
Stone Game


Time Limit:   1000MS       Memory Limit:   65535KB
Submissions:   1       Accepted:   1


AC and WA love to collect stones and play games with them. Up till now they have collected Na white stones and Nb black stones, and they are going to play a new game. The rules of the game is as follows: (1) All the stones are put into a pocket initially, so that each stone has equal possibility to be picked up, and each time a stone is picked up randomly. (2) The two players take turns to pick up a stone, if the stone is black, the current player should put it back to the packet; otherwise the player could keep the stone. (3) Whoever picks up the last white stone wins the game. Now they haven't decided who palys first. To make a better decision, AC have asked you, an excellent programmer, to calculate the winning possibility for the first player. Since they are going to start playing soon, you must finisth the job as quickly as possible.


The first line is a single number n, the number of the test cases followed. In the next n lines, each line contains two non-negative intergers, Na and Nb(0 =< Na, Nb <= 64).


For each test case, output a real number indicating the possibility for the first player to win. The answer should be rounded to 6 digits after the decimal point. No extra spaces are allowed.


Sample Input

1 0
0 1
3 10


Sample Output

0.000000 0.500282









 1 # include<stdio.h>
 2 int main()
 3 {
 4     int nCase;
 5     int na,nb,i;
 6     double win[80];
 7     scanf("%d",&nCase);
 8     while(nCase--)
 9     {
10         win[0]=0;
11         scanf("%d %d",&na,&nb);
12         for(i=1;i<=na;i++)
13             win[i]=(i*(1-win[i-1])+nb*1.0)/(i+2*nb);
14         printf("%0.6f\n",win[na]);
15     }
16     return 0;
17 }


posted on 2014-09-16 01:00  会敲键盘的猩猩  阅读(118)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报