


  • pip是个可执行文件,该命令可帮助我们管理第三方模块(将该文件下载到本地,并解压到指定目录)
  • python2,默认无pip命令;python3,默认下载pip命令(但需手动添加到环境变量中)
  • pip相当于统一管理第三方模块的模块商城(
  • 更新pip: python -m pip install --upgrade pip
  • other: yum install xxx; apt-get install xxx; brew install xxx; easyinstall xxx


sql injection: Because the statement after the character(--) be identified to invalid statement

import pymysql
# establish a link
conn = pymysql.connect(host="", post=3306, user="root", passwd="666", db="datebase_name", charset="utf8")

# establish a cursor
cursor = conn.cursor()		# Equate to create a jurisdiction to operate mysql

# add/delete/modify/show
cursor.excute("sql_statement")		# Ruturn a value, the rows modified
conn.commit()		# commit the modification to mysql

# When convey args, don't permit to concat string
inp = input("please input your class name: >>>")
r = cursor.execute("insert into class(caption) values(%s)", inp)

g = [("arno", "male"), ("kristy", "female")]
r = cursor.executemany("insert into student(name, gender) values(%s, %s)", g)

# show
r = cursor.execute("select nid,name from student")
print(cursor.fetchall())		# cursor.fetchone; Take out the values found in terms of the scroll

# shift scroll
cursor.scroll(0, mode="absolute")		# Come back the start of the file
cursor.scroll(1, mode="relative")		# Go down to the file

# Modify the value's type found
cursor = conn.cursor(cursor=pymysql.cursor.DictCursor)

# Get the id newly created
new_id = cursor.lastrowid()		-- get the the id of lastrow

posted @ 2021-05-16 08:21  notesForKai  阅读(59)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报