06-06 实例10-文本词频统计
1.1 问题分析
- 需求:一篇文章,出现了哪些词?哪些词出现得最多?
- 该怎么做呢?
英文文本 --> 中文文本
英文文本:Hamlet 分析词频
中文文本:《三国演义》 分析人物
- 文本去噪及归一化
- 使用字典表达词频
# CalHamletV1.py
def getText():
txt = open("hamlet.txt", "r").read()
txt = txt.lower()
for ch in '!"#$%&()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\\]^_‘{|}~':
txt = txt.replace(ch, " ")
return txt
hamletTxt = getText()
words = hamletTxt.split()
counts = {}
for word in words:
counts[word] = counts.get(word, 0) + 1
items = list(counts.items())
items.sort(key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)
for i in range(10):
word, count = items[i]
print("{0:<10}{1:>5}".format(word, count))
the 948
and 855
to 650
of 581
you 494
a 468
my 447
i 443
in 373
hamlet 361
- 运行结果由大到小排序
- 观察单词出现次数
- 中文文本分词
- 使用字典表达词频
# CalThreeKingdomsV1.py
import jieba
txt = open("threekingdoms.txt", "r", encoding="utf-8").read()
words = jieba.lcut(txt)
counts = {}
for word in words:
if len(word) == 1:
counts[word] = counts.get(word, 0) + 1
items = list(counts.items())
items.sort(key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)
for i in range(15):
word, count = items[i]
print("{0:<10}{1:>5}".format(word, count))
Building prefix dict from the default dictionary ...
Loading model from cache /var/folders/mh/krrg51957cqgl0rhgnwyylvc0000gn/T/jieba.cache
Loading model cost 1.030 seconds.
Prefix dict has been built succesfully.
曹操 953
孔明 836
将军 772
却说 656
玄德 585
关公 510
丞相 491
二人 469
不可 440
荆州 425
玄德曰 390
孔明曰 390
不能 384
如此 378
张飞 358
4.1 《三国演义》人物出场统计
词频统计 --> 人物统计
import jieba
txt = open("threekingdoms.txt", "r", encoding="utf-8").read()
excludes = {"将军", "却说", "荆州", "二人", "不可", "不能", "如此"}
words = jieba.lcut(txt)
counts = {}
for word in words:
if len(word) == 1:
elif word == "诸葛亮" or word == "孔明曰":
rword = "孔明"
elif word == "关公" or word == "云长":
rword = "关羽"
elif word == "玄德" or word == "玄德曰":
rword = "刘备"
elif word == "孟德" or word == "丞相":
rword = "曹操"
rword = word
counts[rword] = counts.get(rword, 0) + 1
for word in excludes:
del counts[word]
items = list(counts.items())
items.sort(key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)
for i in range(10):
word, count = items[i]
print("{0:<10}{1:>5}".format(word, count))
曹操 1451
孔明 1383
刘备 1252
关羽 784
张飞 358
商议 344
如何 338
主公 331
军士 317
吕布 300
- 中文文本分词
- 使用字典表达词频
- 扩展程序解决问题
- 根据结果进一步优化
5.1 应用问题的扩展
- 《红楼梦》、《西游记》、《水浒传》…
- 政府工作报告、科研论文、新闻报道 …
- 进一步呢? 未来还有词云…