/** * * 获取保理的金额,开票金额,税额,抵扣价税合计 */ @Rest(method = RestMethod.POST) @ActionKey("/api/qhyf/abs/BaoLi/getBaoLiMoney") public void getBaoLiMoney() { //返回json数据 JSONObject returnJson = new JSONObject(); JSONArray data = new JSONArray(); //财务科目key值 String financialSubjectsKey = this.getPara("financialSubjectsKey"); try { if(!fsKey(financialSubjectsKey)){ returnJson.put("errcode","2"); returnJson.put("errmsg","key值验证不通过"); // 返回错误结果 this.renderJson(returnJson); }else{ returnJson.put("errcode","0"); returnJson.put("errmsg",""); List<Object> paras = new ArrayList<Object>(); String where = ""; // 核心企业ID String coreEnterpriseId = this.getPara("coreEnterpriseId"); if (StringUtils.notBlank(coreEnterpriseId)) { if(StringUtils.isBlank(where)){ where = " Where x.core_enterprise_id = ? "; }else{ where += " and x.core_enterprise_id = ? "; } paras.add(coreEnterpriseId); } // 年份 String years = this.getPara("years"); if (StringUtils.notBlank(years)) { if(StringUtils.isBlank(where)){ where = " Where x.years = ? "; }else{ where += " and x.years = ? "; } paras.add(years); } // 月份 String months = this.getPara("months"); if (StringUtils.notBlank(months)) { if(StringUtils.isBlank(where)){ where = " Where x.months = ? "; }else{ where += " and x.months = ? "; } paras.add(months); } String select =""+ "SELECT " + " x.core_enterprise_id, " + " x.years, " + " x.months, " + " SUM( x.invoice_amount ) as invoice_amount , " + " SUM( x.invoice_tax_amount ) as invoice_tax_amount , " + " SUM( x.total_amount ) as total_amount " + "FROM " + " ( " + " SELECT " + " a.core_enterprise_id, " + " a.account_receivable, " + " b.pay_id, " + " b.invoice_amount, " + " b.invoice_tax_amount, " + " b.total_amount, " + " b.invoice_date, " + " substring( DATE_FORMAT( b.invoice_date, '%Y%m' ), 5 ) months, " + " DATE_FORMAT( b.invoice_date, '%Y' ) years " + " FROM " + " biz_pay_billing_info b, " + " biz_pay_comfirm_info a " + " WHERE " + " b.sys_status = 1 " + " AND b.pay_id = a.uuid " + " AND a.sys_status = 1 " + " ) x " + where + "GROUP BY " + " x.core_enterprise_id, " + " x.months, " + " x.years " ; List<Record> aList = Db.find(select, paras); if (aList != null ) { //遍历上面的结果集 for (Record record : aList) { //获取年 String yers = record.getStr("years"); //获取月 String mons = record.getStr("months"); //获取核心企业 String coreEnterId = record.getStr("coreEnterpriseId"); String getSelectSql="SELECT " + " SUM(z.account_receivable) AS account_receivable " + "FROM " + " ( " + " SELECT DISTINCT " + " y.uuid, " + " y.account_receivable " + " FROM " + " ( " + " SELECT " + " b.pay_id, " + " b.invoice_date, " + " substring( " + " DATE_FORMAT(b.invoice_date, '%Y%m'), " + " 5 " + " ) months, " + " DATE_FORMAT(b.invoice_date, '%Y') years " + " FROM " + " biz_pay_billing_info b " + " WHERE " + " b.sys_status = 1 " + " ) x, " + " biz_pay_comfirm_info y " + " WHERE " + " x.pay_id = y.uuid " + " AND y.sys_status = 1 " + " AND y.core_enterprise_id = ? " + " AND x.years = ? " + " AND x.months = ? " + " ORDER BY " + " y.pay_id " + " ) z" ; Record retc = Db.findFirst(getSelectSql,coreEnterId,yers,mons); record.set("accountReceivable", retc.get("accountReceivable")); } //遍历返回的结果集,放入json 里面 for (Record record2 : aList) { JSONObject json = new JSONObject(); //保理金额 json.put("accountReceivable", record2.get("accountReceivable")); //开票金额invoice_amount json.put("invoiceAmount", record2.get("invoiceAmount")); //税额invoice_tax_amount json.put("invoiceTaxAmount", record2.get("invoiceTaxAmount")); //抵扣价税合计total_amount json.put("totalAmount", record2.get("totalAmount")); data.add(json); } } returnJson.put("data", data); //返回正确结果 this.renderJson(returnJson); } } catch (Exception e) { logger.error(AlertUtils.getErrMsgWithCode("CC004E003"),e); returnJson.put("errcode","4"); returnJson.put("errmsg",AlertUtils.getErrMsgWithCode("CC004E003")); returnJson.put("data", data); //返回错误结果 this.renderJson(returnJson); } }