hugegraph 源码解读 —— 索引与查询优化分析


gremlin 其实是一个逐级过滤的运行机制,比如下面的一个简单的gremlin查询语句:



  • 找出所有的顶点V
  • 然后过滤出label为label的数据
  • 然后过滤出prop=value的数据


hugegraph 的优化方案是,HugeGraphStepStrategy 中将has条件提取出来,然后走索引优化,减少读取的数据量。


public static void extractHasContainer(HugeGraphStep<?, ?> newStep, Traversal.Admin<?, ?> traversal) { Step<?, ?> step = newStep; do { step = step.getNextStep(); if (step instanceof HasStep) { HasContainerHolder holder = (HasContainerHolder) step; for (HasContainer has : holder.getHasContainers()) { if (!GraphStep.processHasContainerIds(newStep, has)) { newStep.addHasContainer(has); } } TraversalHelper.copyLabels(step, step.getPreviousStep(), false); traversal.removeStep(step); } } while (step instanceof HasStep || step instanceof NoOpBarrierStep); }


hugegraph 通过IndexLabel 来定义索引类型,描述索引的约束信息。

  • indexType: 建立的索引类型,目前支持五种,即 Secondary、Range、Search、Shard 和 Unique。
    • Secondary 支持精确匹配的二级索引,允许建立联合索引,联合索引支持索引前缀搜索

      • 单个属性,支持相等查询,比如:person顶点的city属性的二级索引,可以用g.V().has("city", "北京")查询"city属性值是北京"的全部顶点

      • 联合索引,支持前缀查询和相等查询,比如:person顶点的city和street属性的联合索引,可以用g.V().has ("city", "北京").has('street', '中关村街道')查询"city属性值是北京且street属性值是中关村"的全部顶点,或者g.V() .has("city", "北京")查询"city属性值是北京"的全部顶点

        secondary index的查询都是基于"是"或者"相等"的查询条件,不支持"部分匹配"

    • Range 支持数值类型的范围查询

      • 必须是单个数字或者日期属性,比如:person顶点的age属性的范围索引,可以用g.V().has("age",查询"age属性值大于18"的顶点。除了以外,还支持P.gte()P.lte()
    • Search 支持全文检索的索引

      • 必须是单个文本属性,比如:person顶点的address属性的全文索引,可以用g.V().has("address", Text .contains('大厦')查询"address属性中包含大厦"的全部顶点

        search index的查询是基于"是"或者"包含"的查询条件

    • Shard 支持前缀匹配 + 数字范围查询的索引

      • N个属性的分片索引,支持前缀相等情况下的范围查询,比如:person顶点的city和age属性的分片索引,可以用g.V().has ("city", "北京").has("age", P.between(18, 30))查询"city属性是北京且年龄大于等于18小于30"的全部顶点

      • shard index N个属性全是文本属性时,等价于secondary index

      • shard index只有单个数字或者日期属性时,等价于range index

        shard index可以有任意数字或者日期属性,但是查询时最多只能提供一个范围查找条件,且该范围查找条件的属性的前缀属性都是相等查询条件

    • Unique 支持属性值唯一性约束,即可以限定属性的值不重复,允许联合索引,但不支持查询

      • 单个或者多个属性的唯一性索引,不可用来查询,只可对属性的值进行限定,当出现重复值时将报错




我们通过源代码来分析索引存储过程。 核心代码在GraphIndexTransaction.updateIndex函数里:

/** * Update index(user properties) of vertex or edge * @param ilId the id of index label * @param element the properties owner * @param removed remove or add index */ protected void updateIndex(Id ilId, HugeElement element, boolean removed) { SchemaTransaction schema = this.params().schemaTransaction(); IndexLabel indexLabel = schema.getIndexLabel(ilId); E.checkArgument(indexLabel != null, "Not exist index label with id '%s'", ilId); // Collect property values of index fields List<Object> allPropValues = new ArrayList<>(); int fieldsNum = indexLabel.indexFields().size(); int firstNullField = fieldsNum; for (Id fieldId : indexLabel.indexFields()) { HugeProperty<Object> property = element.getProperty(fieldId); if (property == null) { E.checkState(hasNullableProp(element, fieldId), "Non-null property '%s' is null for '%s'", this.graph().propertyKey(fieldId) , element); if (firstNullField == fieldsNum) { firstNullField = allPropValues.size(); } allPropValues.add(INDEX_SYM_NULL); } else { E.checkArgument(!INDEX_SYM_NULL.equals(property.value()), "Illegal value of index property: '%s'", INDEX_SYM_NULL); allPropValues.add(property.value()); } } if (firstNullField == 0 && !indexLabel.indexType().isUnique()) { // The property value of first index field is null return; } // Not build index for record with nullable field (except unique index) List<Object> propValues = allPropValues.subList(0, firstNullField); // Expired time long expiredTime = element.expiredTime(); // Update index for each index type switch (indexLabel.indexType()) { case RANGE_INT: case RANGE_FLOAT: case RANGE_LONG: case RANGE_DOUBLE: E.checkState(propValues.size() == 1, "Expect only one property in range index"); Object value = NumericUtil.convertToNumber(propValues.get(0)); this.updateIndex(indexLabel, value,, expiredTime, removed); break; case SEARCH: E.checkState(propValues.size() == 1, "Expect only one property in search index"); value = propValues.get(0); Set<String> words = this.segmentWords(value.toString()); for (String word : words) { this.updateIndex(indexLabel, word,, expiredTime, removed); } break; case SECONDARY: // Secondary index maybe include multi prefix index for (int i = 0, n = propValues.size(); i < n; i++) { List<Object> prefixValues = propValues.subList(0, i + 1); // prefixValues is list or set , should create index for // each item if(prefixValues.get(0) instanceof Collection) { for (Object propValue : (Collection<Object>) prefixValues.get(0)) { value = escapeIndexValueIfNeeded(propValue.toString()); this.updateIndex(indexLabel, value,, expiredTime, removed); } }else { value = ConditionQuery.concatValues(prefixValues); value = escapeIndexValueIfNeeded((String) value); this.updateIndex(indexLabel, value,, expiredTime, removed); } } break; case SHARD: value = ConditionQuery.concatValues(propValues); value = escapeIndexValueIfNeeded((String) value); this.updateIndex(indexLabel, value,, expiredTime, removed); break; case UNIQUE: value = ConditionQuery.concatValues(allPropValues); assert !value.equals(""); Id id =; // TODO: add lock for updating unique index if (!removed && this.existUniqueValue(indexLabel, value, id)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format( "Unique constraint %s conflict is found for %s", indexLabel, element)); } this.updateIndex(indexLabel, value,, expiredTime, removed); break; default: throw new AssertionError(String.format( "Unknown index type '%s'", indexLabel.indexType())); } }
  • 参数是索引id,数据HugeElement
  • 先schema.getIndexLabel(ilId),根据索引id获取到indexlabel
  • 然后根据indexlabel中的字段获取element中的属性值
  • 然后根据switch索引类型,来处理索引。



  • 先检查属性值个数是否为1,范围索引不支持组合索引。
  • 然后updateIndex,保存索引
E.checkState(propValues.size() == 1, "Expect only one property in range index"); Object value = NumericUtil.convertToNumber(propValues.get(0)); this.updateIndex(indexLabel, value,, expiredTime, removed);

updateIndex 代码:

private void updateIndex(IndexLabel indexLabel, Object propValue, Id elementId, long expiredTime, boolean removed) { HugeIndex index = new HugeIndex(this.graph(), indexLabel); index.fieldValues(propValue); index.elementIds(elementId, expiredTime); if (removed) { this.doEliminate(this.serializer.writeIndex(index)); } else { this.doAppend(this.serializer.writeIndex(index)); } }
  • 构造索引,根据removed来决定是append还是删除。
  • 通过GraphSerializer序列化索引


Id id =; HugeType type = index.type(); byte[] value = null; if (!type.isNumericIndex() && indexIdLengthExceedLimit(id)) { id = index.hashId(); // Save field-values as column value if the key is a hash string value = StringEncoding.encode(index.fieldValues().toString()); } entry = newBackendEntry(type, id); entry.column(this.formatIndexName(index), value); entry.subId(index.elementId()); if (index.hasTtl()) { entry.ttl(index.ttl()); }
  • 生成一个BackendEntry,id为索引id
  • column name 通过formatIndexName生成, value 一般为null
  • subId为elementid


public static Id formatIndexId(HugeType type, Id indexLabelId, Object fieldValues) { if (type.isStringIndex()) { String value = ""; if (fieldValues instanceof Id) { value = IdGenerator.asStoredString((Id) fieldValues); } else if (fieldValues != null) { value = fieldValues.toString(); } /* * Modify order between index label and field-values to put the * index label in front(hugegraph-1317) */ String strIndexLabelId = IdGenerator.asStoredString(indexLabelId); return SplicingIdGenerator.splicing(strIndexLabelId, value); } else { assert type.isRangeIndex(); int length = type.isRange4Index() ? 4 : 8; BytesBuffer buffer = BytesBuffer.allocate(4 + length); buffer.writeInt(SchemaElement.schemaId(indexLabelId)); if (fieldValues != null) { E.checkState(fieldValues instanceof Number, "Field value of range index must be number:" + " %s", fieldValues.getClass().getSimpleName()); byte[] bytes = number2bytes((Number) fieldValues); buffer.write(bytes); } return buffer.asId(); } }
  • 如果是rangeindex,id为 SchemaElement.schemaId(indexLabelId) + fieldValues
  • 如果是字符串索引,id为 indexLabelId:fieldValues 拼接为字符串 (SplicingIdGenerator.splicing()
protected byte[] formatIndexName(HugeIndex index) { BytesBuffer buffer; Id elemId = index.elementId(); if (!this.indexWithIdPrefix) { int idLen = 1 + elemId.length(); buffer = BytesBuffer.allocate(idLen); } else { Id indexId =; HugeType type = index.type(); if (!type.isNumericIndex() && indexIdLengthExceedLimit(indexId)) { indexId = index.hashId(); } int idLen = 1 + elemId.length() + 1 + indexId.length(); buffer = BytesBuffer.allocate(idLen); // Write index-id buffer.writeIndexId(indexId, type); } // Write element-id buffer.writeId(elemId); // Write expired time if needed if (index.hasTtl()) { buffer.writeVLong(index.expiredTime()); } return buffer.bytes(); }

formatIndexName 决定了column name:

  • 先写入indexId,也就是上面(formatIndexId)生成的index id
  • 再写入elemId


@Override public void insert(Session session, BackendEntry entry) { assert !entry.columns().isEmpty(); for (BackendColumn col : entry.columns()) { assert entry.belongToMe(col) : entry; session.put(this.table(),, col.value); } }

对于range 索引,key的前缀是Int的indexLabelId,中间是索引值的bytes,后缀是elementid,因此range索引天然是有序的。


index_label_id | field_values | element_ids


indexLabelId | fieldValues | element_ids
  • field_values: 属性的值,可以是单个属性,也可以是多个属性拼接而成
  • index_label_id: 索引标签的Id
  • element_ids: 顶点或边的Id



public QueryResults<BackendEntry> query(Query query) { if (!(query instanceof ConditionQuery)) { LOG.debug("Query{final:{}}", query); return super.query(query); } QueryList<BackendEntry> queries = this.optimizeQueries(query, super::query); LOG.debug("{}", queries); return queries.empty() ? QueryResults.empty() : queries.fetch(this.pageSize); }

optimizeQueries 会将condtion query flatten展开(比如in查询,展开成多个查询),然后针对每个cq做查询。


protected <R> QueryList<R> optimizeQueries(Query query, QueryResults.Fetcher<R> fetcher) { QueryList<R> queries = new QueryList<>(query, fetcher); for (ConditionQuery cq: ConditionQueryFlatten.flatten( (ConditionQuery) query)) { // Optimize by sysprop Query q = this.optimizeQuery(cq); /* * NOTE: There are two possibilities for this query: * 1.sysprop-query, which would not be empty. * 2.index-query result(ids after optimization), which may be empty. */ if (q == null) { queries.add(this.indexQuery(cq), this.batchSize); } else if (!q.empty()) { queries.add(q); } } return queries; }

索引查询,核心代码在 GraphIndexTransaction.queryIndex

@Watched(prefix = "index") public IdHolderList queryIndex(ConditionQuery query) { // Index query must have been flattened in Graph tx query.checkFlattened(); // NOTE: Currently we can't support filter changes in memory if (this.hasUpdate()) { throw new HugeException("Can't do index query when " + "there are changes in transaction"); } // Can't query by index and by non-label sysprop at the same time List<Condition> conds = query.syspropConditions(); if (conds.size() > 1 || (conds.size() == 1 && !query.containsCondition(HugeKeys.LABEL))) { throw new HugeException("Can't do index query with %s and %s", conds, query.userpropConditions()); } // Query by index query.optimized(OptimizedType.INDEX); if (query.allSysprop() && conds.size() == 1 && query.containsCondition(HugeKeys.LABEL)) { // Query only by label return this.queryByLabel(query); } else { // Query by userprops (or userprops + label) return this.queryByUserprop(query); } }


@Watched(prefix = "index") private IdHolderList queryByUserprop(ConditionQuery query) { // Get user applied label or collect all qualified labels with // related index labels Set<MatchedIndex> indexes = this.collectMatchedIndexes(query); if (indexes.isEmpty()) { Id label = query.condition(HugeKeys.LABEL); throw noIndexException(this.graph(), query, label); } // Value type of Condition not matched boolean paging = query.paging(); if (!validQueryConditionValues(this.graph(), query)) { return IdHolderList.empty(paging); } // Do index query IdHolderList holders = new IdHolderList(paging); for (MatchedIndex index : indexes) { for (IndexLabel il : index.indexLabels()) { validateIndexLabel(il); } if (paging && index.indexLabels().size() > 1) { throw new NotSupportException("joint index query in paging"); } if (index.containsSearchIndex()) { // Do search-index query holders.addAll(this.doSearchIndex(query, index)); } else { // Do secondary-index, range-index or shard-index query IndexQueries queries = index.constructIndexQueries(query); assert !paging || queries.size() <= 1; IdHolder holder = this.doSingleOrJointIndex(queries); holders.add(holder); } /* * NOTE: need to skip the offset if offset > 0, but can't handle * it here because the query may a sub-query after flatten, * so the offset will be handle in QueryList.IndexQuery * * TODO: finish early here if records exceeds required limit with * FixedIdHolder. */ } return holders; }

queryByUserprop 会先查询出匹配的索引(collectMatchedIndexes),如果没匹配到索引,就会报错。




@Watched(prefix = "index") private IdHolderList doSearchIndex(ConditionQuery query, MatchedIndex index) { query = this.constructSearchQuery(query, index); // Sorted by matched count IdHolderList holders = new SortByCountIdHolderList(query.paging()); List<ConditionQuery> flatten = ConditionQueryFlatten.flatten(query); for (ConditionQuery q : flatten) { if (!q.noLimit() && flatten.size() > 1) { // Increase limit for union operation increaseLimit(q); } IndexQueries queries = index.constructIndexQueries(q); assert !query.paging() || queries.size() <= 1; IdHolder holder = this.doSingleOrJointIndex(queries); // NOTE: ids will be merged into one IdHolder if not in paging holders.add(holder); } return holders; }
  • 先构造查询,然后组合结果
  • 重点是如何构造查询的
private ConditionQuery constructSearchQuery(ConditionQuery query, MatchedIndex index) { ConditionQuery originQuery = query; Set<Id> indexFields = new HashSet<>(); // Convert has(key, text) to has(key, textContainsAny(word1, word2)) for (IndexLabel il : index.indexLabels()) { if (il.indexType() != IndexType.SEARCH) { continue; } Id indexField = il.indexField(); String fieldValue = (String) query.userpropValue(indexField); Set<String> words = this.segmentWords(fieldValue); indexFields.add(indexField); query = query.copy(); query.unsetCondition(indexField); query.query(Condition.textContainsAny(indexField, words)); } // Register results filter to compare property value and search text query.registerResultsFilter(elem -> { for (Condition cond : originQuery.conditions()) { Object key = cond.isRelation() ? ((Relation) cond).key() : null; if (key instanceof Id && indexFields.contains(key)) { // This is an index field of search index Id field = (Id) key; assert elem != null; HugeProperty<?> property = elem.getProperty(field); String propValue = propertyValueToString(property.value()); String fieldValue = (String) originQuery.userpropValue(field); if (this.matchSearchIndexWords(propValue, fieldValue)) { continue; } return false; } if (!cond.test(elem)) { return false; } } return true; }); return query; }
  • 先分词
  • 然后resetquery,Convert has(key, text) to has(key, textContainsAny(word1, word2))
  • 最后,索引查询可能匹配到多个结果,registerResultsFilter 注册一个结果过滤器,对结果做过滤



ublic IndexQueries constructIndexQueries(ConditionQuery query) { // Condition query => Index Queries if (this.indexLabels().size() == 1) { /* * Query by single index or composite index */ IndexLabel il = this.indexLabels().iterator().next(); ConditionQuery indexQuery = constructQuery(query, il); assert indexQuery != null; return IndexQueries.of(il, indexQuery); } else { /* * Query by joint indexes */ IndexQueries queries = buildJointIndexesQueries(query, this); assert !queries.isEmpty(); return queries; } }




@Watched(prefix = "index") private IdHolder doSingleOrJointIndex(IndexQueries queries) { if (queries.size() == 1) { return this.doSingleOrCompositeIndex(queries); } else { return this.doJointIndex(queries); } }

如果queries.size > 1,代表要走联合索引。但是一般db一次查询通常直走一个索引,hugegraph也差不多:

@Watched(prefix = "index") private IdHolder doJointIndex(IndexQueries queries) { if (queries.oomRisk()) { LOG.warn("There is OOM risk if the joint operation is based on a " + "large amount of data, please use single index + filter " + "instead of joint index: {}", queries.rootQuery()); } // All queries are joined with AND Set<Id> intersectIds = null; boolean filtering = false; IdHolder resultHolder = null; for (Map.Entry<IndexLabel, ConditionQuery> e : queries.entrySet()) { IndexLabel indexLabel = e.getKey(); ConditionQuery query = e.getValue(); assert !query.paging(); if (!query.noLimit() && queries.size() > 1) { // Unset limit for intersection operation query.limit(Query.NO_LIMIT); } /* * Try to query by joint indexes: * 1 If there is any index exceeded the threshold, transform into * partial index query, then filter after back-table. * 1.1 Return the holder of the first index that not exceeded the * threshold if there exists one index, this holder will be used * as the only query condition. * 1.2 Return the holder of the first index if all indexes exceeded * the threshold. * 2 Else intersect holders for all indexes, and return intersection * ids of all indexes. */ IdHolder holder = this.doIndexQuery(indexLabel, query); if (resultHolder == null) { resultHolder = holder; } assert this.indexIntersectThresh > 0; // default value is 1000 Set<Id> ids = ((BatchIdHolder) holder).peekNext( this.indexIntersectThresh).ids(); if (ids.size() >= this.indexIntersectThresh) { // Transform into filtering filtering = true; query.optimized(OptimizedType.INDEX_FILTER); } else if (filtering) { assert ids.size() < this.indexIntersectThresh; resultHolder = holder; break; } else { if (intersectIds == null) { intersectIds = ids; } else { CollectionUtil.intersectWithModify(intersectIds, ids); } if (intersectIds.isEmpty()) { break; } } } if (filtering) { return resultHolder; } else { assert intersectIds != null; return new FixedIdHolder(queries.asJointQuery(), intersectIds); } }
  • 依次读取,先读取indexIntersectThresh 个数的匹配索引id,indexIntersectThresh用来控制1次读取索引id的个数,这个默认是1000,
  • 如果地个数》=indexIntersectThresh,这个时候hugegraph认为匹配结果数太多了,不能直接走索引查询到结果,需要走过滤(OptimizedType.INDEX_FILTER),也就是读取可能的候选结果,然后通过查询条件过滤结果。
  • 如果有一个索引较小,resultHolder缓存较小索引的
  • 如果几个索引都小于indexIntersectThresh,这是最理想情况,直接取ids的交集(CollectionUtil.intersectWithModify)




@Watched(prefix = "tx") public QueryResults<BackendEntry> query(Query query) { LOG.debug("Transaction query: {}", query); /* * NOTE: it's dangerous if an IdQuery/ConditionQuery is empty * check if the query is empty and its class is not the Query itself */ if (query.empty() && !query.getClass().equals(Query.class)) { throw new BackendException("Query without any id or condition"); } Query squery = this.serializer.writeQuery(query); // Do rate limit if needed RateLimiter rateLimiter = this.graph.readRateLimiter(); if (rateLimiter != null && query.resultType().isGraph()) { double time = rateLimiter.acquire(1); if (time > 0) { LOG.debug("Waited for {}s to query", time); } BackendEntryIterator.checkInterrupted(); } this.beforeRead(); try { return new QueryResults<>(, query); } finally { this.afterRead(); // TODO: not complete the iteration currently } }


@Override protected Query writeQueryCondition(Query query) { HugeType type = query.resultType(); if (!type.isIndex()) { return query; } ConditionQuery cq = (ConditionQuery) query; if (type.isNumericIndex()) { // Convert range-index/shard-index query to id range query return this.writeRangeIndexQuery(cq); } else { assert type.isSearchIndex() || type.isSecondaryIndex() || type.isUniqueIndex(); // Convert secondary-index or search-index query to id query return this.writeStringIndexQuery(cq); } }

如果是rangeindex 索引,会转换为scan indexlabelid:start - indexlabelid:end 的查询

private Query writeRangeIndexQuery(ConditionQuery query) { Id index = query.condition(HugeKeys.INDEX_LABEL_ID); E.checkArgument(index != null, "Please specify the index label"); List<Condition> fields = query.syspropConditions(HugeKeys.FIELD_VALUES); E.checkArgument(!fields.isEmpty(), "Please specify the index field values"); HugeType type = query.resultType(); Id start = null; if (query.paging() && ! { byte[] position = PageState.fromString(; start = new BinaryId(position, null); } RangeConditions range = new RangeConditions(fields); if (range.keyEq() != null) { Id id = formatIndexId(type, index, range.keyEq(), true); if (start == null) { return new IdPrefixQuery(query, id); } E.checkArgument(, id.asBytes()) >= 0, "Invalid page out of lower bound"); return new IdPrefixQuery(query, start, id); } Object keyMin = range.keyMin(); Object keyMax = range.keyMax(); boolean keyMinEq = range.keyMinEq(); boolean keyMaxEq = range.keyMaxEq(); if (keyMin == null) { E.checkArgument(keyMax != null, "Please specify at least one condition"); // Set keyMin to min value keyMin = NumericUtil.minValueOf(keyMax.getClass()); keyMinEq = true; } Id min = formatIndexId(type, index, keyMin, false); if (!keyMinEq) { /* * Increase 1 to keyMin, index GT query is a scan with GT prefix, * inclusiveStart=false will also match index started with keyMin */ increaseOne(min.asBytes()); keyMinEq = true; } if (start == null) { start = min; } else { E.checkArgument(, min.asBytes()) >= 0, "Invalid page out of lower bound"); } if (keyMax == null) { keyMax = NumericUtil.maxValueOf(keyMin.getClass()); keyMaxEq = true; } Id max = formatIndexId(type, index, keyMax, false); if (keyMaxEq) { keyMaxEq = false; increaseOne(max.asBytes()); } return new IdRangeQuery(query, start, keyMinEq, max, keyMaxEq); }


private Query writeStringIndexQuery(ConditionQuery query) { E.checkArgument(query.allSysprop() && query.conditions().size() == 2, "There should be two conditions: " + "INDEX_LABEL_ID and FIELD_VALUES" + "in secondary index query"); Id index = query.condition(HugeKeys.INDEX_LABEL_ID); Object key = query.condition(HugeKeys.FIELD_VALUES); E.checkArgument(index != null, "Please specify the index label"); E.checkArgument(key != null, "Please specify the index key"); Id prefix = formatIndexId(query.resultType(), index, key, true); return prefixQuery(query, prefix); }


protected BackendColumnIterator queryBy(Session session, Query query) { // Query all if (query.empty()) { return this.queryAll(session, query); } // Query by prefix if (query instanceof IdPrefixQuery) { IdPrefixQuery pq = (IdPrefixQuery) query; return this.queryByPrefix(session, pq); } // Query by range if (query instanceof IdRangeQuery) { IdRangeQuery rq = (IdRangeQuery) query; return this.queryByRange(session, rq); } // Query by id if (query.conditions().isEmpty()) { assert !query.ids().isEmpty(); // NOTE: this will lead to lazy create rocksdb iterator return new BackendColumnIteratorWrapper(new FlatMapperIterator<>( query.ids().iterator(), id -> this.queryById(session, id) )); } // Query by condition (or condition + id) ConditionQuery cq = (ConditionQuery) query; return this.queryByCond(session, cq); }


protected BackendColumnIterator queryByPrefix(Session session, IdPrefixQuery query) { int type = query.inclusiveStart() ? Session.SCAN_GTE_BEGIN : Session.SCAN_GT_BEGIN; type |= Session.SCAN_PREFIX_END; return session.scan(this.table(), query.start().asBytes(), query.prefix().asBytes(), type); }


protected BackendColumnIterator queryByRange(Session session, IdRangeQuery query) { byte[] start = query.start().asBytes(); byte[] end = query.end() == null ? null : query.end().asBytes(); int type = query.inclusiveStart() ? Session.SCAN_GTE_BEGIN : Session.SCAN_GT_BEGIN; if (end != null) { type |= query.inclusiveEnd() ? Session.SCAN_LTE_END : Session.SCAN_LT_END; } return session.scan(this.table(), start, end, type); }


@Override public HugeIndex readIndex(HugeGraph graph, ConditionQuery query, BackendEntry bytesEntry) { if (bytesEntry == null) { return null; } BinaryBackendEntry entry = this.convertEntry(bytesEntry); // NOTE: index id without length prefix byte[] bytes =; HugeIndex index = HugeIndex.parseIndexId(graph, entry.type(), bytes); Object fieldValues = null; if (!index.type().isRangeIndex()) { fieldValues = query.condition(HugeKeys.FIELD_VALUES); if (!index.fieldValues().equals(fieldValues)) { // Update field-values for hashed or encoded index-id index.fieldValues(fieldValues); } } this.parseIndexName(graph, query, entry, index, fieldValues); return index; }

parseIndexId 和parseIndexName 是存储的decode操作,代码类似,一个存,一个读。



比如,我们需要按更新时间(update_time)排序,当没有其他条件时,可以将排序转换为update_time>0 的查询,因为range索引默认是有序的,从小到大(详见上面的存储结构分析)。


  • 业务简单时,可以冗余一个字段,比如update_time_desc,取一个固定值-update_time, 这样最新的的数据在前面。





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