spring-boot 代码示例1

标识符无效 实体表跟数据库字段不一样

nohup 意思是不挂断运行命令,当账户退出或终端关闭时,程序仍然运行

nohup java -jar sam-service-mongo-0.0.1.jar -server -Xms256m -Xmx1024m -Xss256k > ./run.log 2>&1 &
nohup java -jar sam-service-mongo-0.0.1.jar  > ./run.log 2>&1 &

Hibernate实体类注解中忽略某些字段的映射需要给字段加   @Transient 注解

    private Double income;
    private Double profit;
如果  findByName_szhNotId  某个字段是下划线  用字段属性查询时会报错 必须使用 @Query


public class ComService extends BaseService {

    private static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(ComService.class);

    private DictIndustryDao DdctIndustryDao;

    @RequestMapping(value = "/search")
    public String stockSearch(String name) {
        return null;

    @RequestMapping(value = "/stock/show", method = RequestMethod.POST)
    public String stockShow(@RequestParam("id") String id) {
        return null;

    @RequestMapping(value = "/stock/add", method = RequestMethod.POST)
    public String stockAdd(ComBaseInfoParam param) {
        return null;


public class DictIndustryDao {
    private DictIndustryRepository dictIndustryRepository;

     public Long saveByPk(DictIndustry industry) {
         // 根据有没有主键是否新增更新  自带方法  新增 更新都可以此方法
        industry = dictIndustryRepository.save(industry); 
        return industry.getId();

    //根据实体对象里面有值的去删除  自带方法
    public void remove(DictIndustry industry) {
        logger.info(industry.getId() + "数据删除");

     // 根据主键删除 自带方法
    public void delete(Long id) {
        logger.info(industry.getId() + "数据删除");

public interface DictIndustryRepository extends JpaRepository<DictIndustry, Long> {
    DictIndustry findByCode(String code);
    DictIndustry findByZhsnameAndLeve(String zhsname, Integer leve);
public class SamRepository {

    private BaseStockDao baseStockDao;
    private DictProductRsDao dictProductRsDao;

    private FinSamDao finSamDao;

    // 使用spring 的 jdbcTemplate 进行查询
    private JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate;

    public SamRepository(BaseStockDao baseStockDao,DictProductRsDao dictProductRsDao) {
        this.baseStockDao = baseStockDao;
        this.dictProductRsDao = dictProductRsDao;

    // 使用jdbcTemplate 查询 自动将sql转化为对应的实体类
    public List<FinSamProduct>(){
        String sql = "select * from fin_sam_product f where  1=1 and f.active = 1 ";
        // import org.springframework.jdbc.core.BeanPropertyRowMapper;
        // FinSamProduct 是对应的实体类  此查询关联的表不会查询出来
        List<FinSamProduct> dataList = jdbcTemplate.query(sql.toString(), new BeanPropertyRowMapper(FinSamProduct.class));
        return dataList;

    // 使用jdbcTemplate 删除
    public String stockDel(String pcode, String secu, String[] fp, String year) throws Exception {
        if (fp == null || fp.length == 0) {
            return "year is null";
        String sql = "DELETE from FIN_SAM_PRODUCT_ITEM t WHERE t.ref in (SELECT id from FIN_SAM_PRODUCT m WHERE " +
                "m.SECU = '#secu' and m.FP in (#year)) and t.CD in (SELECT s.CODE from DICT_PRODUCT_RS s WHERE s.code = '#pcode' " +
                "or s.id in ( SELECT r.ref from dict_product_ref r where r.typ = 'ancestors' and r.code = '#pcode' ))";

        sql = sql.replaceAll("#secu", secu).replaceAll("#year", year).replaceAll("#pcode", pcode);
        System.out.println("sql -> " + sql);
        return "success";

import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.data.domain.Example;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Repository;

public class SupplyChainRelationDao {
    private SupplyChainRelationRepository supplyChainRelationRepository;
    private DictProductRsRepository dictProductRsRepository;

    // 根据实体对象里面有值的去查询  自带方法
    public List<SupplyChainRelation> findQuery(SupplyChainRelation chainRelation) {
        Example<SupplyChainRelation> example = Example.of(chainRelation);
        return supplyChainRelationRepository.findAll(example);

    // 根据主键查询 自带方法
    public DictProductRs findOneById(String id) {
        return dictProductRsRepository.findOne(Long.valueOf(id));

    private List<DictProductRs> findSun(String code) {
        List<ProductRsOrAncestors> data = dictProductRefRepository.findByancestors(code);
        ArrayList<Long> ids = new ArrayList<>();
        if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(data)) {
            data.forEach(v -> ids.add(v.getRef()));
        return dictProductRsRepository.findAll(ids); // 根据多个主键查询 自带方法 Iterable<ID> ids
public interface DictProductRsRepository extends JpaRepository<DictProductRs, Long> {

    @Query("from DictProductRs r where r.valid = '1' ")
    List<DictProductRs> findValidate();

    DictProductRs findByCode(String code);

    @Query("from  BaseStock  s where s.name_szh = ?1")
    BaseStock findByName_szh(String name_szh);
    // 如果属性里面是 name_szh  带有下划线的 属性 不能使用此方法 必须使用  @Query
    // List<DictProductRs> findByName_szh(String name_szh);

    @Query("from DictProductRs r where r.valid = '1' and  ( r.code in ?1 or r.name_szh like ?2  or r.name_en like ?2 )")
    List<DictProductRs> search(Collection<String> codes, String name);

    List<DictProductRs> findByCodeIn(Collection<String> totalCodeSet);
public interface DictProductDefRepository extends JpaRepository<DictProductDef, Long> {
    DictProductDef findBySecuAndName(String secu, String name);
    DictProductDef findByItemcdAndSecuAndCode(String itemcd,String secu,String code);
    List<DictProductDef> findByNameLike(String name);
public interface BaseStockRepository extends JpaRepository<BaseStock,Long> {

    BaseStock findByTick(String tick);
    BaseStock findByCode(String code);

    @Query("from BaseStock b where b.name_szh = ?1")
    BaseStock findByName_szh(String name_szh);

    @Query("from BaseStock b where b.id <> ?1 and b.name_szh = ?2")
    BaseStock findByName_szhNotId(Long id, String name_szh);


import com.csf.sam.entity.SupplyChainRelation;
import org.springframework.data.jpa.repository.JpaRepository;
import org.springframework.data.jpa.repository.Query;

public interface SupplyChainRelationRepository extends JpaRepository<SupplyChainRelation,Long> {

    @Query("from SupplyChainRelation s where s.rdegree = 1 and s.rtyp = ?1")
    List<SupplyChainRelation> findByRtyp(String rtyp);

    @Query("from SupplyChainRelation s where s.rdegree = 1")
    List<SupplyChainRelation> findByRdegree();

    @Query("from SupplyChainRelation s where s.rdegree = 1 and s.prime_szh = ?1")
    List<SupplyChainRelation> findBySzh(String szh);

    @Query("from SupplyChainRelation s where s.rdegree = 1 and s.prime_cd = ?1")
    List<SupplyChainRelation> findByCode(String code);

    @Query("from SupplyChainRelation s where s.prime_cd in ?1 and s.level = ?2 and s.rdegree = ?3")
    List<SupplyChainRelation> findByPrime_cdInAndLevelAAndRdegree(Collection<String> codes, Integer level, Integer rdegree);

    // 使用原生的sql执行
    @Query(value = " select count(1) from supply_chain_relation s where s.prime_cd = ?1 and s.leve = ?2 and s.related_cd =?3 ", nativeQuery = true)
    Long countByPrime_cdAndLevelAndRelated_cd(String prime_cd, Integer level, String related_cd);

    @Query(" from SupplyChainRelation s where  s.prime_cd = ?1 and s.level = ?2 and s.rtyp = ?3 and s.related_cd = ?4 ")
    SupplyChainRelation findByPrime_cdAndLevelAndRtypAndRelated_cd(String prime_cd, Integer level, String rtyp, String related_cd);

    @Query(" delete from SupplyChainRelation s where s.prime_cd = ?1 and s.level = ?2 and s.rtyp = ?3 and s.related_cd = ?4")
    void deleteByPrime_cdAndLevelAndRtypAndRelated_cd(String prime_cd, Integer level, String rtyp, String related_cd);

    @Query(" from SupplyChainRelation s where s.prime_cd = ?1")
    List<SupplyChainRelation> findByPrime_cd(String prime_cd);


public interface FinSamRepository extends JpaRepository<FinSamProduct, Long> {

    List<FinSamProduct> findByIdInAndQIn(List<Long> ids, Collection<String> q);

    List<FinSamProduct> findBySecuAndQIn(String secu, Collection<String> q);

    List<FinSamProduct> findBySecuLike(String secu);

    List<FinSamProduct> findByIdIn(List<Long> ids);

    List<FinSamProduct> findBySecuAndFpIn(String secu, List<String> fp); // 测试过

    // 根据id降序排序取第一条数据  first跟top相对应
    FinSamProduct findFirstByOrderByIdDesc();

import javax.persistence.Entity;
import javax.persistence.GeneratedValue;
import javax.persistence.Id;
import javax.persistence.Table;
 * @Entity来注解实体类时指定name为此实体类对应的表名
 * 此对应oracle数据库
@Table(name = "fin_product_node_ref")
public class FinNode implements Serializable {

    // JPA默认的递增大小是50 所以这里要设置allocationSize=1,就是以1递增
    // 这里需要手动创建 sequence  ---> create sequence seq_base_stock start with 65422 increment by 1;  
    //  seq_base_stock  idSequenceseq  名字可以随便起
    @SequenceGenerator(name = "idSequenceseq", sequenceName = "seq_base_stock", allocationSize = 1)
    @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.SEQUENCE, generator = "idSequenceseq")
    private Long id;
    private String oid;
    private Long ref;  //FinProductNode id
    private String code;  //节点code
    private String income; //收入

    // oracle类型为   deal number(20),  
    private Boolean dual; //收入  当这里取值为1时自动转化为true,为0时自动转化为false

    private String income_ratio; //收入占比

    @Column (name = "leve")   // 声明数据库指定的字段名称
    private Integer level;//层级

    // 忽略此字段对数据库的映射
    private Double income;

    // 关联另外一张表fin_sam_product_item  关联字段为fin_sam_product_item.ref字段
    // 只用来关联查询 关联更新 关联删除不行
    @OneToMany(cascade=CascadeType.ALL, fetch = FetchType.EAGER,mappedBy = "ref")
    private List<ProductItem> items;
    //#@OneToMany(cascade=CascadeType.ALL, fetch = FetchType.LAZY,mappedBy = "ref")
    //# 实体类如果关联查询使用懒惰加载 fetch = FetchType.LAZY  必须加上以下代码 不然会报 no session 异常

@Table(name = "fin_sam_product_item")
public class ProductItem {
    @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.SEQUENCE, generator = "SEQ_FIN_SAM_PRODUCT")
    @SequenceGenerator(name = "SEQ_FIN_SAM_PRODUCT", sequenceName = "SEQ_FIN_SAM_PRODUCT_ITEM", allocationSize = 1)
    private Long id;
    private Long ref;
    private Double income;
    @OneToMany(cascade=CascadeType.ALL, fetch = FetchType.EAGER,mappedBy = "ref")
    private List<ProductItemOVo> oVos;
    private List<ProductItemOVo> o;
    private List<ProductItemOVo> ro;

public class ComBaseInfoParam implements Serializable{

    private String id;
    private String tick;// 股票代码
    private String nameszh; // 公司全称
    private String abbrszh; // 公司简称
    private String mktcode; // 市场   1001 1002 1003 1012 1052
    private String lscode; // 上市/退市
    private String lsdt;  // 上市时间/退市时间
    private String edt; // 退市时间



oracle 连接信息

application.properties 文件

    # 指定项目的端口号

    # 指定项目访问时的路径的前缀


    # 使运行时输入sql语句

    # @OneToMany(cascade=CascadeType.ALL, fetch = FetchType.LAZY,mappedBy = "ref")
    # 实体类如果关联查询使用懒惰加载 fetch = FetchType.LAZY  必须加上以下代码
    # spring.jpa.properties.hibernate.enable_lazy_load_no_trans=true


备注 : 项目访问


posted @ 2018-04-18 15:27  百合叶  阅读(373)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报