


  • p标签(段落)
  • small标签(让文字呈现灰色)
  • em标签(文字斜体)
  • blokcquote标签(文字内容为引用时用该标签)
  • class=”pull-right"右浮动
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15     <h1 class="page-header">CSS<small>常用的CSS</small></h1>
16     <p>From fairest creatures we desire increase,<strong>重要文字</strong>That thereby beauty's rose might never die,<em>斜体文字</em>
17 But as the riper should by time decease, His tender heir might bear his memory:But thou contracted to thine own bright eyes,
18 Within thine own bud buriest thy content,And tender churl mak'st waste in niggarding:Pity the world, or else this glutton be,
19 To eat the world's due, by the grave and thee</p>
20 <blockquote><p>Within thine own bud buriest thy content,And tender churl mak'st waste in niggarding:Pity the world, or else this glutton be</p>
21 <small class="pull-right"><cite>莎士比亚</cite></small></blockquote>
22 </body>
23 </html>



  • ul  无序列表
  • ol  有序列表
  • dl 自定义列表 
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13 <style>
14     dl dd{text-indent:2%;}
15 </style>
16 </head>
17 <body>
18 <h1 class="page-header">列表<small>无序列表,有序列表,描述列表</small></h1>
19 <h2>无序列表</h2>
20 <ul>
21   <li>first</li>
22   <li>second</li>
23   <li>third</li>
24   <li>forth</li>
25   <li>fifth</li>
26 </ul>
27 <h2>有序列表</h2>
28 <ol>
29   <li>first</li>
30   <li>second</li>
31   <li>third</li>
32   <li>forth</li>
33   <li>fifth</li>
34 </ol>
35 <h2>描述列表</h2>
36 <dl class="dl-horizontal">
37   <dt>first</dt>
38   <dd>1</dd>
39   <dt>second</dt>
40   <dd>2</dd>
41   <dt>third</dt>
42   <dd>3</dd>
43   <dt>forth</dt>
44   <dd>4</dd>
45   <dt>fifth</dt>
46   <dd>5</dd>
47 </dl>
48 </body>
49 </html>



  • 普通表格
  • 条纹表格
  • 带边框表格
  • 压缩式表格


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 13 <style>
 14 dl dd {
 15     text-indent: 2%;
 16 }
 17 </style>
 18 </head>
 19 <body>
 20 <h1 class="page-header">表格<small>&lt;table&gt;</small></h1>
 22 <div class="container">
 23 <h2>普通表格</h2>
 24 <table class="table table-hover">
 25   <thead >
 26     <th>星期一 </th>
 27     <th>星期二 </th>
 28     <th>星期三 </th>
 29     <th>星期四 </th>
 30     <th>星期五 </th>
 31     <th>星期六 </th>
 32   </thead>
 33   <tr >
 34     <td>y</td>
 35     <td>s</td>
 36     <td>y</td>
 37     <td>y</td>
 38     <td>w</td>
 39     <td>j</td>
 40   </tr>
 41   <tr >
 42     <td>s</td>
 43     <td>s</td>
 44     <td>d</td>
 45     <td>l</td>
 46     <td>h</td>
 47     <td>j</td>
 48   </tr>
 49   <tr >
 50     <td>h</td>
 51     <td>y</td>
 52     <td>t</td>
 53     <td>j</td>
 54     <td>y</td>
 55     <td>j</td>
 56   </tr>
 57   <tr >
 58     <td>z</td>
 59     <td>y</td>
 60     <td>t</td>
 61     <td>l</td>
 62     <td>d</td>
 63     <td>j</td>
 64   </tr>
 65 </table>
 66 <h2>条纹表格</h2>
 67 <table class="table table-hover">
 68   <thead >
 69     <th>星期一 </th>
 70     <th>星期二 </th>
 71     <th>星期三 </th>
 72     <th>星期四 </th>
 73     <th>星期五 </th>
 74     <th>星期六 </th>
 75   </thead>
 76   <tr >
 77     <td>y</td>
 78     <td>s</td>
 79     <td>y</td>
 80     <td>y</td>
 81     <td>w</td>
 82     <td>j</td>
 83   </tr>
 84   <tr >
 85     <td>s</td>
 86     <td>s</td>
 87     <td>d</td>
 88     <td>l</td>
 89     <td>h</td>
 90     <td>j</td>
 91   </tr>
 92   <tr >
 93     <td>h</td>
 94     <td>y</td>
 95     <td>t</td>
 96     <td>j</td>
 97     <td>y</td>
 98     <td>j</td>
 99   </tr>
100   <tr >
101     <td>z</td>
102     <td>y</td>
103     <td>t</td>
104     <td>l</td>
105     <td>d</td>
106     <td>j</td>
107   </tr>
108 </table>
109 <h2>带边框表格</h2>
110 <table class="table table-bordered">
111   <thead >
112     <th>星期一 </th>
113     <th>星期二 </th>
114     <th>星期三 </th>
115     <th>星期四 </th>
116     <th>星期五 </th>
117     <th>星期六 </th>
118   </thead>
119   <tr >
120     <td>y</td>
121     <td>s</td>
122     <td>y</td>
123     <td>y</td>
124     <td>w</td>
125     <td>j</td>
126   </tr>
127   <tr >
128     <td>s</td>
129     <td>s</td>
130     <td>d</td>
131     <td>l</td>
132     <td>h</td>
133     <td>j</td>
134   </tr>
135   <tr >
136     <td>h</td>
137     <td>y</td>
138     <td>t</td>
139     <td>j</td>
140     <td>y</td>
141     <td>j</td>
142   </tr>
143 </table>
144 <h2>压缩式表格</h2>
145 <table class="table table-bordered table-condensed">
146   <thead >
147     <th>星期一 </th>
148     <th>星期二 </th>
149     <th>星期三 </th>
150     <th>星期四 </th>
151     <th>星期五 </th>
152     <th>星期六 </th>
153   </thead>
154   <tr >
155     <td>y</td>
156     <td>s</td>
157     <td>y</td>
158     <td>y</td>
159     <td>w</td>
160     <td>j</td>
161   </tr>
162   <tr >
163     <td>s</td>
164     <td>s</td>
165     <td>d</td>
166     <td>l</td>
167     <td>h</td>
168     <td>j</td>
169   </tr>
170   <tr >
171     <td>h</td>
172     <td>y</td>
173     <td>t</td>
174     <td>j</td>
175     <td>y</td>
176     <td>j</td>
177   </tr>
178 </table>
179 </div>
180 </body>
181 </html>
View Code


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15 <h1 class="page-header">表单<small>&lt;form&gt;</small></h1>
17 <div class="container">
18     <form action="#" method="post">
19   <label for="username">用户名</label>&nbsp;
20       <input id="username" type="text" placeholder="输入用户名" />
21     <span class="help-block">登陆时请输入用户名</span>
22   </form>
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5.1 前缀

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15 <h1 class="page-header">文本框前缀和后缀<small>&lt;form&gt;</small></h1>
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18     <div class="form-group">
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21         <div class="input-group-addon">用户名</i></div>
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5.2 后缀

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22         <div class="input-group-addon">搜索</div>
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15 <h1 class="page-header">表单<small>&lt;form&gt;</small></h1>
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19       <legend>用户登录</legend>
20       <div class="form-group">
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22         <div class="col-md-3">
23           <input type="text" id="username" class="form-control" placeholder="请输入用户名">
24           <p class="help-block">请输入用户名</p>
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31           <p class="help-block">请输入密码</p>
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36         <button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary">登录</button>
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