






1 断言

pytest直接使用 assert 进行断言

​ .\test_assert.py

# content of test_assert.py

# 功能函数
def func_number():
    return 3

# 测试函数
def test_function():
    assert func_number() == 3


...> pytest Stage5\07pytest\pytest test_assert.py -v
####   -v 参数能把结果打印的更详细 
####   -v, --verbose         increase verbosity.

想要知道更多pytest的参数输入pytest --help


(testops) D:\Coding\Project\testops\Stage5\07pytest>pytest test_assert.py -v
======================================================== test session starts ========================================================
platform win32 -- Python 3.7.1, pytest-5.2.2, py-1.8.0, pluggy-0.13.0 -- d:\python\virtualenvs\testops\scripts\python.exe
cachedir: .pytest_cache
rootdir: D:\Coding\Project\testops\Stage5\07pytest
collected 1 item                                                                                                                     

test_assert.py::test_function PASSED                                                                                           [100%]

========================================================= 1 passed in 0.01s =========================================================

(testops) D:\Coding\Project\testops\Stage5\07pytest>

如果你的运行结果看不到详细的信息,那你需要加上 -v 参数。


2 Fixture

fixture是测试脚手架的意思。还记得在unittest的文章说起的 厨房脚手架。


上有 抽油烟机顶 ,下游烧火的灶台 ,中间就是厨师的摇摆空间。

​ 在pytest中,fixture的作用得到了改进,不再那么固定和笨重,已经变得 可以移动。



import pytest

def func_isequal():
    a = 'robert'
    return a

def test_equalrobert(func_isequal):
    assert func_isequal == 'robert'

if __name__ == '__main__':
    pytest.main("-v -s test_pytestfixture.py")

​ 运行结果如下:

(testops) D:\Coding\Project\testops\Stage5\07pytest>pytest test_pytestfixture.py -v -s
======================================================== test session starts ========================================================
platform win32 -- Python 3.7.1, pytest-5.2.2, py-1.8.0, pluggy-0.13.0 -- d:\python\virtualenvs\testops\scripts\python.exe
cachedir: .pytest_cache
rootdir: D:\Coding\Project\testops\Stage5\07pytest
collected 1 item                                                                                                                     

test_pytestfixture.py::test_equalrobert PASSED

========================================================= 1 passed in 0.05s =========================================================


3 参数化




# content  test_parameterized.py
import pytest
import math

    ids =["case1_**3","case2_**4","case3_**5","case4_**6"]
def test_pow(base,exponet,expected):
    assert math.pow(base,exponet) ==expected
pytest的参数化需要用到@pytest.mark.parametrize() 关键字

上面的例子传了3个参数 argnames, argvalues, ids


这个测试用例是对幂运算的结果进行验证,例如 (2,3,8) 是 指 底数是2,指数是3,预期结果是8 .

其中用到了python 内置math模块的pow方法。

(testops) D:\Coding\Project\testops\Stage5\07pytest>pytest test_parameterized.py -v
======================================================== test session starts ========================================================
platform win32 -- Python 3.7.1, pytest-5.2.2, py-1.8.0, pluggy-0.13.0 -- d:\python\virtualenvs\testops\scripts\python.exe
cachedir: .pytest_cache
rootdir: D:\Coding\Project\testops\Stage5\07pytest
collected 4 items                                                                                                                    

test_parameterized.py::test_pow[case1_**3] PASSED                                                                              [ 25%]
test_parameterized.py::test_pow[case2_**4] PASSED                                                                              [ 50%]
test_parameterized.py::test_pow[case3_**5] PASSED                                                                              [ 75%]
test_parameterized.py::test_pow[case4_**6] PASSED                                                                              [100%]

========================================================= 4 passed in 0.02s =========================================================

4 运行测试

前面我们运行的时候,都是在terminal下,输入命令 pytest test_*.py来运行。

实际上pytest提供了不少其他运行指令,我们可以通过pytest --help查看。


-k 运行名称中包含某字符的测试用例

-q 减少测试的运行冗长

-x 如果出现一天测试用例失败,则退出测试

-v 输出更详细的日志信息



# 运行测试的案例说明模块

# 功能函数

def func(x,y):
    return x+y >10

def func_math(x,y):
    import math
    return math.fabs(x)

def test_isnottrue():
    assert func(3,3) is True

def test_func_math():
    assert func_math(3.333,6.222) >0

​ 我们运行上面的test_runrule.py

1.运行命令: pytest test_runrule.py

(testops) D:\Coding\Project\testops\Stage5\07pytest>pytest  test_runrule.py
======================================================== test session starts ========================================================
platform win32 -- Python 3.7.1, pytest-5.2.2, py-1.8.0, pluggy-0.13.0
rootdir: D:\Coding\Project\testops\Stage5\07pytest
collected 2 items                                                                                                                    

test_runrule.py F.                                                                                                             [100%]

============================================================= FAILURES ==============================================================
__________________________________________________________ test_isnottrue ___________________________________________________________

    def test_isnottrue():
>       assert func(3,3) is True
E       assert False is True
E        +  where False = func(3, 3)

test_runrule.py:13: AssertionError
==================================================== 1 failed, 1 passed in 0.03s ====================================================

5 生成测试报告


运行命令: pytest test_runrule.py --junit-xml=./report/log.xml

(testops) D:\Coding\Project\testops\Stage5\07pytest>pytest test_runrule.py --junit-xml=./report/log.xml
======================================================== test session starts ========================================================
platform win32 -- Python 3.7.1, pytest-5.2.2, py-1.8.0, pluggy-0.13.0
rootdir: D:\Coding\Project\testops\Stage5\07pytest
collected 2 items                                                                                                                    

test_runrule.py F.                                                                                                             [100%]

============================================================= FAILURES ==============================================================
__________________________________________________________ test_isnottrue ___________________________________________________________

    def test_isnottrue():
>       assert func(3,3) is True
E       assert False is True
E        +  where False = func(3, 3)

test_runrule.py:14: AssertionError
--------------------------- generated xml file: D:\Coding\Project\testops\Stage5\07pytest\report\log.xml ----------------------------
==================================================== 1 failed, 1 passed in 0.03s ====================================================


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><testsuites><testsuite errors="0" failures="1" hostname="DESKTOP-V5FAHI8" name="pytest" skipped="0" tests="2" time="0.030" timestamp="2019-11-01T17:10:51.928076"><testcase classname="test_runrule" file="test_runrule.py" line="12" name="test_isnottrue" time="0.000"><failure message="assert False is True
 +  where False = func(3, 3)">def test_isnottrue():
&gt;       assert func(3,3) is True
E       assert False is True
E        +  where False = func(3, 3)

test_runrule.py:14: AssertionError</failure></testcase><testcase classname="test_runrule" file="test_runrule.py" line="15" name="test_func_math" time="0.000"></testcase></testsuite></testsuites>





6 本地配置文件conftest.py


import pytest

def test_url():
    return "http://www.qq.com"
    return "http://www.baidu.com"


def test_qq(test_url):



1 断言 的关键字assert

2 脚手架的定义需要用到 @pytest.fixture() 内置方法

3 参数化用到的关键字:@pytest.mark.parametrize()

4 运行测的常用指令




5 生成测试报告的方法有多

6 conftest.py名字是固定的,不可以被修改


1 pytest中fixture源码解析

    def parametrize(self,argnames, argvalues, indirect=False, ids=None, scope=None):
        """ Add new invocations to the underlying test function using the list
        of argvalues for the given argnames.  Parametrization is performed
        during the collection phase.  If you need to setup expensive resources
        see about setting indirect to do it rather at test setup time.

        :arg argnames: a comma-separated string denoting one or more argument
                       names, or a list/tuple of argument strings.

        :arg argvalues: The list of argvalues determines how often a
            test is invoked with different argument values.  If only one
            argname was specified argvalues is a list of values.  If N
            argnames were specified, argvalues must be a list of N-tuples,
            where each tuple-element specifies a value for its respective

        :arg indirect: The list of argnames or boolean. A list of arguments'
            names (self,subset of argnames). If True the list contains all names from
            the argnames. Each argvalue corresponding to an argname in this list will
            be passed as request.param to its respective argname fixture
            function so that it can perform more expensive setups during the
            setup phase of a test rather than at collection time.

        :arg ids: list of string ids, or a callable.
            If strings, each is corresponding to the argvalues so that they are
            part of the test id. If None is given as id of specific test, the
            automatically generated id for that argument will be used.
            If callable, it should take one argument (self,a single argvalue) and return
            a string or return None. If None, the automatically generated id for that
            argument will be used.
            If no ids are provided they will be generated automatically from
            the argvalues.

        :arg scope: if specified it denotes the scope of the parameters.
            The scope is used for grouping tests by parameter instances.
            It will also override any fixture-function defined scope, allowing
            to set a dynamic scope using test context or configuration.

:arg ids: list of string ids, or a callable. 这里可以定义测试用例的名称,如果有N个测试的时候,这是个很棒的用法。

posted @ 2019-11-06 16:08  小猿取经-林海峰老师  阅读(383)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报