
        The inheritance hirachy is for Windows frame creation. Its basic base class is CCmdTarget, which is the target of the message loop. Target class derives several basic classes, including CWinThread->CWinApp, CDocument, CWnd->CFrameWnd | ->CView
etc. While creating a frame window application, a CWinApp instance is created and thus calles its InitInstance method to  create a CFrame and generates a window. Also it calls its CWinThread::Run() function to run the message loop and handling.

        RTTI is for MFC dinamically generates objects, for object persistence and depersistence, and for runtime class specification. For RTTI, it defines a CRuntimeClass for the information record, which is actuall a struct, with member variables of ClassName, ObjectSize, ClassSchema, pointer points to its BaseClass CRuntimeClass. As a whole, it defines its linked-list data structure. Macro pairs DECLARE_DYNAMIC vs IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC, DECLARE_DYNCREATE vs IMPLEMENT_DYNCREATE, DECLARE_SERIAL vs IMPLEMENT_SERIAL are defined for dynamic runtime class specification, dynamic object generation and object variaty serialization.

        Message mapping is for MFC class message routine. To implement this, a messageMap data structure is defined: struct AFX_MSGMAP{}; which includes a pointer points to it's MessageEntries and a pointer points to its base class MessageMap. As for MessageEntry, actually it's also a struct so called AFX_MSGMAP_ENTRY including the information about that message with such as messageID, control code, controlID, signature type and the routine call.
        Then define DECLARE_MESSAGE_MAP to declare the message map data structure. Its implementation is done by another macro BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP()--ON_COMMAND()--END_MESSAGEMAP(). ON_COMMAND like macros are those actual message entries.

posted @ 2005-12-09 22:53  xiaoyixy  阅读(435)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报