

 1  <select id="getDeviceRentNum" parameterType="map" resultType="map">
 2     SELECT SUM(IF(f.`rent`=1,1,0)) rentNum, COUNT(d.`id`) deviceTotal
 3     FROM d_device d INNER JOIN d_device_fields f ON d.`id`=f.`device_id`
 4     WHERE d.`del_flag`=0 AND f.`del_flag`=0 AND d.`company_id`=#{companyId} 
 5     <if test="productId!=null and productId!=''">AND d.`product_id`=#{productId}</if>
 6     </select>
 7     <select id="getDeviceSoldNum" parameterType="map" resultType="Integer">
 8     SELECT COUNT(d.id) soldNum FROM d_device_fields f INNER JOIN  d_device d ON f.device_id=d.id INNER JOIN d_device_user_bind dub ON d.id=dub.device_id 
 9         WHERE d.del_flag=0 AND dub.del_flag=0 AND f.rent!=1 AND  d.`company_id`=#{companyId} 
10     <if test="productId!=null and productId!=''">AND d.`product_id`=#{productId}</if>

Service 层转换

 1 if(sign==2){
 2             Map<String, Object> resultMap = new HashMap<String,Object>();
 3             Map<String, Object> rentMap = deviceMapper.getDeviceRentNum(paramMap);
 4             Integer soldNum = deviceMapper.getDeviceSoldNum(paramMap);
 5             Integer rentNum = ((BigDecimal)rentMap.get("rentNum")).intValue();
 6             String dTotal = ((Long)rentMap.get("deviceTotal")).toString();
 7             Integer deviceTotal = Integer.valueOf(dTotal);
 8             Integer forSaleNum = (deviceTotal-soldNum-rentNum);
 9             resultMap.put("soldNum",soldNum );
10             resultMap.put("rentNum", rentNum);
11             resultMap.put("forSaleNum", forSaleNum);
12             resultMap.put("deviceTotal",deviceTotal);
13             return resultMap;
14                 }


java.lang.ClassCastException: java.lang.Long cannot be cast to java.math.BigDecimal 之类的

posted @ 2018-07-23 16:01  醉逍遥_001  阅读(841)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报