1 #encoding=utf-8 2 __author__ = 'heng' 3 """ 4 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 项目名称:购物车程序 6 项目要求: 7 1.要求输入用户的工资,然后打印购物的菜单 8 2.用户可以不断的购买商品直到钱不够为止 9 3.退出时格式化用户已购买商品和所剩的余额 10 11 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12 """ 13 import sys 14 #购物车,用于存放购买成功的商品 15 shopping_cart = {} 16 #打印商品的种类和价格 17 the_goods = {'bike':999, 18 'milk':80, 19 'car':19999, 20 'iphone':5000, 21 'ipad':3000, 22 'ituch':1000, 23 'iwatch':400, 24 'macbook':9000 25 } 26 print 'the goods and price :' 27 #将字典中的信息全部打印出来 28 for i in the_goods: 29 print i,':',the_goods[i] 30 the_money = float(raw_input('please enter your money:')) 31 the_priece = 0 #用来统计购买商品的数量 32 while True: 33 print 'You can buy:' 34 i = 0 35 #判断可以支付的商品种类 36 for j in the_goods: 37 if the_goods[j] <= the_money: 38 i+=1 39 print j,':',the_goods[j] 40 if i==0: 41 print "You don't have enough money,you can buy nothing!go home man!" 42 #用户是否继续购物 43 if_leave = raw_input("DO you want to buy continue?y/n") 44 if if_leave == 'y': 45 want_buy = raw_input("please enter the goods you want to buy:") 46 #判断输入的是否正确 47 if want_buy not in the_goods.keys(): 48 print "the goods can't find!" 49 else: 50 if the_goods[want_buy] <= the_money: #判断用户是否可以支付 51 if want_buy in shopping_cart: #用来计算购买的数量 52 shopping_cart[want_buy][1]+=1 53 else: 54 shopping_cart[want_buy] = [the_goods[want_buy],1] 55 the_money = the_money - the_goods[want_buy] 56 print "you buy %s succeed!"%want_buy 57 else: 58 print "the good is too expensive for you ,you don't have enough money !" 59 60 print "your balance is : %.2f"%the_money 61 else: 62 print "you had buy:" 63 for k in shopping_cart: #输出购物车中的物品和数量 64 print shopping_cart[k][1],'piece ',k 65 print "your balance is : %.2f"%the_money 66 sys.exit()