How Flyway works
The easiest scenario is when you point Flyway to an empty database.
It will try to locate its metadata table. As the database is empty. Flyway won't find it and will create it instead.
You now have a database with a single empty table called SCHEME_VERSION by default:
现在呢,我们就有一个数据库,这个数据库包含一个缺省的空表SCHEME_VERSION :
This table will be used to track the state of the databse.
Immediately afterwards Flyway will begin scanning the filesystem or the classpath of the application for migrations.They can be written in either Sql or Java.
The migrations are then sorted besed on their version number and applied in order.
As each migration gets applied,the metadata table is updated accordingly:
With the metabata and the initial state in palce,we can now talk about migrating to newer versions.
Flyway will once agein scan the filesystem or the classpath of the application of the migrations. The migrations are checked against the metadata table. If their version number is lower or equal to the one of the version maked as current, they are ignored.
当Flyway 再次扫描迁移的时候,它就会检查元数据表中迁移版本,如果要执行的迁移脚本的版本小于或者等于当前版本,Flyway将会忽略,不再重复执行。
The remaining migrations are the pending migrations : available , but not applied.
They are then sorted by version number and executed in order:
The metadata table is updated accordingly:
And that's it! Every time the need to evolve the database arises, whether structure (DDL) or reference data (DML), simply create a new migration with a version number higher than the current one. The next time Flyway starts, it will find it and upgrade the database accordingly.