知识图谱推理与实践(3) -- jena自定义builtin
的The general purpose rule engine
先回顾builtin为何物,官方叫Builtin primitives
Builtin | Operations |
isLiteral(?x) notLiteral(?x)
Test whether the single argument is or is not a literal, a functor-valued
literal or a blank-node, respectively.
bound(?x...) unbound(?x..) |
Test if all of the arguments are bound (not bound) variables
equal(?x,?y) notEqual(?x,?y) |
Test if x=y (or x != y). The equality test is semantic equality so that,
for example, the xsd:int 1 and the xsd:decimal 1 would test equal.
lessThan(?x, ?y), greaterThan(?x, ?y)
Test if x is <, >, <= or >= y. Only passes if both x and y
are numbers or time instants (can be integer or floating point or XSDDateTime).
sum(?a, ?b, ?c)
Sets c to be (a+b), (a+1) (a-b), min(a,b), max(a,b), (a
b), (a/b). Note that these do not run backwards, if in
a and c are bound and b is unbound then the test will
fail rather than bind b to (c-a). This could be fixed.
strConcat(?a1, .. ?an, ?t)
Concatenates the lexical form of all the arguments except the last, then
binds the last argument to a plain literal (strConcat) or a URI node
(uriConcat) with that lexical form. In both cases if an argument node
is a URI node the URI will be used as the lexical form.
regex(?t, ?p)
Matches the lexical form of a literal (?t) against a regular expression
pattern given by another literal (?p). If the match succeeds, and if
there are any additional arguments then it will bind the first n capture
groups to the arguments ?m1 to ?mn. The regular expression pattern syntax
is that provided by java.util.regex. Note that the capture groups are
numbered from 1 and the first capture group will be bound to ?m1, we
ignore the implicit capture group 0 which corresponds to the entire matched
string. So for example
will bind regexp('foo bar', '(.) (. )', ?m1, ?m2) m1
"bar" .
now(?x) |
Binds ?x to an xsd:dateTime value corresponding to the current time.
makeTemp(?x) |
Binds ?x to a newly created blank node.
makeInstance(?x, ?p, ?v)
makeInstance(?x, ?p, ?t, ?v) |
Binds ?v to be a blank node which is asserted as the value of the ?p property
on resource ?x and optionally has type ?t. Multiple calls with the same
arguments will return the same blank node each time - thus allowing this
call to be used in backward rules.
makeSkolem(?x, ?v1, ... ?vn) |
Binds ?x to be a blank node. The blank node is generated based on the values
of the remain ?vi arguments, so the same combination of arguments will
generate the same bNode.
noValue(?x, ?p)
noValue(?x ?p ?v) |
True if there is no known triple (x, p, ) or (x, p, v) in the model or
the explicit forward deductions so far.
remove(n, ...)
drop(n, ...) |
Remove the statement (triple) which caused the n'th body term of this (forward-only)
rule to match. Remove will propagate the change to other consequent rules
including the firing rule (which must thus be guarded by some other clauses).
In particular, if the removed statement (triple) appears in the body
of a rule that has already fired, the consequences of such rule are retracted
from the deducted model. Drop will silently remove the triple(s) from
the graph but not fire any rules as a consequence. These are clearly
non-monotonic operations and, in particular, the behaviour of a rule
set in which different rules both drop and create the same triple(s)
is undefined.
isDType(?l, ?t) notDType(?l, ?t) |
Tests if literal ?l is (or is not) an instance of the datatype defined
by resource ?t.
print(?x, ...) |
Print (to standard out) a representation of each argument. This is useful
for debugging rather than serious IO work.
listContains(?l, ?x)
listNotContains(?l, ?x) |
Passes if ?l is a list which contains (does not contain) the element ?x,
both arguments must be ground, can not be used as a generator.
listEntry(?list, ?index, ?val) |
Binds ?val to the ?index'th entry in the RDF list ?list. If there is no
such entry the variable will be unbound and the call will fail. Only
usable in rule bodies.
listLength(?l, ?len) |
Binds ?len to the length of the list ?l.
listEqual(?la, ?lb)
listNotEqual(?la, ?lb) |
listEqual tests if the two arguments are both lists and contain the same
elements. The equality test is semantic equality on literals (sameValueAs)
but will not take into account owl:sameAs aliases. listNotEqual is the
negation of this (passes if listEqual fails).
listMapAsObject(?s, ?p ?l)
listMapAsSubject(?l, ?p, ?o) |
These can only be used as actions in the head of a rule. They deduce a
set of triples derived from the list argument ?l : listMapAsObject asserts
triples (?s ?p ?x) for each ?x in the list ?l, listMapAsSubject asserts
triples (?x ?p ?o).
table(?p) tableAll() |
Declare that all goals involving property ?p (or all goals) should be tabled
by the backward engine.
hide(p) |
Declares that statements involving the predicate p should be hidden. Queries
to the model will not report such statements. This is useful to enable
non-monotonic forward rules to define flag predicates which are only
used for inference control and do not "pollute" the inference results.
builtin 自定义#
接口, 然后使用BuiltinRegistry.theRegistry.register
public interface Builtin {
* Return a convenient name for this builtin, normally this will be the name of the
* functor that will be used to invoke it and will often be the final component of the
* URI.
public String getName();
* Return the full URI which identifies this built in.
public String getURI();
* Return the expected number of arguments for this functor or 0 if the number is flexible.
public int getArgLength();
* This method is invoked when the builtin is called in a rule body.
* @param args the array of argument values for the builtin, this is an array
* of Nodes, some of which may be Node_RuleVariables.
* @param length the length of the argument list, may be less than the length of the args array
* for some rule engines
* @param context an execution context giving access to other relevant data
* @return return true if the buildin predicate is deemed to have succeeded in
* the current environment
public boolean bodyCall(Node[] args, int length, RuleContext context);
* This method is invoked when the builtin is called in a rule head.
* Such a use is only valid in a forward rule.
* @param args the array of argument values for the builtin, this is an array
* of Nodes.
* @param length the length of the argument list, may be less than the length of the args array
* for some rule engines
* @param context an execution context giving access to other relevant data
public void headAction(Node[] args, int length, RuleContext context);
* Returns false if this builtin has side effects when run in a body clause,
* other than the binding of environment variables.
public boolean isSafe();
* Returns false if this builtin is non-monotonic. This includes non-monotonic checks like noValue
* and non-monotonic actions like remove/drop. A non-monotonic call in a head is assumed to
* be an action and makes the overall rule and ruleset non-monotonic.
* Most JenaRules are monotonic deductive closure rules in which this should be false.
public boolean isMonotonic();
, 一般只需要Override 下getName
public String getName() {
return "semsim";
public class SemanticSimilarityBuiltin extends BaseBuiltin {
* Return a convenient name for this builtin, normally this will be the name of the
* functor that will be used to invoke it and will often be the final component of the
* URI.
public String getName() {
return "semsim";
public int getArgLength() {
return 3;
* This method is invoked when the builtin is called in a rule body.
* @param args the array of argument values for the builtin, this is an array
* of Nodes, some of which may be Node_RuleVariables.
* @param context an execution context giving access to other relevant data
* @return return true if the buildin predicate is deemed to have succeeded in
* the current environment
public boolean bodyCall(Node[] args, int length, RuleContext context) {
checkArgs(length, context);
Node n1 = getArg(0, args, context);
Node n2 = getArg(1, args, context);
Node score = getArg(2,args,context);
if(!score.isLiteral() || score.getLiteral().getValue()==null){
return false;
String value;
Double hold = Double.parseDouble(score.getLiteralValue().toString());
// n.isLiteral() && n.getLiteralValue() instanceof Number
if (n1.isLiteral() && n2.isLiteral()) {
String v1 = n1.getLiteralValue().toString();
String v2 = n2.getLiteralValue().toString();
// 调用服务计算相似度
String requestUrl = "http://API-URL:5101/similarity/cosine?s1="+v1+"&s2="+v2;
String result = HttpClientUtil.doGet(requestUrl);
JSONObject json = JSON.parseObject(result);
if(json.getDouble("similarity") >= hold){
return true;
return true;
return false;
- 这里有个getArgLength和checkArgs(length, context),可以用来限制参数长度,检验必须符合该长度。
- 可以通过getArg(idx, args, context)来获取待计算的参数
- 上面的计算相似度,主要是调用外度的服务来计算两两的语义向量的cosine得分,如果满足阈值,我们就认为规则匹配
Property 主要业务 = myMod.createProperty(finance + "主要业务");
Property 竞争对手 = myMod.createProperty(finance + "竞争对手");
// 加入三元组
myMod.add(万达集团, 主要业务, "房地产,文娱");
myMod.add(融创中国, 主要业务, "房地产");
[ruleCompetitor: (?c1 :主要业务 ?b1) (?c2 :主要业务 ?b2) notEqual(?c1,?c2) semsim(?b1,?b2,0.6) -> (?c1 :竞争对手 ?c2)]
规则意思是,公司C1 主要业务是 b1,c2 主要业务是b2,并且c1和c2不是同一家公司,如果b1,b2的相似度大于0.6,那么C1和c2是竞争对手。
// 注册自定义builtin
BuiltinRegistry.theRegistry.register(new SemanticSimilarityBuiltin());
Model myMod = ModelFactory.createDefaultModel();
String finance = "http://www.example.org/kse/finance#";
Resource 孙宏斌 = myMod.createResource(finance + "孙宏斌");
Resource 融创中国 = myMod.createResource(finance + "融创中国");
Resource 乐视网 = myMod.createResource(finance + "乐视网");
Property 执掌 = myMod.createProperty(finance + "执掌");
Resource 贾跃亭 = myMod.createResource(finance + "贾跃亭");
Resource 地产公司 = myMod.createResource(finance + "地产公司");
Resource 公司 = myMod.createResource(finance + "公司");
Resource 法人实体 = myMod.createResource(finance + "法人实体");
Resource 人 = myMod.createResource(finance + "人");
Property 主要收入 = myMod.createProperty(finance + "主要收入");
Resource 地产事业 = myMod.createResource(finance + "地产事业");
Resource 王健林 = myMod.createResource(finance + "王健林");
Resource 万达集团 = myMod.createResource(finance + "万达集团");
Property 主要资产 = myMod.createProperty(finance + "主要资产");
Property 股东 = myMod.createProperty(finance + "股东");
Property 关联交易 = myMod.createProperty(finance + "关联交易");
Property 收购 = myMod.createProperty(finance + "收购");
Property 主要业务 = myMod.createProperty(finance + "主要业务");
Property 竞争对手 = myMod.createProperty(finance + "竞争对手");
// 加入三元组
myMod.add(孙宏斌, 执掌, 融创中国);
myMod.add(贾跃亭, 执掌, 乐视网);
myMod.add(王健林, 执掌, 万达集团);
myMod.add(乐视网, RDF.type, 公司);
myMod.add(万达集团, RDF.type, 公司);
myMod.add(融创中国, RDF.type, 地产公司);
myMod.add(地产公司, RDFS.subClassOf, 公司);
myMod.add(公司, RDFS.subClassOf, 法人实体);
myMod.add(孙宏斌, RDF.type, 人);
myMod.add(贾跃亭, RDF.type, 人);
myMod.add(王健林, RDF.type, 人);
myMod.add(万达集团, 主要资产, 地产事业);
myMod.add(万达集团, 主要业务, "房地产,文娱");
myMod.add(融创中国, 主要收入, 地产事业);
myMod.add(融创中国, 主要业务, "房地产");
myMod.add(孙宏斌, 股东, 乐视网);
myMod.add(孙宏斌, 收购, 万达集团);
PrintUtil.registerPrefix("", finance);
// 输出当前模型
StmtIterator i = myMod.listStatements(null, null, (RDFNode) null);
while (i.hasNext()) {
System.out.println(" - " + PrintUtil.print(i.nextStatement()));
GenericRuleReasoner reasoner = (GenericRuleReasoner) GenericRuleReasonerFactory.theInstance().create(null);
"[ruleHoldShare: (?p :执掌 ?c) -> (?p :股东 ?c)] \n"
+ "[ruleConnTrans: (?p :收购 ?c) -> (?p :股东 ?c)] \n"
+ "[ruleConnTrans: (?p :股东 ?c) (?p :股东 ?c2) -> (?c :关联交易 ?c2)] \n"
+ "[ruleCompetitor:: (?c1 :主要业务 ?b1) (?c2 :主要业务 ?b2) notEqual(?c1,?c2) semsim(?b1,?b2,0.6) -> (?c1 :竞争对手 ?c2)] \n"
+ "-> tableAll()."));
InfGraph infgraph = reasoner.bind(myMod.getGraph());
Iterator<Triple> tripleIterator = infgraph.find(null, null, null);
while (tripleIterator.hasNext()) {
System.out.println(" - " + PrintUtil.print(tripleIterator.next()));
- (:万达集团 :关联交易 :乐视网)
- (:万达集团 :关联交易 :融创中国)
- (:万达集团 :竞争对手 :融创中国)
- (:万达集团 :关联交易 :万达集团)
- (:孙宏斌 :股东 :万达集团)
- (:孙宏斌 :股东 :融创中国)
- (:融创中国 :关联交易 :万达集团)
- (:融创中国 :竞争对手 :万达集团)
- (:融创中国 :关联交易 :乐视网)
- (:融创中国 :关联交易 :融创中国)
- (:乐视网 :关联交易 :万达集团)
- (:乐视网 :关联交易 :融创中国)
- (:乐视网 :关联交易 :乐视网)
- (:贾跃亭 :股东 :乐视网)
- (:王健林 :股东 :万达集团)
- (:公司 rdfs:subClassOf :法人实体)
- (:万达集团 :主要业务 '房地产,文娱')
- (:万达集团 :主要资产 :地产事业)
- (:万达集团 rdf:type :公司)
- (:地产公司 rdfs:subClassOf :公司)
- (:融创中国 :主要业务 '房地产')
- (:融创中国 :主要收入 :地产事业)
- (:融创中国 rdf:type :地产公司)
- (:孙宏斌 :收购 :万达集团)
- (:孙宏斌 :股东 :乐视网)
- (:孙宏斌 rdf:type :人)
- (:孙宏斌 :执掌 :融创中国)
- (:乐视网 rdf:type :公司)
- (:贾跃亭 rdf:type :人)
- (:贾跃亭 :执掌 :乐视网)
- (:王健林 rdf:type :人)
- (:王健林 :执掌 :万达集团)
作者: JadePeng
版权:本文采用「署名-非商业性使用-相同方式共享 4.0 国际(欢迎转载,但未经作者同意必须保留此段声明,且在文章页面明显位置给出原文链接) 」知识共享许可协议进行许可。
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