


1,定义一个DYNAMIC ARRAY OF RECORD来存放字段的颜色配置(字段均为string类型),

比如DEFINE g_imaf_d_color   DYNAMIC ARRAY OF RECORD;字段一一对应g_imaf_d的字段;

2,设置LET g_imaf_d_color[l_ac].xxxx= 'red' ;

3,在BEFORE DIALOG或BEFORE DISPLAY下(反正是在填充完显示前)CALL DIALOG.setCellAttributes(g_imaf_d_color);



另外,CALL cl_set_comp_font_color("oea01,oea04", "red") 这个函数可设置整列的字体颜色;










1,首先定义一个DYNAMIC ARRAY OF RECORD,对应多少列,如共13列内容即c01-c13;

                           c01   STRING,
                           c02   STRING,
                           c03   STRING,
                           c04   STRING,
                           c05   STRING,
                           c06   STRING,
                           c07   STRING,
                           c08   STRING,
                           c09   STRING,
                           c10   STRING,
                           c11   STRING,
                           c12   STRING,
                           c13   STRING
                        END RECORD




            #add-point:ui_dialog段before dialog
               LET g_current_page = 1
               LET g_xccc_d_color[1].c01 = 'blue reverse'
               LET g_xccc_d_color[1].c02 = 'blue reverse'
               LET g_xccc_d_color[1].c03 = 'blue reverse'
               LET g_xccc_d_color[1].c04 = 'blue reverse'
               LET g_xccc_d_color[1].c05 = 'blue reverse'
               LET g_xccc_d_color[1].c06 = 'blue reverse'
               LET g_xccc_d_color[1].c07 = 'blue reverse'
               LET g_xccc_d_color[1].c08 = 'blue reverse'
               LET g_xccc_d_color[1].c09 = 'blue reverse'
               LET g_xccc_d_color[1].c10 = 'blue reverse'
               LET g_xccc_d_color[1].c11 = 'blue reverse'
               LET g_xccc_d_color[1].c12 = 'blue reverse'
               LET g_xccc_d_color[1].c13 = 'blue reverse'
               LET g_xccc_d_color[22].c01 = 'blue reverse'
               LET g_xccc_d_color[22].c02 = 'blue reverse'
               LET g_xccc_d_color[22].c03 = 'blue reverse'
               LET g_xccc_d_color[22].c04 = 'blue reverse'
               LET g_xccc_d_color[22].c05 = 'blue reverse'
               LET g_xccc_d_color[22].c06 = 'blue reverse'
               LET g_xccc_d_color[22].c07 = 'blue reverse'
               LET g_xccc_d_color[22].c08 = 'blue reverse'
               LET g_xccc_d_color[22].c09 = 'blue reverse'
               LET g_xccc_d_color[22].c10 = 'blue reverse'
               LET g_xccc_d_color[22].c11 = 'blue reverse'
               LET g_xccc_d_color[22].c12 = 'blue reverse'
               LET g_xccc_d_color[22].c13 = 'blue reverse'
               LET g_xccc_d_color[34].c01 = 'blue reverse'
               LET g_xccc_d_color[34].c02 = 'blue reverse'
               LET g_xccc_d_color[34].c03 = 'blue reverse'
               LET g_xccc_d_color[34].c04 = 'blue reverse'
               LET g_xccc_d_color[34].c05 = 'blue reverse'
               LET g_xccc_d_color[34].c06 = 'blue reverse'
               LET g_xccc_d_color[34].c07 = 'blue reverse'
               LET g_xccc_d_color[34].c08 = 'blue reverse'
               LET g_xccc_d_color[34].c09 = 'blue reverse'
               LET g_xccc_d_color[34].c10 = 'blue reverse'
               LET g_xccc_d_color[34].c11 = 'blue reverse'
               LET g_xccc_d_color[34].c12 = 'blue reverse'
               LET g_xccc_d_color[34].c13 = 'blue reverse'            
               CALL DIALOG.setArrayAttributes("s_detail1",g_xccc_d_color)
            #end add-point


posted @ 2019-09-20 14:53  AaronLi  阅读(294)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报