A Flock Of Tasty Sources On How To Start Learning High Scalability


This is a guest repost by Leandro Moreira.

distributed systems

When we usually are interested about scalability we look for links, explanations, books, and references. This mini article links to the references I think might help you in this journey.


You don’t need to have N machines to build/test a cluster/high scalable system, currently you can useVagrant and up N machines easily.


Now that you know you can empower yourself with virtual servers, I challenge you to not only read these links but put them into practice.

Good questions to test your knowledge:

  • Why to scale? how people do that usually?
  • How to deal with user session on memory RAM with N servers? how LB know which server is up? how LB knows which server to send the request?
  • Isn’t LB another SPOF? how can we provide a failover for LB?
  • Isn’t my OS limited by 64K ports? is linux capable of doing that out of the box?
  • How does mongo solves failover and high scalability? how about cassandra? how cassandra does sharding when a new node come to the cluster?
  • What is cache lock? What caching policies should I use?
  • How can a single domain have multiple IP addresses (ex: $ host www.google.com)? What is BGP? How can we use DNS or BGP to serve geographically users?

Bonus round: sometimes simple things can achieve your goals of making even an AB test.

Please let me know any mistake, I’ll be happy to fix it.





posted on 2014-12-08 21:44  Still water run deep  阅读(342)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
