一年的机器学习

  •  我是如何在3天内写出我的第一个机器学习程序的

  •  学习路径:你成为机器学习专家的导师

  •  不是PhD你也可以成为机器学习的摇滚明星

  •  如何6个月成为一名数据科学家:一名黑客的职业规划

    • 视频

    • 幻灯片

  •  5个你成为机器学习工程师必须要掌握的技能

  •  你是一个自学成才的机器学习工程师吗?你是怎么做的?花了多长时间?

  •  一个人如何成为一名优秀的机器学习工程师?

  •  一个专注于机器学习的学术假期


  •  用“士兵”来表示10种机器学习算法

  •  Top10的数据挖掘算法

  •  介绍10种机器学习的术语

  •  机器学习算法之旅

  •  机器学习工程师需要知道的10种算法

  •  比较监督学习算法

  • 收集的最简化、可执行的机器学习算法


  •  《Data Smart: Using Data Science to Transform Information into Insight》第 1 版

  •  《Data Science for Business: What you need to know about data mining and data analytic-thinking》

  •  《Predictive Analytics: The Power to Predict Who Will Click, Buy, Lie, or Die》


  •  Hacker 的机器学习

    • GitHub repository(R)

    • GitHub repository(Python)

  •  Python 机器学习

    • GitHub repository

  •  集体智慧编程: 创建智能 Web 2.0 应用

  •  机器学习: 算法视角,第二版

    • GitHub repository

    • Resource repository

  •  Python 机器学习简介: 数据科学家指南

    • GitHub repository

  •  数据挖掘: 机器学习工具与技术实践,第 3 版

    • Teaching material        - 1-5 章幻灯片(zip)        - 6-8 章幻灯片(zip)

  •  Machine Learning in Action

    • GitHub repository

  •  Reactive Machine Learning Systems(MEAP)

    • GitHub repository

  •  An Introduction to Statistical Learning

    • GitHub repository(R)

    • GitHub repository(Python)    - 视频

  •  使用 Python 构建机器学习系统

    • GitHub repository

  •  学习 scikit-learn: 用 Python 进行机器学习

    • GitHub repository

  •  Probabilistic Programming & Bayesian Methods for Hackers

  •  Probabilistic Graphical Models: Principles and Techniques

  •  Machine Learning: Hands-On for Developers and Technical Professionals

    • Machine Learning Hands-On for Developers and Technical Professionals review

    • GitHub repository

  •  从数据中学习    - 在线教程

  •  强化学习——简介(第 2 版)

    • GitHub repository

  •  使用TensorFlow(MEAP)进行机器学习

    • GitHub repository


  •  Kaggle竞赛:怎么样,在哪里开始?

  •  一个初学者如何用一个小项目在机器学习入门并在Kaggle竞争

  •  如何竞争Kaggle的Master


  •  Machine Learning for Hackers

  •  Fresh Machine Learning

  •  Josh Gordon 的机器学习菜谱

  •  在 30 分钟以内了解机器学习的一切

  •  一份友好的机器学习简介

  •  Nuts and Bolts of Applying Deep Learning - Andrew Ng

  •  BigML Webinar    - 视频    - 资源

  •  mathematicalmonk's Machine Learning tutorials

  •  Machine learning in Python with scikit-learn

    • GitHub repository    - 博客

  •  播放清单 - YouTuBe 上最热门的机器学习、神经网络、深度学习视频

  •  16 个必看的机器学习教程

  •  DeepLearning.TV

  •  Learning To See

  •  神经网络课程 - Université de Sherbrooke

  •  2016年的21个深度学习视频课程

  •  2016年的30个顶级的机器学习与人工智能视频教程 Top Videos, Tutorials & Courses on Machine Learning & Artificial Intelligence from 2016

  •  程序员的深度学习实战


  •  edX 的人工智能导论

  •  Udacity的机器学习导论

    • 复习Udacity机器学习导论

  •  Udacity的监督学习、非监督学习及深入

  •  Machine Learning Foundations: A Case Study Approach

  •  Coursera的机器学习

    • 视频

    • 复习Coursera机器学习

    • Coursera的机器学习路线图

  •  机器学习提纯

  •  BigML training

  •  Coursera的神经网络课程

    • 由Geoffrey Hinton(神经网络的先驱)执教

  •  使用TensorFlow创建深度学习应用

  •  描述统计学概论

  •  推理统计学概论

  •  6.S094: 自动驾驶的深度学习

  •  6.S191: 深度学习简介

  •  Coursera 深度学习教程


  •  一个月学会机器学习

  •  一份“非技术性”的机器学习与人工智能指南

  •  Google机器学习工程师最佳实践教程

  •  Hacker News的《软件工程师的机器学习》

  •  开发者的机器学习

  •  为人类🤖👶准备的机器学习

  •  给开发者的关于机器学习的建议

  •  机器学习入门

  •  为新手准备的机器学习入门教程

  •  初学者如何自学机器学习

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posted @ 2020-04-16 08:45  Alex东  阅读(984)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报