


import urllib2, base64, re, struct, time, socket, sys, datetime, os.path

import json
import simplejson as json

zabbix_host = '' # Zabbix server IP
zabbix_port = 10051 # Zabbix server port
hostname = 'xxxxxxx'                         # 配置的zabbix上

time_delta = 1 # grep interval in minutes

# URL to nginx stat (http_stub_status_module)
stat_url = ''

# Nginx log file path
nginx_log_file_path = '/usr/local/nginx/logs/access.log'                 配置nginx日志目录

# Optional Basic Auth     
username = ''
password = ''                                          配置nginx的登录的用户密码,如果没设置则设为空

# Temp file, with log file cursor position
seek_file = '/tmp/nginx_log_stat'

class Metric(object):
def __init__(self, host, key, value, clock=None): = host
self.key = key
self.value = value
self.clock = clock

def __repr__(self):
if self.clock is None:
return 'Metric(%r, %r, %r)' % (, self.key, self.value)
return 'Metric(%r, %r, %r, %r)' % (, self.key, self.value, self.clock)

def send_to_zabbix(metrics, zabbix_host='xx.xx.xx.xx', zabbix_port=10051):

j = json.dumps
metrics_data = []
for m in metrics:
clock = m.clock or ('%d' % time.time())
metrics_data.append(('{"host":%s,"key":%s,"value":%s,"clock":%s}') % (j(, j(m.key), j(m.value), j(clock)))
json_data = ('{"request":"sender data","data":[%s]}') % (','.join(metrics_data))
data_len = struct.pack('<Q', len(json_data))
packet = 'ZBXD\x01'+ data_len + json_data

#print packet
#print ':'.join(x.encode('hex') for x in packet)

zabbix = socket.socket()
zabbix.connect((zabbix_host, zabbix_port))
resp_hdr = _recv_all(zabbix, 13)
if not resp_hdr.startswith('ZBXD\x01') or len(resp_hdr) != 13:
print 'Wrong zabbix response'
return False
resp_body_len = struct.unpack('<Q', resp_hdr[5:])[0]
resp_body = zabbix.recv(resp_body_len)

resp = json.loads(resp_body)
#print resp
if resp.get('response') != 'success':
print 'Got error from Zabbix: %s' % resp
return False
return True
print 'Error while sending data to Zabbix'
return False

def _recv_all(sock, count):
buf = ''
while len(buf)<count:
chunk = sock.recv(count-len(buf))
if not chunk:
return buf
buf += chunk
return buf

def get(url, login, passwd):
req = urllib2.Request(url)
if login and passwd:
base64string = base64.encodestring('%s:%s' % (login, passwd)).replace('\n', '')
req.add_header("Authorization", "Basic %s" % base64string)
q = urllib2.urlopen(req)
res =
return res

def parse_nginx_stat(data):
a = {}
# Active connections
a['active_connections'] = re.match(r'(.*):\s(\d*)', data[0], re.M | re.I).group(2)
# Accepts
a['accepted_connections'] = re.match(r'\s(\d*)\s(\d*)\s(\d*)', data[2], re.M | re.I).group(1)
# Handled
a['handled_connections'] = re.match(r'\s(\d*)\s(\d*)\s(\d*)', data[2], re.M | re.I).group(2)
# Requests
a['handled_requests'] = re.match(r'\s(\d*)\s(\d*)\s(\d*)', data[2], re.M | re.I).group(3)
# Reading
a['header_reading'] = re.match(r'(.*):\s(\d*)(.*):\s(\d*)(.*):\s(\d*)', data[3], re.M | re.I).group(2)
# Writing
a['body_reading'] = re.match(r'(.*):\s(\d*)(.*):\s(\d*)(.*):\s(\d*)', data[3], re.M | re.I).group(4)
# Waiting
a['keepalive_connections'] = re.match(r'(.*):\s(\d*)(.*):\s(\d*)(.*):\s(\d*)', data[3], re.M | re.I).group(6)
return a

def read_seek(file):
if os.path.isfile(file):
f = open(file, 'r')
result = int(f.readline())
return result
return 0
return 0

def write_seek(file, value):
f = open(file, 'w')

#print '[12/Mar/2014:03:21:13 +0400]'

d =
minute = int(time.mktime(d.timetuple()) / 60)*60
d = d.strftime('%d/%b/%Y:%H:%M')

total_rps = 0
rps = [0]*60
tps = [0]*60
res_code = {}

nf = open(nginx_log_file_path, 'r')

new_seek = seek = read_seek(seek_file)

# if new log file, don't do seek
if os.path.getsize(nginx_log_file_path) > seek:

line = nf.readline()
while line:
if d in line:
new_seek = nf.tell()
total_rps += 1
sec = int(re.match('(.*):(\d+):(\d+):(\d+)\s', line).group(4))
code = re.match(r'(.*)"\s(\d*)\s', line).group(2)
if code in res_code:
res_code[code] += 1
res_code[code] = 1

rps[sec] += 1
line = nf.readline()

if total_rps != 0:
write_seek(seek_file, str(new_seek))


metric = (len(sys.argv) >= 2) and re.match(r'nginx\[(.*)\]', sys.argv[1], re.M | re.I).group(1) or False
data = get(stat_url, username, password).split('\n')
data = parse_nginx_stat(data)

data_to_send = []

# Adding the metrics to response
if not metric:
for i in data:
data_to_send.append(Metric(hostname, ('nginx[%s]' % i), data[i]))
print data[metric]

# Adding the request per seconds to response
for t in range(0,60):
data_to_send.append(Metric(hostname, 'nginx[rps]', rps[t], minute+t))

# Adding the response codes stats to respons
for t in res_code:
data_to_send.append(Metric(hostname, ('nginx[%s]' % t), res_code[t]))

send_to_zabbix(data_to_send, zabbix_host, zabbix_port)


此脚本是通过python脚本主动向zabbix_server发送数据,需要设置crontab 定时任务


#crontab -e

*/1 * * * * /usr/bin/python /etc/zabbix/script/

2、在zabbix server端需要添加nginx监控模板

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<template>Template APP Nginx</template>
<name>Template APP Nginx</name>
<name>Accepted connections</name>
<name>Accepted connections\min</name>
<name>Active connections</name>
<name>Body reading</name>
<name>Handled connections</name>
<name>Handled connections\min</name>
<name>Handled requests</name>
<name>Header reading</name>
<name>Keepalive connections</name>
<name>Response code 200 per minute</name>
<name>Response code 301 per minute</name>
<name>Response code 302 per minute</name>
<name>Response code 304 per minute</name>
<name>Response code 403 per minute</name>
<name>Response code 404 per minute</name>
<name>Response code 499 per minute</name>
<description>Client has closed connection.</description>
<name>Response code 500 per minute</name>
<name>Response code 503 per minute</name>
<name>Nginx Connections</name>
<host>Template APP Nginx</host>
<host>Template APP Nginx</host>
<name>Nginx Connections\min</name>
<host>Template APP Nginx</host>
<host>Template APP Nginx</host>
<name>Nginx Requests\sec</name>
<host>Template APP Nginx</host>
<name>Nginx Response codes per minute</name>
<host>Template APP Nginx</host>
<host>Template APP Nginx</host>
<host>Template APP Nginx</host>
<host>Template APP Nginx</host>
<host>Template APP Nginx</host>
<host>Template APP Nginx</host>
<host>Template APP Nginx</host>
<host>Template APP Nginx</host>
<host>Template APP Nginx</host>


posted @ 2018-08-21 14:25  xiao_pai_pai  阅读(224)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报