1.docker pull 镜像(docker hub 或者国内镜像源地址)
4.docker-compose up
es1.yml如下: "dali" node1
node.master: true true
# head插件设置
http.cors.enabled: true
http.cors.allow-origin: "*"
# 关闭X-Pack false
discovery.zen.minimum_master_nodes: 1
es2.yml 如下: "dali" node2
node.master: false true
# head插件设置
http.cors.enabled: true
http.cors.allow-origin: "*"
# 关闭X-Pack false
discovery.zen.minimum_master_nodes: 1 es1
docker-compose.yml 如下:
version: '2.0'
image: elasticsearch
container_name: es1
- /data/elasticsearch/data:/usr/share/elasticsearch/data
- /data/elasticsearch/config/es1.yml:/usr/share/elasticsearch/config/elasticsearch.yml
- ES_CLUSTERNAME=elasticsearch
command: elasticsearch
- "9200:9200"
- "9300:9300"
image: elasticsearch
container_name: es2
- /data/elasticsearch/data2:/usr/share/elasticsearch/data
- /data/elasticsearch/config/es2.yml:/usr/share/elasticsearch/config/elasticsearch.yml
- ES_CLUSTERNAME=elasticsearch
command: elasticsearch
- "9201:9200"
- "9301:9300"
- elasticsearch-central:elasticsearch
image: mobz/elasticsearch-head:5
container_name: head
- /data/elasticsearch/head/Gruntfile.js:/usr/src/app/Gruntfile.js
- /data/elasticsearch/head/app.js:/usr/src/app/_site/app.js
- "9100:9100"
- elasticsearch-central:elasticsearch
app.js 如下:
(function() { var window = this, $ = jQuery; function ns( namespace ) { return (namespace || "").split(".").reduce( function( space, name ) { return space[ name ] || ( space[ name ] = { ns: ns } ); }, this ); } var app = ns("app"); var acx = ns("acx"); /** * object iterator, returns an array with one element for each property of the object * @function */ acx.eachMap = function(obj, fn, thisp) { var ret = []; for(var n in obj) { ret.push(, n, obj[n], obj)); } return ret; }; /** * augments the first argument with the properties of the second and subsequent arguments * like {@link $.extend} except that existing properties are not overwritten */ acx.augment = function() { var args =, src = (args.length === 1) ? this : args.shift(), augf = function(n, v) { if(! (n in src)) { src[n] = v; } }; for(var i = 0; i < args.length; i++) { $.each(args[i], augf); } return src; }; /** * tests whether the argument is an array * @function */ acx.isArray = $.isArray; /** * tests whether the argument is an object * @function */ acx.isObject = function (value) { return == "[object Object]"; }; /** * tests whether the argument is a function * @function */ acx.isFunction = $.isFunction; /** * tests whether the argument is a date * @function */ acx.isDate = function (value) { return == "[object Date]"; }; /** * tests whether the argument is a regexp * @function */ acx.isRegExp = function (value) { return == "[object RegExp]"; }; /** * tests whether the value is blank or empty * @function */ acx.isEmpty = function (value, allowBlank) { return value === null || value === undefined || ((acx.isArray(value) && !value.length)) || (!allowBlank ? value === '' : false); }; /** * data type for performing chainable geometry calculations<br> * can be initialised x,y | {x, y} | {left, top} */ acx.vector = function(x, y) { return new acx.vector.prototype.Init(x, y); }; acx.vector.prototype = { Init : function(x, y) { x = x || 0; this.y = isFinite(x.y) ? x.y : (isFinite( ? : (isFinite(y) ? y : 0)); this.x = isFinite(x.x) ? x.x : (isFinite(x.left) ? x.left : (isFinite(x) ? x : 0)); }, add : function(i, j) { var d = acx.vector(i, j); return new this.Init(this.x + d.x, this.y + d.y); }, sub : function(i, j) { var d = acx.vector(i, j); return new this.Init(this.x - d.x, this.y - d.y); }, addX : function(i) { return new this.Init(this.x + i, this.y); }, addY : function(j) { return new this.Init(this.x, this.y + j); }, mod : function(fn) { // runs a function against the x and y values return new this.Init({x:, this.x, "x"), y:, this.y, "y")}); }, /** returns true if this is within a rectangle formed by the points p and q */ within : function(p, q) { return ( this.x >= ((p.x < q.x) ? p.x : q.x) && this.x <= ((p.x > q.x) ? p.x : q.x) && this.y >= ((p.y < q.y) ? p.y : q.y) && this.y <= ((p.y > q.y) ? p.y : q.y) ); }, asOffset : function() { return { top: this.y, left: this.x }; }, asSize : function() { return { height: this.y, width: this.x }; } }; acx.vector.prototype.Init.prototype = acx.vector.prototype; /** * short cut functions for working with vectors and jquery. * Each function returns the equivalent jquery value in a two dimentional vector */ $.fn.vSize = function() { return acx.vector(this.width(), this.height()); }; $.fn.vOuterSize = function(margin) { return acx.vector(this.outerWidth(margin), this.outerHeight(margin)); }; $.fn.vScroll = function() { return acx.vector(this.scrollLeft(), this.scrollTop()); }; $.fn.vOffset = function() { return acx.vector(this.offset()); }; $.fn.vPosition = function() { return acx.vector(this.position()); }; $.Event.prototype.vMouse = function() { return acx.vector(this.pageX, this.pageY); }; /** * object extensions (ecma5 compatible) */ acx.augment(Object, { keys: function(obj) { var ret = []; for(var n in obj) if(, n)) ret.push(n); return ret; } }); /** * Array prototype extensions */ acx.augment(Array.prototype, { 'contains' : function(needle) { return this.indexOf(needle) !== -1; }, // returns a new array consisting of all the members that are in both arrays 'intersection' : function(b) { var ret = []; for(var i = 0; i < this.length; i++) { if(b.contains(this[i])) { ret.push(this[i]); } } return ret; }, 'remove' : function(value) { var i = this.indexOf(value); if(i !== -1) { this.splice(i, 1); } } }); /** * String prototype extensions */ acx.augment(String.prototype, { 'contains' : function(needle) { return this.indexOf(needle) !== -1; }, 'equalsIgnoreCase' : function(match) { return this.toLowerCase() === match.toLowerCase(); }, 'escapeHtml' : function() { return this.replace(/&/g, '&').replace(/</g, '<').replace(/>/g, '>'); }, 'escapeJS' : function() { var meta = {'"':'\\"', '\\':'\\\\', '/':'\\/', '\b':'\\b', '\f':'\\f', '\n':'\\n', '\r':'\\r', '\t':'\\t'}, xfrm = function(c) { return meta[c] || "\\u" + c.charCodeAt(0).toString(16).zeroPad(4); }; return this.replace(new RegExp('(["\\\\\x00-\x1f\x7f-\uffff])', 'g'), xfrm); }, 'escapeRegExp' : function() { var ret = "", esc = "\\^$*+?.()=|{,}[]-"; for ( var i = 0; i < this.length; i++) { ret += (esc.contains(this.charAt(i)) ? "\\" : "") + this.charAt(i); } return ret; }, 'zeroPad' : function(len) { return ("0000000000" + this).substring(this.length - len + 10); } }); $.fn.forEach = Array.prototype.forEach; // joey / jquery integration $.joey = function( obj ) { return $( window.joey( obj ) ); }; window.joey.plugins.push( function( obj ) { if( obj instanceof jQuery ) { return obj[0]; } }); })(); /** * base class for creating inheritable classes * based on resigs 'Simple Javascript Inheritance Class' (based on base2 and prototypejs) * modified with static super and auto config * @name Class * @constructor */ (function( $, app ){ var ux = app.ns("ux"); var initializing = false, fnTest = /\b_super\b/; ux.Class = function(){}; ux.Class.extend = function(prop) { function Class() { if(!initializing) { var args =; this.config = $.extend( function(t) { // automatically construct a config object based on defaults and last item passed into the constructor return $.extend(t._proto && t._proto() && arguments.callee(t._proto()) || {}, t.defaults); } (this) , args.pop() ); this.init && this.init.apply(this, args); // automatically run the init function when class created } } initializing = true; var prototype = new this(); initializing = false; var _super = this.prototype; prototype._proto = function() { return _super; }; for(var name in prop) { prototype[name] = typeof prop[name] === "function" && typeof _super[name] === "function" && fnTest.test(prop[name]) ? (function(name, fn){ return function() { this._super = _super[name]; return fn.apply(this, arguments); }; })(name, prop[name]) : prop[name]; } Class.prototype = prototype; Class.constructor = Class; Class.extend = arguments.callee; // make class extendable return Class; }; })( this.jQuery, ); (function( app ) { var ut = app.ns("ut"); ut.option_template = function(v) { return { tag: "OPTION", value: v, text: v }; }; ut.require_template = function(f) { return f.require ? { tag: "SPAN", cls: "require", text: "*" } : null; }; var sib_prefix = ['B','ki','Mi', 'Gi', 'Ti', 'Pi', 'Ei', 'Zi', 'Yi']; ut.byteSize_template = function(n) { var i = 0; while( n >= 1000 ) { i++; n /= 1024; } return (i === 0 ? n.toString() : n.toFixed( 3 - parseInt(n,10).toString().length )) + ( sib_prefix[ i ] || "..E" ); }; var sid_prefix = ['','k','M', 'G', 'T', 'P', 'E', 'Z', 'Y']; ut.count_template = function(n) { var i = 0; while( n >= 1000 ) { i++; n /= 1000; } return i === 0 ? n.toString() : ( n.toFixed( 3 - parseInt(n,10).toString().length ) + ( sid_prefix[ i ] || "..E" ) ); }; })( ); (function( app ) { var ux = app.ns("ux"); ux.Observable = ux.Class.extend((function() { return { init: function() { this.observers = {}; for( var opt in this.config ) { // automatically install observers that are defined in the configuration if( opt.indexOf( 'on' ) === 0 ) { this.on( opt.substring(2) , this.config[ opt ] ); } } }, _getObs: function( type ) { return ( this.observers[ type.toLowerCase() ] || ( this.observers[ type.toLowerCase() ] = [] ) ); }, on: function( type, fn, params, thisp ) { this._getObs( type ).push( { "cb" : fn, "args" : params || [] , "cx" : thisp || this } ); return this; }, fire: function( type ) { var params = arguments, 1 ); this._getObs( type ).slice().forEach( function( ob ) { ob["cb"].apply( ob["cx"], ob["args"].concat( params ) ); } ); return this; }, removeAllObservers: function() { this.observers = {}; }, removeObserver: function( type, fn ) { var obs = this._getObs( type ), index = obs.reduce( function(p, t, i) { return (t.cb === fn) ? i : p; }, -1 ); if(index !== -1) { obs.splice( index, 1 ); } return this; // make observable functions chainable }, hasObserver: function( type ) { return !! this._getObs( type ).length; } }; })()); })( ); (function( app ) { var ux = app.ns("ux"); var extend = ux.Observable.extend; var instance = function() { if( ! ("me" in this) ) { = new this(); } return; }; ux.Singleton = ux.Observable.extend({}); ux.Singleton.extend = function() { var Self = extend.apply( this, arguments ); Self.instance = instance; return Self; }; })( ); (function( $, app ) { var ux = app.ns("ux"); /** * Provides drag and drop functionality<br> * a DragDrop instance is created for each usage pattern and then used over and over again<br> * first a dragObj is defined - this is the jquery node that will be dragged around<br> * second, the event callbacks are defined - these allow you control the ui during dragging and run functions when successfully dropping<br> * thirdly drop targets are defined - this is a list of DOM nodes, the constructor works in one of two modes: * <li>without targets - objects can be picked up and dragged around, dragStart and dragStop events fire</li> * <li>with targets - as objects are dragged over targets dragOver, dragOut and DragDrop events fire * to start dragging call the DragDrop.pickup_handler() function, dragging stops when the mouse is released. * @constructor * The following options are supported * <dt>targetSelector</dt> * <dd>an argument passed directly to jquery to create a list of targets, as such it can be a CSS style selector, or an array of DOM nodes<br>if target selector is null the DragDrop does Drag only and will not fire dragOver dragOut and dragDrop events</dd> * <dt>pickupSelector</dt> * <dd>a jquery selector. The pickup_handler is automatically bound to matched elements (eg clicking on these elements starts the drag). if pickupSelector is null, the pickup_handler must be manually bound <code>$(el).bind("mousedown", dragdrop.pickup_handler)</code></dd> * <dt>dragObj</dt> * <dd>the jQuery element to drag around when pickup is called. If not defined, dragObj must be set in onDragStart</dd> * <dt>draggingClass</dt> * <dd>the class(es) added to items when they are being dragged</dd> * The following observables are supported * <dt>dragStart</dt> * <dd>a callback when start to drag<br><code>function(jEv)</code></dd> * <dt>dragOver</dt> * <dd>a callback when we drag into a target<br><code>function(jEl)</code></dd> * <dt>dragOut</dt> * <dd>a callback when we drag out of a target, or when we drop over a target<br><code>function(jEl)</code></dd> * <dt>dragDrop</dt> * <dd>a callback when we drop on a target<br><code>function(jEl)</code></dd> * <dt>dragStop</dt> * <dd>a callback when we stop dragging<br><code>function(jEv)</code></dd> */ ux.DragDrop = ux.Observable.extend({ defaults : { targetsSelector : null, pickupSelector: null, dragObj : null, draggingClass : "dragging" }, init: function(options) { this._super(); // call the class initialiser this.drag_handler = this.drag.bind(this); this.drop_handler = this.drop.bind(this); this.pickup_handler = this.pickup.bind(this); this.targets = []; this.dragObj = null; this.dragObjOffset = null; this.currentTarget = null; if(this.config.pickupSelector) { $(this.config.pickupSelector).bind("mousedown", this.pickup_handler); } }, drag : function(jEv) { jEv.preventDefault(); var mloc = acx.vector( this.lockX || jEv.pageX, this.lockY || jEv.pageY ); this.dragObj.css(mloc.add(this.dragObjOffset).asOffset()); if(this.targets.length === 0) { return; } if(this.currentTarget !== null && mloc.within(this.currentTarget[1], this.currentTarget[2])) { return; } if(this.currentTarget !== null) {'dragOut', this.currentTarget[0]); this.currentTarget = null; } for(var i = 0; i < this.targets.length; i++) { if(mloc.within(this.targets[i][1], this.targets[i][2])) { this.currentTarget = this.targets[i]; break; } } if(this.currentTarget !== null) {'dragOver', this.currentTarget[0]); } }, drop : function(jEv) { $(document).unbind("mousemove", this.drag_handler); $(document).unbind("mouseup", this.drop_handler); this.dragObj.removeClass(this.config.draggingClass); if(this.currentTarget !== null) {'dragOut', this.currentTarget[0]);'dragDrop', this.currentTarget[0]); }'dragStop', jEv); this.dragObj = null; }, pickup : function(jEv, opts) { $.extend(this.config, opts);'dragStart', jEv); this.dragObj = this.dragObj || this.config.dragObj; this.dragObjOffset = this.config.dragObjOffset || acx.vector(this.dragObj.offset()).sub(jEv.pageX, jEv.pageY); this.lockX = this.config.lockX ? jEv.pageX : 0; this.lockY = this.config.lockY ? jEv.pageY : 0; this.dragObj.addClass(this.config.draggingClass); if(!this.dragObj.get(0).parentNode || this.dragObj.get(0).parentNode.nodeType === 11) { // 11 = document fragment $(document.body).append(this.dragObj); } if(this.config.targetsSelector) { this.currentTarget = null; var targets = ( this.targets = [] ); // create an array of elements optimised for rapid collision detection calculation $(this.config.targetsSelector).each(function(i, el) { var jEl = $(el); var tl = acx.vector(jEl.offset()); var br = tl.add(jEl.width(), jEl.height()); targets.push([jEl, tl, br]); }); } $(document).bind("mousemove", this.drag_handler); $(document).bind("mouseup", this.drop_handler); this.drag_handler(jEv); } }); })( this.jQuery, ); (function( app ) { var ux = app.ns("ux"); ux.FieldCollection = ux.Observable.extend({ defaults: { fields: [] // the collection of fields }, init: function() { this._super(); this.fields = this.config.fields; }, validate: function() { return this.fields.reduce(function(r, field) { return r && field.validate(); }, true); }, getData: function(type) { return this.fields.reduce(function(r, field) { r[] = field.val(); return r; }, {}); } }); })( ); (function( $, app ) { var data = app.ns("data"); var ux = app.ns("ux"); data.Model = ux.Observable.extend({ defaults: { data: null }, init: function() { this.set( ); }, set: function( key, value ) { if( arguments.length === 1 ) { this._data = $.extend( {}, key ); } else { key.split(".").reduce(function( ptr, prop, i, props) { if(i === (props.length - 1) ) { ptr[prop] = value; } else { if( !(prop in ptr) ) { ptr[ prop ] = {}; } return ptr[prop]; } }, this._data ); } }, get: function( key ) { return key.split(".").reduce( function( ptr, prop ) { return ( ptr && ( prop in ptr ) ) ? ptr[ prop ] : undefined; }, this._data ); }, }); })( this.jQuery, ); (function( app ) { var data = app.ns("data"); var ux = app.ns("ux"); data.DataSourceInterface = ux.Observable.extend({ /* properties meta = { total: 0 }, headers = [ { name: "" } ], data = [ { column: value, column: value } ], sort = { column: "name", dir: "desc" } events data: function( DataSourceInterface ) */ _getSummary: function(res) { this.summary = i18n.text("TableResults.Summary", res._shards.successful,,, (res.took / 1000).toFixed(3)); }, _getMeta: function(res) { this.meta = { total:, shards: res._shards, tool: res.took }; } }); })( ); (function( app ) { var data = app.ns("data"); data.ResultDataSourceInterface = data.DataSourceInterface.extend({ results: function(res) { this._getSummary(res); this._getMeta(res); this._getData(res); this.sort = {};"data", this); }, _getData: function(res) { var columns = this.columns = []; = { var row = (function(path, spec, row) { for(var prop in spec) { if(acx.isObject(spec[prop])) { arguments.callee(path.concat(prop), spec[prop], row); } else if(acx.isArray(spec[prop])) { if(spec[prop].length) { arguments.callee(path.concat(prop), spec[prop][0], row) } } else { var dpath = path.concat(prop).join("."); if(! columns.contains(dpath)) { columns.push(dpath); } row[dpath] = (spec[prop] || "null").toString(); } } return row; })([ hit._type ], hit, {}); row._source = hit; return row; }, this); } }); })( ); (function( app ) { /* notes on elasticsearch terminology used in this project indices[index] contains one or more types[type] contains one or more documents contain one or more paths[path] each path contains one element of data each path maps to one field eg PUT, "/twitter/tweet/1" { user: "mobz", date: "2011-01-01", message: "You know, for browsing elasticsearch", name: { first: "Ben", last: "Birch" } } creates 1 index: twitter this is the collection of index data 1 type: tweet this is the type of document (kind of like a table in sql) 1 document: /twitter/tweet/1 this is an actual document in the index ( kind of like a row in sql) 5 paths: [ ["user"], ["date"], ["message"], ["name","first"], ["name","last"] ] since documents can be heirarchical this maps a path from a document root to a piece of data 5 fields: [ "user", "date", "message", "first", "last" ] this is an indexed 'column' of data. fields are not heirarchical the relationship between a path and a field is called a mapping. mappings also contain a wealth of information about how es indexes the field notes 1) a path is stored as an array, the dpath is <index> . <type> . path.join("."), which can be considered the canonical reference for a mapping 2) confusingly, es uses the term index for both the collection of indexed data, and the individually indexed fields so the term index_name is the same as field_name in this sense. */ var data = app.ns("data"); var ux = app.ns("ux"); var coretype_map = { "string" : "string", "keyword" : "string", "text" : "string", "byte" : "number", "short" : "number", "long" : "number", "integer" : "number", "float" : "number", "double" : "number", "ip" : "number", "date" : "date", "boolean" : "boolean", "binary" : "binary", "multi_field" : "multi_field" }; var default_property_map = { "string" : { "store" : "no", "index" : "analysed" }, "number" : { "store" : "no", "precision_steps" : 4 }, "date" : { "store" : "no", "format" : "dateOptionalTime", "index": "yes", "precision_steps": 4 }, "boolean" : { "store" : "no", "index": "yes" }, "binary" : { }, "multi_field" : { } }; // parses metatdata from a cluster, into a bunch of useful data structures data.MetaData = ux.Observable.extend({ defaults: { state: null // (required) response from a /_cluster/state request }, init: function() { this._super(); this.refresh(this.config.state); }, getIndices: function(alias) { return alias ? this.aliases[alias] : this.indicesList; }, // returns an array of strings containing all types that are in all of the indices passed in, or all types getTypes: function(indices) { var indices = indices || [], types = []; this.typesList.forEach(function(type) { for(var i = 0; i < indices.length; i++) { if(! this.indices[indices[i]].types.contains(type)) return; } types.push(type); }, this); return types; }, refresh: function(state) { // currently metadata expects all like named fields to have the same type, even when from different types and indices var aliases = this.aliases = {}; var indices = this.indices = {}; var types = this.types = {}; var fields = this.fields = {}; var paths = this.paths = {}; function createField( mapping, index, type, path, name ) { var dpath = [ index, type ].concat( path ).join( "." ); var field_name = mapping.index_name || path.join( "." ); var field = paths[ dpath ] = fields[ field_name ] || $.extend({ field_name : field_name, core_type : coretype_map[ mapping.type ], dpaths : [] }, default_property_map[ coretype_map[ mapping.type ] ], mapping ); if (field.type === "multi_field" && typeof field.fields !== "undefined") { for (var subField in field.fields) { field.fields[ subField ] = createField( field.fields[ subField ], index, type, path.concat( subField ), name + "." + subField ); } } if (fields.dpaths) { field.dpaths.push(dpath); } return field; } function getFields(properties, type, index, listeners) { (function procPath(prop, path) { for (var n in prop) { if ("properties" in prop[n]) { procPath( prop[ n ].properties, path.concat( n ) ); } else { var field = createField(prop[n], index, type, path.concat(n), n); listeners.forEach( function( listener ) { listener[ field.field_name ] = field; } ); } } })(properties, []); } for (var index in state.metadata.indices) { indices[index] = { types : [], fields : {}, paths : {}, parents : {} }; indices[index].aliases = state.metadata.indices[index].aliases; indices[index].aliases.forEach(function(alias) { (aliases[alias] || (aliases[alias] = [])).push(index); }); var mapping = state.metadata.indices[index].mappings; for (var type in mapping) { indices[index].types.push(type); if ( type in types) { types[type].indices.push(index); } else { types[type] = { indices : [index], fields : {} }; } getFields(mapping[type].properties, type, index, [fields, types[type].fields, indices[index].fields]); if ( typeof mapping[type]._parent !== "undefined") { indices[index].parents[type] = mapping[type]._parent.type; } } } this.aliasesList = Object.keys(aliases); this.indicesList = Object.keys(indices); this.typesList = Object.keys(types); this.fieldsList = Object.keys(fields); } }); })( ); (function( app ) { var data = app.ns("data"); var ux = app.ns("ux"); data.MetaDataFactory = ux.Observable.extend({ defaults: { cluster: null // (required) an }, init: function() { this._super(); var _cluster = this.config.cluster; this.config.cluster.get("_cluster/state", function(data) { this.metaData = new{state: data});"ready", this.metaData, { originalData: data, "k": 1 }); // TODO originalData needed for legacy ui.FilterBrowser }.bind(this), function() { var _this = this; _cluster.get("_all", function( data ) { clusterState = {routing_table:{indices:{}}, metadata:{indices:{}}}; for(var k in data) { clusterState["routing_table"]["indices"][k] = {"shards":{"1":[{ "state":"UNASSIGNED", "primary":false, "node":"unknown", "relocating_node":null, "shard":'?', "index":k }]}}; clusterState["metadata"]["indices"][k] = {}; clusterState["metadata"]["indices"][k]["mappings"] = data[k]["mappings"]; clusterState["metadata"]["indices"][k]["aliases"] = $.makeArray(Object.keys(data[k]["aliases"])); clusterState["metadata"]["indices"][k]["settings"] = data[k]["settings"]; clusterState["metadata"]["indices"][k]["fields"] = {}; } _this.metaData = new{state: clusterState});"ready", _this.metaData, {originalData: clusterState}); }); }.bind(this)); } }); })( ); (function( app ) { var data = app.ns("data"); var ux = app.ns("ux"); data.Query = ux.Observable.extend({ defaults: { cluster: null, // (required) instanceof size: 50 // size of pages to return }, init: function() { this._super(); this.cluster = this.config.cluster; this.refuid = 0; this.refmap = {}; this.indices = []; this.types = []; = { query: { bool: { must: [], must_not: [], should: [] } }, from: 0, size: this.config.size, sort: [], aggs: {}, version: true }; this.defaultClause = this.addClause(); this.history = [ this.getState() ]; }, clone: function() { var q = new data.Query({ cluster: this.cluster }); q.restoreState(this.getState()); for(var uqid in q.refmap) { q.removeClause(uqid); } return q; }, getState: function() { return $.extend(true, {}, { search:, indices: this.indices, types: this.types }); }, restoreState: function(state) { state = $.extend(true, {}, state || this.history[this.history.length - 1]); this.indices = state.indices; this.types = state.types; =; }, getData: function() { return JSON.stringify(; }, query: function() { var state = this.getState(); (this.indices.join(",") || "_all") + "/" + ( this.types.length ? this.types.join(",") + "/" : "") + "_search", this.getData(), function(results) { if(results === null) { alert(i18n.text("Query.FailAndUndo")); this.restoreState(); return; } this.history.push(state);"results", this, results); }.bind(this)); }, loadParents: function(res,metadata){ //create data for mget var data = { docs :[] }; var indexToTypeToParentIds = {}; res.hits.hits.forEach(function(hit) { if (typeof hit.fields != "undefined"){ if (typeof hit.fields._parent != "undefined"){ var parentType = metadata.indices[hit._index].parents[hit._type]; if (typeof indexToTypeToParentIds[hit._index] == "undefined"){ indexToTypeToParentIds[hit._index] = new Object(); } if (typeof indexToTypeToParentIds[hit._index][hit._type] == "undefined"){ indexToTypeToParentIds[hit._index][hit._type] = new Object(); } if (typeof indexToTypeToParentIds[hit._index][hit._type][hit.fields._parent] == "undefined"){ indexToTypeToParentIds[hit._index][hit._type][hit.fields._parent] = null;{ _index:hit._index, _type:parentType, _id:hit.fields._parent}); } } } }); //load parents var state = this.getState();"_mget",JSON.stringify(data), function(results) { if(results === null) { alert(i18n.text("Query.FailAndUndo")); this.restoreState(); return; } this.history.push(state); var indexToTypeToParentIdToHit = new Object(); { if (typeof indexToTypeToParentIdToHit[doc._index] == "undefined"){ indexToTypeToParentIdToHit[doc._index] = new Object(); } if (typeof indexToTypeToParentIdToHit[doc._index][doc._type] == "undefined"){ indexToTypeToParentIdToHit[doc._index][doc._type] = new Object(); } indexToTypeToParentIdToHit[doc._index][doc._type][doc._id] = doc; }); res.hits.hits.forEach(function(hit) { if (typeof hit.fields != "undefined"){ if (typeof hit.fields._parent != "undefined"){ var parentType = metadata.indices[hit._index].parents[hit._type]; hit._parent = indexToTypeToParentIdToHit[hit._index][parentType][hit.fields._parent]; } } });"resultsWithParents", this, res); }.bind(this)); }, setPage: function(page) { = this.config.size * (page - 1); }, setSort: function(index, desc) { var sortd = {}; sortd[index] = { order: desc ? 'asc' : 'desc' }; sortd ); for(var i = 1; i <; i++) { if(Object.keys([i])[0] === index) {, 1); break; } } }, setIndex: function(index, add) { if(add) { if(! this.indices.contains(index)) this.indices.push(index); } else { this.indices.remove(index); }"setIndex", this, { index: index, add: !!add }); }, setType: function(type, add) { if(add) { if(! this.types.contains(type)) this.types.push(type); } else { this.types.remove(type); }"setType", this, { type: type, add: !!add }); }, addClause: function(value, field, op, bool) { bool = bool || "should"; op = op || "match_all"; field = field || "_all"; var clause = this._setClause(value, field, op, bool); var uqid = "q-" + this.refuid++; this.refmap[uqid] = { clause: clause, value: value, field: field, op: op, bool: bool }; if( + > 1) { this.removeClause(this.defaultClause); }"queryChanged", this, { uqid: uqid, search:} ); return uqid; // returns reference to inner query object to allow fast updating }, removeClause: function(uqid) { var ref = this.refmap[uqid], bool =[ref.bool]; bool.remove(ref.clause); if( + === 0) { this.defaultClause = this.addClause(); } }, addAggs: function(aggs) { var aggsId = "f-" + this.refuid++;[aggsId] = aggs; this.refmap[aggsId] = { aggsId: aggsId, aggs: aggs }; return aggsId; }, removeAggs: function(aggsId) { delete[aggsId]; delete this.refmap[aggsId]; }, _setClause: function(value, field, op, bool) { var clause = {}, query = {}; if(op === "match_all") { } else if(op === "query_string") { query["default_field"] = field; query["query"] = value; } else if(op === "missing") { op = "constant_score" var missing = {}, filter = {}; missing["field"] = field; filter["missing"] = missing query["filter"] = filter; } else { query[field] = value; } clause[op] = query;[bool].push(clause); return clause; } }); })( ); (function( app ) { var data = app.ns("data"); data.QueryDataSourceInterface = data.DataSourceInterface.extend({ defaults: { metadata: null, // (required) instanceof, the cluster metadata query: null // (required) instanceof the data source }, init: function() { this._super(); this.config.query.on("results", this._results_handler.bind(this) ); this.config.query.on("resultsWithParents", this._load_parents.bind(this) ); }, _results_handler: function(query, res) { this._getSummary(res); this._getMeta(res); var sort =[0] || { "_score": { order: "asc" }}; var sortField = Object.keys(sort)[0]; this.sort = { column: sortField, dir: sort[sortField].order }; this._getData(res, this.config.metadata);"data", this); }, _load_parents: function(query, res) { query.loadParents(res, this.config.metadata); }, _getData: function(res, metadata) { var metaColumns = ["_index", "_type", "_id", "_score"]; var columns = this.columns = [].concat(metaColumns); = { var row = (function(path, spec, row) { for(var prop in spec) { if(acx.isObject(spec[prop])) { arguments.callee(path.concat(prop), spec[prop], row); } else if(acx.isArray(spec[prop])) { if(spec[prop].length) { arguments.callee(path.concat(prop), spec[prop][0], row) } } else { var dpath = path.concat(prop).join("."); if(metadata.paths[dpath]) { var field_name = metadata.paths[dpath].field_name; if(! columns.contains(field_name)) { columns.push(field_name); } row[field_name] = (spec[prop] === null ? "null" : spec[prop] ).toString(); } else { // TODO: field not in metadata index } } } return row; })([ hit._index, hit._type ], hit._source, {}); metaColumns.forEach(function(n) { row[n] = hit[n]; }); row._source = hit; if (typeof hit._parent!= "undefined") { (function(prefix, path, spec, row) { for(var prop in spec) { if(acx.isObject(spec[prop])) { arguments.callee(prefix, path.concat(prop), spec[prop], row); } else if(acx.isArray(spec[prop])) { if(spec[prop].length) { arguments.callee(prefix, path.concat(prop), spec[prop][0], row) } } else { var dpath = path.concat(prop).join("."); if(metadata.paths[dpath]) { var field_name = metadata.paths[dpath].field_name; var column_name = prefix+"."+field_name; if(! columns.contains(column_name)) { columns.push(column_name); } row[column_name] = (spec[prop] === null ? "null" : spec[prop] ).toString(); } else { // TODO: field not in metadata index } } } })(hit._parent._type,[hit._parent._index, hit._parent._type], hit._parent._source, row); } return row; }, this); } }); })( ); (function( app ) { var data = app.ns("data"); var ux = app.ns("ux"); data.BoolQuery = ux.Observable.extend({ defaults: { size: 50 // size of pages to return }, init: function() { this._super(); this.refuid = 0; this.refmap = {}; = { query: { bool: { must: [], must_not: [], should: [] } }, from: 0, size: this.config.size, sort: [], aggs: {} }; this.defaultClause = this.addClause(); }, setSize: function(size) { = parseInt( size, 10 ); }, setPage: function(page) { = this.config.size * (page - 1) + 1; }, addClause: function(value, field, op, bool) { bool = bool || "should"; op = op || "match_all"; field = field || "_all"; var clause = this._setClause(value, field, op, bool); var uqid = "q-" + this.refuid++; this.refmap[uqid] = { clause: clause, value: value, field: field, op: op, bool: bool }; if( + > 1) { this.removeClause(this.defaultClause); }"queryChanged", this, { uqid: uqid, search:} ); return uqid; // returns reference to inner query object to allow fast updating }, removeClause: function(uqid) { var ref = this.refmap[uqid], bool =[ref.bool]; var clauseIdx = bool.indexOf(ref.clause); // Check that this clause hasn't already been removed if (clauseIdx >=0) { bool.splice(clauseIdx, 1); } }, _setClause: function(value, field, op, bool) { var clause = {}, query = {}; if(op === "match_all") { } else if(op === "query_string") { query["default_field"] = field; query["query"] = value; } else if(op === "missing") { op = "constant_score" var missing = {}, filter = {}; missing["field"] = field; filter["missing"] = missing query["filter"] = filter; } else { query[field.substring(field.indexOf(".")+1)] = value; } clause[op] = query;[bool].push(clause); return clause; }, getData: function() { return JSON.stringify(; } }); })( ); (function( app ) { var ux = app.ns("ux"); var services = app.ns("services"); services.Preferences = ux.Singleton.extend({ init: function() { this._storage = window.localStorage; this._setItem("__version", 1 ); }, get: function( key ) { return this._getItem( key ); }, set: function( key, val ) { return this._setItem( key, val ); }, _getItem: function( key ) { try { return JSON.parse( this._storage.getItem( key ) ); } catch(e) { console.warn( e ); return undefined; } }, _setItem: function( key, val ) { try { return this._storage.setItem( key, JSON.stringify( val ) ); } catch(e) { console.warn( e ); return undefined; } } }); })( ); (function( $, app ) { var services = app.ns("services"); var ux = app.ns("ux"); function parse_version( v ) { return v.match(/^(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)/).slice(1,4).map( function(d) { return parseInt(d || 0, 10); } ); } services.Cluster = ux.Class.extend({ defaults: { base_uri: null }, init: function() { this.base_uri = this.config.base_uri || this.prefs.get("app-base_uri") || "http://localhost:9200"; }, setVersion: function( v ) { this.version = v; this._version_parts = parse_version( v ); }, versionAtLeast: function( v ) { var testVersion = parse_version( v ); for( var i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) { if( testVersion[i] !== this._version_parts[i] ) { return testVersion[i] < this._version_parts[i]; } } return true; }, request: function( params ) { return $.ajax( $.extend({ url: this.base_uri + params.path, dataType: "json", error: function(xhr, type, message) { if("console" in window) { console.log({ "XHR Error": type, "message": message }); } } }, params) ); }, "get": function(path, success, error) { return this.request( { type: "GET", path: path, success: success, error: error } ); }, "post": function(path, data, success, error) { return this.request( { type: "POST", path: path, data: data, success: success, error: error } ); }, "put": function(path, data, success, error) { return this.request( { type: "PUT", path: path, data: data, success: success, error: error } ); }, "delete": function(path, data, success, error) { return this.request( { type: "DELETE", path: path, data: data, success: success, error: error } ); } }); })( this.jQuery, ); (function( app ) { var services = app.ns("services"); var ux = app.ns("ux"); services.ClusterState = ux.Observable.extend({ defaults: { cluster: null }, init: function() { this._super(); this.cluster = this.config.cluster; this.clusterState = null; this.status = null; this.nodeStats = null; this.clusterNodes = null; }, refresh: function() { var self = this, clusterState, status, nodeStats, clusterNodes, clusterHealth; function updateModel() { if( clusterState && status && nodeStats && clusterNodes && clusterHealth ) { this.clusterState = clusterState; this.status = status; this.nodeStats = nodeStats; this.clusterNodes = clusterNodes; this.clusterHealth = clusterHealth; "data", this ); } } var _cluster = this.cluster; _cluster.get("_cluster/state", function( data ) { clusterState = data; self ); },function() { _cluster.get("_all", function( data ) { clusterState = {routing_table:{indices:{}}, metadata:{indices:{}}}; for(var k in data) { clusterState["routing_table"]["indices"][k] = {"shards":{"1":[{ "state":"UNASSIGNED", "primary":false, "node":"unknown", "relocating_node":null, "shard":'?', "index":k }]}}; clusterState["metadata"]["indices"][k] = {}; clusterState["metadata"]["indices"][k]["mappings"] = data[k]["mappings"]; clusterState["metadata"]["indices"][k]["aliases"] = $.makeArray(Object.keys(data[k]["aliases"])); clusterState["metadata"]["indices"][k]["settings"] = data[k]["settings"]; } self ); }); }); this.cluster.get("_stats", function( data ) { status = data; self ); }); this.cluster.get("_nodes/stats", function( data ) { nodeStats = data; self ); }); this.cluster.get("_nodes", function( data ) { clusterNodes = data; self ); }); this.cluster.get("_cluster/health", function( data ) { clusterHealth = data; self ); }); }, _clusterState_handler: function(state) { this.clusterState = state; this.redraw("clusterState"); }, _status_handler: function(status) { this.status = status; this.redraw("status"); }, _clusterNodeStats_handler: function(stats) { this.nodeStats = stats; this.redraw("nodeStats"); }, _clusterNodes_handler: function(nodes) { this.clusterNodes = nodes; this.redraw("clusterNodes"); }, _clusterHealth_handler: function(health) { this.clusterHealth = health; this.redraw("status"); } }); })( ); (function( $, joey, app ) { var ui = app.ns("ui"); var ux = app.ns("ux"); ui.AbstractWidget = ux.Observable.extend({ defaults : { id: null // the id of the widget }, el: null, // this is the jquery wrapped dom element(s) that is the root of the widget init: function() { this._super(); for(var prop in this) { // automatically bind all the event handlers if(prop.contains("_handler")) { this[prop] = this[prop].bind(this); } } }, id: function(suffix) { return ? ( + (suffix ? "-" + suffix : "")) : undefined; }, attach: function( parent, method ) { if( parent ) { this.el[ method || "appendTo"]( parent ); }"attached", this ); return this; }, remove: function() { this.el.remove();"removed", this ); this.removeAllObservers(); this.el = null; return this; } }); joey.plugins.push( function( obj ) { if( obj instanceof ui.AbstractWidget ) { return obj.el[0]; } }); })( this.jQuery, this.joey, ); (function( $, app, joey ) { var ui = app.ns("ui"); ui.AbstractField = ui.AbstractWidget.extend({ defaults: { name : "", // (required) - name of the field require: false, // validation requirements (false, true, regexp, function) value: "", // default value label: "" // human readable label of this field }, init: function(parent) { this._super(); this.el = $.joey(this._main_template()); this.field = this.el.find("[name=""]"); this.label = this.config.label; this.require = this.config.require; =; this.val( this.config.value ); this.attach( parent ); }, val: function( val ) { if(val === undefined) { return this.field.val(); } else { this.field.val( val ); return this; } }, validate: function() { var val = this.val(), req = this.require; if( req === false ) { return true; } else if( req === true ) { return val.length > 0; } else if( req.test && $.isFunction(req.test) ) { return req.test( val ); } else if( $.isFunction(req) ) { return req( val, this ); } } }); })( this.jQuery,, this.joey ); (function( app ) { var ui = app.ns("ui"); ui.TextField = ui.AbstractField.extend({ init: function() { this._super(); }, _keyup_handler: function() {"change", this ); }, _main_template: function() { return { tag: "DIV", id:, cls: "uiField uiTextField", children: [ { tag: "INPUT", type: "text", name:, placeholder: this.config.placeholder, onkeyup: this._keyup_handler } ]}; } }); })( ); (function( app ) { var ui = app.ns("ui"); ui.CheckField = ui.AbstractField.extend({ _main_template: function() { return ( { tag: "DIV", id:, cls: "uiCheckField", children: [ { tag: "INPUT", type: "checkbox", name:, checked: !!this.config.value } ] } ); }, validate: function() { return this.val() || ( ! this.require ); }, val: function( val ) { if( val === undefined ) { return !!this.field.attr( "checked" ); } else { this.field.attr( "checked", !!val ); } } }); })( ); (function( $, joey, app ) { var ui = app.ns("ui"); ui.Button = ui.AbstractWidget.extend({ defaults : { label: "", // the label text disabled: false, // create a disabled button autoDisable: false // automatically disable the button when clicked }, _baseCls: "uiButton", init: function(parent) { this._super(); this.el = $.joey(this.button_template()) .bind("click", this.click_handler); this.config.disabled && this.disable(); this.attach( parent ); }, click_handler: function(jEv) { if(! this.disabled) {"click", jEv, this); this.config.autoDisable && this.disable(); } }, enable: function() { this.el.removeClass("disabled"); this.disabled = false; return this; }, disable: function(disable) { if(disable === false) { return this.enable(); } this.el.addClass("disabled"); this.disabled = true; return this; }, button_template: function() { return ( { tag: 'BUTTON', type: 'button', id:, cls: this._baseCls, children: [ { tag: 'DIV', cls: 'uiButton-content', children: [ { tag: 'DIV', cls: 'uiButton-label', text: this.config.label } ] } ] } ); } }); })( this.jQuery, this.joey, ); (function( $, app ) { var ui = app.ns("ui"); ui.MenuButton = app.ui.Button.extend({ defaults: { menu: null }, _baseCls: "uiButton uiMenuButton", init: function(parent) { this._super(parent); =; this.on("click", this.openMenu_handler);"open", function() { this.el.addClass("active"); }.bind(this));"close", function() { this.el.removeClass("active"); }.bind(this)); }, openMenu_handler: function(jEv) { &&; } }); })( this.jQuery, ); (function( $, app ) { var ui = app.ns("ui"); ui.SplitButton = ui.AbstractWidget.extend({ defaults: { items: [], label: "" }, _baseCls: "uiSplitButton", init: function( parent ) { this._super( parent ); this.value = null; this.button = new ui.Button({ label: this.config.label, onclick: this._click_handler }); = new ui.SelectMenuPanel({ value: this.config.value, items: this._getItems(), onSelect: this._select_handler }); this.menuButton = new ui.MenuButton({ label: "\u00a0", menu: }); this.el = $.joey(this._main_template()); }, remove: function() {; }, disable: function() { this.button.disable(); }, enable: function() { this.button.enable(); }, _click_handler: function() {"click", this, { value: this.value } ); }, _select_handler: function( panel, event ) { "select", this, event ); }, _getItems: function() { return this.config.items; }, _main_template: function() { return { tag: "DIV", cls: this._baseCls, children: [ this.button, this.menuButton ] }; } }); })( this.jQuery, ); (function( $, app, i18n ) { var ui = app.ns("ui"); ui.RefreshButton = ui.SplitButton.extend({ defaults: { timer: -1 }, init: function( parent ) { this.config.label = i18n.text("General.RefreshResults"); this._super( parent ); this.set( this.config.timer ); }, set: function( value ) { this.value = value; window.clearInterval( this._timer ); if( this.value > 0 ) { this._timer = window.setInterval( this._refresh_handler, this.value ); } }, _click_handler: function() { this._refresh_handler(); }, _select_handler: function( el, event ) { this.set( event.value );"change", this ); }, _refresh_handler: function() {"refresh", this ); }, _getItems: function() { return [ { text: i18n.text("General.ManualRefresh"), value: -1 }, { text: i18n.text("General.RefreshQuickly"), value: 100 }, { text: i18n.text("General.Refresh5seconds"), value: 5000 }, { text: i18n.text("General.Refresh1minute"), value: 60000 } ]; } }); })( this.jQuery,, this.i18n ); (function( $, app ) { var ui = app.ns("ui"); ui.Toolbar = ui.AbstractWidget.extend({ defaults: { label: "", left: [], right: [] }, init: function(parent) { this._super(); this.el = $.joey(this._main_template()); }, _main_template: function() { return { tag: "DIV", cls: "uiToolbar", children: [ { tag: "DIV", cls: "pull-left", children: [ { tag: "H2", text: this.config.label } ].concat(this.config.left) }, { tag: "DIV", cls: "pull-right", children: this.config.right } ]}; } }); })( this.jQuery, ); (function( $, app ) { var ui = app.ns("ui"); ui.AbstractPanel = ui.AbstractWidget.extend({ defaults: { body: null, // initial content of the body modal: true, // create a modal panel - creates a div that blocks interaction with page height: 'auto', // panel height width: 400, // panel width (in pixels) open: false, // show the panel when it is created parent: 'BODY', // node that panel is attached to autoRemove: false // remove the panel from the dom and destroy it when the widget is closed }, shared: { // shared data for all instances of ui.Panel and decendants stack: [], // array of all open panels modal: $( { tag: "DIV", id: "uiModal", css: { opacity: 0.2, position: "absolute", top: "0px", left: "0px" } } ) }, init: function() { this._super(); }, open: function( ev ) { this.el .css( { visibility: "hidden" } ) .appendTo( this.config.parent ) .css( this._getPosition( ev ) ) .css( { zIndex: (this.shared.stack.length ? (+this.shared.stack[this.shared.stack.length - 1].el.css("zIndex") + 10) : 100) } ) .css( { visibility: "visible", display: "block" } ); this.shared.stack.remove(this); this.shared.stack.push(this); this._setModal(); $(document).bind("keyup", this._close_handler );"open", { source: this, event: ev } ); return this; }, close: function() { var index = this.shared.stack.indexOf(this); if(index !== -1) { this.shared.stack.splice(index, 1); this.el.css( { left: "-2999px" } ); // move the dialog to the left rather than hiding to prevent ie6 rendering artifacts this._setModal();"close", this ); if(this.config.autoRemove) { this.remove(); } } return this; }, // close the panel and remove it from the dom, destroying it (you can not reuse the panel after calling remove) remove: function() { this.close(); $(document).unbind("keyup", this._close_handler ); this._super(); }, // starting at the top of the stack, find the first panel that wants a modal and put it just underneath, otherwise remove the modal _setModal: function() { for(var stackPtr = this.shared.stack.length - 1; stackPtr >= 0; stackPtr--) { if(this.shared.stack[stackPtr].config.modal) { this.shared.modal .appendTo( document.body ) .css( { zIndex: this.shared.stack[stackPtr].el.css("zIndex") - 5 } ) .css( $(document).vSize().asSize() ); return; } } this.shared.modal.remove(); // no panels that want a modal were found }, _getPosition: function() { return $(window).vSize() // get the current viewport size .sub(this.el.vSize()) // subtract the size of the panel .mod(function(s) { return s / 2; }) // divide by 2 (to center it) .add($(document).vScroll()) // add the current scroll offset .mod(function(s) { return Math.max(5, s); }) // make sure the panel is not off the edge of the window .asOffset(); // and return it as a {top, left} object }, _close_handler: function( ev ) { if( ev.type === "keyup" && ev.keyCode !== 27) { return; } // press esc key to close $(document).unbind("keyup", this._close_handler); this.close( ev ); } }); })( this.jQuery, ); (function( $, app ) { var ui = app.ns("ui"); ui.DraggablePanel = ui.AbstractPanel.extend({ defaults: { // title: "" // (required) text for the panel title }, _baseCls: "uiPanel", init: function() { this._super(); this.body = $(this._body_template()); this.title = $(this._title_template()); this.el = $.joey( this._main_template() ); this.el.css( { width: this.config.width } ); this.dd = new app.ux.DragDrop({ pickupSelector: this.el.find(".uiPanel-titleBar"), dragObj: this.el }); // open the panel if set in configuration &&; }, setBody: function(body) { this.body.empty().append(body); }, _body_template: function() { return { tag: "DIV", cls: "uiPanel-body", css: { height: this.config.height + (this.config.height === 'auto' ? "" : "px" ) }, children: [ this.config.body ] }; }, _title_template: function() { return { tag: "SPAN", cls: "uiPanel-title", text: this.config.title }; }, _main_template: function() { return ( { tag: "DIV", id:, cls: this._baseCls, children: [ { tag: "DIV", cls: "uiPanel-titleBar", children: [ { tag: "DIV", cls: "uiPanel-close", onclick: this._close_handler, text: "x" }, this.title ]}, this.body ] } ); } }); })( this.jQuery, ); (function( app ) { var ui = app.ns("ui"); ui.InfoPanel = ui.DraggablePanel.extend({ _baseCls: "uiPanel uiInfoPanel" }); })( ); (function( app ) { var ui = app.ns("ui"); ui.DialogPanel = ui.DraggablePanel.extend({ _commit_handler: function(jEv) {"commit", this, { jEv: jEv }); }, _main_template: function() { var t = this._super(); t.children.push(this._actionsBar_template()); return t; }, _actionsBar_template: function() { return { tag: "DIV", cls: "pull-right", children: [ new app.ui.Button({ label: "Cancel", onclick: this._close_handler }), new app.ui.Button({ label: "OK", onclick: this._commit_handler }) ]}; } }); })( ); (function( app ) { var ui = app.ns("ui"); ui.MenuPanel = ui.AbstractPanel.extend({ defaults: { items: [], // (required) an array of menu items modal: false }, _baseCls: "uiMenuPanel", init: function() { this._super(); this.el = $(this._main_template()); }, open: function(jEv) { this._super(jEv); var cx = this; setTimeout(function() { $(document).bind("click", cx._close_handler); }, 50); }, _getItems: function() { return this.config.items; }, _close_handler: function(jEv) { this._super(jEv); $(document).unbind("click", this._close_handler); }, _main_template: function() { return { tag: "DIV", cls: this._baseCls, children: this._getItems().map(this._menuItem_template, this) }; }, _menuItem_template: function(item) { var dx = item.disabled ? { onclick: function() {} } : {}; return { tag: "LI", cls: "uiMenuPanel-item" + (item.disabled ? " disabled" : "") + (item.selected ? " selected" : ""), children: [ $.extend({ tag: "DIV", cls: "uiMenuPanel-label" }, item, dx ) ] }; }, _getPosition: function(jEv) { var right = !! $(".pull-right").length; var parent = $("BUTTON"); return parent.vOffset() .addY(parent.vSize().y) .addX( right ? parent.vSize().x - this.el.vOuterSize().x : 0 ) .asOffset(); } }); })( ); (function( app ) { var ui = app.ns("ui"); ui.SelectMenuPanel = ui.MenuPanel.extend({ defaults: { items: [], // (required) an array of menu items value: null }, _baseCls: "uiSelectMenuPanel uiMenuPanel", init: function() { this.value = this.config.value; this._super(); }, _getItems: function() { return function( item ) { return { text: item.text, selected: this.value === item.value, onclick: function( jEv ) { var el = $( ).closest("LI"); el.parent().children().removeClass("selected"); el.addClass("selected"); "select", this, { value: item.value } ); this.value = item.value; }.bind(this) }; }, this ); } }); })( ); ( function( $, app ) { var ui = app.ns("ui"); ui.Table = ui.AbstractWidget.extend({ defaults: { store: null, // (required) implements interface height: 0, width: 0 }, _baseCls: "uiTable", init: function(parent) { this._super(); this.initElements(parent);"data", this._data_handler); }, attach: function(parent) { if(parent) { this._super(parent); this._reflow(); } }, initElements: function(parent) { this.el = $.joey(this._main_template()); this.body = this.el.find(".uiTable-body"); this.headers = this.el.find(".uiTable-headers"); = this.el.find(".uiTable-tools"); this.attach( parent ); }, _data_handler: function(store) {; this.headers.empty().append(this._header_template(store.columns)); this.body.empty().append(this._body_template(, store.columns)); this._reflow(); }, _reflow: function() { var firstCol = this.body.find("TR:first TH.uiTable-header-cell > DIV"), headers = this.headers.find("TR:first TH.uiTable-header-cell > DIV"); for(var i = 0; i < headers.length; i++) { $(headers[i]).width( $(firstCol[i]).width() ); } this._scroll_handler(); }, _scroll_handler: function(ev) { this.el.find(".uiTable-headers").scrollLeft(this.body.scrollLeft()); }, _dataClick_handler: function(ev) { var row = $("TR"); if(row.length) {"rowClick", this, { row: row } ); } }, _headerClick_handler: function(ev) { var header = $("TH.uiTable-header-cell"); if(header.length) {"headerClick", this, { header: header, column:"column"), dir:"dir") }); } }, _main_template: function() { return { tag: "DIV", id:, css: { width: this.config.width + "px" }, cls: this._baseCls, children: [ { tag: "DIV", cls: "uiTable-tools" }, { tag: "DIV", cls: "uiTable-headers", onclick: this._headerClick_handler }, { tag: "DIV", cls: "uiTable-body", onclick: this._dataClick_handler, onscroll: this._scroll_handler, css: { height: this.config.height + "px", width: this.config.width + "px" } } ] }; }, _header_template: function(columns) { var ret = { tag: "TABLE", children: [ this._headerRow_template(columns) ] }; ret.children[0].children.push(this._headerEndCap_template()); return ret; }, _headerRow_template: function(columns) { return { tag: "TR", cls: "uiTable-header-row", children: { var dir = (( === column) && || "none"; return { tag: "TH", data: { column: column, dir: dir }, cls: "uiTable-header-cell" + ((dir !== "none") ? " uiTable-sort" : ""), children: [ { tag: "DIV", children: [ { tag: "DIV", cls: "uiTable-headercell-menu", text: dir === "asc" ? "\u25b2" : "\u25bc" }, { tag: "DIV", cls: "uiTable-headercell-text", text: column } ]} ]}; }, this)}; }, _headerEndCap_template: function() { return { tag: "TH", cls: "uiTable-headerEndCap", children: [ { tag: "DIV" } ] }; }, _body_template: function(data, columns) { return { tag: "TABLE", children: [] .concat(this._headerRow_template(columns)) .concat( { return { tag: "TR", data: { row: row }, cls: "uiTable-row", children:{ return { tag: "TD", cls: "uiTable-cell", children: [ { tag: "DIV", text: (row[column] || "").toString() } ] }; })}; })) }; } }); })( this.jQuery, ); ( function( $, app, joey ) { var ui = app.ns("ui"); var CELL_SEPARATOR = ","; var CELL_QUOTE = '"'; var LINE_SEPARATOR = "\r\n"; ui.CSVTable = ui.AbstractWidget.extend({ defaults: { results: null }, _baseCls: "uiCSVTable", init: function( parent ) { this._super(); var results = this.config.results.hits.hits; var columns = this._parseResults( results ); this._downloadButton = new ui.Button({ label: "Generate Download Link", onclick: this._downloadLinkGenerator_handler }); this._downloadLink = $.joey( { tag: "A", text: "download", }); this._downloadLink.hide(); this._csvText = this._csv_template( columns, results ); this.el = $.joey( this._main_template() ); this.attach( parent ); }, _downloadLinkGenerator_handler: function() { var csvData = new Blob( [ this._csvText ], { type: 'text/csv' }); var csvURL = URL.createObjectURL( csvData ); this._downloadLink.attr( "href", csvURL );; }, _parseResults: function( results ) { var columnPaths = {}; (function parse( path, obj ) { if( obj instanceof Array ) { for( var i = 0; i < obj.length; i++ ) { parse( path, obj[i] ); } } else if( typeof obj === "object" ) { for( var prop in obj ) { parse( path + "." + prop, obj[ prop ] ); } } else { columnPaths[ path ] = true; } })( "root", results ); var columns = []; for( var column in columnPaths ) { columns.push( column.split(".").slice(1) ); } return columns; }, _main_template: function() { return ( { tag: "DIV", cls: this._baseCls, id:, children: [ this._downloadButton, this._downloadLink, { tag: "PRE", text: this._csvText } ] } ); }, _csv_template: function( columns, results ) { return this._header_template( columns ) + LINE_SEPARATOR + this._results_template( columns, results ); }, _header_template: function( columns ) { return function( column ) { return column.join("."); }).join( CELL_SEPARATOR ); }, _results_template: function( columns, results ) { return function( result ) { return function( column ) { var l = 0, ptr = result; while( l !== column.length && ptr != null ) { ptr = ptr[ column[ l++ ] ]; } return ( ptr == null ) ? "" : ( CELL_QUOTE + ptr.toString().replace(/"/g, '""') + CELL_QUOTE ); }).join( CELL_SEPARATOR ); }).join( LINE_SEPARATOR ); } }); })( this.jQuery,, this.joey ); (function( $, app ) { var ui = app.ns("ui"); ui.JsonPretty = ui.AbstractWidget.extend({ defaults: { obj: null }, init: function(parent) { this._super(); this.el = $(this._main_template()); this.attach(parent);; }, _click_handler: function(jEv) { var t = $(".uiJsonPretty-name").closest("LI"); if(t.length === 0 || t.parents(".uiJsonPretty-minimised").length > 0) { return; } t.toggleClass("uiJsonPretty-minimised"); jEv.stopPropagation(); }, _main_template: function() { try { return { tag: "DIV", cls: "uiJsonPretty", children: this.pretty.parse(this.config.obj) }; } catch (error) { throw "JsonPretty error: " + error.message; } }, pretty: { // from "expando" : function(value) { return (value && (/array|object/i).test( ? "expando" : ""; }, "parse": function (member) { return this[(member == null) ? 'null' :](member); }, "null": function (value) { return this['value']('null', 'null'); }, "array": function (value) { var results = []; var lastItem = value.length - 1; value.forEach(function( v, i ) { results.push({ tag: "LI", cls: this.expando(v), children: [ this['parse'](v) ] }); if( i !== lastItem ) { results.push(","); } }, this); return [ "[ ", ((results.length > 0) ? { tag: "UL", cls: "uiJsonPretty-array", children: results } : null), "]" ]; }, "object": function (value) { var results = []; var keys = Object.keys( value ); var lastItem = keys.length - 1; keys.forEach( function( key, i ) { var children = [ this['value']( 'name', '"' + key + '"' ), ": ", this['parse']( value[ key ]) ]; if( i !== lastItem ) { children.push(","); } results.push( { tag: "LI", cls: this.expando( value[ key ] ), children: children } ); }, this); return [ "{ ", ((results.length > 0) ? { tag: "UL", cls: "uiJsonPretty-object", children: results } : null ), "}" ]; }, "number": function (value) { return this['value']('number', value.toString()); }, "string": function (value) { if (/^(http|https|file):\/\/[^\s]+$/.test(value)) { return this['link']( value ); } else { return this['value']('string', '"' + value.toString() + '"'); } }, "boolean": function (value) { return this['value']('boolean', value.toString()); }, "link": function( value ) { return this['value']("string", { tag: "A", href: value, target: "_blank", text: '"' + value + '"' } ); }, "value": function (type, value) { if (/^(http|https|file):\/\/[^\s]+$/.test(value)) { } return { tag: "SPAN", cls: "uiJsonPretty-" + type, text: value }; } } }); })( this.jQuery, ); (function( $, app ) { var ui = app.ns("ui"); var ut = app.ns("ut"); ui.PanelForm = ui.AbstractWidget.extend({ defaults: { fields: null // (required) instanceof app.ux.FieldCollection }, init: function(parent) { this._super(); this.el = $.joey(this._main_template()); this.attach( parent ); }, _main_template: function() { return { tag: "DIV", id:, cls: "uiPanelForm", children:, this) }; }, _field_template: function(field) { return { tag: "LABEL", cls: "uiPanelForm-field", children: [ { tag: "DIV", cls: "uiPanelForm-label", children: [ field.label, ut.require_template(field) ] }, field ]}; } }); })( this.jQuery, ); (function( app ){ var ui = app.ns("ui"); ui.HelpPanel = ui.InfoPanel.extend({ defaults: { ref: "", open: true, autoRemove: true, modal: false, width: 500, height: 450, title: i18n.text("General.Help") }, init: function() { this._super(); this.body.append(i18n.text(this.config.ref)); } }); })( ); (function( app ) { var ui = app.ns("ui"); ui.JsonPanel = ui.InfoPanel.extend({ defaults: { json: null, // (required) modal: false, open: true, autoRemove: true, height: 500, width: 600 }, _baseCls: "uiPanel uiInfoPanel uiJsonPanel", _body_template: function() { var body = this._super(); body.children = [ new ui.JsonPretty({ obj: this.config.json }) ]; return body; } }); })( ); (function( $, app, i18n ) { var ui = app.ns("ui"); ui.SidebarSection = ui.AbstractWidget.extend({ defaults: { title: "", help: null, body: null, open: false }, init: function() { this._super(); this.el = $.joey( this._main_template() ); this.body = this.el.children(".uiSidebarSection-body"); && ( this.el.addClass("shown") && this.body.css("display", "block") ); }, _showSection_handler: function( ev ) { var shown = $( ).closest(".uiSidebarSection") .toggleClass("shown") .children(".uiSidebarSection-body").slideToggle(200, function() {"animComplete", this); }.bind(this)) .end() .hasClass("shown"); ? "show" : "hide", this); }, _showHelp_handler: function( ev ) { new ui.HelpPanel({ref:}); ev.stopPropagation(); }, _main_template: function() { return ( { tag: "DIV", cls: "uiSidebarSection", children: [ (this.config.title && { tag: "DIV", cls: "uiSidebarSection-head", onclick: this._showSection_handler, children: [ this.config.title, ( && { tag: "SPAN", cls: "uiSidebarSection-help pull-right", onclick: this._showHelp_handler, text: i18n.text("General.HelpGlyph") } ) ] }), { tag: "DIV", cls: "uiSidebarSection-body", children: [ this.config.body ] } ] } ); } }); })( this.jQuery,, this.i18n ); (function( $, app ) { var ui = app.ns("ui"); ui.ResultTable = ui.Table.extend({ defaults: { width: 500, height: 400 }, init: function() { this._super(); this.on("rowClick", this._showPreview_handler); this.selectedRow = null; $(document).bind("keydown", this._nav_handler); }, remove: function() { $(document).unbind("keydown", this._nav_handler); this._super(); }, attach: function(parent) { if(parent) { var height = parent.height() || ( $(document).height() - parent.offset().top - 41 ); // 41 = height in px of .uiTable-tools + uiTable-header var width = parent.width(); this.el.width( width ); this.body.width( width ).height( height ); } this._super(parent); }, showPreview: function(row) { row.addClass("selected"); this.preview = new app.ui.JsonPanel({ title: i18n.text("Browser.ResultSourcePanelTitle"), json:"row")._source, onClose: function() { row.removeClass("selected"); } }); }, _nav_handler: function(jEv) { if(jEv.keyCode !== 40 && jEv.keyCode !== 38) { return; } this.selectedRow && this.preview && this.preview.remove(); if(jEv.keyCode === 40) { // up arrow this.selectedRow = this.selectedRow ?"TR") : this.body.find("TR:first"); } else if(jEv.keyCode === 38) { // down arrow this.selectedRow = this.selectedRow ? this.selectedRow.prev("TR") : this.body.find("TR:last"); } this.selectedRow && this.showPreview(this.selectedRow); }, _showPreview_handler: function(obj, data) { this.showPreview(this.selectedRow = data.row); } }); })( this.jQuery, ); (function( $, app, i18n ) { var ui = app.ns("ui"); var ut = app.ns("ut"); ui.QueryFilter = ui.AbstractWidget.extend({ defaults: { metadata: null, // (required) instanceof query: null // (required) instanceof that the filters will act apon }, init: function() { this._super(); this.metadata = this.config.metadata; this.query = this.config.query; this.el = $(this._main_template()); }, helpTypeMap: { "date" : "QueryFilter.DateRangeHelp" }, requestUpdate: function(jEv) { if(jEv && jEv.originalEvent) { // we only want to update on real user interaction not generated events this.query.setPage(1); this.query.query(); } }, getSpec: function(fieldName) { return this.metadata.fields[fieldName]; }, _selectAlias_handler: function(jEv) { var indices = ( === 0) ? [] : this.metadata.getIndices($(; $(".uiQueryFilter-index").each(function(i, el) { var jEl = $(el); if(indices.contains(jEl.text()) !== jEl.hasClass("selected")) {; } }); this.requestUpdate(jEv); }, _selectIndex_handler: function(jEv) { var jEl = $(".uiQueryFilter-index"); jEl.toggleClass("selected"); var selected = jEl.hasClass("selected"); this.query.setIndex(jEl.text(), selected); if(selected) { var types = this.metadata.getTypes(this.query.indices); this.el.find("DIV.uiQueryFilter-type.selected").each(function(n, el) { if(! types.contains($(el).text())) { $(el).click(); } }); } this.requestUpdate(jEv); }, _selectType_handler: function(jEv) { var jEl = $(".uiQueryFilter-type"); jEl.toggleClass("selected"); var type = jEl.text(), selected = jEl.hasClass("selected"); this.query.setType(type, selected); if(selected) { var indices = this.metadata.types[type].indices; // es throws a 500 if searching an index for a type it does not contain - so we prevent that this.el.find("DIV.uiQueryFilter-index.selected").each(function(n, el) { if(! indices.contains($(el).text())) { $(el).click(); } }); // es throws a 500 if you specify types from different indices with _all jEl.siblings(".uiQueryFilter-type.selected").forEach(function(el) { if(this.metadata.types[$(el).text()].indices.intersection(indices).length === 0) { $(el).click(); } }, this); } this.requestUpdate(jEv); }, _openFilter_handler: function(section) { var field_name = section.config.title; if(! section.loaded) { var spec = this.getSpec(field_name); if(spec.core_type === "string") { section.body.append(this._textFilter_template(spec)); } else if(spec.core_type === "date") { section.body.append(this._dateFilter_template(spec)); section.body.append(new ui.DateHistogram({ printEl: section.body.find("INPUT"), cluster: this.cluster, query: this.query, spec: spec })); } else if(spec.core_type === "number") { section.body.append(this._numericFilter_template(spec)); } else if(spec.core_type === 'boolean') { section.body.append(this._booleanFilter_template(spec)); } else if (spec.core_type === 'multi_field') { section.body.append(this._multiFieldFilter_template(section, spec)); } section.loaded = true; } section.on("animComplete", function(section) { section.body.find("INPUT").focus(); }); }, _textFilterChange_handler: function(jEv) { var jEl = $("INPUT"); var val = jEl.val(); var spec ="spec"); var uqids ="uqids") || []; uqids.forEach(function(uqid) { uqid && this.query.removeClause(uqid); }, this); if(val.length) { if(jEl[0] === document.activeElement && jEl[0].selectionStart === jEl[0].selectionEnd) { val = val.replace(new RegExp("(.{"+jEl[0].selectionStart+"})"), "$&*"); } uqids = val.split(/\s+/).map(function(term) { // Figure out the actual field name - needed for multi_field, because // querying for "field.field" will not work. Simply "field" must be used // if nothing is aliased. var fieldNameParts = spec.field_name.split('.'); var part = fieldNameParts.length - 1; var name = fieldNameParts[part]; while (part >= 1) { if (fieldNameParts[part] !== fieldNameParts[part - 1]) { name = fieldNameParts[part - 1] + "." + name; } part--; } return term && this.query.addClause(term, name, "wildcard", "must"); }, this); }"uqids", uqids); this.requestUpdate(jEv); }, _dateFilterChange_handler: function(jEv) { var jEl = $("INPUT"); var val = jEl.val(); var spec ="spec"); var uqid ="uqid") || null; var range = window.dateRangeParser.parse(val); var lastRange ="lastRange"); if(!range || (lastRange && lastRange.start === range.start && lastRange.end === range.end)) { return; } uqid && this.query.removeClause(uqid); if((range.start && range.end) === null) { uqid = null; } else { var value = {}; if( range.start ) { value["gte"] = range.start; } if( range.end ) { value["lte"] = range.end; } uqid = this.query.addClause( value, spec.field_name, "range", "must"); }"lastRange", range); jEl.siblings(".uiQueryFilter-rangeHintFrom") .text(i18n.text("QueryFilter.DateRangeHint.from", range.start && new Date(range.start).toUTCString())); jEl.siblings(".uiQueryFilter-rangeHintTo") .text(i18n.text("", range.end && new Date(range.end).toUTCString()));"uqid", uqid); this.requestUpdate(jEv); }, _numericFilterChange_handler: function(jEv) { var jEl = $("INPUT"); var val = jEl.val(); var spec ="spec"); var uqid ="uqid") || null; var lastRange ="lastRange"); var range = (function(val) { var ops = val.split(/->|<>|</).map( function(v) { return parseInt(v.trim(), 10); }); if(/<>/.test(val)) { return { gte: (ops[0] - ops[1]), lte: (ops[0] + ops[1]) }; } else if(/->|</.test(val)) { return { gte: ops[0], lte: ops[1] }; } else { return { gte: ops[0], lte: ops[0] }; } })(val || ""); if(!range || (lastRange && lastRange.lte === range.lte && lastRange.gte === range.gte)) { return; }"lastRange", range); uqid && this.query.removeClause(uqid); uqid = this.query.addClause( range, spec.field_name, "range", "must");"uqid", uqid); this.requestUpdate(jEv); }, _booleanFilterChange_handler: function( jEv ) { var jEl = $("SELECT"); var val = jEl.val(); var spec ="spec"); var uqid ="uqid") || null; uqid && this.query.removeClause(uqid); if(val === "true" || val === "false") {"uqid", this.query.addClause(val, spec.field_name, "term", "must") ); } this.requestUpdate(jEv); }, _main_template: function() { return { tag: "DIV", id:, cls: "uiQueryFilter", children: [ this._aliasSelector_template(), this._indexSelector_template(), this._typesSelector_template(), this._filters_template() ] }; }, _aliasSelector_template: function() { var aliases = Object.keys(this.metadata.aliases).sort(); aliases.unshift( i18n.text("QueryFilter.AllIndices") ); return { tag: "DIV", cls: "uiQueryFilter-section uiQueryFilter-aliases", children: [ { tag: "SELECT", onChange: this._selectAlias_handler, children: } ] }; }, _indexSelector_template: function() { var indices = Object.keys( this.metadata.indices ).sort(); return { tag: "DIV", cls: "uiQueryFilter-section uiQueryFilter-indices", children: [ { tag: "HEADER", text: i18n.text("QueryFilter-Header-Indices") }, { tag: "DIV", onClick: this._selectIndex_handler, children: function( name ) { return { tag: "DIV", cls: "uiQueryFilter-booble uiQueryFilter-index", text: name }; })} ] }; }, _typesSelector_template: function() { var types = Object.keys( this.metadata.types ).sort(); return { tag: "DIV", cls: "uiQueryFilter-section uiQueryFilter-types", children: [ { tag: "HEADER", text: i18n.text("QueryFilter-Header-Types") }, { tag: "DIV", onClick: this._selectType_handler, children: function( name ) { return { tag: "DIV", cls: "uiQueryFilter-booble uiQueryFilter-type", text: name }; })} ] }; }, _filters_template: function() { var _metadataFields = this.metadata.fields; var fields = Object.keys( _metadataFields ).sort() .filter(function(d) { return (_metadataFields[d].core_type !== undefined); }); return { tag: "DIV", cls: "uiQueryFilter-section uiQueryFilter-filters", children: [ { tag: "HEADER", text: i18n.text("QueryFilter-Header-Fields") }, { tag: "DIV", children: function(name ) { return new app.ui.SidebarSection({ title: name, help: this.helpTypeMap[this.metadata.fields[ name ].type], onShow: this._openFilter_handler }); }, this ) } ] }; }, _textFilter_template: function(spec) { return { tag: "INPUT", data: { spec: spec }, onKeyup: this._textFilterChange_handler }; }, _dateFilter_template: function(spec) { return { tag: "DIV", children: [ { tag: "INPUT", data: { spec: spec }, onKeyup: this._dateFilterChange_handler }, { tag: "PRE", cls: "uiQueryFilter-rangeHintFrom", text: i18n.text("QueryFilter.DateRangeHint.from", "")}, { tag: "PRE", cls: "uiQueryFilter-rangeHintTo", text: i18n.text("", "") } ]}; }, _numericFilter_template: function(spec) { return { tag: "INPUT", data: { spec: spec }, onKeyup: this._numericFilterChange_handler }; }, _booleanFilter_template: function(spec) { return { tag: "SELECT", data: { spec: spec }, onChange: this._booleanFilterChange_handler, children: [ i18n.text("QueryFilter.AnyValue"), "true", "false" ].map( function( val ) { return { tag: "OPTION", value: val, text: val }; }) }; }, _multiFieldFilter_template: function(section, spec) { return { tag : "DIV", cls : "uiQueryFilter-subMultiFields", children : acx.eachMap(spec.fields, function(name, data) { if (name === spec.field_name) { section.config.title = spec.field_name + "." + name; return this._openFilter_handler(section); } return new app.ui.SidebarSection({ title : data.field_name, help : this.helpTypeMap[data.type], onShow : this._openFilter_handler }); }, this) }; } }); })( this.jQuery,, this.i18n ); (function( app ) { var ui = app.ns("ui"); ui.Page = ui.AbstractWidget.extend({ show: function() {; }, hide: function() { this.el.hide(); } }); })( ); (function( $, app, i18n ){ var ui = app.ns("ui"); var data = app.ns("data"); ui.Browser = ui.Page.extend({ defaults: { cluster: null // (required) instanceof }, init: function() { this._super(); this.cluster = this.config.cluster; this.query = new { cluster: this.cluster } ); this._refreshButton = new ui.Button({ label: i18n.text("General.RefreshResults"), onclick: function( btn ) { this.query.query(); }.bind(this) }); this.el = $(this._main_template()); new data.MetaDataFactory({ cluster: this.cluster, onReady: function(metadata) { this.metadata = metadata; = new data.QueryDataSourceInterface( { metadata: metadata, query: this.query } ); this.queryFilter = new ui.QueryFilter({ metadata: metadata, query: this.query }); this.queryFilter.attach(this.el.find("> .uiBrowser-filter") ); this.resultTable = new ui.ResultTable( { onHeaderClick: this._changeSort_handler, store: } ); this.resultTable.attach( this.el.find("> .uiBrowser-table") ); this.updateResults(); }.bind(this) }); }, updateResults: function() { this.query.query(); }, _changeSort_handler: function(table, wEv) { this.query.setSort(wEv.column, wEv.dir === "desc"); this.query.setPage(1); this.query.query(); }, _main_template: function() { return { tag: "DIV", cls: "uiBrowser", children: [ new ui.Toolbar({ label: i18n.text("Browser.Title"), left: [ ], right: [ this._refreshButton ] }), { tag: "DIV", cls: "uiBrowser-filter" }, { tag: "DIV", cls: "uiBrowser-table" } ] }; } }); })( this.jQuery,, this.i18n ); (function( $, app, i18n, raphael ) { var ui = app.ns("ui"); var ut = app.ns("ut"); var services = app.ns("services"); ui.AnyRequest = ui.Page.extend({ defaults: { cluster: null, // (required) instanceof path: "_search", // default uri to send a request to query: { query: { match_all: { }}}, transform: " return root;" // default transformer function (does nothing) }, init: function(parent) { this._super(); this.prefs = services.Preferences.instance(); this.history = this.prefs.get("anyRequest-history") || [ { type: "POST", path: this.config.path, query : JSON.stringify(this.config.query), transform: this.config.transform } ]; this.el = $.joey(this._main_template()); this.base_uriEl = this.el.find("INPUT[name=base_uri]"); this.pathEl = this.el.find("INPUT[name=path]"); this.typeEl = this.el.find("SELECT[name=method]"); this.dataEl = this.el.find("TEXTAREA[name=body]"); this.prettyEl = this.el.find("INPUT[name=pretty]"); this.transformEl = this.el.find("TEXTAREA[name=transform]"); this.asGraphEl = this.el.find("INPUT[name=asGraph]"); this.asTableEl = this.el.find("INPUT[name=asTable]"); this.asJsonEl = this.el.find("INPUT[name=asJson]"); this.cronEl = this.el.find("SELECT[name=cron]"); this.outEl = this.el.find("DIV.uiAnyRequest-out"); this.errEl = this.el.find("DIV.uiAnyRequest-jsonErr"); this.typeEl.val("GET"); this.attach(parent); this.setHistoryItem(this.history[this.history.length - 1]); }, setHistoryItem: function(item) { this.pathEl.val(item.path); this.typeEl.val(item.type); this.dataEl.val(item.query); this.transformEl.val(item.transform); }, _request_handler: function( ev ) { if(! this._validateJson_handler()) { return; } var path = this.pathEl.val(), type = this.typeEl.val(), query = JSON.stringify(JSON.parse(this.dataEl.val())), transform = this.transformEl.val(), base_uri = this.base_uriEl.val(); if( ev ) { // if the user click request if(this.timer) { window.clearTimeout(this.timer); // stop any cron jobs } delete this.prevData; // remove data from previous cron runs this.outEl.text(i18n.text("AnyRequest.Requesting")); if( ! /\/$/.test( base_uri )) { base_uri += "/"; this.base_uriEl.val( base_uri ); } for(var i = 0; i < this.history.length; i++) { if(this.history[i].path === path && this.history[i].type === type && this.history[i].query === query && this.history[i].transform === transform) { this.history.splice(i, 1); } } this.history.push({ path: path, type: type, query: query, transform: transform }); this.history.slice(250); // make sure history does not get too large this.prefs.set( "anyRequest-history", this.history ); this.el.find("UL.uiAnyRequest-history") .empty() .append($( { tag: "UL", children:, this) }).children()) .children().find(":last-child").each(function(i, j) { j.scrollIntoView(false); }).end() .scrollLeft(0); } this.config.cluster.request({ url: base_uri + path, type: type, data: query, success: this._responseWriter_handler, error: this._responseError_handler }); }, _responseError_handler: function (response) { var obj; try { obj = JSON.parse(response.responseText); if (obj) { this._responseWriter_handler(obj); } } catch (err) { } }, _responseWriter_handler: function(data) { this.outEl.empty(); try { data = (new Function("root", "prev", this.transformEl.val()))(data, this.prevData) } catch(e) { this.errEl.text(e.message); return; } if(this.asGraphEl.attr("checked")) { var w = this.outEl.width(); raphael(this.outEl[0], w - 10, 300) .g.barchart(10, 10, w - 20, 280, [data]); } if(this.asTableEl.attr("checked")) { try { var store = new; this.outEl.append(new app.ui.ResultTable({ width: this.outEl.width() - 23, store: store } ) ); store.results(data); } catch(e) { this.errEl.text("Results Table Failed: " + e.message); } } if(this.asJsonEl.attr("checked")) { this.outEl.append(new ui.JsonPretty({ obj: data })); } if(this.cronEl.val() > 0) { this.timer = window.setTimeout(function(){ this._request_handler(); }.bind(this), this.cronEl.val()); } this.prevData = data; }, _validateJson_handler: function( ev ) { /* if the textarea is empty, we replace its value by an empty JSON object : "{}" and the request goes on as usual */ var jsonData = this.dataEl.val().trim(); var j; if(jsonData === "") { jsonData = "{}"; this.dataEl.val( jsonData ); } try { j = JSON.parse(jsonData); } catch(e) { this.errEl.text(e.message); return false; } this.errEl.text(""); if(this.prettyEl.attr("checked")) { this.dataEl.val(JSON.stringify(j, null, " ")); } return true; }, _historyClick_handler: function( ev ) { var item = $( ).closest( "LI" ).data( "item" ); this.setHistoryItem( item ); }, _main_template: function() { return { tag: "DIV", cls: "anyRequest", children: [ { tag: "DIV", cls: "uiAnyRequest-request", children: [ new app.ui.SidebarSection({ open: false, title: i18n.text("AnyRequest.History"), body: { tag: "UL", onclick: this._historyClick_handler, cls: "uiAnyRequest-history", children:, this) } }), new app.ui.SidebarSection({ open: true, title: i18n.text("AnyRequest.Query"), body: { tag: "DIV", children: [ { tag: "INPUT", type: "text", name: "base_uri", value: this.config.cluster.config.base_uri }, { tag: "BR" }, { tag: "INPUT", type: "text", name: "path", value: this.config.path }, { tag: "SELECT", name: "method", children: ["POST", "GET", "PUT", "HEAD", "DELETE"].map(ut.option_template) }, { tag: "TEXTAREA", name: "body", rows: 20, text: JSON.stringify(this.config.query) }, { tag: "BUTTON", css: { cssFloat: "right" }, type: "button", children: [ { tag: "B", text: i18n.text("AnyRequest.Request") } ], onclick: this._request_handler }, { tag: "BUTTON", type: "button", text: i18n.text("AnyRequest.ValidateJSON"), onclick: this._validateJson_handler }, { tag: "LABEL", children: [ { tag: "INPUT", type: "checkbox", name: "pretty" }, i18n.text("AnyRequest.Pretty") ] }, { tag: "DIV", cls: "uiAnyRequest-jsonErr" } ]} }), new app.ui.SidebarSection({ title: i18n.text("AnyRequest.Transformer"), help: "AnyRequest.TransformerHelp", body: { tag: "DIV", children: [ { tag: "CODE", text: "function(root, prev) {" }, { tag: "BR" }, { tag: "TEXTAREA", name: "transform", rows: 5, text: this.config.transform }, { tag: "BR" }, { tag: "CODE", text: "}" } ] } }), new app.ui.SidebarSection({ title: i18n.text("AnyRequest.RepeatRequest"), body: { tag: "DIV", children: [ i18n.text("AnyRequest.RepeatRequestSelect"), " ", { tag: "SELECT", name: "cron", children: [ { value: 0, text: "do not repeat" }, { value: 1000, text: "second" }, { value: 1000 * 2, text: "2 seconds" }, { value: 1000 * 5, text: "5 seconds" }, { value: 1000 * 20, text: "20 seconds" }, { value: 1000 * 60, text: "minute" }, { value: 1000 * 60 * 10, text: "10 minutes" }, { value: 1000 * 60 * 60, text: "hour" } ].map(function(op) { return $.extend({ tag: "OPTION"}, op); }) } ] } }), new app.ui.SidebarSection({ title: i18n.text("AnyRequest.DisplayOptions"), help: "AnyRequest.DisplayOptionsHelp", body: { tag: "DIV", children: [ { tag: "LABEL", children: [ { tag: "INPUT", type: "checkbox", checked: true, name: "asJson" }, i18n.text("AnyRequest.AsJson") ] }, { tag: "BR" }, { tag: "LABEL", children: [ { tag: "INPUT", type: "checkbox", name: "asGraph" }, i18n.text("AnyRequest.AsGraph") ] }, { tag: "BR" }, { tag: "LABEL", children: [ { tag: "INPUT", type: "checkbox", name: "asTable" }, i18n.text("AnyRequest.AsTable") ] } ] } }) ] }, { tag: "DIV", cls: "uiAnyRequest-out" } ] }; }, _historyItem_template: function(item) { return { tag: "LI", cls: "booble", data: { item: item }, children: [ { tag: "SPAN", text: item.path }, " ", { tag: "EM", text: item.query }, " ", { tag: "SPAN", text: item.transform } ] }; } }); })( this.jQuery,, this.i18n, this.Raphael ); (function( app, i18n, joey ) { var ui = app.ns("ui"); var ut = app.ns("ut"); ui.NodesView = ui.AbstractWidget.extend({ defaults: { interactive: true, aliasRenderer: "list", scaleReplicas: 1, cluster: null, data: null }, init: function() { this._super(); this.interactive = this.config.interactive; this.cluster = this.config.cluster; this._aliasRenderFunction = { "none": this._aliasRender_template_none, "list": this._aliasRender_template_list, "full": this._aliasRender_template_full }[ this.config.aliasRenderer ]; this._styleSheetEl = joey({ tag: "STYLE", text: ".uiNodesView-nullReplica, .uiNodesView-replica { zoom: " + this.config.scaleReplicas + " }" }); this.el = $( this._main_template(, ) ); }, _newAliasAction_handler: function( index ) { var fields = new app.ux.FieldCollection({ fields: [ new ui.TextField({ label: i18n.text("AliasForm.AliasName"), name: "alias", require: true }) ] }); var dialog = new ui.DialogPanel({ title: i18n.text("AliasForm.NewAliasForIndexName",, body: new ui.PanelForm({ fields: fields }), onCommit: function(panel, args) { if(fields.validate()) { var data = fields.getData(); var command = { "actions" : [ { "add" : { "index" :, "alias" : data["alias"] } } ] };'_aliases', JSON.stringify(command), function(d) { dialog.close(); alert(JSON.stringify(d));"redraw"); }.bind(this) ); } }.bind(this) }).open(); }, _postIndexAction_handler: function(action, index, redraw) { ) + "/" + encodeURIComponent( action ), null, function(r) { alert(JSON.stringify(r)); redraw &&"redraw"); }.bind(this)); }, _optimizeIndex_handler: function(index) { var fields = new app.ux.FieldCollection({ fields: [ new ui.TextField({ label: i18n.text("OptimizeForm.MaxSegments"), name: "max_num_segments", value: "1", require: true }), new ui.CheckField({ label: i18n.text("OptimizeForm.ExpungeDeletes"), name: "only_expunge_deletes", value: false }), new ui.CheckField({ label: i18n.text("OptimizeForm.FlushAfter"), name: "flush", value: true }), new ui.CheckField({ label: i18n.text("OptimizeForm.WaitForMerge"), name: "wait_for_merge", value: false }) ] }); var dialog = new ui.DialogPanel({ title: i18n.text("OptimizeForm.OptimizeIndex",, body: new ui.PanelForm({ fields: fields }), onCommit: function( panel, args ) { if(fields.validate()) { ) + "/_optimize", fields.getData(), function(r) { alert(JSON.stringify(r)); }); dialog.close(); } }.bind(this) }).open(); }, _testAnalyser_handler: function(index) { this.cluster.get(encodeURIComponent( ) + "/_analyze?text=" + encodeURIComponent( prompt( i18n.text("IndexCommand.TextToAnalyze") ) ), function(r) { alert(JSON.stringify(r, true, " ")); }); }, _deleteIndexAction_handler: function(index) { if( prompt( i18n.text("AliasForm.DeleteAliasMessage", i18n.text("Command.DELETE"), ) ) === i18n.text("Command.DELETE") ) { this.cluster["delete"](encodeURIComponent( ), null, function(r) { alert(JSON.stringify(r));"redraw"); }.bind(this) ); } }, _shutdownNode_handler: function(node) { if(prompt( i18n.text("IndexCommand.ShutdownMessage", i18n.text("Command.SHUTDOWN"), ) ) === i18n.text("Command.SHUTDOWN") ) { "_cluster/nodes/" + encodeURIComponent( ) + "/_shutdown", null, function(r) { alert(JSON.stringify(r));"redraw"); }.bind(this)); } }, _deleteAliasAction_handler: function( index, alias ) { if( confirm( i18n.text("Command.DeleteAliasMessage" ) ) ) { var command = { "actions" : [ { "remove" : { "index" :, "alias" : } } ] };'_aliases', JSON.stringify(command), function(d) { alert(JSON.stringify(d));"redraw"); }.bind(this) ); } }, _replica_template: function(replica) { var r = replica.replica; return { tag: "DIV", cls: "uiNodesView-replica" + (r.primary ? " primary" : "") + ( " state-" + r.state ), text: r.shard.toString(), onclick: function() { new ui.JsonPanel({ json: replica.status || r, title: r.index + "/" + r.node + " [" + r.shard + "]" }); } }; }, _routing_template: function(routing) { var cell = { tag: "TD", cls: "uiNodesView-routing" + ( ? "" : " close"), children: [] }; for(var i = 0; i < routing.replicas.length; i++) { if(i % routing.max_number_of_shards === 0 && i > 0) { cell.children.push({ tag: "BR" }); } if( routing.replicas[i] ) { cell.children.push(this._replica_template(routing.replicas[i])); } else { cell.children.push( { tag: "DIV", cls: "uiNodesView-nullReplica" } ); } } return cell; }, _nodeControls_template: function( node ) { return ( { tag: "DIV", cls: "uiNodesView-controls", children: [ new ui.MenuButton({ label: i18n.text("NodeInfoMenu.Title"), menu: new ui.MenuPanel({ items: [ { text: i18n.text("NodeInfoMenu.ClusterNodeInfo"), onclick: function() { new ui.JsonPanel({ json: node.cluster, title: });} }, { text: i18n.text("NodeInfoMenu.NodeStats"), onclick: function() { new ui.JsonPanel({ json: node.stats, title: });} } ] }) }), new ui.MenuButton({ label: i18n.text("NodeActionsMenu.Title"), menu: new ui.MenuPanel({ items: [ { text: i18n.text("NodeActionsMenu.Shutdown"), onclick: function() { this._shutdownNode_handler(node); }.bind(this) } ] }) }) ] } ); }, _nodeIcon_template: function( node ) { var icon, alt; if( === "Unassigned" ) { icon = "fa-exclamation-triangle"; alt = i18n.text( "NodeType.Unassigned" ); } else if( node.cluster.settings && "tribe" in node.cluster.settings) { icon = "fa-sitemap"; alt = i18n.text("NodeType.Tribe" ); } else { icon = "fa-" + (node.master_node ? "star" : "circle") + (node.data_node ? "" : "-o" ); alt = i18n.text( node.master_node ? ( node.data_node ? "NodeType.Master" : "NodeType.Coord" ) : ( node.data_node ? "NodeType.Worker" : "NodeType.Client" ) ); } return { tag: "TD", title: alt, cls: "uiNodesView-icon", children: [ { tag: "SPAN", cls: "fa fa-2x " + icon } ] }; }, _node_template: function(node) { return { tag: "TR", cls: "uiNodesView-node" + (node.master_node ? " master": ""), children: [ this._nodeIcon_template( node ), { tag: "TH", children: === "Unassigned" ? [ { tag: "H3", text: } ] : [ { tag: "H3", text: }, { tag: "DIV", text: node.cluster.hostname }, this.interactive ? this._nodeControls_template( node ) : null ] } ].concat(, this))}; }, _indexHeaderControls_template: function( index ) { return ( { tag: "DIV", cls: "uiNodesView-controls", children: [ new ui.MenuButton({ label: i18n.text("IndexInfoMenu.Title"), menu: new ui.MenuPanel({ items: [ { text: i18n.text("IndexInfoMenu.Status"), onclick: function() { new ui.JsonPanel({ json: index.status, title: }); } }, { text: i18n.text("IndexInfoMenu.Metadata"), onclick: function() { new ui.JsonPanel({ json: index.metadata, title: }); } } ] }) }), new ui.MenuButton({ label: i18n.text("IndexActionsMenu.Title"), menu: new ui.MenuPanel({ items: [ { text: i18n.text("IndexActionsMenu.NewAlias"), onclick: function() { this._newAliasAction_handler(index); }.bind(this) }, { text: i18n.text("IndexActionsMenu.Refresh"), onclick: function() { this._postIndexAction_handler("_refresh", index, false); }.bind(this) }, { text: i18n.text("IndexActionsMenu.Flush"), onclick: function() { this._postIndexAction_handler("_flush", index, false); }.bind(this) }, { text: i18n.text("IndexActionsMenu.Optimize"), onclick: function () { this._optimizeIndex_handler(index); }.bind(this) }, { text: i18n.text("IndexActionsMenu.Snapshot"), disabled: closed, onclick: function() { this._postIndexAction_handler("_gateway/snapshot", index, false); }.bind(this) }, { text: i18n.text("IndexActionsMenu.Analyser"), onclick: function() { this._testAnalyser_handler(index); }.bind(this) }, { text: (index.state === "close") ? i18n.text("IndexActionsMenu.Open") : i18n.text("IndexActionsMenu.Close"), onclick: function() { this._postIndexAction_handler((index.state === "close") ? "_open" : "_close", index, true); }.bind(this) }, { text: i18n.text("IndexActionsMenu.Delete"), onclick: function() { this._deleteIndexAction_handler(index); }.bind(this) } ] }) }) ] } ); }, _indexHeader_template: function( index ) { var closed = index.state === "close"; var line1 = closed ? "index: close" : ( "size: " + (index.status && index.status.primaries && ? ut.byteSize_template( ) + " (" + ut.byteSize_template( ) + ")" : "unknown" ) ); var line2 = closed ? "\u00A0" : ( "docs: " + (index.status && index.status.primaries && && && ? + " (" + ( + + ")" : "unknown" ) ); return ? { tag: "TH", cls: (closed ? "close" : ""), children: [ { tag: "H3", text: }, { tag: "DIV", text: line1 }, { tag: "DIV", text: line2 }, this.interactive ? this._indexHeaderControls_template( index ) : null ] } : [ { tag: "TD" }, { tag: "TH" } ]; }, _aliasRender_template_none: function( cluster, indices ) { return null; }, _aliasRender_template_list: function( cluster, indices ) { return cluster.aliases.length && { tag: "TBODY", children: [ { tag: "TR", children: [ { tag: "TD" } ].concat( function( index ) { return { tag: "TD", children: index.metadata && function( alias ) { return { tag: "LI", text: alias }; } ) }; })) } ] }; }, _aliasRender_template_full: function( cluster, indices ) { return cluster.aliases.length && { tag: "TBODY", children: function(alias, row) { return { tag: "TR", children: [ { tag: "TD" },{ tag: "TD" } ].concat(, i) { if (index) { return { tag: "TD", css: { background: "#" + "9ce9c7fc9".substr((row+6)%7,3) }, cls: "uiNodesView-hasAlias" + ( alias.min === i ? " min" : "" ) + ( alias.max === i ? " max" : "" ), text:, children: this.interactive ? [ { tag: 'SPAN', text: i18n.text("General.CloseGlyph"), cls: 'uiNodesView-hasAlias-remove', onclick: this._deleteAliasAction_handler.bind( this, index, alias ) } ]: null }; } else { return { tag: "TD" }; } }, this ) ) }; }, this ) }; }, _main_template: function(cluster, indices) { return { tag: "TABLE", cls: "table uiNodesView", children: [ this._styleSheetEl, { tag: "THEAD", children: [ { tag: "TR", children:, this) } ] }, this._aliasRenderFunction( cluster, indices ), { tag: "TBODY", children:, this) } ] }; } }); })(, this.i18n, this.joey ); (function( $, app, i18n ) { var ui = app.ns("ui"); var services = app.ns("services"); // ( master ) master = true, data = true // ( coordinator ) master = true, data = false // ( worker ) master = false, data = true; // ( client ) master = false, data = false; // http enabled ? function nodeSort_name(a, b) { if (!(a.cluster && b.cluster)) { return 0; } return ); } function nodeSort_addr( a, b ) { if (!(a.cluster && b.cluster)) { return 0; } return a.cluster.transport_address.toString().localeCompare( b.cluster.transport_address.toString() ); } function nodeSort_type( a, b ) { if (!(a.cluster && b.cluster)) { return 0; } if( a.master_node ) { return -1; } else if( b.master_node ) { return 1; } else if( a.data_node && !b.data_node ) { return -1; } else if( b.data_node && !a.data_node ) { return 1; } else { return ); } } var NODE_SORT_TYPES = { "Sort.ByName": nodeSort_name, "Sort.ByAddress": nodeSort_addr, "Sort.ByType": nodeSort_type }; function nodeFilter_none( a ) { return true; } function nodeFilter_clients( a ) { return (a.master_node || a.data_node ); } ui.ClusterOverview = ui.Page.extend({ defaults: { cluster: null // (reqired) an instanceof }, init: function() { this._super(); this.cluster = this.config.cluster; this.prefs = services.Preferences.instance(); this._clusterState = this.config.clusterState; this._clusterState.on("data", this.draw_handler ); this._refreshButton = new ui.RefreshButton({ onRefresh: this.refresh.bind(this), onChange: function( btn ) { if( btn.value === -1 ) { this.draw_handler(); } }.bind( this ) }); var nodeSortPref = this.prefs.get("clusterOverview-nodeSort") || Object.keys(NODE_SORT_TYPES)[0]; this._nodeSort = NODE_SORT_TYPES[ nodeSortPref ]; this._nodeSortMenu = new ui.MenuButton({ label: i18n.text( "Preference.SortCluster" ), menu: new ui.SelectMenuPanel({ value: nodeSortPref, items: Object.keys( NODE_SORT_TYPES ).map( function( k ) { return { text: i18n.text( k ), value: k }; }), onSelect: function( panel, event ) { this._nodeSort = NODE_SORT_TYPES[ event.value ]; this.prefs.set("clusterOverview-nodeSort", event.value ); this.draw_handler(); }.bind(this) }) }); this._indicesSort = this.prefs.get( "clusterOverview-indicesSort") || "desc"; this._indicesSortMenu = new ui.MenuButton({ label: i18n.text( "Preference.SortIndices" ), menu: new ui.SelectMenuPanel({ value: this._indicesSort, items: [ { value: "desc", text: i18n.text( "SortIndices.Descending" ) }, { value: "asc", text: i18n.text( "SortIndices.Ascending" ) } ], onSelect: function( panel, event ) { this._indicesSort = event.value; this.prefs.set( "clusterOverview-indicesSort", this._indicesSort ); this.draw_handler(); }.bind(this) }) }); this._aliasRenderer = this.prefs.get( "clusterOverview-aliasRender" ) || "full"; this._aliasMenu = new ui.MenuButton({ label: i18n.text( "Preference.ViewAliases" ), menu: new ui.SelectMenuPanel({ value: this._aliasRenderer, items: [ { value: "full", text: i18n.text( "ViewAliases.Grouped" ) }, { value: "list", text: i18n.text( "ViewAliases.List" ) }, { value: "none", text: i18n.text( "ViewAliases.None" ) } ], onSelect: function( panel, event ) { this._aliasRenderer = event.value; this.prefs.set( "clusterOverview-aliasRender", this._aliasRenderer ); this.draw_handler(); }.bind(this) }) }); this._indexFilter = new ui.TextField({ value: this.prefs.get("clusterOverview-indexFilter"), placeholder: i18n.text( "Overview.IndexFilter" ), onchange: function( indexFilter ) { this.prefs.set("clusterOverview-indexFilter", indexFilter.val() ); this.draw_handler(); }.bind(this) }); this.el = $(this._main_template()); this.tablEl = this.el.find(".uiClusterOverview-table"); this.refresh(); }, remove: function() { this._clusterState.removeObserver( "data", this.draw_handler ); }, refresh: function() { this._refreshButton.disable(); this._clusterState.refresh(); }, draw_handler: function() { var data = this._clusterState; var indexFilter; try { var indexFilterRe = new RegExp( this._indexFilter.val() ); indexFilter = function(s) { return indexFilterRe.test(s); }; } catch(e) { indexFilter = function() { return true; }; } var clusterState = data.clusterState; var status = data.status; var nodeStats = data.nodeStats; var clusterNodes = data.clusterNodes; var nodes = []; var indices = []; var cluster = {}; var nodeIndices = {}; var indexIndices = {}, indexIndicesIndex = 0; function newNode(n) { return { name: n, routings: [], master_node: clusterState.master_node === n }; } function newIndex(i) { return { name: i, replicas: [] }; } function getIndexForNode(n) { return nodeIndices[n] = (n in nodeIndices) ? nodeIndices[n] : nodes.push(newNode(n)) - 1; } function getIndexForIndex(routings, i) { var index = indexIndices[i] = (i in indexIndices) ? (routings[indexIndices[i]] = routings[indexIndices[i]] || newIndex(i)) && indexIndices[i] : ( ( routings[indexIndicesIndex] = newIndex(i) ) && indexIndicesIndex++ ); indices[index] = i; return index; } $.each(clusterNodes.nodes, function(name, node) { getIndexForNode(name); }); var indexNames = []; $.each(clusterState.routing_table.indices, function(name, index){ indexNames.push(name); }); indexNames.sort(); if (this._indicesSort === "desc") indexNames.reverse(); indexNames.filter( indexFilter ).forEach(function(name) { var indexObject = clusterState.routing_table.indices[name]; $.each(indexObject.shards, function(name, shard) { shard.forEach(function(replica){ var node = replica.node; if(node === null) { node = "Unassigned"; } var index = replica.index; var shard = replica.shard; var routings = nodes[getIndexForNode(node)].routings; var indexIndex = getIndexForIndex(routings, index); var replicas = routings[indexIndex].replicas; if(node === "Unassigned" || !indexObject.shards[shard]) { replicas.push({ replica: replica }); } else { replicas[shard] = { replica: replica, status: indexObject.shards[shard].filter(function(replica) { return replica.node === node; })[0] }; } }); }); }); indices ={ return { name: index, state: "open", metadata: clusterState.metadata.indices[index], status: status.indices[index] }; }, this); $.each(clusterState.metadata.indices, function(name, index) { if(index.state === "close" && indexFilter( name )) { indices.push({ name: name, state: "close", metadata: index, status: null }); } }); nodes.forEach(function(node) { node.stats = nodeStats.nodes[]; var cluster = clusterNodes.nodes[]; node.cluster = cluster || { name: "<unknown>" }; node.data_node = !( cluster && cluster.attributes && === "false" ); for(var i = 0; i < indices.length; i++) { node.routings[i] = node.routings[i] || { name: indices[i].name, replicas: [] }; node.routings[i].max_number_of_shards = indices[i].metadata.settings["index.number_of_shards"]; node.routings[i].open = indices[i].state === "open"; } }); var aliasesIndex = {}; var aliases = []; var indexClone = { return false; }); $.each(clusterState.metadata.indices, function(name, index) { index.aliases.forEach(function(alias) { var aliasIndex = aliasesIndex[alias] = (alias in aliasesIndex) ? aliasesIndex[alias] : aliases.push( { name: alias, max: -1, min: 999, indices: [].concat(indexClone) }) - 1; var indexIndex = indexIndices[name]; var aliasRow = aliases[aliasIndex]; aliasRow.min = Math.min(aliasRow.min, indexIndex); aliasRow.max = Math.max(aliasRow.max, indexIndex); aliasRow.indices[indexIndex] = indices[indexIndex]; }); }); cluster.aliases = aliases; cluster.nodes = nodes .filter( nodeFilter_none ) .sort( this._nodeSort ); indices.unshift({ name: null }); this._drawNodesView( cluster, indices ); this._refreshButton.enable(); }, _drawNodesView: function( cluster, indices ) { this._nodesView && this._nodesView.remove(); this._nodesView = new ui.NodesView({ onRedraw: function() { this.refresh(); }.bind(this), interactive: ( this._refreshButton.value === -1 ), aliasRenderer: this._aliasRenderer, cluster: this.cluster, data: { cluster: cluster, indices: indices } }); this._nodesView.attach( this.tablEl ); }, _main_template: function() { return { tag: "DIV", id:, cls: "uiClusterOverview", children: [ new ui.Toolbar({ label: i18n.text("Overview.PageTitle"), left: [ this._nodeSortMenu, this._indicesSortMenu, this._aliasMenu, this._indexFilter ], right: [ this._refreshButton ] }), { tag: "DIV", cls: "uiClusterOverview-table" } ] }; } }); })( this.jQuery,, this.i18n ); (function( app, i18n, raphael ) { var ui = app.ns("ui"); ui.DateHistogram = ui.AbstractWidget.extend({ defaults: { printEl: null, // (optional) if supplied, clicking on elements in the histogram changes the query cluster: null, // (required) query: null, // (required) the current query spec: null // (required) // date field spec }, init: function() { this._super(); this.el = $(this._main_template()); this.query = this.config.query.clone(); // check if the index/types have changed and rebuild the histogram this.config.query.on("results", function(query) { if(this.queryChanged) { this.buildHistogram(query); this.queryChanged = false; } }.bind(this)); this.config.query.on("setIndex", function(query, params) { this.query.setIndex(params.index, params.add); this.queryChanged = true; }.bind(this)); this.config.query.on("setType", function(query, params) { this.query.setType(params.type, params.add); this.queryChanged = true; }.bind(this)); = 0; this.query.on("results", this._stat_handler); this.query.on("results", this._aggs_handler); this.buildHistogram(); }, buildHistogram: function(query) { this.statAggs = this.query.addAggs({ stats: { field: this.config.spec.field_name } }); this.query.query(); this.query.removeAggs(this.statAggs); }, _stat_handler: function(query, results) { if(! results.aggregations[this.statAggs]) { return; } this.stats = results.aggregations[this.statAggs]; // here we are calculating the approximate range that will give us less than 121 columns var rangeNames = [ "year", "year", "month", "day", "hour", "minute" ]; var rangeFactors = [100000, 12, 30, 24, 60, 60000 ]; this.intervalRange = 1; var range = this.stats.max - this.stats.min; do { this.intervalName = rangeNames.pop(); var factor = rangeFactors.pop(); this.intervalRange *= factor; range = range / factor; } while(range > 70); this.dateAggs = this.query.addAggs({ date_histogram : { field: this.config.spec.field_name, interval: this.intervalName } }); this.query.query(); this.query.removeAggs(this.dateAggs); }, _aggs_handler: function(query, results) { if(! results.aggregations[this.dateAggs]) { return; } var buckets = [], range = this.intervalRange; var min = Math.floor(this.stats.min / range) * range; var prec = [ "year", "month", "day", "hour", "minute", "second" ].indexOf(this.intervalName); results.aggregations[this.dateAggs].buckets.forEach(function(entry) { buckets[parseInt((entry.key - min) / range , 10)] = entry.doc_count; }, this); for(var i = 0; i < buckets.length; i++) { buckets[i] = buckets[i] || 0; } this.el.removeClass("loading"); var el = this.el.empty(); var w = el.width(), h = el.height(); var r = raphael(el[0], w, h ); var printEl = this.config.printEl; query = this.config.query; r.g.barchart(0, 0, w, h, [buckets], { gutter: "0", vgutter: 0 }).hover( function() { this.flag = r.g.popup(, h - 5, this.value || "0").insertBefore(this); }, function() { this.flag.animate({opacity: 0}, 200, ">", function () {this.remove();}); } ).click(function() { if(printEl) { printEl.val(window.dateRangeParser.print(min + * range, prec)); printEl.trigger("keyup"); query.query(); } }); }, _main_template: function() { return ( { tag: "DIV", cls: "uiDateHistogram loading", css: { height: "50px" }, children: [ i18n.text("General.LoadingAggs") ] } ); } }); })(, this.i18n, this.Raphael ); (function( $, app, i18n ) { var ui = app.ns("ui"); var services = app.ns("services"); ui.ClusterConnect = ui.AbstractWidget.extend({ defaults: { cluster: null }, init: function() { this._super(); this.prefs = services.Preferences.instance(); this.cluster = this.config.cluster; this.el = $.joey(this._main_template()); this.cluster.get( "", this._node_handler ); }, _node_handler: function(data) { if(data) { this.prefs.set("app-base_uri", this.cluster.base_uri); } }, _reconnect_handler: function() { var base_uri = this.el.find(".uiClusterConnect-uri").val(); $("body").empty().append(new app.App("body", { id: "es", base_uri: base_uri })); }, _main_template: function() { return { tag: "SPAN", cls: "uiClusterConnect", children: [ { tag: "INPUT", type: "text", cls: "uiClusterConnect-uri", onkeyup: function( ev ) { if(ev.which === 13) { ev.preventDefault(); this._reconnect_handler(); } }.bind(this), id:"baseUri"), value: this.cluster.base_uri }, { tag: "BUTTON", type: "button", text: i18n.text("Header.Connect"), onclick: this._reconnect_handler } ]}; } }); })( this.jQuery,, this.i18n ); (function( $, app, i18n ) { var ui = app.ns("ui"); var data = app.ns("data"); var StructuredQuery = ui.AbstractWidget.extend({ defaults: { cluster: null // (required) instanceof }, _baseCls: "uiStructuredQuery", init: function(parent) { this._super(); this.selector = new ui.IndexSelector({ onIndexChanged: this._indexChanged_handler, cluster: this.config.cluster }); this.el = $(this._main_template()); this.out = this.el.find("DIV.uiStructuredQuery-out"); this.attach( parent ); }, _indexChanged_handler: function( index ) { this.filter && this.filter.remove(); this.filter = new ui.FilterBrowser({ cluster: this.config.cluster, index: index, onStartingSearch: function() { this.el.find("DIV.uiStructuredQuery-out").text( i18n.text("General.Searching") ); this.el.find("DIV.uiStructuredQuery-src").hide(); }.bind(this), onSearchSource: this._searchSource_handler, onResults: this._results_handler }); this.el.find(".uiStructuredQuery-body").append(this.filter); }, _results_handler: function( filter, event ) { var typeMap = { "json": this._jsonResults_handler, "table": this._tableResults_handler, "csv": this._csvResults_handler }; typeMap[ event.type ].call( this,, event.metadata ); }, _jsonResults_handler: function( results ) { this.el.find("DIV.uiStructuredQuery-out").empty().append( new ui.JsonPretty({ obj: results })); }, _csvResults_handler: function( results ) { this.el.find("DIV.uiStructuredQuery-out").empty().append( new ui.CSVTable({ results: results })); }, _tableResults_handler: function( results, metadata ) { // hack up a QueryDataSourceInterface so that StructuredQuery keeps working without using a Query object var qdi = new data.QueryDataSourceInterface({ metadata: metadata, query: new data.Query() }); var tab = new ui.Table( { store: qdi, height: 400, width: this.out.innerWidth() } ).attach(this.out.empty()); qdi._results_handler(qdi.config.query, results); }, _showRawJSON : function() { if($("#rawJsonText").length === 0) { var hiddenButton = $("#showRawJSON"); var jsonText = $({tag: "P", type: "p", id: "rawJsonText"}); jsonText.text(hiddenButton[0].value); hiddenButton.parent().append(jsonText); } }, _searchSource_handler: function(src) { var searchSourceDiv = this.el.find("DIV.uiStructuredQuery-src"); searchSourceDiv.empty().append(new app.ui.JsonPretty({ obj: src })); if(typeof JSON !== "undefined") { var showRawJSON = $({ tag: "BUTTON", type: "button", text: i18n.text("StructuredQuery.ShowRawJson"), id: "showRawJSON", value: JSON.stringify(src), onclick: this._showRawJSON }); searchSourceDiv.append(showRawJSON); }; }, _main_template: function() { return { tag: "DIV", cls: this._baseCls, children: [ this.selector, { tag: "DIV", cls: "uiStructuredQuery-body" }, { tag: "DIV", cls: "uiStructuredQuery-src", css: { display: "none" } }, { tag: "DIV", cls: "uiStructuredQuery-out" } ]}; } }); ui.StructuredQuery = ui.Page.extend({ init: function() { this.q = new StructuredQuery( this.config ); this.el = this.q.el; } }); })( this.jQuery,, this.i18n ); (function( $, app, i18n ) { var ui = app.ns("ui"); var data = app.ns("data"); var ut = app.ns("ut"); ui.FilterBrowser = ui.AbstractWidget.extend({ defaults: { cluster: null, // (required) instanceof index: "" // (required) name of the index to query }, init: function(parent) { this._super(); this._cluster = this.config.cluster; this.el = $(this._main_template()); this.filtersEl = this.el.find(".uiFilterBrowser-filters"); this.attach( parent ); new data.MetaDataFactory({ cluster: this._cluster, onReady: function(metadata, eventData) { this.metadata = metadata; this._createFilters_handler(eventData.originalData.metadata.indices); }.bind(this) }); }, _createFilters_handler: function(data) { var filters = []; function scan_properties(path, obj) { if ( { for (var prop in { scan_properties(path.concat(prop),[prop]); } } else { // handle multi_field if (obj.fields) { for (var subField in obj.fields) { filters.push({ path: (path[path.length - 1] !== subField) ? path.concat(subField) : path, type: obj.fields[subField].type, meta: obj.fields[subField] }); } } else { filters.push({ path: path, type: obj.type, meta: obj }); } } } if (data[this.config.index]){ for(var type in data[this.config.index].mappings) { scan_properties([type], data[this.config.index].mappings[type]); } } filters.sort( function(a, b) { var x = a.path.join("."); var y = b.path.join("."); return (x < y) ? -1 : (x > y) ? 1 : 0; }); this.filters = [ { path: ["match_all"], type: "match_all", meta: {} }, { path: ["_all"], type: "_all", meta: {}} ].concat(filters); this._addFilterRow_handler(); }, _addFilterRow_handler: function() { this.filtersEl.append(this._filter_template()); }, _removeFilterRow_handler: function(jEv) { $("DIV.uiFilterBrowser-row").remove(); if(this.filtersEl.children().length === 0) { this._addFilterRow_handler(); } }, _search_handler: function() { var search = new data.BoolQuery(); search.setSize( this.el.find(".uiFilterBrowser-outputSize").val() )"startingSearch"); this.filtersEl.find(".uiFilterBrowser-row").each(function(i, row) { row = $(row); var bool = row.find(".bool").val(); var field = row.find(".field").val(); var op = row.find(".op").val(); var value = {}; if(field === "match_all") { op = "match_all"; } else if(op === "range") { var lowqual = row.find(".lowqual").val(), highqual = row.find(".highqual").val(); if(lowqual.length) { value[row.find(".lowop").val()] = lowqual; } if(highqual.length) { value[row.find(".highop").val()] = highqual; } } else if(op === "fuzzy") { var qual = row.find(".qual").val(), fuzzyqual = row.find(".fuzzyqual").val(); if(qual.length) { value["value"] = qual; } if(fuzzyqual.length) { value[row.find(".fuzzyop").val()] = fuzzyqual; } } else { value = row.find(".qual").val(); } search.addClause(value, field, op, bool); }); if(this.el.find(".uiFilterBrowser-showSrc").attr("checked")) {"searchSource",; } this.config.index + "/_search", search.getData(), this._results_handler ); }, _results_handler: function( data ) { var type = this.el.find(".uiFilterBrowser-outputFormat").val();"results", this, { type: type, data: data, metadata: this.metadata }); }, _changeQueryField_handler: function(jEv) { var select = $(; var spec = select.children(":selected").data("spec"); select.siblings().remove(".op,.qual,.range,.fuzzy"); var ops = []; if(spec.type === 'match_all') { } else if(spec.type === '_all') { ops = ["query_string"]; } else if(spec.type === 'string' || spec.type === 'text' || spec.type === 'keyword') { ops = ["term", "wildcard", "prefix", "fuzzy", "range", "query_string", "text", "missing"]; } else if(spec.type === 'long' || spec.type === 'integer' || spec.type === 'float' || spec.type === 'byte' || spec.type === 'short' || spec.type === 'double') { ops = ["term", "range", "fuzzy", "query_string", "missing"]; } else if(spec.type === 'date') { ops = ["term", "range", "fuzzy", "query_string", "missing"]; } else if(spec.type === 'geo_point') { ops = ["missing"]; } else if(spec.type === 'ip') { ops = ["term", "range", "fuzzy", "query_string", "missing"]; } else if(spec.type === 'boolean') { ops = ["term"] } select.after({ tag: "SELECT", cls: "op", onchange: this._changeQueryOp_handler, children: });; }, _changeQueryOp_handler: function(jEv) { var op = $(, opv = op.val(); op.siblings().remove(".qual,.range,.fuzzy"); if(opv === 'term' || opv === 'wildcard' || opv === 'prefix' || opv === "query_string" || opv === 'text') { op.after({ tag: "INPUT", cls: "qual", type: "text" }); } else if(opv === 'range') { op.after(this._range_template()); } else if(opv === 'fuzzy') { op.after(this._fuzzy_template()); } }, _main_template: function() { return { tag: "DIV", children: [ { tag: "DIV", cls: "uiFilterBrowser-filters" }, { tag: "BUTTON", type: "button", text: i18n.text("General.Search"), onclick: this._search_handler }, { tag: "LABEL", children: i18n.complex("FilterBrowser.OutputType", { tag: "SELECT", cls: "uiFilterBrowser-outputFormat", children: [ { text: i18n.text("Output.Table"), value: "table" }, { text: i18n.text("Output.JSON"), value: "json" }, { text: i18n.text("Output.CSV"), value: "csv" } ].map(function( o ) { return $.extend({ tag: "OPTION" }, o ); } ) } ) }, { tag: "LABEL", children: i18n.complex("FilterBrowser.OutputSize", { tag: "SELECT", cls: "uiFilterBrowser-outputSize", children: [ "10", "50", "250", "1000", "5000", "25000" ].map( ut.option_template ) } ) }, { tag: "LABEL", children: [ { tag: "INPUT", type: "checkbox", cls: "uiFilterBrowser-showSrc" }, i18n.text("Output.ShowSource") ] } ]}; }, _filter_template: function() { return { tag: "DIV", cls: "uiFilterBrowser-row", children: [ { tag: "SELECT", cls: "bool", children: ["must", "must_not", "should"].map(ut.option_template) }, { tag: "SELECT", cls: "field", onchange: this._changeQueryField_handler, children: { return { tag: "OPTION", data: { spec: f }, value: f.path.join("."), text: f.path.join(".") }; })}, { tag: "BUTTON", type: "button", text: "+", onclick: this._addFilterRow_handler }, { tag: "BUTTON", type: "button", text: "-", onclick: this._removeFilterRow_handler } ]}; }, _range_template: function() { return { tag: "SPAN", cls: "range", children: [ { tag: "SELECT", cls: "lowop", children: ["gt", "gte"].map(ut.option_template) }, { tag: "INPUT", type: "text", cls: "lowqual" }, { tag: "SELECT", cls: "highop", children: ["lt", "lte"].map(ut.option_template) }, { tag: "INPUT", type: "text", cls: "highqual" } ]}; }, _fuzzy_template: function() { return { tag: "SPAN", cls: "fuzzy", children: [ { tag: "INPUT", cls: "qual", type: "text" }, { tag: "SELECT", cls: "fuzzyop", children: ["max_expansions", "min_similarity"].map(ut.option_template) }, { tag: "INPUT", cls: "fuzzyqual", type: "text" } ]}; } }); })( this.jQuery,, this.i18n ); (function( $, app, i18n ) { var ui = app.ns("ui"); ui.IndexSelector = ui.AbstractWidget.extend({ init: function(parent) { this._super(); this.el = $(this._main_template()); this.attach( parent ); this.cluster = this.config.cluster; this.update(); }, update: function() { this.cluster.get( "_stats", this._update_handler ); }, _update_handler: function(data) { var options = []; var index_names = Object.keys(data.indices).sort(); for(var i=0; i < index_names.length; i++) { name = index_names[i]; options.push(this._option_template(name, data.indices[name])); } this.el.find(".uiIndexSelector-select").empty().append(this._select_template(options)); this._indexChanged_handler(); }, _main_template: function() { return { tag: "DIV", cls: "uiIndexSelector", children: i18n.complex( "IndexSelector.SearchIndexForDocs", { tag: "SPAN", cls: "uiIndexSelector-select" } ) }; }, _indexChanged_handler: function() {"indexChanged", this.el.find("SELECT").val()); }, _select_template: function(options) { return { tag: "SELECT", children: options, onChange: this._indexChanged_handler }; }, _option_template: function(name, index) { return { tag: "OPTION", value: name, text: i18n.text("IndexSelector.NameWithDocs", name, ) }; } }); })( this.jQuery,, this.i18n ); (function( $, app, i18n ) { var ui = app.ns("ui"); ui.Header = ui.AbstractWidget.extend({ defaults: { cluster: null, clusterState: null }, _baseCls: "uiHeader", init: function() { this._clusterConnect = new ui.ClusterConnect({ cluster: this.config.cluster }); var quicks = [ { text: i18n.text("Nav.Info"), path: "" }, { text: i18n.text("Nav.Status"), path: "_stats" }, { text: i18n.text("Nav.NodeStats"), path: "_nodes/stats" }, { text: i18n.text("Nav.ClusterNodes"), path: "_nodes" }, { text: i18n.text("Nav.Plugins"), path: "_nodes/plugins" }, { text: i18n.text("Nav.ClusterState"), path: "_cluster/state" }, { text: i18n.text("Nav.ClusterHealth"), path: "_cluster/health" }, { text: i18n.text("Nav.Templates"), path: "_template" } ]; var cluster = this.config.cluster; var quickPanels = {}; var menuItems = function( item ) { return { text: item.text, onclick: function() { cluster.get( item.path, function( data ) { quickPanels[ item.path ] && quickPanels[ item.path ].el && quickPanels[ item.path ].remove(); quickPanels[ item.path ] = new ui.JsonPanel({ title: item.text, json: data }); } ); } }; }, this ); this._quickMenu = new ui.MenuButton({ label: i18n.text("NodeInfoMenu.Title"), menu: new ui.MenuPanel({ items: menuItems }) }); this.el = $.joey( this._main_template() ); this.nameEl = this.el.find(".uiHeader-name"); this.statEl = this.el.find(".uiHeader-status"); this._clusterState = this.config.clusterState; this._clusterState.on("data", function( state ) { var shards = state.status._shards; var colour = state.clusterHealth.status; var name = state.clusterState.cluster_name; this.nameEl.text( name ); this.statEl .text( i18n.text("Header.ClusterHealth", colour, shards.successful, ) ) .css( "background", colour ); }.bind(this)); this.statEl.text( i18n.text("Header.ClusterNotConnected") ).css("background", "grey"); this._clusterState.refresh(); }, _main_template: function() { return ( { tag: "DIV", cls: this._baseCls, children: [ this._clusterConnect, { tag: "SPAN", cls: "uiHeader-name" }, { tag: "SPAN", cls: "uiHeader-status" }, { tag: "H1", text: i18n.text("General.Elasticsearch") }, { tag: "SPAN", cls: "pull-right", children: [ this._quickMenu ] } ] } ); } } ); })( this.jQuery,, this.i18n ); (function( $, app, i18n ) { var ui = app.ns("ui"); var ut = app.ns("ut"); ui.IndexOverview = ui.Page.extend({ defaults: { cluster: null }, init: function() { this._super(); this.cluster = this.config.cluster; this._clusterState = this.config.clusterState; this._clusterState.on("data", this._refresh_handler ); this.el = $(this._main_template()); this._refresh_handler(); }, remove: function() { this._clusterState.removeObserver( "data", this._refresh_handler ); }, _refresh_handler: function() { var state = this._clusterState; var view = { indices: acx.eachMap( state.status.indices, function( name, index ) { return { name: name, state: index }; }).sort( function( a, b ) { return < ? -1 : 1; }) }; this._indexViewEl && this._indexViewEl.remove(); this._indexViewEl = $( this._indexTable_template( view ) ); this.el.find(".uiIndexOverview-table").append( this._indexViewEl ); }, _newIndex_handler: function() { var fields = new app.ux.FieldCollection({ fields: [ new ui.TextField({ label: i18n.text("ClusterOverView.IndexName"), name: "_name", require: true }), new ui.TextField({ label: i18n.text("ClusterOverview.NumShards"), name: "number_of_shards", value: "5", require: function( val ) { return parseInt( val, 10 ) >= 1; } }), new ui.TextField({ label: i18n.text("ClusterOverview.NumReplicas"), name: "number_of_replicas", value: "1", require: function( val ) { return parseInt( val, 10 ) >= 0; } }) ] }); var dialog = new ui.DialogPanel({ title: i18n.text("ClusterOverview.NewIndex"), body: new ui.PanelForm({ fields: fields }), onCommit: function(panel, args) { if(fields.validate()) { var data = fields.getData(); var name = data["_name"]; delete data["_name"]; this.config.cluster.put( encodeURIComponent( name ), JSON.stringify({ settings: { index: data } }), function(d) { dialog.close(); alert(JSON.stringify(d)); this._clusterState.refresh(); }.bind(this) ); } }.bind(this) }).open(); }, _indexTable_template: function( view ) { return ( { tag: "TABLE", cls: "table", children: [ { tag: "THEAD", children: [ { tag: "TR", children: [ { tag: "TH" }, { tag: "TH", children: [ { tag: "H3", text: "Size" } ] }, { tag: "TH", children: [ { tag: "H3", text: "Docs" } ] } ] } ] }, { tag: "TBODY", cls: "striped", children: this._index_template, this ) } ] } ); }, _index_template: function( index ) { return ( { tag: "TR", children: [ { tag: "TD", children: [ { tag: "H3", text: } ] }, { tag: "TD", text: ut.byteSize_template( ) + "/" + ut.byteSize_template( ) }, { tag: "TD", text: ut.count_template( ) } ] } ); }, _main_template: function() { return { tag: "DIV", id:, cls: "uiIndexOverview", children: [ new ui.Toolbar({ label: i18n.text("IndexOverview.PageTitle"), left: [ new ui.Button({ label: i18n.text("ClusterOverview.NewIndex"), onclick: this._newIndex_handler }), ] }), { tag: "DIV", cls: "uiIndexOverview-table", children: this._indexViewEl } ] }; } }); })( this.jQuery,, this.i18n ); (function( app, i18n ) { var ui = app.ns("ui"); var services = app.ns("services"); app.App = ui.AbstractWidget.extend({ defaults: { base_uri: null }, init: function(parent) { this._super(); this.prefs = services.Preferences.instance(); this.base_uri = this.config.base_uri; if( this.base_uri.charAt( this.base_uri.length - 1 ) !== "/" ) { // XHR request fails if the URL is not ending with a "/" this.base_uri += "/"; } if( this.config.auth_user ) { var credentials = window.btoa( this.config.auth_user + ":" + this.config.auth_password ); $.ajaxSetup({ headers: { "Authorization": "Basic " + credentials } }); } this.cluster = new services.Cluster({ base_uri: this.base_uri }); this._clusterState = new services.ClusterState({ cluster: this.cluster }); this._header = new ui.Header({ cluster: this.cluster, clusterState: this._clusterState }); this.$body = $.joey( this._body_template() ); this.el = $.joey(this._main_template()); this.attach( parent ); this.instances = {}; this.el.find(".uiApp-headerMenuItem:first").click(); if( this.config.dashboard ) { if( this.config.dashboard === "cluster" ) { var page = this.instances["ClusterOverview"]; page._refreshButton.set( 5000 ); } } }, navigateTo: function( type, config, ev ) { if( "uiApp-headerNewMenuItem" ) ) { this.showNew( type, config, ev ); } else { var ref = type + "0"; if(! this.instances[ ref ]) { this.createPage( type, 0, config ); } ref, ev ); } }, createPage: function( type, id, config ) { var page = this.instances[ type + id ] = new ui[ type ]( config ); this.$body.append( page ); return page; }, show: function( ref, ev ) { $( ).closest("DIV.uiApp-headerMenuItem").addClass("active").siblings().removeClass("active"); for(var p in this.instances) { this.instances[p][ p === ref ? "show" : "hide" ](); } }, showNew: function( type, config, jEv ) { var ref, page, $tab, type_index = 0; while ( ! page ) { ref = type + ( ++type_index ); if (! ( ref in this.instances ) ) { page = this.createPage( type, type_index, config ); } } // Add the tab and its click handlers $tab = $.joey({ tag: "DIV", cls: "uiApp-headerMenuItem pull-left", text: i18n.text("Nav." + type ) + " " + type_index, onclick: function( ev ) { ref, ev ); }.bind(this), children: [ { tag: "A", text: " [-]", onclick: function (ev) { $tab.remove(); page.remove(); delete this.instances[ ref ]; }.bind(this) } ] }); $('.uiApp-headerMenu').append( $tab ); $tab.trigger("click"); }, _openAnyRequest_handler: function(ev) { this.navigateTo("AnyRequest", { cluster: this.cluster }, ev ); }, _openStructuredQuery_handler: function(ev) { this.navigateTo("StructuredQuery", { cluster: this.cluster }, ev ); }, _openBrowser_handler: function(ev) { this.navigateTo("Browser", { cluster: this.cluster }, ev ); }, _openClusterOverview_handler: function(ev) { this.navigateTo("ClusterOverview", { cluster: this.cluster, clusterState: this._clusterState }, ev ); }, _openIndexOverview_handler: function(ev) { this.navigateTo("IndexOverview", { cluster: this.cluster, clusterState: this._clusterState }, ev ); }, _body_template: function() { return ( { tag: "DIV", id:"body"), cls: "uiApp-body" } ); }, _main_template: function() { return { tag: "DIV", cls: "uiApp", children: [ { tag: "DIV", id:"header"), cls: "uiApp-header", children: [ this._header, { tag: "DIV", cls: "uiApp-headerMenu", children: [ { tag: "DIV", cls: "uiApp-headerMenuItem pull-left", text: i18n.text("Nav.Overview"), onclick: this._openClusterOverview_handler }, { tag: "DIV", cls: "uiApp-headerMenuItem pull-left", text: i18n.text("Nav.Indices"), onclick: this._openIndexOverview_handler }, { tag: "DIV", cls: "uiApp-headerMenuItem pull-left", text: i18n.text("Nav.Browser"), onclick: this._openBrowser_handler }, { tag: "DIV", cls: "uiApp-headerMenuItem pull-left", text: i18n.text("Nav.StructuredQuery"), onclick: this._openStructuredQuery_handler, children: [ { tag: "A", cls: "uiApp-headerNewMenuItem ", text: ' [+]' } ] }, { tag: "DIV", cls: "uiApp-headerMenuItem pull-left", text: i18n.text("Nav.AnyRequest"), onclick: this._openAnyRequest_handler, children: [ { tag: "A", cls: "uiApp-headerNewMenuItem ", text: ' [+]' } ] }, ]} ]}, this.$body ]}; } }); })(, this.i18n );
Gruntfile.js 如下:
module.exports = function(grunt) { var fileSets = require("./grunt_fileSets.js"); // Project configuration. grunt.initConfig({ clean: { _site: { src: ['_site'] } }, concat: { vendorjs: { src: fileSets.vendorJs, dest: '_site/vendor.js' }, vendorcss: { src: fileSets.vendorCss, dest: '_site/vendor.css' }, appjs: { src: fileSets.srcJs, dest: '_site/app.js' }, appcss: { src: fileSets.srcCss, dest: '_site/app.css' } }, copy: { site_index: { src: 'index.html', dest: '_site/index.html', options: { process: function( src ) { return src.replace(/_site\//g, ""); } } }, base: { expand: true, cwd: 'src/app/base/', src: [ '*.gif', '*.png', '*.css' ], dest: '_site/base/' }, iconFonts: { expand: true, cwd: 'src/vendor/font-awesome/fonts/', src: '**', dest: '_site/fonts' }, i18n: { src: 'src/vendor/i18n/i18n.js', dest: '_site/i18n.js' }, lang: { expand: true, cwd: 'src/app/lang/', src: '**', dest: '_site/lang/' } }, jasmine: { task: { src: [ fileSets.vendorJs, 'src/vendor/i18n/i18n.js', 'src/app/lang/en_strings.js', fileSets.srcJs ], options: { specs: 'src/app/**/*Spec.js', helpers: 'test/spec/*Helper.js', display: "short", summary: true } } }, watch: { "scripts": { files: ['src/**/*', 'test/spec/*' ], tasks: ['default'], options: { spawn: false } }, "grunt": { files: [ 'Gruntfile.js' ] } }, connect: { server: { options: { hostname: '', port: 9100, base: '.', keepalive: true } } } }); grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-contrib-clean'); grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-contrib-concat'); grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-contrib-watch'); grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-contrib-connect'); grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-contrib-copy'); grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-contrib-jasmine'); // Default task(s). grunt.registerTask('default', ['clean', 'concat', 'copy', 'jasmine']); grunt.registerTask('server', ['connect:server']); grunt.registerTask('dev', [ 'default', 'watch' ]); };
1.Docker-compose搭建ELK+head+redis环境(2)-- head插件安装