mysql> explain select * from city;
mysql> alter table city drop index District_key;
mysql> explain select * from city where District='heilongjiang';
#表中数据一共4079,查询数据539条,走索引 13.2%
mysql> explain select * from city where population > 500000;
#表中数据一共4079,查询数据737条,不走索引 18%
mysql> explain select * from city where population > 400000;
mysql> explain select * from city where id-1=2;
mysql> explain select * from city whereid=2+1;
# 1.建表
mysql> create table phone(id int,name varchar(10),number varchar(20));
mysql> alter table phone add unique key uni_key(number);
mysql> insert phone values(1,'警察局',110),(2,'消防',119),(3,'医院',120);
mysql> explain select * from phone where number=120;
mysql> explain select * from phone where number='120';
6)使用 like + % 的模糊匹配,当条件以%开头时
#1. % 在最前面时不走索引
mysql> explain select * from city where countrycode like '%H';
mysql> explain select * from city where countrycode like '%H%';
#2. % 在后面时走索引
mysql> explain select * from city where countrycode like 'H%';
#3. % 在中间时也走索引
mysql> select * from city where countrycode like 'C%N';
mysql> show index from user;
| Table | Non_unique | Key_name | Seq_in_index | Column_name |
| user | 1 | index_all | 1 | sex |
| user | 1 | index_all | 2 | age |
| user | 1 | index_all | 3 | money |
| user | 1 | index_all | 4 | look |
mysql> select * from user where sex='fmale' and age='30';
mysql> explain select * from user where age='30' and money='100000000' and look='beautiful' and sex='fmale';
mysql> explain select * from user where age='30' and money='100000000' and look='beautiful';
8) <> ,not in 不走索引
mysql> explain select * from phone where number not in (110);
mysql> explain select * from phone where number <> '110';
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