[winform]dataGridView clomunseletor



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//  *****************************************
// ** DataGridViewColumnSelector ver 1.0 **
// ** **
// ** Author : Vincenzo Rossi **
// ** Country: Naples, Italy **
// ** Year : 2008 **
// ** Mail : redmaster@tiscali.it **
// ** **
// ** Released under **
// ** The Code Project Open License **
// ** **
// ** Please do not remove this header, **
// ** I will be grateful if you mention **
// ** me in your credits. Thank you **
// ** **
// *****************************************
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.Drawing;

namespace Easy_Selector
/// <summary>
/// Add column show/hide capability to a DataGridView. When user right-clicks
/// the cell origin a popup, containing a list of checkbox and column names, is
/// shown.
/// </summary>
class DataGridViewColumnSelector
// the DataGridView to which the DataGridViewColumnSelector is attached
private DataGridView mDataGridView = null;
// a CheckedListBox containing the column header text and checkboxes
private CheckedListBox mCheckedListBox;
// a ToolStripDropDown object used to show the popup
private ToolStripDropDown mPopup;

/// <summary>
/// The max height of the popup
/// </summary>
public int MaxHeight = 300;
/// <summary>
/// The width of the popup
/// </summary>
public int Width = 200;

/// <summary>
/// Gets or sets the DataGridView to which the DataGridViewColumnSelector is attached
/// </summary>
public DataGridView DataGridView
get { return mDataGridView; }
// If any, remove handler from current DataGridView
if (mDataGridView != null) mDataGridView.CellMouseClick -= new DataGridViewCellMouseEventHandler(mDataGridView_CellMouseClick);
// Set the new DataGridView
mDataGridView = value;
// Attach CellMouseClick handler to DataGridView
if (mDataGridView != null) mDataGridView.CellMouseClick += new DataGridViewCellMouseEventHandler(mDataGridView_CellMouseClick);

// When user right-clicks the cell origin, it clears and fill the CheckedListBox with
// columns header text. Then it shows the popup.
// In this way the CheckedListBox items are always refreshed to reflect changes occurred in
// DataGridView columns (column additions or name changes and so on).
void mDataGridView_CellMouseClick(object sender, DataGridViewCellMouseEventArgs e)
if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Right)
foreach (DataGridViewColumn c in mDataGridView.Columns)
mCheckedListBox.Items.Add(c.HeaderText, c.Visible);
int PreferredHeight = (mCheckedListBox.Items.Count * 16) + 7;
mCheckedListBox.Height = (PreferredHeight < MaxHeight) ? PreferredHeight : MaxHeight;
mCheckedListBox.Width = this.Width;
mPopup.Show(mDataGridView.PointToScreen(new Point(e.X, e.Y)));

// The constructor creates an instance of CheckedListBox and ToolStripDropDown.
// the CheckedListBox is hosted by ToolStripControlHost, which in turn is
// added to ToolStripDropDown.
public DataGridViewColumnSelector()
mCheckedListBox = new CheckedListBox();
mCheckedListBox.CheckOnClick = true;
mCheckedListBox.ItemCheck += new ItemCheckEventHandler(mCheckedListBox_ItemCheck);

ToolStripControlHost mControlHost = new ToolStripControlHost(mCheckedListBox);
mControlHost.Padding = Padding.Empty;
mControlHost.Margin = Padding.Empty;
mControlHost.AutoSize = false;

mPopup = new ToolStripDropDown();
mPopup.Padding = Padding.Empty;

public DataGridViewColumnSelector(DataGridView dgv)
: this()
this.DataGridView = dgv;

// When user checks / unchecks a checkbox, the related column visibility is
// switched.
void mCheckedListBox_ItemCheck(object sender, ItemCheckEventArgs e)
mDataGridView.Columns[e.Index].Visible = (e.NewValue == CheckState.Checked);


 DataGridViewColumnSelector cs = new DataGridViewColumnSelector();
cs.DataGridView = dataGridView_OfflineControllers;
cs.MaxHeight = 200;
cs.Width = 110;


posted on 2012-03-06 15:50  陈西  阅读(438)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报