
package com.qhyf.app.bl.controller;

import club.newepoch.persistent.db.common.Db;
import club.newepoch.persistent.db.pojo.Record;
import club.newepoch.utils.StringUtils;
import com.jfinal.core.ActionKey;
import com.jfinal.core.action.Rest;
import com.jfinal.core.pojo.RestMethod;
import com.qhyf.app.bl.base.controller.QhyfController;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

import net.sf.json.JSONArray;
import net.sf.json.JSONObject;

 * 获取保理付确认书信息的接口
 * @author lx
public class InterfaceFactoringPayConfirmationController extends QhyfController {
     * 获取付款确认书的信息
    @Rest(method = RestMethod.POST)
    public void PayConfirmationInformation() {
        JSONObject returnJson = new JSONObject();
        JSONArray data = new JSONArray();
        JSONArray invoiceNodata = new JSONArray();
        // 数据校验是否成功标识
        boolean checkFlag = true;
        StringBuffer errmsgSb = new StringBuffer();
        try {
            String coreEnterpriseId = this.getPara("coreEnterpriseId");
            String financialInstitutionsId = this.getPara("financialInstitutionsId");
            String period = this.getPara("period");
            // 获取付款确认书编号
            String payNo = this.getPara("payNo");

            // 当payId 为空,核心企业,期数,金融机构不能为空
            if (StringUtils.isBlank(payNo)) {
                if (StringUtils.isBlank(coreEnterpriseId)) {
                    checkFlag = false;
                if (StringUtils.isBlank(financialInstitutionsId)) {
                    checkFlag = false;
                if (StringUtils.isBlank(period)) {
                    checkFlag = false;
            // 期数存在的情况下,校验期数是否为数值
            if (checkFlag) {
                if (!checkPeriods(period.toString())) {
                    returnJson.put("errcode", "3002");
                    checkFlag = false;
            }else {
                returnJson.put("errcode", "3001");
            // 校验通过
            if (checkFlag) {
                // 构造查询sql
                String sql= "SELECT    " +
                        "    a.uuid,    " +
                        "    a.pay_id AS pay_no,    " +
                        "    a.core_enterprise_id,    " +
                        "    b.core_enterprise_name,    " +
                        "    a.financial_institutions_id,    " +
                        "    c.financial_institutions_name,    " +
                        "    a.signing_body_id,    " +
                        "    d.sign_body_name,    " +
                        "    a.periods,    " +
                        "    a.suppliers_id,    " +
                        "    e.suppliers_name,    " +
                        "    a.item_company_id,    " +
                        "    f.item_company_name,    " +
                        "    g.region_name,    " +
                        "    a.contract_type,    " +
                        "    a.due_date,    " +
                        "    a.account_receivable    " +
                        "FROM    " +
                        "    biz_pay_comfirm_info a,    " +
                        "    biz_core_enterprise b,    " +
                        "    biz_financial_institutions c,    " +
                        "    biz_signing_body d,    " +
                        "    biz_suppliers e,    " +
                        "    biz_item_company f,    " +
                        "    biz_item_region g    " +
                        "WHERE    " +
                        "    a.core_enterprise_id = b.uuid    " +
                        "AND a.financial_institutions_id = c.uuid    " +
                        "AND a.signing_body_id = d.uuid    " +
                        "AND a.suppliers_id = e.uuid    " +
                        "AND a.item_company_id = f.uuid    " +
                        "AND f.region_id = g.uuid    " +
                        "AND a.sys_status = 1    " +
                        "AND b.sys_status = 1    " +
                        "AND c.sys_status = 1    " +
                        "AND d.sys_status = 1    " +
                        "AND f.sys_status = 1    " +
                        "AND g.sys_status = 1    " +
                        "AND a.uuid NOT IN (    " +
                        "    SELECT    " +
                        "        pay_id    " +
                        "    FROM    " +
                        "        biz_rollback_pay    " +
                        "    WHERE    " +
                        "        sys_status = 1    " +
                        "    AND biz_state <> 15    " +
                        ")" ;

                // where条件
                String where = "";
                List<String> paras = new ArrayList<String>();
                // 核心企业ID不为空时新增查询条件
                if (StringUtils.notBlank(coreEnterpriseId)) {
                    where += "and a.core_enterprise_id = ? ";
                // 金融机构类型不为空时新增查询条件
                if (StringUtils.notBlank(financialInstitutionsId)) {
                    where += "and a.financial_institutions_id  = ? ";
                // 期数不为空时新增查询条件
                if (StringUtils.notBlank(period)) {
                    where += "and a.periods = ? ";
                // 付款确认书编号不为空时新增查询条件
                if (StringUtils.notBlank(payNo)) {
                    where += "and a.pay_id = ? ";
                List<Record> payConfirmationrecordList = Db.find(sql + where, paras.toArray());
                // 当查询结果不为空时
                if (!payConfirmationrecordList.isEmpty()) {
                    for (Record rd : payConfirmationrecordList) {
                        //查询 发票号
                        String invoiceNoSql = "SELECT  " +
                                "        h.invoice_no,  " +
                                "        a.pay_id  " +
                                "    FROM  " +
                                "        biz_pay_comfirm_info a,  " +
                                "        biz_invoice_info h  " +
                                "    WHERE  " +
                                "        a.uuid = h.pay_id   " +
                                "and a.sys_status = 1   " +
                                "AND h.sys_status = 1" +
                                " AND a.uuid = ? ";
                        List<Record> invoiceNoList = Db.find(invoiceNoSql, rd.getStr("uuid"));

                        JSONObject json = new JSONObject();
                        // 核心企业
                        json.put("core_enterprise_name", rd.get("coreEnterpriseName"));
                        // 金融机构名称
                        json.put("financial_institutions_name", rd.get("financialInstitutionsName"));
                        // 签约主体
                        json.put("signing_body_name", rd.get("signBodyName"));

                        json.put("periods", rd.get("periods"));
                        json.put("pay_no", rd.get("payNo"));
                        json.put("suppliers_name", rd.get("suppliersName"));
                        json.put("item_company_name", rd.get("itemCompanyName"));
                        json.put("suppliers_id", rd.get("suppliersId"));
                        json.put("item_company_id", rd.get("itemCompanyId"));

                        json.put("item_region", rd.get("regionName"));
                        json.put("contract_type", rd.get("contractType"));
                        json.put("due_date", rd.get("dueDate").toString());
                        json.put("account_receivable", rd.get("accountReceivable"));
                        for (Record invoiceNo : invoiceNoList) {
                            JSONObject invoiceNoJson = new JSONObject();
                            invoiceNoJson.put("invoiceNo", invoiceNo.get("invoiceNo"));
                        json.put("invoiceList", invoiceNodata);
                        // 将json加进响应体
                    returnJson.put("errcode", "0");
                    returnJson.put("errmsg", "");
                } else {
                    returnJson.put("errcode", "3003");
                    returnJson.put("errmsg", "未获取到付款确认书信息,请检查请求参数是否正确");
            } else {
                returnJson.put("errmsg", errmsgSb.toString());
            returnJson.put("data", data);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            // 异常处理
            returnJson.put("errcode", "9999");
            returnJson.put("errmsg", "内部服务处理异常!");
            returnJson.put("data", data);

     * 期数校验
     * @param param 需要校验的参数
     * @return isCheckThrough 是否满足校验规则
    private boolean checkPeriods(String param) {
        boolean isCheckThrough = StringUtils.matchRegex(param, "^\\d+$");
        if (isCheckThrough) {
            return true;
        } else {
            return false;

    "errcode": "0",
    "errmsg": "",
    "data": [
            "core_enterprise_name": "万科",
            "financial_institutions_name": "方正万科ABS",
            "signing_body_name": "深圳市前海一方商业保理有限公司",
            "periods": 1002,
            "pay_no": "ZD-ABS00001-2018-0002",
            "suppliers_name": "四川正丰泰建设工程有限公司",
            "item_company_name": "朱德勇测试分公司",
            "suppliers_id": "67d38832e14f47aea5198d40c5368a1c",
            "item_company_id": "976f66dfc65143c2ad11eff5cbecf619",
            "item_region": "成都",
            "contract_type": "E",
            "due_date": "2020-01-01",
            "account_receivable": 100000,
            "invoiceList": [
                    "invoiceNo": "02751761"


    "errcode": "3001",
    "errmsg": "核心企业不能为空;金融机构不能为空;期数不能为空;",
    "data": []


    "errcode": "3002",
    "errmsg": "期数参数值不合法",
    "data": []


posted on 2019-05-06 09:39  小白菜好吃  阅读(839)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
