What's News in iOS
iOS 9.3 to iOS 10.0 API Differences
- /usr/include
- Accelerate
- AudioToolbox
- AudioUnit
- AVFoundation
- AVKit
- CallKit (Added)
- CFNetwork
- CloudKit
- Contacts
- CoreBluetooth
- CoreData
- CoreFoundation
- CoreGraphics
- CoreImage
- CoreLocation
- CoreMedia
- CoreMotion
- CoreSpotlight
- CoreTelephony
- CoreText
- CoreVideo
- EventKit
- EventKitUI
- ExternalAccessory
- Foundation
- GameController
- GameKit
- GameplayKit
- GLKit
- HealthKit
- HomeKit
- iAd
- ImageIO
- Intents (Added)
- IntentsUI (Added)
- JavaScriptCore
- LocalAuthentication
- MapKit
- MediaPlayer
- Messages (Added)
- MessageUI
- Metal
- MetalKit
- MetalPerformanceShaders
- ModelIO
- NetworkExtension
- NotificationCenter
- OpenGLES
- PassKit
- Photos
- PushKit
- QuartzCore
- QuickLook
- ReplayKit
- SafariServices
- SceneKit
- Security
- Speech (Added)
- SpriteKit
- SystemConfiguration
- UIKit
- UserNotifications (Added)
- UserNotificationsUI (Added)
- VideoSubscriberAccount (Added)
- VideoToolbox
- WatchConnectivity
- WatchKit
- WebKit
- XCTest
- Accelerate
- Accounts
- AddressBook
- AddressBookUI
- AdSupport
- AssetsLibrary
- AudioToolbox
- AudioUnit
- AVFoundation
- AVKit
- CallKit (Added)
- CFNetwork
- CloudKit
- Contacts
- ContactsUI
- CoreAudio
- CoreAudioKit
- CoreBluetooth
- CoreData
- CoreFoundation
- CoreGraphics
- CoreImage
- CoreLocation
- CoreMedia
- CoreMIDI
- CoreMotion
- CoreSpotlight
- CoreTelephony
- CoreText
- CoreVideo
- Darwin
- Dispatch
- EventKit
- EventKitUI
- ExternalAccessory
- Foundation
- GameController
- GameKit
- GameplayKit
- GLKit
- HealthKit
- HealthKitUI
- HomeKit
- iAd (Added)
- iAdJS (Removed)
- ImageIO
- Intents (Added)
- IntentsUI (Added)
- JavaScriptCore
- libkern
- LocalAuthentication
- MachO
- MapKit
- MediaAccessibility
- MediaPlayer
- MediaToolbox
- Messages (Added)
- MessageUI
- Metal
- MetalKit
- MetalPerformanceShaders
- ModelIO
- MultipeerConnectivity
- NetworkExtension
- NewsstandKit
- NotificationCenter
- ObjectiveC
- OpenAL
- OpenGLES
- os
- PassKit
- Photos
- PhotosUI
- PushKit
- QuartzCore
- QuickLook
- ReplayKit
- SafariServices
- SceneKit
- Security
- simd
- Social
- Speech (Added)
- SpriteKit
- StoreKit
- Swift
- SystemConfiguration
- Twitter (Removed)
- UIKit
- UserNotifications (Added)
- UserNotificationsUI (Added)
- VideoSubscriberAccount (Added)
- VideoToolbox
- WatchConnectivity
- WatchKit
- WebKit
- XCTest
iOS 9.2 to iOS 9.3 API Differences
iOS 9.1 to iOS 9.2 API Differences
iOS 9.0 to iOS 9.1 API Differences
iOS 8.3 to iOS 9.0 API Differences
iOS 8.2 to iOS 8.3 API Differences
iOS 8.1 to iOS 8.2 API Differences
iOS 8.0 to 8.1 API Differences
iOS 7.1 to iOS 8.0 API Differences