hive内group by取第一条数据,Hive中row_number的使用


row_number() over (partition by 字段a order by 计算项b desc ) rank

  • rank是排序的别名
  • partition by:类似hive的建表,分区的意思;
  • order by :排序,默认是升序,加desc降序;
  • 这里按字段a分区,对计算项b进行降序排序

2、hive的分组和组内排序 --- 实例



select “品牌” , sum/count/其他() as num from "table_name" order by num desc limit 10;


select a.* from (select "品牌","渠道",sum/count() as num, row_number () over (partition by "品牌" order by num desc) rank from “table_name” where 品牌限制条件 group by “品牌”,“渠道” ) a having a.rank <= 10;

3、 取top10品牌下各品牌的top10渠道中各渠道的top10档期

select a.* from (select "品牌","渠道","档期",sum/count/其他() as num row_number() over (partition by "档期" order by num desc) rank from "table_name" where 品牌限制条件 group by “品牌”,“渠道) a Having a.rank <= 10;

SELECT v.visitor_phone,,v.bigarea,
row_number()over (partition by visitor_phone order by visitor_phone desc) rank 
from visitor v 
WHERE 1=1 and visitor_name in('蒋凤','周金魁')
group BY v.visitor_phone,
18222666666 北京 华北区 1
18222666666 天津 华北区 2
13402777777 北京 华北区 1
13402777777 成都 中西部 2


SELECT a.* from(
SELECT v.visitor_phone,,v.bigarea,
row_number()over (partition by visitor_phone order by visitor_phone desc) rank 
from visitor v 
WHERE 1=1 and visitor_name in('蒋凤','周金魁')
group BY v.visitor_phone,
where a.rank=1;
18222666666 北京 华北区 1
13402777777 北京 华北区 1



posted @ 2018-08-23 21:35  君子笑而不语  阅读(22363)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报