int CreateSRTMVRTFile(const char* pszSrcFile, const char* pszDstFile, const char* pszWkt, int iWidth, int iHeight, int iDataType, double *dGeoTransform, int iImageOffset, int iLineOffset, int iPixelOffset, const char* pszFormat, CProcessBase* pProcess) { if (pProcess != NULL) pProcess->SetMessage("正在执行SRTM数据转换"); GDALAllRegister(); //首先将裸数据转换为一个VRT文件格式,然后用VRT导出为指定的类型 GDALDriver *poDriver = (GDALDriver *) GDALGetDriverByName( "VRT" ); if (poDriver == NULL) { if (pProcess != NULL) pProcess->SetMessage("不支持VRT格式创建!"); return RE_FILENOTSUPPORT; } string strVrt = GetTemporaryPath(); string strImageOffset = lexical_cast<string>(iImageOffset); string strLineOffset = lexical_cast<string>(iLineOffset); string strPixelOffset = lexical_cast<string>(iPixelOffset); GDALDataset *poVRTDS; poVRTDS = poDriver->Create( strVrt.c_str(), iWidth, iHeight, 0, (GDALDataType)iDataType, NULL ); if (poVRTDS == NULL) { if (pProcess != NULL) pProcess->SetMessage("不支持VRT格式创建!"); return RE_FILENOTSUPPORT; } poVRTDS->SetGeoTransform(dGeoTransform); poVRTDS->SetProjection(pszWkt); char** papszOptions = NULL; // 指定为RawRasterBand,if not specified, default to VRTRasterBand papszOptions = CSLAddNameValue(papszOptions, "subclass", "VRTRawRasterBand"); // 指定原始数据 papszOptions = CSLAddNameValue(papszOptions, "SourceFilename", pszSrcFile); // optionnal. default = false papszOptions = CSLAddNameValue(papszOptions, "RelativeToVRT", "true"); // optionnal. default = machine order papszOptions = CSLAddNameValue(papszOptions, "ByteOrder", "MSB"); // optionnal. default = 0 papszOptions = CSLAddNameValue(papszOptions, "ImageOffset", strImageOffset.c_str()); // optionnal. default = size of band type papszOptions = CSLAddNameValue(papszOptions, "PixelOffset", strPixelOffset.c_str()); // optionnal. default = size of band type * width papszOptions = CSLAddNameValue(papszOptions, "LineOffset", strLineOffset.c_str()); poVRTDS->AddBand((GDALDataType)iDataType, papszOptions); CSLDestroy(papszOptions); GDALDriver *poDstDriver = (GDALDriver *) GDALGetDriverByName(pszFormat); if (poDstDriver == NULL) { if (pProcess != NULL) pProcess->SetMessage("不支持输出格式创建!"); return RE_FILENOTSUPPORT; } GDALDataset *poDstDS = poDstDriver->CreateCopy(pszDstFile, poVRTDS, FALSE, NULL, GDALTermProgress, pProcess); if (poDstDS == NULL) { if (pProcess != NULL) pProcess->SetMessage("输出文件创建失败!"); return RE_CREATEFAILED; } poDstDS->FlushCache(); delete poVRTDS; RasterDelete(strVrt.c_str()); //移除临时vrt文件 GDALClose(poDstDS); if (pProcess != NULL) pProcess->SetMessage("SRTM数据转换完成!"); return RE_SUCCESS; }调用的代码,如下:
const char* pszInFile = "/vsicurl/ftp://topex.ucsd.edu/pub/srtm30_plus/srtm30/data/e020n40.Bathymetry.srtm"; const char* pszDstFile = "D:\\e020n40_SRTM.tif"; const char* pszWkt = SRS_WKT_WGS84; const char* pszFormat = "GTiff"; double dGeoTransform[6] = {20, 0.008333333333333, 0.0, 40, 0.0, -0.008333333333333}; iRev = CreateSRTMVRTFile(pszInFile, pszDstFile, pszWkt, 4800, 6000, 2, dGeoTransform, 0, 9600, 2, pszFormat, pPro);