<view class="detail-container"> <view class="detail-chart"> <cover-view class="tooltip-wrapper {{tooltipPosition === 'left' ? 'tooltip-wrapper-left' : 'tooltip-wrapper-right'}}" wx:if="{{showTootip}}"> <cover-view class="tooltip-title">{{range.date}}</cover-view> <cover-view class="tooltip-item"> <cover-view class="tooltio-num-type">开盘:</cover-view> <cover-view class="tooltio-num {{range.open > range.last_close ? 'red' : 'green'}}">{{range.open}}</cover-view> </cover-view> <cover-view class="tooltip-item"> <cover-view class="tooltio-num-type">最高:</cover-view> <cover-view class="tooltio-num {{range.high > range.last_close ? 'red' : 'green'}}">{{range.high}}</cover-view> </cover-view> <cover-view class="tooltip-item"> <cover-view class="tooltio-num-type">最低:</cover-view> <cover-view class="tooltio-num {{range.low > range.last_close ? 'red' : 'green'}}">{{range.low}}</cover-view> </cover-view> <cover-view class="tooltip-item"> <cover-view class="tooltio-num-type">收盘:</cover-view> <cover-view class="tooltio-num {{range.close > range.last_close ? 'red' : 'green'}}">{{range.close}}</cover-view> </cover-view> <cover-view class="tooltip-item"> <cover-view class="tooltio-num-type">涨跌幅:</cover-view> <cover-view class="tooltio-num {{range.change_rate > 0 ? 'red' : 'green'}}">{{range.change_rate}}%</cover-view> </cover-view> <cover-view class="tooltip-item"> <cover-view class="tooltio-num-type">涨跌额:</cover-view> <cover-view class="tooltio-num {{range.change_rate > 0 ? 'red' : 'green'}}">{{range.change_amount}}</cover-view> </cover-view> </cover-view> <view class="chart-k-view"> <view class="chart-ma-view"> <view class="secondary">均线</view> <view class="chart-ma secondary">MA5:<text class="chart-ma-five">{{range.ma5}}</text></view> <view class="chart-ma secondary">MA10:<text class="chart-ma-ten">{{range.ma10}}</text></view> </view> <ff-canvas id="kChart" canvas-id="kChart" opts="{{ kOpts }}" bindtouchstart="clickCanvas" bindtouchmove="clickCanvas"></ff-canvas>
</view> <view class="chart-bar-view"> <view class="chart-bar-num secondary">成交量:<text style="color: #000000;">{{range.vol_text}}</text></view> <ff-canvas id="barChart" canvas-id="barChart" opts="{{ barOpts }}" bindtouchstart="clickCanvas" bindtouchmove="clickCanvas"></ff-canvas>
<view class="chart-date"> <view class="chart-date-view secondary">{{chartDate[0]}}</view> <view class="chart-date-view secondary">{{chartDate[1]}}</view> </view> </view> </view> </view>
import F2 from '../../common/f2-canvas/lib/f2' Page({ data: { kOpts: {}, // k线图变量 barOpts: {}, // 柱状图变量 range: null, // 个股相关数值 showTootip: false, // 是否显示图表提示框 chartDate: [], // 图表日期区间 tooltipPosition: 'left' // 图表提示框定位 }, // 成交量数值转换 switchNum(val) { if (val > 99999999 || val < -99999999) { return (val / 100000000).toFixed(1) + ' 亿' } else if (val > 9999 || val < -9999) { return (val / 10000).toFixed(2) + ' 万' } else { return val.toFixed(2) } }, // tooltip数据处理 switchRange(data) { if (data.vol) { data.vol_text = this.switchNum(Number(data.vol)) } data.close = Number(data.close).toFixed(2) data.high = Number(data.high).toFixed(2) data.low = Number(data.low).toFixed(2) data.ma5 = Number(data.ma5).toFixed(2) data.ma10 = Number(data.ma10).toFixed(2) data.open = Number(data.open).toFixed(2) data.change_rate = Number(data.change_rate).toFixed(2) data.change_amount = Number(data.change_amount).toFixed(2) data.last_close = Number(data.last_close).toFixed(2) this.data.showTootip = true this.data.range = data this.setData({ range: this.data.range, showTootip: this.data.showTootip }) }, // tooltip位置处理 tooltipSite(x) { if (x < 200) { // 如果小于200则在右边,否则左边 this.data.tooltipPosition = 'right' } else { this.data.tooltipPosition = 'left' } this.setData({ tooltipPosition: this.data.tooltipPosition, showTootip: true }) },
// 兼容部分机型的canvas手势滑动图表事件
clickCanvas (e) {
const currentPoint = {
x: e.touches[0].pageX,
y: e.touches[0].pageY
this.barChart.showTooltip(currentPoint) // 显示柱状图tooltip
this.kchart.showTooltip(currentPoint) // 显示k线图tooltip
// 绘制K线图 renderKChart(code) { const that = this const data = [ { amount: 83533632, change_amount: 3.26, change_rate: 10.02, close: 35.81, date: "2020-02-28", high: 35.81, last_close: 32.55, low: 35.02, ma5: 33.068000030518, ma10: 31.979000091553, open: 35.81, turnover_rate: 4.92, vol: 23333.94, }, { amount: 6625398, change_amount: 3.58, change_rate: 10, close: 39.39, date: "2020-03-02", high: 39.39, last_close: 35.81, low: 39.39, ma5: 34.465999603271, ma10: 32.915999984741, open: 39.39, turnover_rate: 0.35, vol: 1682, }, { amount: 7135281, change_amount: 3.94, change_rate: 10, close: 43.33, date: "2020-03-03", high: 43.33, last_close: 39.39, low: 43.33, ma5: 36.612000274658, ma10: 34.143000221252, open: 43.33, turnover_rate: 0.35, vol: 1646.73, }, { amount: 11762488, change_amount: 4.33, change_rate: 9.99, close: 47.66, date: "2020-03-04", high: 47.66, last_close: 43.33, low: 47.66, ma5: 39.748000335693, ma10: 35.829000282288, open: 47.66, turnover_rate: 0.52, vol: 2468, }, { amount: 15330532, change_amount: 4.77, change_rate: 10.01, close: 52.43, date: "2020-03-05", high: 52.43, last_close: 47.66, low: 52.43, ma5: 43.724000549316, ma10: 37.952000236511, open: 52.43, turnover_rate: 0.62, vol: 2924, } ] that.data.chartDate = [data[0].date, data[data.length - 1].date] that.data.range = { ma5: Number(data[data.length - 1].ma5).toFixed(2), ma10: Number(data[data.length - 1].ma10).toFixed(2), vol_text: that.switchNum(Number(data[data.length - 1].vol)) } that.setData({ chartDate: that.data.chartDate, range: that.data.range }) const kChartComponent = that.selectComponent('#kChart') // k线图元素 kChartComponent.init((canvas, width, height) => { // 开始初始化图表 let max = data[0].high let min = data[0].low data.forEach(function (obj) { // 遍历处理k线图数据获得蜡烛数据和涨跌红绿 obj.range = [obj.open, obj.close, obj.high, obj.low] // 合集range obj.trend = obj.open < obj.close ? 0 : 1 // 开盘小于收盘为涨0,否则为跌1 if (obj.open === obj.close) obj.trend = obj.change_rate > 0 ? 0 : 1 // 开盘等于收盘时,当日涨跌幅为正则为涨0,否则为跌1 if (max < obj.high) max = obj.high // 筛选出数据中最高点用于画图结点依据 if (min > obj.low) min = obj.low // 筛选出数据中最低点用于画起点依据 if (min > obj.ma5) min = obj.ma5 if (min > obj.ma10) min = obj.ma10 }) const chart = new F2.Chart({ el: canvas, padding: [-1, 0, 0, 30], width, height }) let tickArr = [] // 左侧Y坐标轴刻度集 min = min - ((max - min) * (1 / 10)) // 按分为10个刻度来计算,减去1/10兼容最小,获得实际最小值 max = max + ((max - min) * (1 / 10)) // 按分为10个刻度来计算,加上1/10兼容最大,获得实际最大值 let average = (max - min) / 9 // 除去最大值占据一个刻度,用最大值与最小值的差用以做刻度平均值 for (let i = 0; i < 9; i++) { // 循环9次计算出每个刻度递增平均值后的实际刻度值 tickArr.push((min + i * average).toFixed(2)) // 保留两位小数 } tickArr.push(max.toFixed(2)) // 最后压入最大值 chart.source(data, { ma5: { ticks: tickArr }, ma10: { ticks: tickArr }, range: { ticks: tickArr } }) chart.axis('range', { labelOffset: 18, grid: { top: false }, label(text, index, total) { const cfg = { textAlign: 'start', text: parseFloat(text).toFixed(2), fill: '#818991' }; if (index === 0) { cfg.textBaseline = 'bottom'; } else if (index === (total - 1)) { cfg.textBaseline = 'top'; } return cfg; } }) chart.axis('date', false) chart.axis('ma5', false) chart.axis('ma10', false) chart.legend(false) chart.animate(false) chart.tooltip({ alwaysShow: true, showCrosshairs: true, showTooltipMarker: false, crosshairsType: 'xy', custom: true, showXTip: true, showYTip: true, yTip: function yTip(val) { return { text: val.toFixed(2), fill: '#999999', fontSize: 10 } }, xTip: { fill: '#999999', fontSize: 10 }, xTipBackground: { fill: '#999999' }, yTipBackground: { fill: '#999999' }, crosshairsStyle: { stroke: '#999999' }, onChange(obj) { console.log(obj) const currentPoint = { x: obj.x, y: obj.y } that.tooltipSite(obj.x) that.barChart.showTooltip(currentPoint) // 显示柱状图tooltip that.switchRange(obj.items[0].origin) // 数据处理 }, }) chart.schema().position('date*range') .color('trend', val => { if (val === 1) { return '#097045' } else { return '#d44151' } }) .style('trend', { lineWidth: 1, fill: val => { if (val === 0) return '#ffffff' }, stroke: val => { if (val === 0) return '#d44151' }, }) .shape('candle') chart.line().position('date*ma5').color('#F89863').size(1) chart.line().position('date*ma10').color('#89A3EF').size(1) chart.render() that.kchart = chart // 赋值给到this指向的kchart用于同步柱状图的tooltip显示 that.renderBarChart(data) // 进行成交量柱状图绘制 return chart }) }, // 绘制柱状图 renderBarChart(data) { const that = this const barChartComponent = that.selectComponent('#barChart') // 柱状图元素 barChartComponent.init((canvas, width, height) => { const chart = new F2.Chart({ el: canvas, padding: [0, 0, 0, 30], width, height }) chart.source(data) chart.axis(false) chart.legend(false) chart.animate(false) chart.tooltip({ alwaysShow: true, showCrosshairs: true, showTooltipMarker: false, crosshairsType: 'xy', custom: true, showXTip: true, showYTip: true, yTip: function yTip(val) { return { text: val.toFixed(2), fill: '#999999', fontSize: 10 } }, xTip: { fill: '#999999', fontSize: 10 }, xTipBackground: { fill: '#999999' }, yTipBackground: { fill: '#999999' }, crosshairsStyle: { stroke: '#999999' }, onChange(obj) { const currentPoint = { x: obj.x, y: obj.y } that.tooltipSite(obj.x) that.kchart.showTooltip(currentPoint) // 显示k线图tooltip that.switchRange(obj.items[0].origin) // 数据处理 }, }) chart.interval().position('date*amount') .color('trend', val => { if (val === 1) { return '#097045' } else { return '#d44151' } }) .style('trend', { lineWidth: 1, fill: val => { if (val === 0) return '#ffffff' }, stroke: val => { if (val === 0) return '#d44151' }, }) chart.render() that.barChart = chart // 赋值给到this指向的barChart用于同步k线图的tooltip显示 return chart }) }, onLoad() {
this.renderKChart() // 进行绘制 }, })
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