<select id="userSelectMessageList" parameterType="map" resultMap="BaseResultMap"> <if test="messageType!=null and messageType=0"> SELECT <include refid="User_Base_Column_List"/>,t.deviceNum `number`,a.`user_name` `name` FROM t_message m INNER JOIN (SELECT COUNT(d.`device_id`) deviceNum,d.`order_id`,o.`account_id` FROM `xxx_order_device` d INNER JOIN xxx_order o ON d.`order_id`=o.`id` WHERE d.`del_flag`=0 AND o.`del_flag`=0 GROUP BY d.`order_id`, o.`account_id`) t ON m.`value1`=t.`order_id` INNER JOIN u_account a ON t.`account_id`=a.`id` WHERE info_type=12 AND m.`company_id`=#{companyId} AND m.`product_id`=#{productId} <if test="content!=null"> AND (d.`device_name` LIKE #{content} OR d.`model` LIKE #{content}) </if> UNION SELECT <include refid="User_Base_Column_List"/>, d.model `number`, d.device_name `name` FROM t_message m INNER JOIN xxx_device_repair gdr ON INNER JOIN d_device d ON WHERE info_type=16 AND m.`company_id`=#{companyId} AND m.`product_id`=#{productId} <if test="content!=null"> AND (d.`device_name` LIKE #{content} OR d.`model` LIKE #{content}) </if> </if> <if test="messageType!=null and messageType=12"> SELECT <include refid="User_Base_Column_List"/>,t.deviceNum `number`,a.`user_name` `name` FROM t_message m INNER JOIN (SELECT COUNT(d.`device_id`) deviceNum,d.`order_id`,o.`account_id` FROM `xxx_order_device` d INNER JOIN xxx_order o ON d.`order_id`=o.`id` WHERE d.`del_flag`=0 AND o.`del_flag`=0 GROUP BY d.`order_id`, o.`account_id`) t ON m.`value1`=t.`order_id` INNER JOIN u_account a ON t.`account_id`=a.`id` WHERE info_type=12 AND m.`company_id`=#{companyId} AND m.`product_id`=#{productId} <if test="content!=null"> AND (d.`device_name` LIKE #{content} OR d.`model` LIKE #{content}) </if> </if> <if test="messageType!=null and messageType=16"> SELECT <include refid="User_Base_Column_List"/>, d.model `number`, d.device_name `name` FROM t_message m INNER JOIN xxx_device_repair gdr ON INNER JOIN d_device d ON WHERE info_type=16 AND m.`company_id`=#{companyId} AND m.`product_id`=#{productId} <if test="content!=null"> AND (d.`device_name` LIKE #{content} OR d.`model` LIKE #{content}) </if> </if> </select>
查询的结果总是报错,最主要是控制台打印出来的语句全有,并且中间没有union 关键字连接,
<sql id="User_Base_Column_List">, m.uid, m.user_id, m.family_id, m.device_id, m.info_type, m.type, m.time, m.value1, m.product_id, m.company_id , m.text, m.create_time, m.update_time, m.del_flag </sql> <select id="userSelectMessageList0" parameterType="map" resultMap="BaseResultMap"> SELECT <include refid="User_Base_Column_List"/>,t.deviceNum `number`,a.`user_name` `name` FROM t_message m INNER JOIN (SELECT COUNT(d.`device_id`) deviceNum,d.`order_id`,o.`account_id` FROM `xxx_order_device` d INNER JOIN xxx_order o ON d.`order_id`=o.`id` WHERE d.`del_flag`=0 AND o.`del_flag`=0 GROUP BY d.`order_id`, o.`account_id`) t ON m.`value1`=t.`order_id` INNER JOIN u_account a ON t.`account_id`=a.`id` WHERE info_type=12 AND m.`company_id`=#{companyId} AND m.`product_id`=#{productId} <if test="content!=null"> AND (d.`device_name` LIKE #{content} OR d.`model` LIKE #{content}) </if> UNION SELECT <include refid="User_Base_Column_List"/>, d.model `number`, d.device_name `name` FROM t_message m INNER JOIN xxx_device_repair gdr ON INNER JOIN d_device d ON WHERE info_type=16 AND m.`company_id`=#{companyId} AND m.`product_id`=#{productId} <if test="content!=null"> AND (d.`device_name` LIKE #{content} OR d.`model` LIKE #{content}) </if> </select> <select id="userSelectMessageList12" parameterType="map" resultMap="BaseResultMap"> SELECT <include refid="User_Base_Column_List"/>,t.deviceNum `number`,a.`user_name` `name` FROM t_message m INNER JOIN (SELECT COUNT(d.`device_id`) deviceNum,d.`order_id`,o.`account_id` FROM `xxx_order_device` d INNER JOIN xxx_order o ON d.`order_id`=o.`id` WHERE d.`del_flag`=0 AND o.`del_flag`=0 GROUP BY d.`order_id`, o.`account_id`) t ON m.`value1`=t.`order_id` INNER JOIN u_account a ON t.`account_id`=a.`id` WHERE info_type=12 AND m.`company_id`=#{companyId} AND m.`product_id`=#{productId} <if test="content!=null"> AND (d.`device_name` LIKE #{content} OR d.`model` LIKE #{content}) </if> </select> <select id="userSelectMessageList16" parameterType="map" resultMap="BaseResultMap"> SELECT <include refid="User_Base_Column_List"/>, d.model `number`, d.device_name `name` FROM t_message m INNER JOIN xxx_device_repair gdr ON INNER JOIN d_device d ON WHERE info_type=16 AND m.`company_id`=#{companyId} AND m.`product_id`=#{productId} <if test="content!=null"> AND (d.`device_name` LIKE #{content} OR d.`model` LIKE #{content}) </if> </select>