Miscrosoft rejection

Dear Candidate,  
虽然说是打酱油 不过被拒了还是有些微微失落。
nothing to say,在接下来的几月中更加努力吧!

Thank you for applying for Microsoft intern position.
We do appreciate all the efforts you have made to apply for our position. However, After the CV and Paper Test selection, 
there is limited vacancy at this stage to suit your knowledge and skills based on our current hiring needs. 
Therefore we would like you to know that your profile has been registered in our "Talent Database" 
not only for the program of this year but also for future opportunities in Microsoft. 
Whenever we have additional hiring positions that suit your background, 
we will contact you right away via your mobile and email.    
Thank you again for applying us. 
Please keep your interest in Microsoft and we wish you all the best in your study and career endeavors!  
 Yours sincerely,  
Campus Recruiting Team
Microsoft Human Resource Department   
posted @ 2013-04-12 18:12  karlthas  阅读(286)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报