就像我在http://www.cnblogs.com/wuyuegb2312/p/3219659.html 文章中评论的那样,我也碰到了被提问这个malloc(0)的返回值问题,虽然感觉这样做在实际中没有任何意义,但既然被提问到了,那总得给点答复。当时的回答是“返回一个NULL指针”。
就像@五岳查看man结果的一样,我也查看了,malloc() allocates size bytes and returns a pointer to the allocated memory. The memory is not cleared. If size is 0, then malloc() returns either NULL, or a unique pointer value that can later be successfully passed to free().这句话翻译起来,就是传个0的话,返回值要么是NULL,要么是一个可以被free调用的唯一的指针。那是不是这篇文章中说的,通过这句话“
if(int pp = (strlen(ptr=(char *)malloc(0))) == 0)
刚看到@garbageMan一篇文章 http://www.cnblogs.com/pmer/p/3222648.html 这样写道:“malloc(0)唯一不同的地方就是,就算你申请内存成功,即malloc(0)返回值不为NULL,你也没法使用这块内存。”那到底是不是就没法使用呢?
#include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <malloc.h> int alloc_memory(char *p , int size) { printf("\nbefore malloc %p\n",p); p = (char *)malloc(size); if(!p) { printf("malloc error \n"); return -1; } //len of malloc(0) printf("len of malloc(%d) is %d ,the ture is %d\n",size,strlen(p),malloc_usable_size(p)); //the first member printf("the first member of malloc(%d) is %p:%d \n",size,p,*p); //set the first member *p = 10; printf("set the first member of malloc(%d) is %p:%d \n",size,p,*p); //memcpy memset(p,'\0',12); memcpy(p,"01234567890123456789",12); printf("after memcpy , the content is %s len is %d , the ture is %d \n",p,strlen(p),malloc_usable_size(p)); free(p); p = NULL; printf("\n"); } int main(int argc ,char **argv) { int size = -1; char *p = NULL; //malloc(0) size = 0; alloc_memory(p,size); //malloc(5) size = 5; alloc_memory(p,size); //malloc(20) size = 20; alloc_memory(p,size); return 0; }
tiger@ubuntu:/mnt/hgfs/e/Lessons/MyExercise/UtilLibs/EXERCISE$ gcc -o malloc malloc.c tiger@ubuntu:/mnt/hgfs/e/Lessons/MyExercise/UtilLibs/EXERCISE$ ./malloc before malloc (nil) len of malloc(0) is 0 ,the ture is 12 the first member of malloc(0) is 0x9e78008:0 set the first member of malloc(0) is 0x9e78008:10 after memcpy , the content is 012345678901len is 15 , the ture is 12 before malloc (nil) len of malloc(5) is 0 ,the ture is 12 the first member of malloc(5) is 0x9e78008:0 set the first member of malloc(5) is 0x9e78008:10 after memcpy , the content is 012345678901len is 15 , the ture is 12 before malloc (nil) len of malloc(20) is 0 ,the ture is 20 the first member of malloc(20) is 0x9e78018:0 set the first member of malloc(20) is 0x9e78018:10 after memcpy , the content is 012345678901 len is 12 , the ture is 20 tiger@ubuntu:/mnt/hgfs/e/Lessons/MyExercise/UtilLibs/EXERCISE$
1. malloc(0)在我的系统里是可以正常返回一个非NULL值的。这个从申请前打印的before malloc (nil)和申请后的地址0x9e78008可以看出来,返回了一个正常的地址。
2. malloc(0)申请的空间到底有多大不是用strlen或者sizeof来看的,而是通过malloc_usable_size这个函数来看的。---当然这个函数并不能完全正确的反映出申请内存的范围。
3. malloc(0)申请的空间长度不是0,在我的系统里它是12,也就是你使用malloc申请内存空间的话,正常情况下系统会返回给你一个至少12B的空间。这个可以从malloc(0)和malloc(5)的返回值都是12,而malloc(20)的返回值是20得到。---其实,如果你真的调用了这个程序的话,会发现,这个12确实是”至少12“的。
4. malloc(0)申请的空间是可以被使用的。这个可以从*p = 10;及memcpy(p,"01234567890123456789",12);可以得出。
非常感谢garbageMan playerc 求道于盲 五岳 懒得想一个好名字 等同仁的参与教导,小弟12年自动化专业刚毕业,知识面尚浅薄,以后有什么问题,还望博客园的各位不吝赐教,谢谢!