python Mysql 基本操作
连接: mysql -uroot -pgloryroad mysql -uroot -p password: mysql -h39.1.1.1 -uroot -pgloryroad 默认端口:3306 mysql -h39.1.1.1 -uroot -pgloryroad -P3306 #端口号 show databases; create database test51; #查看当前使用的数据库 use jin; select database(); #使用哪个数据库 use test; #创建数据库gloryroad CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS gloryroad DEFAULT CHARSET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci; #查看存在的表 show tables; #创建表 create table student( id int(11) not null auto_increment, name varchar(20) not null, age int(3), admissiondate datetime default NOW(), primary key(id) )engine=innodb default charset=utf8; #查看建表语句 show create table student; #删除表 drop table student; #插入表数据 insert into student (id,name,age,admissiondate) values(1,"张三","18","2019-10-10 10:10:10"); insert into student values(2,"李四","29",now()); insert into student(name,age) values("王五","18"); #****************批量插入数据*********** insert into student (name,age) values("赵六",38),("郑七",48),("田八",58); #修改数据 update student set name = "孙八",age=18 where name="孙八"; #删除表数据 delete from student where name = "孙八" and age=18; #查询数据 and or != select * from student where name="张三" and age=18; select * from student where name="张三" or age=18; select * from student where name!="张三" and age!=18; #模糊查询 like '%san' select * from student where name like "%san" and age=18; select * from student where name like "%臣秀%"; #字段的别名 select name 姓名,age 年龄 from student where name like "%臣秀%"; #count(*),avg(),sum() select count(age) 年龄 from student; select AVG(age) from student; select SUM(age) from student; #查询结果小数取整 round select ROUND(AVG(age),3) from student; #排重 distinct select distinct age from student; # in,not in; not in 不走索引 效率比较低 select name from student where age in (18,48); #分组 select age,COUNT(*) from student group by age; #having select age,COUNT(*) from student group by age having COUNT(*)>1; select id,age,COUNT(*) from student where id>3 group by id,age having COUNT(*)>=1; #排序asc,desc select * from student order by age desc; #子查询 select * from student where age in(select age from student where id>2); create table grade11( id int(11) auto_increment, stuid int(11), course varchar(20) not null, grade int(5), primary key(id) )engine innodb character set utf8; select * from student where id in (select stuid from grade11 where grade>80); #union(结果会排重)、union all(结果不会排重) select id from student where id>3 union select id from grade11 where grade<=90; select id from student where id>3 union all select id from grade11 where grade<=90; #执行计划查看 explain select ,g.course_name ,g.grade from student s,grade g where =g.stu_id \G; #左连接、右连接、内连接 #右连接 显示右表的全部记录,关联不到的显示null #左连接 显示坐标的全部记录,关联不到的显示null select s.`name`, g.`course`,g.`grade` from grade11 g right join student s on g.stuid = s.`id`; #加索引 alter table grade11 add index stuid_indx(stuid); #查看数据库最大连接数 show variables like 'max_connections'; #查看自动提交参数 show variables like '%autocommit%'; #查看表字段 desc grade; #limit 从第6行取记录,取3条; select * from studentinfo limit 5,3;
2、python 操作mysql的常用小例子
import pymysql # 打开数据库连接 conn = pymysql.connect( host = "", port = 3306, user = "root", passwd = "root", db = "jin11", charset = "utf8") # 使用cursor()方法获取数据库的操作游标 cursor = conn.cursor() print(cursor) print(type(cursor)) #建库操作: cur.execute('CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS pythonDBnew1 DEFAULT CHARSET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci;') #建表操作 cur.execute('''CREATE TABLE `User`( `id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `name` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, `password` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, `birthday` date DEFAULT NULL )ENGINE=innodb DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;''') ##SQL注入 类似在输入框输入一些条件拼接SQL,比如输入 or 1=1,导致查询条件永远满足 #使用模板字符串插入数据 sql = "insert into user values(%s, %s, %s, %s)" insert = cursor.execute(sql, (3,'lucy','efg','1993-02-01'))
sql="select t.env_sub_type,t.env_key,t.env_key_value from b_env_info t where t.env_no=:1 and t.env_sub_type=:2"
cur.execute(sql,[env_num,db_name]) #列表中的元素替代 占位符 :1,:2
for i in range(10,20):
# 另一种插入数据方法,通过格式字符串传入值,此方式可以防止sql注入
sql = "insert into user values(%s, %s, %s, %s)"
cursor.execute(sql, (random.randint(1,10000),'lucy'+str(random.randint(1,10000)),'efg'+str(random.randint(1,10000)),now()))
sql = "insert into user values(%s, %s, %s, %s)"
insert = cursor.executemany(sql, [
cursor.execute("select * from user")
while 1:
res = cursor.fetchone()
if res is None:
# 表示已经取完结果集
cursor.execute("select * from user")
# 获取游标处两条数据
resTuple = cursor.fetchmany(2)
print("结果集类型:", type(resTuple))
for i in resTuple:
cursor.execute("select * from user")
resSet = cursor.fetchall()
print("共%s条数据。" %len(resSet))
# 批量更新数据
cursor.executemany("update user set password = %s where name=%s", [('tomx2x', 'tom'), ('Tomx2x', 'amy')])
# 批量删除数据
delete = cursor.executemany("delete from user where name=%s", [('amy',), ('lily',)])
print("删除语句影响的行数:", delete)
# 关闭游标
# 提交事务
# 关闭数据库连接