Can't place multiple pins assigned to pin location Pin_F16

Can't place multiple pins assigned to pin location Pin_F16


"Can't place multiple pins assigned to pin location Pin_F16 (IOPAD_X34_Y18_N21)"


这句提示翻译成中文的意思是"无法将多个引脚分配到Pin_F 16这个管脚上"。很多第一次遇见这种问题的朋友会很郁闷,回去检查完引脚分配后,发现并没有重复(况且引脚分配器那里也不让重复分配)。然后就摸不着头脑了。


通过细节信息我们可以知道,ALTERA_nCEO引脚也被分配到了F16引脚,而nCEO引脚又是什么呢?我们在Cyclone IV Device Handbook中第224页找到了关于该引脚的描述:

Output that drives low when configuration is complete. In a single-device configuration, you can leave this pin floating or use it as a user I/O pin after configuration. In a multi-device configuration, this pin feeds the nCE pin of the next device. The nCEO of the last device in the chain is left floating or used as a user I/O pin after configuration.

FPGA器件的配置过程完成后,该引脚输出低电。对于一个只配置一个器件的系统,用户可以将此引脚悬空,或者在配置完成后当做普通用户IO使用。在一个需要配置多设备的系统中(链式结构,使用一个Jtag链配置多个FPGA器件),该引脚连接到下一个器件的引脚的nCE。链的最后一个设备的nCEO悬空或在配置完成后作为普通用户I / O引脚使用。


If you use the nCEO pin to feed the nCE pin of the next device,use an external 10-k pull-up resistor to pull the nCEO pin high to the VCCIO voltage of its I/O bank to help the internal weak pull-up resistor.(对于多器件配置系统,翻译略)


If you use the nCEO pin as a user I/O pin after configuration, set the state of the pin on the Dual-Purpose Pin settings






Quartus II中依次点击【Assigments】-> 【Device】,在弹出的界面中选择"Device and Pin Options"

在弹出的选项卡中,选择Dual-Purpose Pins,在右侧双击nCEO的值,在弹出的下拉选项中选择Use as regular I/O即可。



posted @ 2017-06-27 12:30  小梅哥  阅读(1857)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报