


One day, Caspar’s girlfriend Rapsac asked Caspar to play a game with her. This game called “The Trains”.  There are some cards, each of them is marked with an integer K (1<=K<=200).  Before the beginning of the game, they divide them to 2 sequences, one for Caspar and another for Rapsac. Then, they pick the first card of their cards out and put it to the game sequence in turn. The rule is that if one picks out card P and there has been already a card P in the game sequence, he or she would take the cards from the first card P to the end of the game sequence and put them to end of his or her sequence. And if someone has no card in his or her turn, he or she will lose.





There are multiple testcases.

The first line of each testcase contains two integer N (1<=N<= 200) and M (1<=M<=200). The second line has N integers, indicating the sequence of cards of Caspar. The next line has M integers, indicating the sequence of cards of Rapsac. Caspar is always the first one to pick up card. 




For each testcase, output the winner’s name.


Sample Input

3 4
1 3 1
2 3 2 1

Sample Output

 1 # include<stdio.h>
 2 # include<malloc.h>
 3 #define MaxSize 400//由题意,所有的元素个数永远不会超过400
 4 typedef int ElemType;
 5 typedef struct node
 6 {
 7     ElemType data[MaxSize];
 8     int front,rear;
 9 }SqQueue;
10 void InitQueue(SqQueue *&q)
11 {
12     q=(SqQueue *)malloc(sizeof(SqQueue));
13     q->front=q->rear=0;
14 }
15 int EmptyQueue(SqQueue *q)
16 {
17     return (q->front==q->rear);
18 }
19 void InsertQueue(SqQueue *&q,ElemType e)
20 {
21     q->rear=(q->rear+1)%MaxSize;
22     q->data[q->rear]=e;
23 }
24 int main()
25 {
26     SqQueue *boy,*girl; 
27     int dp[MaxSize+2];
28     int numb,numg;
29     int en,i,j,now;
30     while((scanf("%d %d",&numb,&numg))!=EOF)
31     {
32         InitQueue(boy);
33         InitQueue(girl);
34         for(i=1;i<=numb;i++)
35             scanf("%d",&boy->data[i]);
36         boy->rear=numb;
37         for(i=1;i<=numg;i++)
38             scanf("%d",&girl->data[i]);
39         girl->rear=numg;
40         now=1;//记录轮到哪方出牌
41         en=0;
42         while(1)
43         {
44             if(now==1)
45             {
46                 if(!EmptyQueue(boy))
47                 {
48                     boy->front=(boy->front+1)%MaxSize;
49                     dp[en++]=boy->data[boy->front];
50                     now=2;
51                 }
52                 else 
53                 {
54                     printf("Rapsac\n");//输出胜者
55                     break;
56                 }
57             }
58             else if(now==2)
59             {
60                 if(!EmptyQueue(girl))
61                 {
62                     girl->front=(girl->front+1)%MaxSize;
63                     dp[en++]=girl->data[girl->front];
64                     now=1;
65                 }
66                 else 
67                 {
68                     printf("Caspar\n");
69                     break;
70                 }
71             }
72             for(i=en-2;i>=0;i--)
73             {
74                 if(dp[i]==dp[en-1])
75                 {
76                     if(now==2)
77                     {
78                         for(j=i;j<=en-1;j++)
79                         {
80                             InsertQueue(boy,dp[j]);
81                         }
82                     }
83                     else if(now==1)
84                     {
85                         for(j=i;j<=en-1;j++)
86                         {
87                             InsertQueue(girl,dp[j]);
88                         }
89                     }
90                     en=i;//取出牌后,尾标记也要更新
91                     break;
92                 }
93             }
94         }
95     }
96     return 0;
97 }


posted on 2014-09-16 20:45  会敲键盘的猩猩  阅读(181)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报