azkaban group分组,权限


1.job project,名为"e",分享给某人看,下图位置中添加那个人账号即可(可在lmk账号登录,并在 projects>>Personal>>看到那个项目e)

2.分享到组内,group,也是同样的方式同样位置(如下图),在Group下add一个名为跟g2park的group name,

并在azkaban-web-server/con/azkaban-user.xml下添加一个分组g2park ,并分配好权限

  <user groups="azkaban" password="azkaban" roles="admin" username="azkaban"/>
  <user password="metrics" roles="metrics" username="metrics"/>
  <group name="g2park" roles="g2park_role" />

  <user username="admin" password="123" groups="g2park" roles="admin,metrics" />
  <user username="ht" password="123" groups="g2park"  />
  <user username="lmk" password="123" groups="g2park" />

  <role name="admin" permissions="ADMIN"/>
  <role name="metrics" permissions="METRICS"/>
  <role name="g2park_role" permissions="READ,WRITE,EXECUTE,SCHEDULE" />








Roles are different in that it assigns global permissions to users in Azkaban. You can set up roles with the <roles> tag.:

  <user username="a" ... groups="groupa" roles="readall" / >
  <user username="b" ... / >
  <group name="groupa" roles="admin" / >
  <role name="admin" permissions="ADMIN" / >
  <role name="readall" permissions="READ" / >


In the above example, user ‘a’ has the role ‘readall’, which is defined as having the READ permission. This means that user ‘a’ has global READ access on all the projects and executions.

User ‘a’ also is in ‘groupa’, which has the role ADMIN. It’s certainly redundant, but user ‘a’ is also granted the ADMIN role on all projects.

The possible role permissions are the following:

ADMIN Grants all access to everything in Azkaban.
READ Gives users read only access to every project and their logs
WRITE Allows users to upload files, change job properties or remove any project
EXECUTE Allows users to trigger the execution of any flow
SCHEDULE Users can add or remove schedules for any flows
CREATEPROJECTS Allows users to create new projects if project creation is locked down


posted @ 2018-09-13 19:55  君子笑而不语  阅读(700)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报