未能加载文件或程序集“sorttbls.nlp” 与 未能创建 Microsoft Visual C# 2008 编译器
在Win7的xpmode虚拟机里安装了VS系列软件,用于开发,在最近的一次安装.NET framework的更新后,发现.NET程序运行不了,VS也打不开工程文件,报错:未能加载文件或程序集“sorttbls.nlp”!尝试重启和系统还原,问题依旧……
I believe that is a .NET 2.0 file. You can try to repair your .NET 2.0
installation on Xp, it that option is available.
If not, uninstall .NET 2, and reinstall it by running the BCM v3 setup
again--that way you are guaranteed to get the .NET patches that ship
with BCM. BCM Setup should install .NET 2, the patches, and then tell
you that BCM is already installed
于是,把.NET 3.5 SP1 修复了一把,终于能运行久违的.NET 程序了!
打开VS2008,出现“未能创建 Microsoft Visual C# 2008 编译器”,又一次google:
在运行中 执行devenv /resetskippkgs命令即可