Sysmon + NXlog构建简单的windows安全监控


Sysmon (sysmon 5.0) ,NXlog(nxlog-ce-2.9.1716.msi) .

Sysmon监控系统并生成windows event log,   NXlog将windows event log传输到syslog服务器。

Sysmon可以监控Process create, Process terminate, Driver loaded, File creation time changed, RawAccessRead, CreateRemoteThread, Sysmon service state changed。



## This is a sample configuration file. See the nxlog reference manual about the
## configuration options. It should be installed locally and is also available
## online at

## Please set the ROOT to the folder your nxlog was installed into,
## otherwise it will not start.

#define ROOT C:\Program Files\nxlog
define ROOT C:\Program Files (x86)\nxlog

Moduledir %ROOT%\modules
CacheDir %ROOT%\data
Pidfile %ROOT%\data\
SpoolDir %ROOT%\data
LogFile %ROOT%\data\nxlog.log

<Extension _syslog>
    Module      xm_syslog

<Input in>
    Module im_msvistalog
    Query <QueryList> <Query Id="0"> <Select Path="Microsoft-Windows-Sysmon/Operational">*</Select> </Query></QueryList>

<Output out>
    Module      om_udp
    Port        639
    Exec        to_syslog_snare();

<Route 1>
    Path        in => out


<Sysmon schemaversion="3.20">

  <!-- Capture all hashes -->



    <!-- Log all drivers except if the signature -->

    <!-- contains Microsoft or Windows -->

    <DriverLoad onmatch="exclude">

      <Signature condition="contains">Microsoft</Signature>

      <Signature condition="contains">Windows</Signature>


    <ProcessTerminate onmatch="include" >

      <Image condition="end with">MsMpEng.exe</Image>


    <!-- Log network connection if the destination port equal 443 -->

    <!-- or 80, and process isn't InternetExplorer -->

    <!--NetworkConnect onmatch="include">


      <DestinationPort>80</DestinationPort >

    </NetworkConnect -->

    <FileCreateTime onmatch="exclude" >

      <Image condition="end with">chrome.exe</Image>


    <ImageLoad onmatch="include">

      <Signed condition="is">false</Signed>


    <!-- Log access rights for lsass.exe or winlogon.exe is not PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION -->

    <ProcessAccess onmatch="exclude">

      <GrantedAccess condition="is">0x1400</GrantedAccess>


    <ProcessAccess onmatch="include">

      <TargetImage condition="end with">lsass.exe</TargetImage>

      <TargetImage condition="end with">winlogon.exe</TargetImage>


    <NetworkConnect onmatch="exclude">

      <Image condition="end with">chrome.exe</Image>

      <SourcePort condition="is">137</SourcePort>

      <SourcePortName condition="is">llmnr</SourcePortName>

      <DestinationPortName condition="is">llmnr</DestinationPortName>


    <CreateRemoteThread onmatch="include">

      <TargetImage condition="end with">explorer.exe</TargetImage>

      <TargetImage condition="end with">svchost.exe</TargetImage>

      <TargetImage condition="end with">winlogon.exe</TargetImage>

      <SourceImage condition="end with">powershell.exe</SourceImage>









- sysmon -i config.conf 。   

- nxlog双击运行,记得启动服务。(NXlog可命令行安装 msiexec /i  nxlog-ce-2.9.1716.msi  AGREETOLIECENSE="yes"    ACCEPT=YES  /qr+)






## This is a basic configuration file for Windows Server 2008 * 2012 
## to GrayLog2 with GELF support and filtering.
## See the nxlog reference manual about the configuration options. 
## It should be installed locally and is also available
## online at

## Please set the ROOT to the folder your nxlog was installed into,
## otherwise it will not start.

define ROOT C:\Program Files (x86)\nxlog
# define ROOT C:\Program Files\nxlog

Moduledir %ROOT%\modules
CacheDir %ROOT%\data
Pidfile %ROOT%\data\
SpoolDir %ROOT%\data
LogFile %ROOT%\data\nxlog.log

<Extension gelf>
    Module xm_gelf

<Input pr_mseventlog>
    Module      im_msvistalog
    ReadFromLast    True
    # Level 1 (ID=30  Critical)     severity level events
    # Level 2 (ID=40  Error)        severity level events
    # Level 3 (ID=50  Warning)      severity level events
    # Level 4 (ID=80  Information)  severity level events
    # Level 5 (ID=100 Verbose)      severity level events
    # All channels are included by default which are listed in the registry under these:
    # HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\WINEVT\Channels 
    # HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\eventlog\System
    # <Select Path='Key Management Service'>*</Select></Query>\
    # <Select Path='Internet Explorer'>*</Select></Query>\
    # <Select Path='HardwareEvents'>*</Select></Query>\
    Query   <QueryList>\
        <Query Id="0">\
            <Select Path="Security">*</Select>\
            <Select Path="System">*[System/Level=4]</Select>\
            <Select Path="Application">*[Application/Level=2]</Select>\
            <Select Path="Setup">*[System/Level=3]</Select>\
            <Select Path='Windows PowerShell'>*</Select>\

    # "\s" equals one white space character, and ".*" equals any one char 
    # Line Contains both "bubble" and "gum"
    #   Search pattern: ^(?=.*?\bbubble\b)(?=.*?\bgum\b).*
    # Line does Not Contain "boy"
    #   Search pattern: ^(?!.*boy).*
    # Line Contains "bubble" but Neither "gum" Nor "bath"
    #   Search pattern: ^(?=.*bubble)(?!.*gum)(?!.*bath).*

    # Uncomment next line to view all logs, we can view output to help 
    # create the regex, next line shows my $raw_event data to parse:
    # 2013-11-18 15:23:02 INFO 2013-12-18 15:23:01 ahost.adomain.local INFO 62464 UVD Information
    # Exec   log_info($raw_event) ;
    Exec if ($raw_event =~ /INFO\s+62464/) drop();


<Output out>
    Module      om_udp
    Host        10.247.x.x
    Port        12201
    OutputType  GELF

<Route 1>
    Path    pr_mseventlog  => out



posted @ 2017-01-21 17:43  小小leo  阅读(2894)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报