Oracle 存储过程判断语句正确写法和时间查询方法

判断语句:if 条件 then
   if  条件  then ************;
   elsif  条件  then  ************;
   elsif 条件  then ************;
   end if;
  end if;

主要注意elsif 写法,少一个e




create or replace procedure PROC_GET_CREATETASK
  var_regionCode in char := '',
  var_rwlx in nvarchar2 := '',
  var_uptime in nvarchar2 := '',
  var_orderfield in nvarchar2 := '',      
  var_ordertype in nvarchar2 := '',        
  var_pageindex in out number,          
  var_pagesize in out number,            
  var_totalRecords out number,          
  var_ret out SYS_REFCURSOR
  v_sql VARCHAR2(4000) := '';             
  v_sqlCount VARCHAR2(4000) := '';        
  v_where VARCHAR2(4000) := 'WHERE 1=1 and sftask=''鍚?'';
  v_totalPages number := 0;
  v_startRecord Number(10);               
  v_endRecord Number(10);                 
  if var_regionCode is not null then
   if  var_regionCode='000000'  then v_where := v_where;
   elsif  substr(var_regionCode,3,4)='0000' then
    v_where := v_where || ' AND substr(t.xzqdm,0,2)=''' || substr(var_regionCode,1,2) || '''';
   elsif substr(var_regionCode,5,2)='00' then
    v_where := v_where || ' AND substr(t.xzqdm,0,4)=''' || substr(var_regionCode,1,4) || '''';
   end if;
  end if;

  if var_rwlx is not null then
    v_where := v_where || ' AND t.RWLX = '''|| var_rwlx || '''';
  end if;
  if var_uptime is not null then
    v_where := v_where || ' AND to_char(t.uptime,''yyyy-mm-dd'') = ''' || var_uptime || '''';
  end if;

  v_sql := v_sql || 'select rownum r,t.*  from VIEW_TASKMANAGE t ' || v_where;

  v_sqlCount := v_sqlCount || 'select count(*) from (' || v_sql || ')';

  execute immediate v_sqlCount into var_totalRecords;
  if var_orderfield <> '' then
    v_sql := v_sql || 'order by var_orderfield ';
  end if;

  if var_ordertype <> '' then
    v_sql := v_sql || var_ordertype;
  end if;
  if var_totalRecords > 0 then
    v_totalPages := ceil(var_totalRecords / var_pagesize);

    if var_pageIndex < 1 then
      var_pageIndex := 1;
    end if;
    if var_pageIndex > v_totalPages then
      var_pageIndex := v_totalPages;
    end if;

    v_startRecord := (var_pageIndex - 1) * var_pagesize + 1;
    v_endRecord := var_pageIndex * var_pagesize;
    v_sql := 'SELECT * FROM (' || v_sql || ') a where a.r between ' || v_startRecord || ' and ' || v_endRecord;
  end if;
  open var_ret for v_sql;


posted @ 2015-10-28 14:06  那是山  阅读(5481)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报