2013-03-04 17:27 xiashengwang 阅读(10194) 评论(1) 编辑 收藏 举报要实现对象的相等比较,需要实现IEquatable<T>,或单独写一个类实现IEqualityComparer<T>接口。
public class DaichoKey { public int ID { get; set; } public int SubID { get; set; } }
List<DaichoKey> lst = new List<DaichoKey>() { new DaichoKey(){ID = 1,SubID =2}, new DaichoKey(){ID = 1,SubID = 3} }; var newItem = new DaichoKey() { ID = 1, SubID = 2 }; bool isContains = lst.Contains(newItem);//false
public class DaichoKey : IEquatable<DaichoKey> { public int ID { get; set; } public int SubID { get; set; } public bool Equals(DaichoKey other) { return this.ID == other.ID && this.SubID == other.SubID; } }
public class DaichoKey : IEquatable<DaichoKey> { public int ID { get; set; } public int SubID { get; set; } public bool Equals(DaichoKey other) { return this.ID == other.ID && this.SubID == other.SubID; } public override bool Equals(object obj) { if (obj == null) return base.Equals(obj); if (obj is DaichoKey) return Equals(obj as DaichoKey); else throw new InvalidCastException("the 'obj' Argument is not a DaichoKey object"); } public override int GetHashCode() { return base.GetHashCode();//return object's hashcode } }
List<DaichoKey> lst = new List<DaichoKey>() { new DaichoKey(){ID = 1,SubID =2}, new DaichoKey(){ID = 1,SubID = 3} }; var newItem = new DaichoKey() { ID = 1, SubID = 2 }; lst.Add(newItem); if (lst != null) { lst = lst.Distinct<DaichoKey>().ToList(); } //result: //1 2 //1 3 //1 2
悲剧发生了,数据1,2的重复数据没有被去掉呀,我们不是实现了IEquatable<T>接口接口吗。在园子上找到了一篇文章(c# 扩展方法奇思妙用基础篇八:Distinct 扩展),在回复中提到要将GetHashCode返回固定值,以强制调用IEquatable<T>的Equels方法。如下:
public class DaichoKey : IEquatable<DaichoKey> { public int ID { get; set; } public int SubID { get; set; } public bool Equals(DaichoKey other) { return this.ID == other.ID && this.SubID == other.SubID; } public override bool Equals(object obj) { if (obj == null) return base.Equals(obj); if (obj is DaichoKey) return Equals(obj as DaichoKey); else throw new InvalidCastException("the 'obj' Argument is not a DaichoKey object"); } public override int GetHashCode() { return 0;//base.GetHashCode(); } }
public static IEnumerable<TSource> Distinct<TSource>(this IEnumerable<TSource> source) { if (source == null) throw Error.ArgumentNull("source"); return DistinctIterator<TSource>(source, null); } private static IEnumerable<TSource> DistinctIterator<TSource>(IEnumerable<TSource> source, IEqualityComparer<TSource> comparer) { <DistinctIterator>d__81<TSource> d__ = new <DistinctIterator>d__81<TSource>(-2); d__.<>3__source = source; d__.<>3__comparer = comparer; return d__; } private sealed class <DistinctIterator>d__81<TSource> : IEnumerable<TSource>, IEnumerable, IEnumerator<TSource>, IEnumerator, IDisposable { // Fields private int <>1__state; private TSource <>2__current; public IEqualityComparer<TSource> <>3__comparer; public IEnumerable<TSource> <>3__source; public IEnumerator<TSource> <>7__wrap84; private int <>l__initialThreadId; public TSource <element>5__83; public Set<TSource> <set>5__82; public IEqualityComparer<TSource> comparer; public IEnumerable<TSource> source; // Methods [DebuggerHidden] public <DistinctIterator>d__81(int <>1__state); private void <>m__Finally85(); private bool MoveNext(); [DebuggerHidden] IEnumerator<TSource> IEnumerable<TSource>.GetEnumerator(); [DebuggerHidden, TargetedPatchingOptOut("Performance critical to inline this type of method across NGen image boundaries")] IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator(); [DebuggerHidden] void IEnumerator.Reset(); void IDisposable.Dispose(); // Properties TSource IEnumerator<TSource>.Current { [DebuggerHidden] get; } object IEnumerator.Current { [DebuggerHidden] get; } } private sealed class <DistinctIterator>d__81<TSource> : IEnumerable<TSource>, IEnumerable, IEnumerator<TSource>, IEnumerator, IDisposable { // Fields private int <>1__state; private TSource <>2__current; public IEqualityComparer<TSource> <>3__comparer; public IEnumerable<TSource> <>3__source; public IEnumerator<TSource> <>7__wrap84; private int <>l__initialThreadId; public TSource <element>5__83; public Set<TSource> <set>5__82; public IEqualityComparer<TSource> comparer; public IEnumerable<TSource> source; // Methods [DebuggerHidden] public <DistinctIterator>d__81(int <>1__state); private void <>m__Finally85(); private bool MoveNext(); [DebuggerHidden] IEnumerator<TSource> IEnumerable<TSource>.GetEnumerator(); [DebuggerHidden, TargetedPatchingOptOut("Performance critical to inline this type of method across NGen image boundaries")] IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator(); [DebuggerHidden] void IEnumerator.Reset(); void IDisposable.Dispose(); // Properties TSource IEnumerator<TSource>.Current { [DebuggerHidden] get; } object IEnumerator.Current { [DebuggerHidden] get; } } private bool MoveNext() { bool flag; try { switch (this.<>1__state) { case 0: this.<>1__state = -1; this.<set>5__82 = new Set<TSource>(this.comparer); this.<>7__wrap84 = this.source.GetEnumerator(); this.<>1__state = 1; goto Label_0092; case 2: this.<>1__state = 1; goto Label_0092; default: goto Label_00A5; } Label_0050: this.<element>5__83 = this.<>7__wrap84.Current; if (this.<set>5__82.Add(this.<element>5__83)) { this.<>2__current = this.<element>5__83; this.<>1__state = 2; return true; } Label_0092: if (this.<>7__wrap84.MoveNext()) goto Label_0050; this.<>m__Finally85(); Label_00A5: flag = false; } fault { this.System.IDisposable.Dispose(); } return flag; } internal class Set<TElement> { // Fields private int[] buckets; private IEqualityComparer<TElement> comparer; private int count; private int freeList; private Slot<TElement>[] slots; // Methods [TargetedPatchingOptOut("Performance critical to inline this type of method across NGen image boundaries")] public Set(); public Set(IEqualityComparer<TElement> comparer); public bool Add(TElement value); [TargetedPatchingOptOut("Performance critical to inline this type of method across NGen image boundaries")] public bool Contains(TElement value); private bool Find(TElement value, bool add); internal int InternalGetHashCode(TElement value); public bool Remove(TElement value); private void Resize(); // Nested Types [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)] internal struct Slot { internal int hashCode; internal TElement value; internal int next; } } public bool Add(TElement value) { return !this.Find(value, true); } public bool Contains(TElement value) { return this.Find(value, false); } private bool Find(TElement value, bool add) { int hashCode = this.InternalGetHashCode(value); for (int i = this.buckets[hashCode % this.buckets.Length] - 1; i >= 0; i = this.slots[i].next) { if (this.slots[i].hashCode == hashCode && this.comparer.Equals(this.slots[i].value, value)) return true;//就是这一句了 } if (add) { int freeList; if (this.freeList >= 0) { freeList = this.freeList; this.freeList = this.slots[freeList].next; } else { if (this.count == this.slots.Length) this.Resize(); freeList = this.count; this.count++; } int index = hashCode % this.buckets.Length; this.slots[freeList].hashCode = hashCode; this.slots[freeList].value = value; this.slots[freeList].next = this.buckets[index] - 1; this.buckets[index] = freeList + 1; } return false; }
2014/07/08 补充
Point a = new Point(1, 2); Point b = new Point(1, 2); HashSet<Point> hashSet = new HashSet<Point>(); hashSet.Add(a); hashSet.Remove(b); //能删除a吗?答案是可以 //hashset的Count变为0,原因就是我们重新了Equals方法,a和 //b被认为相等的。
1 public struct Point 2 { 3 private int x; 4 private int y; 5 public Point(int x, int y) 6 { 7 this.x = x; 8 this.y = y; 9 } 10 public int X 11 { 12 get { return x; } 13 } 14 public int Y 15 { 16 get { return y; } 17 } 18 19 public static bool operator ==(Point left,Point right) 20 { 21 if (object.ReferenceEquals(left, null)) 22 return object.ReferenceEquals(right, null); 23 return left.Equals(right); 24 } 25 26 public static bool operator !=(Point left, Point right) 27 { 28 return !(left == right); 29 } 30 31 public override bool Equals(object obj) 32 { 33 if (obj.GetType() != typeof(Point)) 34 return false; 35 Point other = (Point)obj; 36 return this.x == other.x && this.y == other.y; 37 } 38 39 public override int GetHashCode() 40 { 41 return x.GetHashCode() ^ y.GetHashCode(); 42 } 43 }