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ORA(Over-Representation Analysis),通过超几何分布检验实现
GSEA(gene set enrichment analysis),基因集富集分析



## clusterProfiler v4.6.2 For help: https://yulab-smu.top/biomedical-knowledge-mining-book/
## If you use clusterProfiler in published research, please cite:
## T Wu, E Hu, S Xu, M Chen, P Guo, Z Dai, T Feng, L Zhou, W Tang, L Zhan, X Fu, S Liu, X Bo, and G Yu. clusterProfiler 4.0: A universal enrichment tool for interpreting omics data. The Innovation. 2021, 2(3):100141
## Attaching package: 'clusterProfiler'
## The following object is masked from 'package:stats':
## filter


data(geneList, package="DOSE")
gene <- names(geneList)[abs(geneList) > 2]

# Entrez gene ID
## [1] "4312" "8318" "10874" "55143" "55388" "991"


ggo <- groupGO(gene = gene,
keyType = "ENTREZID",#任意类型都可,不一定非要ENTREZID,这里指定即可
OrgDb = "org.Hs.eg.db",
ont = "CC",# “BP”, “CC”, “MF”
level = 3,
readable = TRUE
## ID Description Count GeneRatio geneID
## GO:0000133 GO:0000133 polarisome 0 0/207
## GO:0000408 GO:0000408 EKC/KEOPS complex 0 0/207
## GO:0000417 GO:0000417 HIR complex 0 0/207
## GO:0000444 GO:0000444 MIS12/MIND type complex 0 0/207
## GO:0000808 GO:0000808 origin recognition complex 0 0/207
## GO:0000930 GO:0000930 gamma-tubulin complex 0 0/207

ego <- enrichGO(gene = gene,
universe = names(geneList),#背景基因
OrgDb = "org.Hs.eg.db",
ont = "ALL",#"BP", "MF", "CC"
pAdjustMethod = "BH",
pvalueCutoff = 0.01,
qvalueCutoff = 0.05,
readable = TRUE)

## #
## # over-representation test
## #
## #...@organism Homo sapiens
## #...@ontology GOALL
## #...@keytype ENTREZID
## #...@gene chr [1:207] "4312" "8318" "10874" "55143" "55388" "991" "6280" "2305" ...
## #...pvalues adjusted by 'BH' with cutoff <0.01
## #...153 enriched terms found
## 'data.frame': 153 obs. of 10 variables:
## $ ONTOLOGY : chr "BP" "BP" "BP" "BP" ...
## $ ID : chr "GO:0140014" "GO:0000280" "GO:0000070" "GO:0048285" ...
## $ Description: chr "mitotic nuclear division" "nuclear division" "mitotic sister chromatid segregation" "organelle fission" ...
## $ GeneRatio : chr "32/195" "36/195" "26/195" "37/195" ...
## $ BgRatio : chr "263/11590" "357/11590" "165/11590" "391/11590" ...
## $ pvalue : num 7.10e-19 1.96e-18 2.60e-18 5.24e-18 6.54e-18 ...
## $ p.adjust : num 2.16e-15 2.65e-15 2.65e-15 3.99e-15 3.99e-15 ...
## $ qvalue : num 2.00e-15 2.44e-15 2.44e-15 3.68e-15 3.68e-15 ...
## $ geneID : chr 省略

## ONTOLOGY ID Description GeneRatio
## GO:0140014 BP GO:0140014 mitotic nuclear division 32/195
## GO:0000280 BP GO:0000280 nuclear division 36/195
## GO:0000070 BP GO:0000070 mitotic sister chromatid segregation 26/195
## GO:0048285 BP GO:0048285 organelle fission 37/195
## GO:0000819 BP GO:0000819 sister chromatid segregation 27/195
## GO:0007059 BP GO:0007059 chromosome segregation 30/195
## BgRatio pvalue p.adjust qvalue
## GO:0140014 263/11590 7.101540e-19 2.163839e-15 1.998149e-15
## GO:0000280 357/11590 1.956617e-18 2.645070e-15 2.442530e-15
## GO:0000070 165/11590 2.604269e-18 2.645070e-15 2.442530e-15
## GO:0048285 391/11590 5.235148e-18 3.987643e-15 3.682300e-15
## GO:0000819 188/11590 6.543556e-18 3.987643e-15 3.682300e-15
## GO:0007059 278/11590 2.850765e-16 1.447713e-13 1.336859e-13
## geneID
## Count
## GO:0140014 32
## GO:0000280 36
## GO:0000070 26
## GO:0048285 37
## GO:0000819 27
## GO:0007059 30

simple_ego <- simplify(ego)

GO版本的GSEA富集分析, gene set enrichment analysis,通过gseGO函数实现:

ego3 <- gseGO(geneList = geneList,
OrgDb = "org.Hs.eg.db",
ont = "CC",
minGSSize = 100,
maxGSSize = 500,# 只有基因集数量在[minGSSize, maxGSSize]之间的才会被检验
pvalueCutoff = 0.05,
verbose = FALSE)
## ID Description setSize
## GO:0000775 GO:0000775 chromosome, centromeric region 188
## GO:0000779 GO:0000779 condensed chromosome, centromeric region 138
## GO:0000776 GO:0000776 kinetochore 130
## GO:0000228 GO:0000228 nuclear chromosome 175
## GO:0098687 GO:0098687 chromosomal region 305
## GO:0000793 GO:0000793 condensed chromosome 210
## enrichmentScore NES pvalue p.adjust qvalue rank
## GO:0000775 0.5970689 2.652931 1e-10 1.62e-09 1.073684e-09 530
## GO:0000779 0.6216009 2.648130 1e-10 1.62e-09 1.073684e-09 798
## GO:0000776 0.6230073 2.609292 1e-10 1.62e-09 1.073684e-09 449
## GO:0000228 0.5875327 2.580497 1e-10 1.62e-09 1.073684e-09 1905
## GO:0098687 0.5419949 2.545830 1e-10 1.62e-09 1.073684e-09 1721
## GO:0000793 0.5507360 2.468350 1e-10 1.62e-09 1.073684e-09 1721
## leading_edge
## GO:0000775 tags=20%, list=4%, signal=19%
## GO:0000779 tags=24%, list=6%, signal=23%
## GO:0000776 tags=21%, list=4%, signal=20%
## GO:0000228 tags=34%, list=15%, signal=29%
## GO:0098687 tags=27%, list=14%, signal=24%
## GO:0000793 tags=28%, list=14%, signal=24%
## 省略

向量的名字是gene id
KEGG自2012年起不再免费提供FTP下载服务,但是clusterProfiler包支持使用KEGG网站下载最新的在线版本的KEGG数据,KEGG pathway和module都支持哦。


KEGG pathway ORA
KEGG通路ORA分析,KEGG pathway over-representation analysis,通过enrichKEGG函数实现,这些函数的名字都是有规律的,方便你记忆和使用:

kk <- enrichKEGG(gene = gene,
organism = 'hsa',
pvalueCutoff = 0.05)
## Reading KEGG annotation online: "https://rest.kegg.jp/link/hsa/pathway"...
## Reading KEGG annotation online: "https://rest.kegg.jp/list/pathway/hsa"...
## ID Description
## hsa04110 hsa04110 Cell cycle
## hsa04114 hsa04114 Oocyte meiosis
## hsa04218 hsa04218 Cellular senescence
## hsa04061 hsa04061 Viral protein interaction with cytokine and cytokine receptor
## hsa03320 hsa03320 PPAR signaling pathway
## hsa04814 hsa04814 Motor proteins
## GeneRatio BgRatio pvalue p.adjust qvalue
## hsa04110 15/106 157/8465 8.177242e-10 1.717221e-07 1.695702e-07
## hsa04114 10/106 131/8465 5.049610e-06 5.302091e-04 5.235648e-04
## hsa04218 10/106 156/8465 2.366003e-05 1.639157e-03 1.618617e-03
## hsa04061 8/106 100/8465 3.326461e-05 1.639157e-03 1.618617e-03
## hsa03320 7/106 75/8465 3.902756e-05 1.639157e-03 1.618617e-03
## hsa04814 10/106 193/8465 1.433387e-04 5.016856e-03 4.953988e-03
## geneID
## hsa04110 8318/991/9133/10403/890/983/4085/81620/7272/9212/1111/9319/891/4174/9232
## hsa04114 991/9133/983/4085/51806/6790/891/9232/3708/5241
## hsa04218 2305/4605/9133/890/983/51806/1111/891/776/3708
## hsa04061 3627/10563/6373/4283/6362/6355/9547/1524
## hsa03320 4312/9415/9370/5105/2167/3158/5346
## hsa04814 9493/1062/81930/3832/3833/146909/10112/24137/4629/7802
## Count
## hsa04110 15
## hsa04114 10
## hsa04218 10
## hsa04061 8
## hsa03320 7
## hsa04814 10
KEGG pathway GSEA
KEGG通路基因集富集分析,KEGG pathway gene set enrichment analysis,通过gseKEGG实现:

kk2 <- gseKEGG(geneList = geneList,
organism = 'hsa',
minGSSize = 120,
pvalueCutoff = 0.05,
verbose = FALSE)
## ID Description setSize
## hsa04110 hsa04110 Cell cycle 139
## hsa05169 hsa05169 Epstein-Barr virus infection 193
## hsa04613 hsa04613 Neutrophil extracellular trap formation 130
## hsa05166 hsa05166 Human T-cell leukemia virus 1 infection 202
## hsa04510 hsa04510 Focal adhesion 192
## hsa04218 hsa04218 Cellular senescence 141
## enrichmentScore NES pvalue p.adjust qvalue rank
## hsa04110 0.6637551 2.876742 1.000000e-10 7.900000e-09 5.263158e-09 1155
## hsa05169 0.4335010 1.956648 2.185378e-07 8.632244e-06 5.750996e-06 2820
## hsa04613 0.4496569 1.910465 7.157902e-06 1.884914e-04 1.255772e-04 2575
## hsa05166 0.3893613 1.765888 1.482811e-05 2.928551e-04 1.951067e-04 1955
## hsa04510 -0.4233234 -1.741010 3.210562e-05 5.072688e-04 3.379539e-04 2183
## hsa04218 0.4115945 1.788002 8.805195e-05 1.159351e-03 7.723855e-04 1155
## leading_edge
## hsa04110 tags=36%, list=9%, signal=33%
## hsa05169 tags=39%, list=23%, signal=31%
## hsa04613 tags=37%, list=21%, signal=30%
## hsa05166 tags=26%, list=16%, signal=22%
## hsa04510 tags=28%, list=17%, signal=23%
## hsa04218 tags=17%, list=9%, signal=16%
## core_enrichment
## hsa04110 8318/991/9133/10403/890/983/4085/81620/7272/9212/1111/9319/891/4174/9232/4171/993/990/5347/701/9700/898/23594/4998/9134/4175/4173/10926/6502/994/699/4609/5111/26271/1869/1029/8317/4176/2810/3066/1871/1031/9088/995/1019/4172/5885/11200/7027/1875
KEGG module ORA
KEGG模块ORA分析,KEGG module over-representation analysis,通过enrichMKEGG实现:

mkk <- enrichMKEGG(gene = gene,
organism = 'hsa',
pvalueCutoff = 1,
qvalueCutoff = 1)
## Reading KEGG annotation online: "https://rest.kegg.jp/link/hsa/module"...
## Reading KEGG annotation online: "https://rest.kegg.jp/list/module"...
## ID
## M00912 M00912
## M00095 M00095
## M00053 M00053
## M00938 M00938
## M00003 M00003
## M00049 M00049
## Description
## M00912 NAD biosynthesis, tryptophan => quinolinate => NAD
## M00095 C5 isoprenoid biosynthesis, mevalonate pathway
## M00053 Deoxyribonucleotide biosynthesis, ADP/GDP/CDP/UDP => dATP/dGTP/dCTP/dUTP
## M00938 Pyrimidine deoxyribonucleotide biosynthesis, UDP => dTTP
## M00003 Gluconeogenesis, oxaloacetate => fructose-6P
## M00049 Adenine ribonucleotide biosynthesis, IMP => ADP,ATP
## GeneRatio BgRatio pvalue p.adjust qvalue geneID Count
## M00912 2/9 12/852 0.00620266 0.03721596 0.03264558 23475/3620 2
## M00095 1/9 10/852 0.10126209 0.18449380 0.16183667 3158 1
## M00053 1/9 11/852 0.11086855 0.18449380 0.16183667 6241 1
## M00938 1/9 14/852 0.13914269 0.18449380 0.16183667 6241 1
## M00003 1/9 18/852 0.17559737 0.18449380 0.16183667 5105 1
## M00049 1/9 19/852 0.18449380 0.18449380 0.16183667 26289 1
KEGG module GSEA
KEGG模块GSEA分析,KEGG module gene set enrichment analysis

mkk2 <- gseMKEGG(geneList = geneList,
organism = 'hsa',
pvalueCutoff = 1)
## preparing geneSet collections...
## GSEA analysis...
## leading edge analysis...
## done...
## ID Description
## M00001 M00001 Glycolysis (Embden-Meyerhof pathway), glucose => pyruvate
## M00938 M00938 Pyrimidine deoxyribonucleotide biosynthesis, UDP => dTTP
## M00002 M00002 Glycolysis, core module involving three-carbon compounds
## M00035 M00035 Methionine degradation
## M00104 M00104 Bile acid biosynthesis, cholesterol => cholate/chenodeoxycholate
## M00009 M00009 Citrate cycle (TCA cycle, Krebs cycle)
## setSize enrichmentScore NES pvalue p.adjust qvalue rank
## M00001 24 0.5739036 1.746110 0.006607415 0.2180447 0.2086552 2886
## M00938 10 0.6648004 1.550423 0.041882396 0.4607064 0.4408673 648
## M00002 11 0.6421781 1.548820 0.039734634 0.4607064 0.4408673 1381
## M00035 11 0.5824213 1.404697 0.090476190 0.6366300 0.6092153 1555
## M00104 10 -0.5876900 -1.370515 0.108247423 0.6366300 0.6092153 961
## M00009 22 0.4504911 1.340658 0.125858124 0.6366300 0.6092153 3514
## leading_edge
## M00001 tags=54%, list=23%, signal=42%
## M00938 tags=40%, list=5%, signal=38%
## M00002 tags=55%, list=11%, signal=49%
## M00035 tags=45%, list=12%, signal=40%
## M00104 tags=50%, list=8%, signal=46%
## M00009 tags=50%, list=28%, signal=36%
## core_enrichment
## M00001 5214/3101/2821/7167/2597/5230/2023/5223/5315/3099/5232/2027/5211
## M00938 6241/7298/4830/1841
## M00002 7167/2597/5230/2023/5223/5315
## M00035 875/1789/191/1788/1786
## M00104 6342/10998/1581/3295/8309
## M00009 3418/50/4190/3419/2271/3421/55753/3417/1431/6389/4191

browseKEGG(kk, 'hsa04110')

hsa04110 <- pathview(gene.data = geneList,
pathway.id = "hsa04110",
species = "hsa",
limit = list(gene=max(abs(geneList)), cpd=1))







WikiPathways ORA

enrichWP(gene, organism = "Homo sapiens")
## #
## # over-representation test
## #
## #...@organism Homo sapiens
## #...@ontology WikiPathways
## #...@keytype ENTREZID
## #...@gene chr [1:207] "4312" "8318" "10874" "55143" "55388" "991" "6280" "2305" ...
## #...pvalues adjusted by 'BH' with cutoff <0.05
## #...8 enriched terms found
## 'data.frame': 8 obs. of 9 variables:
## $ ID : chr "WP2446" "WP2361" "WP179" "WP3942" ...
## $ Description: chr "Retinoblastoma gene in cancer" "Gastric cancer network 1" "Cell cycle" "PPAR signaling pathway" ...
## $ GeneRatio : chr "11/113" "6/113" "10/113" "7/113" ...
## $ BgRatio : chr "90/8444" "28/8444" "120/8444" "68/8444" ...
## $ pvalue : num 2.59e-08 1.49e-06 4.18e-06 3.15e-05 3.70e-05 ...
## $ p.adjust : num 7.14e-06 2.06e-04 3.84e-04 2.04e-03 2.04e-03 ...
## $ qvalue : num 6.42e-06 1.85e-04 3.46e-04 1.84e-03 1.84e-03 ...
## $ geneID : chr "8318/9133/7153/6241/890/983/81620/7272/1111/891/24137" "4605/7153/11065/22974/6286/6790" "8318/991/9133/890/983/7272/1111/891/4174/9232" "4312/9415/9370/5105/2167/3158/5346" ...
## $ Count : int 11 6 10 7 4 7 8 10
## #...Citation
## T Wu, E Hu, S Xu, M Chen, P Guo, Z Dai, T Feng, L Zhou, W Tang, L Zhan, X Fu, S Liu, X Bo, and G Yu.
## clusterProfiler 4.0: A universal enrichment tool for interpreting omics data.
## The Innovation. 2021, 2(3):100141
WikiPathways gene set enrichment analysis

gseWP(geneList, organism = "Homo sapiens")
## preparing geneSet collections...
## GSEA analysis...
## leading edge analysis...
## done...
## #
## # Gene Set Enrichment Analysis
## #
## #...@organism Homo sapiens
## #...@setType WikiPathways
## #...@keytype ENTREZID
## #...@geneList Named num [1:12495] 4.57 4.51 4.42 4.14 3.88 ...
## - attr(*, "names")= chr [1:12495] "4312" "8318" "10874" "55143" ...
## #...nPerm
## #...pvalues adjusted by 'BH' with cutoff <0.05
## #...66 enriched terms found
## 'data.frame': 66 obs. of 11 variables:
## $ ID : chr "WP2446" "WP179" "WP466" "WP2361" ...
## $ Description : chr "Retinoblastoma gene in cancer" "Cell cycle" "DNA replication" "Gastric cancer network 1" ...
## $ setSize : int 84 111 42 23 62 201 77 102 41 61 ...
## $ enrichmentScore: num 0.731 0.663 0.792 0.837 0.665 ...
## $ NES : num 2.86 2.75 2.74 2.55 2.47 ...
## $ pvalue : num 1.00e-10 1.00e-10 1.00e-10 1.41e-09 2.66e-09 ...
## $ p.adjust : num 2.12e-08 2.12e-08 2.12e-08 2.24e-07 2.83e-07 ...
## $ qvalue : num 1.77e-08 1.77e-08 1.77e-08 1.87e-07 2.35e-07 ...
## $ rank : num 1333 1234 1002 854 1111 ...
## $ leading_edge : chr "tags=51%, list=11%, signal=46%" "tags=40%, list=10%, signal=36%" "tags=55%, list=8%, signal=51%" "tags=52%, list=7%, signal=49%" ...
## $ core_enrichment: chr "8318/9133/7153/6241/890/983/81620/7272/1111/891/24137/993/898/4998/10733/9134/4175/4173/6502/5984/994/7298/3015"| __truncated__ "8318/991/9133/890/983/7272/1111/891/4174/9232/4171/993/990/5347/9700/898/23594/4998/9134/4175/4173/10926/6502/9"| __truncated__ "8318/55388/81620/4174/4171/990/23594/4998/4175/4173/10926/5984/5111/51053/8317/5427/23649/4176/5982/5557/5558/4172/5424" "4605/7153/11065/22974/6286/6790/1894/56992/4173/1063/9585/8607" ...
## #...Citation
## T Wu, E Hu, S Xu, M Chen, P Guo, Z Dai, T Feng, L Zhou, W Tang, L Zhan, X Fu, S Liu, X Bo, and G Yu.
## clusterProfiler 4.0: A universal enrichment tool for interpreting omics data.
## The Innovation. 2021, 2(3):100141




Reactome pathway over-representation analysis
Reactome ORA分析,通过函数enrichPathway实现:

## ReactomePA v1.42.0 For help: https://yulab-smu.top/biomedical-knowledge-mining-book/
## If you use ReactomePA in published research, please cite:
## Guangchuang Yu, Qing-Yu He. ReactomePA: an R/Bioconductor package for reactome pathway analysis and visualization. Molecular BioSystems 2016, 12(2):477-479

x <- enrichPathway(gene=gene,
pvalueCutoff = 0.05,

## ID Description GeneRatio
## R-HSA-69620 R-HSA-69620 Cell Cycle Checkpoints 22/143
## R-HSA-2500257 R-HSA-2500257 Resolution of Sister Chromatid Cohesion 15/143
## R-HSA-68877 R-HSA-68877 Mitotic Prometaphase 18/143
## R-HSA-69618 R-HSA-69618 Mitotic Spindle Checkpoint 14/143
## R-HSA-68882 R-HSA-68882 Mitotic Anaphase 18/143
## R-HSA-2555396 R-HSA-2555396 Mitotic Metaphase and Anaphase 18/143
## BgRatio pvalue p.adjust qvalue
## R-HSA-69620 293/10899 2.906024e-11 1.330959e-08 1.095112e-08
## R-HSA-2500257 126/10899 8.316509e-11 1.904481e-08 1.567005e-08
## R-HSA-68877 204/10899 1.539628e-10 2.350499e-08 1.933989e-08
## R-HSA-69618 113/10899 2.130715e-10 2.439669e-08 2.007358e-08
## R-HSA-68882 236/10899 1.657466e-09 1.354116e-07 1.114166e-07
## R-HSA-2555396 237/10899 1.773951e-09 1.354116e-07 1.114166e-07
## 省略
Reactome pathway gene set enrichment analysis
Reactome GSEA分析,通过函数gsePathway实现:

y <- gsePathway(geneList,
pvalueCutoff = 0.2,
pAdjustMethod = "BH",
verbose = FALSE)
## ID Description setSize
## R-HSA-69620 R-HSA-69620 Cell Cycle Checkpoints 237
## R-HSA-453279 R-HSA-453279 Mitotic G1 phase and G1/S transition 142
## R-HSA-69278 R-HSA-69278 Cell Cycle, Mitotic 457
## R-HSA-69306 R-HSA-69306 DNA Replication 137
## R-HSA-69206 R-HSA-69206 G1/S Transition 124
## R-HSA-69481 R-HSA-69481 G2/M Checkpoints 134
## enrichmentScore NES pvalue p.adjust qvalue rank
## R-HSA-69620 0.6678105 3.064037 1e-10 4.105556e-09 3.064327e-09 1905
## R-HSA-453279 0.7016040 3.001137 1e-10 4.105556e-09 3.064327e-09 1155
## R-HSA-69278 0.6077642 2.974757 1e-10 4.105556e-09 3.064327e-09 1769
## R-HSA-69306 0.6968511 2.961013 1e-10 4.105556e-09 3.064327e-09 1769
## R-HSA-69206 0.7046866 2.949856 1e-10 4.105556e-09 3.064327e-09 1155
## R-HSA-69481 0.6876905 2.925269 1e-10 4.105556e-09 3.064327e-09 1905
## leading_edge
## R-HSA-69620 tags=43%, list=15%, signal=37%
## R-HSA-453279 tags=41%, list=9%, signal=37%
## R-HSA-69278 tags=36%, list=14%, signal=32%
## R-HSA-69306 tags=49%, list=14%, signal=42%
## R-HSA-69206 tags=42%, list=9%, signal=38%
## R-HSA-69481 tags=49%, list=15%, signal=42% core_enrichment
## R-HSA-69620 8318/55143/55388/991/1062/9133/10403/11065/220134/79019/55839/27338/890/983/54821/4085/81930/332/9212/1111/891/4174/4171/11004/993/990/5347/701/51512/9156/11130/79682/57405/2491/898/23594/4998/9134/4175/4173/10926/5984/1058/699/1063/85236/5688/5709/55055/641/1029/5698/1763/8970/5693/8317/4176/5713/79980/5982/9735/5721/2810/5691/9088/995/5685/7468/4172/7336/5690/5684/83990/5686/5695/11200/10213/8345/7534/80010/23198/5983/7979/54908/6396/4683/63967/3018/5699/5714/5702/3014/5905/3619/5708/55166/5692/10393/8290/5704/580/6119
## R-HSA-453279 省略

viewPathway("E2F mediated regulation of DNA replication",
readable = TRUE,
foldChange = geneList)
## Loading required package: graphite





## DOSE v3.24.2 For help: https://yulab-smu.top/biomedical-knowledge-mining-book/
## If you use DOSE in published research, please cite:
## Guangchuang Yu, Li-Gen Wang, Guang-Rong Yan, Qing-Yu He. DOSE: an R/Bioconductor package for Disease Ontology Semantic and Enrichment analysis. Bioinformatics 2015, 31(4):608-609
Disease over-representation analysis

Over-representation analysis for disease ontology

x <- enrichDO(gene = gene,
ont = "DO",
pvalueCutoff = 0.05,
pAdjustMethod = "BH",
universe = names(geneList),
minGSSize = 10,
maxGSSize = 500,
qvalueCutoff = 0.05,
readable = FALSE)
## ID Description GeneRatio BgRatio
## DOID:1107 DOID:1107 esophageal carcinoma 15/157 195/7744
## DOID:5041 DOID:5041 esophageal cancer 15/157 229/7744
## DOID:3459 DOID:3459 breast carcinoma 22/157 461/7744
## DOID:3748 DOID:3748 esophagus squamous cell carcinoma 10/157 131/7744
## DOID:8719 DOID:8719 in situ carcinoma 10/157 132/7744
## DOID:0060071 DOID:0060071 pre-malignant neoplasm 11/157 159/7744
## pvalue p.adjust qvalue
## DOID:1107 8.724913e-06 0.006343012 0.005675786
## DOID:5041 5.832237e-05 0.021200181 0.018970118
## DOID:3459 1.412419e-04 0.033578155 0.030046043
## DOID:3748 3.100853e-04 0.033578155 0.030046043
## DOID:8719 3.297454e-04 0.033578155 0.030046043
## DOID:0060071 3.664508e-04 0.033578155 0.030046043
## geneID
## DOID:1107 4312/6280/3868/6279/8140/890/5918/332/2146/4321/891/2066/3169/8614/11122
## DOID:5041 4312/6280/3868/6279/8140/890/5918/332/2146/4321/891/2066/3169/8614/11122
## DOID:3459 4312/6280/6279/7153/6241/4751/890/4085/332/6286/2146/6790/891/9232/771/4250/2066/3169/10647/5304/5241/10551
## DOID:3748 6280/3868/6279/8140/5918/2146/891/2066/3169/11122
## DOID:8719 6280/7153/6278/10232/332/9212/6790/891/2066/5241
## DOID:0060071 6280/7153/6278/10232/332/9212/4321/6790/891/2066/5241
## Count
## DOID:1107 15
## DOID:5041 15
## DOID:3459 22
## DOID:3748 10
## DOID:8719 10
## DOID:0060071 11
注意:ont参数可以是"DO"或"DOLite",DOLite是一个简化后的DO版本,合并了一些冗余的DO term,但是数据不更新了,建议使用ont="DO"
Over-representation analysis for the network of cancer gene

gene2 <- names(geneList)[abs(geneList) < 3]
## [1] "8685" "597" "7153" "23397" "6278" "79733"

ncg <- enrichNCG(gene2)
## ID
## pan-cancer_paediatric pan-cancer_paediatric
## triple_negative_breast_cancer triple_negative_breast_cancer
## bladder_cancer bladder_cancer
## pancreatic_cancer_(all_histologies) pancreatic_cancer_(all_histologies)
## soft_tissue_sarcoma soft_tissue_sarcoma
## paediatric_high-grade_glioma paediatric_high-grade_glioma
## Description
## pan-cancer_paediatric pan-cancer_paediatric
## triple_negative_breast_cancer triple_negative_breast_cancer
## bladder_cancer bladder_cancer
## pancreatic_cancer_(all_histologies) pancreatic_cancer_(all_histologies)
## soft_tissue_sarcoma soft_tissue_sarcoma
## paediatric_high-grade_glioma paediatric_high-grade_glioma
## GeneRatio BgRatio pvalue
## pan-cancer_paediatric 162/2281 183/3177 1.833773e-08
## triple_negative_breast_cancer 71/2281 75/3177 4.290660e-07
## bladder_cancer 97/2281 112/3177 1.253690e-04
## pancreatic_cancer_(all_histologies) 40/2281 42/3177 1.262162e-04
## soft_tissue_sarcoma 26/2281 26/3177 1.742793e-04
## paediatric_high-grade_glioma 25/2281 25/3177 2.434966e-04
## p.adjust qvalue
## pan-cancer_paediatric 1.613721e-06 7.721152e-07
## triple_negative_breast_cancer 1.887890e-05 9.032967e-06
## bladder_cancer 2.776757e-03 1.328592e-03
## pancreatic_cancer_(all_histologies) 2.776757e-03 1.328592e-03
## soft_tissue_sarcoma 3.067315e-03 1.467615e-03
## paediatric_high-grade_glioma 3.073768e-03 1.470702e-03
## geneID
## pan-cancer_paediatric 2146/55353/4609/1029/3575/22806/3418/3066/2120/30012/867/7468/7545/3195/865/64109/4613/613/11177/7490/238/10736/10054/5771/4893/140885/1785/9760/3417/6597/6476/9126/4869/10320/7307/80204/1050/10992/8028/2312/6608/896/894/2196/4849/7023/5093/5079/5293/5727/55181/171017/51322/5781/3718/55294/60/673/8085/5897/4851/1665/51176/1108/7764/10664/6098/2332/2201/6495/3845/7015/1441/2782/64919/4298/23512/8239/29102/6929/8021/6134/6598/4209/5290/22941/8726/207/3717/2033/10716/4928/6932/694/5156/10019/6886/9968/7080/2623/7874/1654/4149/3020/23219/55252/55729/10735/5728/4853/23451/51341/387/3206/6146/79718/2624/63035/3815/171023/23269/25/23592/5896/7403/2260/54880/3716/9203/57178/6777/5789/4297/29072/90/546/120/25836/8289/4345/9611/5925/4763/1997/1499/7157/3399/5295/1387/4602/51564/1027/4005/2322/2078/678/6403/55709/1277/7494/64061/2625
## triple_negative_breast_cancer 省略
## Count
## pan-cancer_paediatric 162
## triple_negative_breast_cancer 71
## bladder_cancer 97
## pancreatic_cancer_(all_histologies) 40
## soft_tissue_sarcoma 26
## paediatric_high-grade_glioma 25
Over-representation analysis for the disease gene network





dgn <- enrichDGN(gene)
## ID Description GeneRatio BgRatio
## C0007124 C0007124 Noninfiltrating Intraductal Carcinoma 24/204 486/21671
## C3642347 C3642347 Basal-Like Breast Carcinoma 16/204 245/21671
## C1609538 C1609538 Latent Tuberculosis 14/204 183/21671
## C1827293 C1827293 Carcinoma of urinary bladder, invasive 16/204 287/21671
## C0278601 C0278601 Inflammatory Breast Carcinoma 13/204 183/21671
## C4733092 C4733092 estrogen receptor-negative breast cancer 17/204 356/21671
## pvalue p.adjust qvalue
## C0007124 3.806436e-11 1.568251e-07 1.271350e-07
## C3642347 1.555102e-09 3.038993e-06 2.463650e-06
## C1609538 2.212859e-09 3.038993e-06 2.463650e-06
## C1827293 1.491211e-08 1.535947e-05 1.245161e-05
## C0278601 2.050738e-08 1.689808e-05 1.369893e-05
## C4733092 5.070020e-08 3.481414e-05 2.822311e-05
## geneID
## C0007124 4312/6280/6279/7153/6278/9582/55872/3669/4751/5080/2146/1111/3887/6790/9370/125/8839/2066/3169/9547/10647/2625/7021/5241
## C3642347 2305/1062/4605/9833/7368/11065/10232/55765/5163/2146/2568/3620/6790/3169/2625/5241
## C1609538 8685/3627/3669/6373/820/3002/50852/3902/3620/6355/10578/9370/3117/23158
## C1827293 2305/6279/55165/220134/2146/9212/4321/6790/891/8544/9122/23158/652/2625/5241/10551
## C0278601 4312/6278/11065/9582/51203/5918/2146/4321/3887/2066/9547/10647/5241
## C4733092 2305/6278/79733/6241/81930/81620/2146/3620/80129/4137/8839/3169/1408/5304/2625/5241/10551
## Count
## C0007124 24
## C3642347 16
## C1609538 14
## C1827293 16
## C0278601 13
## C4733092 17
snp <- c("rs1401296", "rs9315050", "rs5498", "rs1524668", "rs147377392",
"rs841", "rs909253", "rs7193343", "rs3918232", "rs3760396",
"rs2231137", "rs10947803", "rs17222919", "rs386602276", "rs11053646",
"rs1805192", "rs139564723", "rs2230806", "rs20417", "rs966221")
dgnv <- enrichDGNv(snp)
## ID Description GeneRatio BgRatio pvalue
## C0010054 C0010054 Coronary Arteriosclerosis 6/17 440/194515 1.568917e-12
## C0151744 C0151744 Myocardial Ischemia 4/17 103/194515 1.754840e-10
## C0031099 C0031099 Periodontitis 4/17 116/194515 2.839985e-10
## C0007785 C0007785 Cerebral Infarction 4/17 123/194515 3.599531e-10
## C0003850 C0003850 Arteriosclerosis 4/17 267/194515 8.145389e-09
## C0004153 C0004153 Atherosclerosis 4/17 281/194515 9.996713e-09
## p.adjust qvalue
## C0010054 2.761295e-10 NA
## C0151744 1.544259e-08 NA
## C0031099 1.583793e-08 NA
## C0007785 1.583793e-08 NA
## C0003850 2.867177e-07 NA
## C0004153 2.932369e-07 NA
## geneID Count
## C0010054 rs5498/rs147377392/rs11053646/rs1805192/rs2230806/rs20417 6
## C0151744 rs5498/rs147377392/rs11053646/rs1805192 4
## C0031099 rs5498/rs909253/rs1805192/rs20417 4
## C0007785 rs147377392/rs11053646/rs1805192/rs2230806 4
## C0003850 rs5498/rs1805192/rs2230806/rs20417 4
## C0004153 rs5498/rs1805192/rs2230806/rs20417 4
Disease gene set enrichment analysis

y <- gseDO(geneList,
minGSSize = 120,
pvalueCutoff = 0.2,
pAdjustMethod = "BH",
verbose = FALSE)
head(y, 3)
## ID Description setSize
## DOID:399 DOID:399 tuberculosis 181
## DOID:612 DOID:612 primary immunodeficiency disease 305
## DOID:0050338 DOID:0050338 primary bacterial infectious disease 264
## enrichmentScore NES pvalue p.adjust qvalue
## DOID:399 0.5030583 2.252875 1.00000e-10 2.180000e-08 9.789474e-09
## DOID:612 0.4023288 1.898732 4.87282e-09 5.311374e-07 2.385117e-07
## DOID:0050338 0.4150405 1.945371 1.17702e-08 6.414760e-07 2.880602e-07
## rank leading_edge
## DOID:399 2082 tags=40%, list=17%, signal=34%
## DOID:612 2099 tags=33%, list=17%, signal=29%
## DOID:0050338 1864 tags=33%, list=15%, signal=29%
## 省略

ncg <- gseNCG(geneList,
pvalueCutoff = 0.5,
pAdjustMethod = "BH",
verbose = FALSE)
ncg <- setReadable(ncg, 'org.Hs.eg.db')
head(ncg, 3)
## ID
## pan-gynecological and breast pan-gynecological and breast
## pan-gastric pan-gastric
## esophageal_adenocarcinoma esophageal_adenocarcinoma
## Description setSize
## pan-gynecological and breast pan-gynecological and breast 43
## pan-gastric pan-gastric 49
## esophageal_adenocarcinoma esophageal_adenocarcinoma 92
## enrichmentScore NES pvalue p.adjust
## pan-gynecological and breast -0.5263429 -1.734359 0.004764925 0.1718695
## pan-gastric -0.4993803 -1.683334 0.006365539 0.1718695
## esophageal_adenocarcinoma -0.4235434 -1.550378 0.004980207 0.1718695
## qvalue rank leading_edge
## pan-gynecological and breast 0.1585801 2464 tags=44%, list=20%, signal=36%
## pan-gastric 0.1585801 3280 tags=49%, list=26%, signal=36%
## esophageal_adenocarcinoma 0.1585801 2464 tags=34%, list=20%, signal=27%
## core_enrichment
## pan-gynecological and breast ATM/ZC3H13/NIPBL/SPOP/ARID1A/RASA1/RB1/RNF43/MAP2K4/NF1/CTNNB1/TP53/PIK3R1/CDKN1B/CCND1/ARID5B/MAP3K1/TBX3/GATA3

dgn <- gseDGN(geneList,
pvalueCutoff = 0.2,
pAdjustMethod = "BH",
verbose = FALSE)
dgn <- setReadable(dgn, 'org.Hs.eg.db')
head(dgn, 3)
## ID Description setSize enrichmentScore
## C0024266 C0024266 Lymphocytic Choriomeningitis 120 0.5712593
## C4721414 C4721414 Mantle cell lymphoma 368 0.4107437
## C0205682 C0205682 Waist-Hip Ratio 401 -0.4425633
## NES pvalue p.adjust qvalue rank
## C0024266 2.437904 1e-10 2.05275e-07 1.757895e-07 2579
## C4721414 1.951356 1e-10 2.05275e-07 1.757895e-07 1745
## C0205682 -1.946241 1e-10 2.05275e-07 1.757895e-07 2011
## leading_edge
## C0024266 tags=48%, list=21%, signal=38%
## C4721414 tags=26%, list=14%, signal=23%
## C0205682 tags=28%, list=16%, signal=24%
## 省略


AnnotationHub在bioconductor 3.16版本(对应R4.2.0版本)之后得到了重用,专门用于存放各种注释数据的R包,通过它可以非常方便的进行查询、下载所有的注释数据!在此之前的版本都是各种注释数据都有自己的专属R包,不管R包多大,我们都可以通过更换镜像实现快速下载!


MeSH over-representation analysis

# 需要bioc版本在3.14以上
ah <- AnnotationHub() #第一次运行会问你要不要建立本地缓存,选yes
hsa <- query(ah, c("MeSHDb", "Homo sapiens"))
file_hsa <- hsa[[1]] # 这一步是下载真正的注释,还好不用每次都下载
#file_hsa <- "C:/Users/liyue/AppData/Local/R/cache/R/AnnotationHub/mesh_hs_db_98354"#这个是我自己通过迅雷下载的,可以读取,但是不知道为啥富集分析不能用
db <- MeSHDbi::MeSHDb(file_hsa)

MeSH-related packages (MeSH.XXX.eg.db, MeSH.db, MeSH.AOR.db, and MeSH.PCR.db) are deprecated since Bioconductor 3.14. Use AnnotationHub instead. For details, check the vignette of MeSHDbi

## BioC 2.14 to BioC 3.13 ##
db <- MeSH.Hsa.eg.db

## meshes v1.24.0
## If you use meshes in published research, please cite the most appropriate paper(s):
## Guangchuang Yu. Using meshes for MeSH term enrichment and semantic analyses. Bioinformatics 2018, 34(21):3766-3767, doi:10.1093/bioinformatics/bty410
## Attaching package: 'meshes'
## The following object is masked from 'package:DOSE':
## geneSim
data(geneList, package="DOSE")
de <- names(geneList)[1:100]
x <- enrichMeSH(de, MeSHDb = db, database='gendoo', category = 'C')
## Error in h(simpleError(msg, call)): error in evaluating the argument 'x' in selecting a method for function 'select': object 'db' not found

## ID Description GeneRatio BgRatio
## DOID:1107 DOID:1107 esophageal carcinoma 15/157 195/7744
## DOID:5041 DOID:5041 esophageal cancer 15/157 229/7744
## DOID:3459 DOID:3459 breast carcinoma 22/157 461/7744
## DOID:3748 DOID:3748 esophagus squamous cell carcinoma 10/157 131/7744
## DOID:8719 DOID:8719 in situ carcinoma 10/157 132/7744
## DOID:0060071 DOID:0060071 pre-malignant neoplasm 11/157 159/7744
## pvalue p.adjust qvalue
## DOID:1107 8.724913e-06 0.006343012 0.005675786
## DOID:5041 5.832237e-05 0.021200181 0.018970118
## DOID:3459 1.412419e-04 0.033578155 0.030046043
## DOID:3748 3.100853e-04 0.033578155 0.030046043
## DOID:8719 3.297454e-04 0.033578155 0.030046043
## DOID:0060071 3.664508e-04 0.033578155 0.030046043
## geneID
## DOID:1107 4312/6280/3868/6279/8140/890/5918/332/2146/4321/891/2066/3169/8614/11122
## DOID:5041 4312/6280/3868/6279/8140/890/5918/332/2146/4321/891/2066/3169/8614/11122
## DOID:3459 4312/6280/6279/7153/6241/4751/890/4085/332/6286/2146/6790/891/9232/771/4250/2066/3169/10647/5304/5241/10551
## DOID:3748 6280/3868/6279/8140/5918/2146/891/2066/3169/11122
## DOID:8719 6280/7153/6278/10232/332/9212/6790/891/2066/5241
## DOID:0060071 6280/7153/6278/10232/332/9212/4321/6790/891/2066/5241
## Count
## DOID:1107 15
## DOID:5041 15
## DOID:3459 22
## DOID:3748 10
## DOID:8719 10
## DOID:0060071 11
MeSH gene set enrichment analysis

y <- gseMeSH(geneList, MeSHDb = db, database = 'gene2pubmed', category = "G")
## Error in h(simpleError(msg, call)): error in evaluating the argument 'x' in selecting a method for function 'select': object 'db' not found

## ID Description
## DOID:399 DOID:399 tuberculosis
## DOID:612 DOID:612 primary immunodeficiency disease
## DOID:0050338 DOID:0050338 primary bacterial infectious disease
## DOID:104 DOID:104 bacterial infectious disease
## DOID:526 DOID:526 human immunodeficiency virus infectious disease
## DOID:2237 DOID:2237 hepatitis
## setSize enrichmentScore NES pvalue p.adjust
## DOID:399 181 0.5030583 2.252875 1.000000e-10 2.180000e-08
## DOID:612 305 0.4023288 1.898732 4.872820e-09 5.311374e-07
## DOID:0050338 264 0.4150405 1.945371 1.177020e-08 6.414760e-07
## DOID:104 321 0.3899673 1.856122 9.801772e-09 6.414760e-07
## DOID:526 201 0.4147782 1.874250 4.756033e-07 2.073630e-05
## DOID:2237 406 0.3328749 1.613797 1.567985e-06 5.697013e-05
## qvalue rank leading_edge
## DOID:399 9.789474e-09 2082 tags=40%, list=17%, signal=34%
## DOID:612 2.385117e-07 2099 tags=33%, list=17%, signal=29%
## DOID:0050338 2.880602e-07 1864 tags=33%, list=15%, signal=29%
## DOID:104 2.880602e-07 2330 tags=36%, list=19%, signal=30%
## DOID:526 9.311812e-06 2099 tags=36%, list=17%, signal=31%
## DOID:2237 2.558292e-05 2082 tags=27%, list=17%, signal=23%
## 省略





## [1] "Anolis carolinensis" "Bos taurus"
## [3] "Caenorhabditis elegans" "Canis lupus familiaris"
## [5] "Danio rerio" "Drosophila melanogaster"
## [7] "Equus caballus" "Felis catus"
## [9] "Gallus gallus" "Homo sapiens"
## [11] "Macaca mulatta" "Monodelphis domestica"
## [13] "Mus musculus" "Ornithorhynchus anatinus"
## [15] "Pan troglodytes" "Rattus norvegicus"
## [17] "Saccharomyces cerevisiae" "Schizosaccharomyces pombe 972h-"
## [19] "Sus scrofa" "Xenopus tropicalis"

m_df <- msigdbr(species = "Homo sapiens")#下载数据
head(m_df, 2) %>% as.data.frame
## gs_cat gs_subcat gs_name gene_symbol entrez_gene ensembl_gene
## 1 C3 MIR:MIR_Legacy AAACCAC_MIR140 ABCC4 10257 ENSG00000125257
## 2 C3 MIR:MIR_Legacy AAACCAC_MIR140 ABRAXAS2 23172 ENSG00000165660
## human_gene_symbol human_entrez_gene human_ensembl_gene gs_id gs_pmid
## 1 ABCC4 10257 ENSG00000125257 M12609
## 2 ABRAXAS2 23172 ENSG00000165660 M12609
## gs_geoid gs_exact_source gs_url
## 1
## 2
## gs_description
## 1 Genes having at least one occurence of the motif AAACCAC in their 3' untranslated region. The motif represents putative target (that is, seed match) of human mature miRNA hsa-miR-140 (v7.1 miRBase).
## 2 Genes having at least one occurence of the motif AAACCAC in their 3' untranslated region. The motif represents putative target (that is, seed match) of human mature miRNA hsa-miR-140 (v7.1 miRBase).

m_t2g <- msigdbr(species = "Homo sapiens", category = "C6") %>%
dplyr::select(gs_name, entrez_gene)
## # A tibble: 6 × 2
## gs_name entrez_gene
## <chr> <int>
## 1 AKT_UP.V1_DN 57007
## 2 AKT_UP.V1_DN 22859
## 3 AKT_UP.V1_DN 22859
## 4 AKT_UP.V1_DN 137872
## 5 AKT_UP.V1_DN 249
## 6 AKT_UP.V1_DN 271


em <- enricher(gene, TERM2GENE=m_t2g)
## ID Description GeneRatio
## RPS14_DN.V1_DN RPS14_DN.V1_DN RPS14_DN.V1_DN 22/183
## PRC2_EZH2_UP.V1_DN PRC2_EZH2_UP.V1_DN PRC2_EZH2_UP.V1_DN 15/183
## RB_P107_DN.V1_UP RB_P107_DN.V1_UP RB_P107_DN.V1_UP 10/183
## E2F1_UP.V1_UP E2F1_UP.V1_UP E2F1_UP.V1_UP 12/183
## BgRatio pvalue p.adjust qvalue
## RPS14_DN.V1_DN 186/10922 4.657342e-13 7.870908e-11 6.422230e-11
## GCNP_SHH_UP_LATE.V1_UP 181/10922 5.765032e-08 4.871452e-06 3.974838e-06
## PRC2_EZH2_UP.V1_DN 192/10922 7.574546e-07 3.419660e-05 2.790255e-05
## VEGF_A_UP.V1_DN 193/10922 8.093869e-07 3.419660e-05 2.790255e-05
## RB_P107_DN.V1_UP 130/10922 6.394609e-05 2.013355e-03 1.642787e-03
## E2F1_UP.V1_UP 188/10922 7.477287e-05 2.013355e-03 1.642787e-03
## geneID
## RPS14_DN.V1_DN 10874/55388/991/9493/1062/4605/9133/23397/79733/9787/55872/83461/54821/51659/9319/9055/10112/4174/5105/2532/7021/79901
## GCNP_SHH_UP_LATE.V1_UP 55388/7153/79733/6241/9787/51203/983/9212/1111/9319/9055/3833/6790/4174/3169/1580
## PRC2_EZH2_UP.V1_DN 8318/55388/4605/23397/9787/55355/10460/6362/81620/2146/7272/9212/11182/3887/24137
## VEGF_A_UP.V1_DN 8318/9493/1062/9133/10403/6241/9787/4085/332/3832/7272/891/23362/2167/10234
## RB_P107_DN.V1_UP 8318/23397/79733/6241/4085/8208/9055/24137/4174/1307
## E2F1_UP.V1_UP 55388/7153/23397/79733/9787/2146/2842/9212/8208/1111/9055/3833
## Count
## RPS14_DN.V1_DN 22
## PRC2_EZH2_UP.V1_DN 15
## VEGF_A_UP.V1_DN 15
## RB_P107_DN.V1_UP 10
## E2F1_UP.V1_UP 12

C3_t2g <- msigdbr(species = "Homo sapiens", category = "C3") %>%
dplyr::select(gs_name, entrez_gene)
## # A tibble: 6 × 2
## gs_name entrez_gene
## <chr> <int>
## 1 AAACCAC_MIR140 10257
## 2 AAACCAC_MIR140 23172
## 3 AAACCAC_MIR140 81
## 4 AAACCAC_MIR140 81
## 5 AAACCAC_MIR140 90
## 6 AAACCAC_MIR140 8754

em2 <- GSEA(geneList, TERM2GENE = C3_t2g)
## preparing geneSet collections...
## GSEA analysis...
## leading edge analysis...
## done...
## ID Description setSize
## E2F1_Q3 E2F1_Q3 E2F1_Q3 187
## E2F1_Q6 E2F1_Q6 E2F1_Q6 185
## E2F_Q4 E2F_Q4 E2F_Q4 193
## E2F1DP1_01 E2F1DP1_01 E2F1DP1_01 184
## enrichmentScore NES pvalue p.adjust
## HSD17B8_TARGET_GENES 0.6368099 3.107103 1.000000e-10 1.655000e-07
## E2F1_Q3 0.4983913 2.220028 1.000000e-10 1.655000e-07
## E2F1_Q6 0.4906657 2.184070 2.011165e-10 2.218985e-07
## SGCGSSAAA_E2F1DP2_01 0.5408182 2.289484 1.032436e-09 8.543410e-07
## E2F_Q4 0.4685394 2.099303 2.297950e-09 9.507767e-07
## E2F1DP1_01 0.4675989 2.083101 2.123251e-09 9.507767e-07
## qvalue rank leading_edge
## HSD17B8_TARGET_GENES 1.310526e-07 1042 tags=36%, list=8%, signal=34%
## E2F1_Q3 1.310526e-07 2045 tags=36%, list=16%, signal=30%
## E2F1_Q6 1.757123e-07 1819 tags=34%, list=15%, signal=30%
## SGCGSSAAA_E2F1DP2_01 6.765174e-07 1797 tags=38%, list=14%, signal=33%
## E2F_Q4 7.528809e-07 1663 tags=29%, list=13%, signal=26%
## E2F1DP1_01 7.528809e-07 1797 tags=33%, list=14%, signal=28%

cell_marker_data <- vroom::vroom('http://xteam.xbio.top/CellMarker/download/Human_cell_markers.txt')
## Rows: 2868 Columns: 15
## ── Column specification ─────────────────────────────
## Delimiter: "\t"
## chr (15): speciesType, tissueType, UberonOntologyID, cancerType, cellType, c...
## ℹ Use `spec()` to retrieve the full column specification for this data.
## ℹ Specify the column types or set `show_col_types = FALSE` to quiet this message.

## instead of `cellName`, users can use other features (e.g. `cancerType`)
cells <- cell_marker_data %>%
dplyr::select(cellName, geneID) %>%
dplyr::mutate(geneID = strsplit(geneID, ', ')) %>%

x <- enricher(gene, TERM2GENE = cells)
## ID Description GeneRatio
## Neural progenitor cell Neural progenitor cell Neural progenitor cell 33/153
## MKI67+ progenitor cell MKI67+ progenitor cell MKI67+ progenitor cell 20/153
## DCLK1+ progenitor cell DCLK1+ progenitor cell DCLK1+ progenitor cell 7/153
## BgRatio pvalue p.adjust qvalue
## Neural progenitor cell 176/11582 3.395466e-29 3.259648e-27 2.716373e-27
## MKI67+ progenitor cell 111/11582 1.426062e-17 6.845100e-16 5.704250e-16
## DCLK1+ progenitor cell 99/11582 3.298755e-04 1.055601e-02 8.796679e-03
## geneID
## Neural progenitor cell 991/9493/9833/9133/10403/7153/259266/6241/9787/11065/55355/55872/51203/83461/22974/10460/79019/55839/890/983/4085/5080/332/3832/9212/51659/9055/891/4174/9232/1602/2018/4137
## MKI67+ progenitor cell 991/9133/10403/7153/259266/6241/9787/11065/51203/22974/10460/890/983/332/9212/9055/891/9232/2167/51705
## DCLK1+ progenitor cell 1307/730/54829/10234/79901/57758/4969
## Count
## Neural progenitor cell 33
## MKI67+ progenitor cell 20
## DCLK1+ progenitor cell 7

y <- GSEA(geneList, TERM2GENE = cells)
## preparing geneSet collections...
## GSEA analysis...
## leading edge analysis...
## done...
## ID
## Neural progenitor cell Neural progenitor cell
## FOXN4+ cell FOXN4+ cell
## Paneth cell Paneth cell
## Leydig precursor cell Leydig precursor cell
## FGFR1HighNME5- epithelial cell FGFR1HighNME5- epithelial cell
## Ciliated epithelial cell Ciliated epithelial cell
## Description setSize
## Neural progenitor cell Neural progenitor cell 149
## FOXN4+ cell FOXN4+ cell 63
## Paneth cell Paneth cell 261
## Leydig precursor cell Leydig precursor cell 184
## FGFR1HighNME5- epithelial cell FGFR1HighNME5- epithelial cell 131
## Ciliated epithelial cell Ciliated epithelial cell 217
## enrichmentScore NES pvalue
## Neural progenitor cell 0.7160571 3.085727 1.000000e-10
## FOXN4+ cell 0.7136090 2.685258 1.000000e-10
## Paneth cell 0.5381280 2.489150 1.000000e-10
## Leydig precursor cell -0.5710583 -2.308894 1.000000e-10
## FGFR1HighNME5- epithelial cell -0.5739472 -2.229562 1.476993e-10
## Ciliated epithelial cell -0.5012031 -2.064339 3.336445e-10
## p.adjust qvalue rank
## Neural progenitor cell 4.125000e-09 2.315789e-09 684
## FOXN4+ cell 4.125000e-09 2.315789e-09 1419
## Paneth cell 4.125000e-09 2.315789e-09 2187
## Leydig precursor cell 4.125000e-09 2.315789e-09 2609
## FGFR1HighNME5- epithelial cell 4.874076e-09 2.736323e-09 1404
## Ciliated epithelial cell 9.175223e-09 5.151002e-09 1440
## leading_edge
## Neural progenitor cell tags=47%, list=5%, signal=45%
## FOXN4+ cell tags=51%, list=11%, signal=45%
## Paneth cell tags=45%, list=18%, signal=38%
## Leydig precursor cell tags=45%, list=21%, signal=36%
## FGFR1HighNME5- epithelial cell tags=39%, list=11%, signal=35%
## Ciliated epithelial cell tags=29%, list=12%, signal=27%
DO, GO, Reactome的分析是有readable参数的,其实是根据OrgDb进行转换的,这和setReadable函数的原理一样,所以用到OrgDb的都有这个参数。


## List of 8
## $ X1: chr [1:216] "4597" "7111" "5266" "2175" ...
## $ X2: chr [1:805] "23450" "5160" "7126" "26118" ...
## $ X3: chr [1:392] "894" "7057" "22906" "3339" ...
## $ X4: chr [1:838] "5573" "7453" "5245" "23450" ...
## $ X5: chr [1:929] "5982" "7318" "6352" "2101" ...
## $ X6: chr [1:585] "5337" "9295" "4035" "811" ...
## $ X7: chr [1:582] "2621" "2665" "5690" "3608" ...
## $ X8: chr [1:237] "2665" "4735" "1327" "3192" ...

ck <- compareCluster(geneCluster = gcSample, fun = enrichKEGG)
ck <- setReadable(ck, OrgDb = org.Hs.eg.db, keyType="ENTREZID")
## Cluster ID Description GeneRatio BgRatio
## 1 X2 hsa05169 Epstein-Barr virus infection 23/401 202/8465
## 2 X2 hsa05340 Primary immunodeficiency 8/401 38/8465
## 3 X2 hsa04110 Cell cycle 18/401 157/8465
## 4 X3 hsa04512 ECM-receptor interaction 9/190 89/8465
## 5 X3 hsa04060 Cytokine-cytokine receptor interaction 17/190 297/8465
## 6 X3 hsa04151 PI3K-Akt signaling pathway 19/190 354/8465
## pvalue p.adjust qvalue
## 1 7.981195e-05 0.02466189 0.02310346
## 2 3.300857e-04 0.04463551 0.04181490
## 3 4.333545e-04 0.04463551 0.04181490
## 4 1.617209e-04 0.03272190 0.03037690
## 5 3.565676e-04 0.03272190 0.03037690
## 6 3.622350e-04 0.03272190 0.03037690
## geneID
## Count
## 1 23
## 2 8
## 3 18
## 4 9
## 5 17
## 6 19

mydf <- data.frame(Entrez=names(geneList), FC=geneList)
mydf <- mydf[abs(mydf$FC) > 1,]
mydf$group <- "upregulated"
mydf$group[mydf$FC < 0] <- "downregulated"
mydf$othergroup <- "A"
mydf$othergroup[abs(mydf$FC) > 2] <- "B"

## 'data.frame': 1324 obs. of 4 variables:
## $ Entrez : chr "4312" "8318" "10874" "55143" ...
## $ FC : num 4.57 4.51 4.42 4.14 3.88 ...
## $ group : chr "upregulated" "upregulated" "upregulated" "upregulated" ...
## $ othergroup: chr "B" "B" "B" "B" ...

formula_res <- compareCluster(Entrez~group+othergroup, data=mydf, fun="enrichKEGG")

## Cluster group othergroup ID
## 1 downregulated.A downregulated A hsa04974
## 2 downregulated.A downregulated A hsa04510
## 3 downregulated.A downregulated A hsa04151
## 4 downregulated.A downregulated A hsa04512
## 5 downregulated.B downregulated B hsa03320
## 6 upregulated.A upregulated A hsa04110
## Description GeneRatio BgRatio pvalue p.adjust
## 1 Protein digestion and absorption 16/326 103/8465 1.731006e-06 4.864127e-04
## 2 Focal adhesion 20/326 203/8465 1.030192e-04 1.447420e-02
## 3 PI3K-Akt signaling pathway 28/326 354/8465 2.240338e-04 2.098450e-02
## 4 ECM-receptor interaction 11/326 89/8465 5.802099e-04 4.075974e-02
## 5 PPAR signaling pathway 5/43 75/8465 3.532307e-05 5.581045e-03
## 6 Cell cycle 21/224 157/8465 7.699196e-10 1.963295e-07
## qvalue
## 1 4.555279e-04
## 2 1.355516e-02
## 3 1.965209e-02
## 4 3.817170e-02
## 5 5.131141e-03
## 6 1.750554e-07
## 省略












## [1] "enrichResult"
## attr(,"package")
## [1] "DOSE"

go_res <- as.data.frame(ego)
## [1] "data.frame"
write.csv(go_res,file = "gores.csv",quote = F)


基本上data.frame取子集那些方法,包括[, [[, >$等操作符,都被我重新定义,也就是说,对于富集分析的结果,你完全可以像data.frame一样的操作。参考:https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/k-Lbpz8M616Wo0St0TQ-2Q

## [1] 153 10


## [1] "ONTOLOGY" "ID" "Description" "GeneRatio" "BgRatio" "pvalue"
## [7] "p.adjust" "qvalue" "geneID" "Count"


y = ego[ego$pvalue < 0.001, asis=T]
## [1] 153 10
## [1] "enrichResult"
## attr(,"package")
## [1] "DOSE"

# 第一个条目的所有基因

## [1] "1673" "5068" "2919" "5967" "5968" "1670" "1671" "2920" "3553"
## [10] "6373" "4283" "10563" "6374" "6372" "6283" "2921" "6280" "1755"
## [19] "3627" "5266" "718" "725" "4057" "931" "629" "3426" "6278"
## [28] "28461" "1604" "6347" "54210" "3495" "1380" "1378" "1191" "722"
## [37] "1880" "5199" "5648" "5788" "1235" "9308" "717" "3569" "3500"
## [46] "710" "11005" "5196" "716" "715" "1236" "64127" "5079" "940"
## [55] "3507" "28639" "10417" "2219" "5452" "124976" "2213" "5450" "10578"
## [64] "28912" "3514" "6590" "3119" "6036" "3853" "7124" "4068" "5919"
## [73] "4049" "6406" "8547" "3605" "5473" "3458" "729230" "6480" "240"
## [82] "3123" "4239"

y <- ego %>%
filter(p.adjust < 10^-8) %>%

## [1] 27 10

## [1] "enrichResult"
## attr(,"package")
## [1] "DOSE"





ORA(Over-Representation Analysis),通过超几何分布检验实现GSEA(gene set enrichment analysis),基因集富集分析除此之外,还有ssGSEA、GSVA等,我们等下次再介绍。富集分析的可视化,我们也是放到下次再介绍,因为1条推文根本说不完,太多了!
library(clusterProfiler)## ## clusterProfiler v4.6.2  For help: https://yulab-smu.top/biomedical-knowledge-mining-book/## ## If you use clusterProfiler in published research, please cite:## T Wu, E Hu, S Xu, M Chen, P Guo, Z Dai, T Feng, L Zhou, W Tang, L Zhan, X Fu, S Liu, X Bo, and G Yu. clusterProfiler 4.0: A universal enrichment tool for interpreting omics data. The Innovation. 2021, 2(3):100141## ## Attaching package: 'clusterProfiler'## The following object is masked from 'package:stats':## ##     filterGO富集分析clusterProfiler为我们提供了3种GO富集分析:
GO分类GO ORAGO GSEAGO分类基于特定GO分布对基因进行分类,使用起来超级简单,下面我们用示例数据为大家演示。
data(geneList, package="DOSE")gene <- names(geneList)[abs(geneList) > 2]
# Entrez gene IDhead(gene)## [1] "4312"  "8318"  "10874" "55143" "55388" "991"geneList是一个有序的数值型向量,其名字是基因的ID(这里是ENTREZID)。
ggo <- groupGO(gene = gene,               keyType = "ENTREZID",#任意类型都可,不一定非要ENTREZID,这里指定即可               OrgDb    = "org.Hs.eg.db",               ont      = "CC",# “BP”, “CC”, “MF”               level    = 3,               readable = TRUE               )## head(ggo)##                    ID                Description Count GeneRatio geneID## GO:0000133 GO:0000133                 polarisome     0     0/207       ## GO:0000408 GO:0000408          EKC/KEOPS complex     0     0/207       ## GO:0000417 GO:0000417                HIR complex     0     0/207       ## GO:0000444 GO:0000444    MIS12/MIND type complex     0     0/207       ## GO:0000808 GO:0000808 origin recognition complex     0     0/207       ## GO:0000930 GO:0000930      gamma-tubulin complex     0     0/207GO过代表分析这个就是大家最常见的GO富集分析了,使用enrichGO函数实现,各种参数也是和上面差不多:
ego <- enrichGO(gene          = gene,                universe      = names(geneList),#背景基因                OrgDb         = "org.Hs.eg.db",                ont           = "ALL",#"BP", "MF", "CC"                pAdjustMethod = "BH",                pvalueCutoff  = 0.01,                qvalueCutoff  = 0.05,                readable      = TRUE)
ego## ### # over-representation test## ### #...@organism Homo sapiens ## #...@ontology GOALL ## #...@keytype ENTREZID ## #...@gene chr [1:207] "4312" "8318" "10874" "55143" "55388" "991" "6280" "2305" ...## #...pvalues adjusted by 'BH' with cutoff <0.01 ## #...153 enriched terms found## 'data.frame':153 obs. of  10 variables:##  $ ONTOLOGY   : chr  "BP" "BP" "BP" "BP" ...##  $ ID         : chr  "GO:0140014" "GO:0000280" "GO:0000070" "GO:0048285" ...##  $ Description: chr  "mitotic nuclear division" "nuclear division" "mitotic sister chromatid segregation" "organelle fission" ...##  $ GeneRatio  : chr  "32/195" "36/195" "26/195" "37/195" ...##  $ BgRatio    : chr  "263/11590" "357/11590" "165/11590" "391/11590" ...##  $ pvalue     : num  7.10e-19 1.96e-18 2.60e-18 5.24e-18 6.54e-18 ...##  $ p.adjust   : num  2.16e-15 2.65e-15 2.65e-15 3.99e-15 3.99e-15 ...##  $ qvalue     : num  2.00e-15 2.44e-15 2.44e-15 3.68e-15 3.68e-15 ...##  $ geneID     : chr  省略
head(ego)##            ONTOLOGY         ID                          Description GeneRatio## GO:0140014       BP GO:0140014             mitotic nuclear division    32/195## GO:0000280       BP GO:0000280                     nuclear division    36/195## GO:0000070       BP GO:0000070 mitotic sister chromatid segregation    26/195## GO:0048285       BP GO:0048285                    organelle fission    37/195## GO:0000819       BP GO:0000819         sister chromatid segregation    27/195## GO:0007059       BP GO:0007059               chromosome segregation    30/195##              BgRatio       pvalue     p.adjust       qvalue## GO:0140014 263/11590 7.101540e-19 2.163839e-15 1.998149e-15## GO:0000280 357/11590 1.956617e-18 2.645070e-15 2.442530e-15## GO:0000070 165/11590 2.604269e-18 2.645070e-15 2.442530e-15## GO:0048285 391/11590 5.235148e-18 3.987643e-15 3.682300e-15## GO:0000819 188/11590 6.543556e-18 3.987643e-15 3.682300e-15## GO:0007059 278/11590 2.850765e-16 1.447713e-13 1.336859e-13##                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   geneID## GO:0140014                                CDCA8/CDC20/KIF23/CENPE/MYBL2/NDC80/NCAPH/DLGAP5/UBE2C/NUSAP1/TPX2/TACC3/NEK2/UBE2S/MAD2L1/KIF18A/CDT1/BIRC5/KIF11/TTK/NCAPG/AURKB/CHEK1/TRIP13/PRC1/KIFC1/KIF18B/AURKA/CCNB1/KIF4A/PTTG1/BMP4#省略##            Count## GO:0140014    32## GO:0000280    36## GO:0000070    26## GO:0048285    37## GO:0000819    27## GO:0007059    30GO的数据库条目可能有很多是在解释同一个东西,所clusterProfielr提供了simplify能够去除冗余的GO:
simple_ego <- simplify(ego)目前这个函数支持来自enrichGO、gseGO、compareCluster的结果,非常实用!
GO基因集富集分析GO版本的GSEA富集分析, gene set enrichment analysis,通过gseGO函数实现:
ego3 <- gseGO(geneList     = geneList,              OrgDb        = "org.Hs.eg.db",              ont          = "CC",              minGSSize    = 100,              maxGSSize    = 500,# 只有基因集数量在[minGSSize, maxGSSize]之间的才会被检验              pvalueCutoff = 0.05,              verbose      = FALSE)head(ego3)##                    ID                              Description setSize## GO:0000775 GO:0000775           chromosome, centromeric region     188## GO:0000779 GO:0000779 condensed chromosome, centromeric region     138## GO:0000776 GO:0000776                              kinetochore     130## GO:0000228 GO:0000228                       nuclear chromosome     175## GO:0098687 GO:0098687                       chromosomal region     305## GO:0000793 GO:0000793                     condensed chromosome     210##            enrichmentScore      NES pvalue p.adjust       qvalue rank## GO:0000775       0.5970689 2.652931  1e-10 1.62e-09 1.073684e-09  530## GO:0000779       0.6216009 2.648130  1e-10 1.62e-09 1.073684e-09  798## GO:0000776       0.6230073 2.609292  1e-10 1.62e-09 1.073684e-09  449## GO:0000228       0.5875327 2.580497  1e-10 1.62e-09 1.073684e-09 1905## GO:0098687       0.5419949 2.545830  1e-10 1.62e-09 1.073684e-09 1721## GO:0000793       0.5507360 2.468350  1e-10 1.62e-09 1.073684e-09 1721##                              leading_edge## GO:0000775  tags=20%, list=4%, signal=19%## GO:0000779  tags=24%, list=6%, signal=23%## GO:0000776  tags=21%, list=4%, signal=20%## GO:0000228 tags=34%, list=15%, signal=29%## GO:0098687 tags=27%, list=14%, signal=24%## GO:0000793 tags=28%, list=14%, signal=24%##   省略前面说过,做GSEA富集分析对数据格式是有要求的:
按照递减排序的数值型向量,向量的名字是gene idKEGG富集分析KEGG自2012年起不再免费提供FTP下载服务,但是clusterProfiler包支持使用KEGG网站下载最新的在线版本的KEGG数据,KEGG pathway和module都支持哦。
KEGG pathway ORAKEGG通路ORA分析,KEGG pathway over-representation analysis,通过enrichKEGG函数实现,这些函数的名字都是有规律的,方便你记忆和使用:
kk <- enrichKEGG(gene         = gene,                 organism     = 'hsa',                 pvalueCutoff = 0.05)## Reading KEGG annotation online: "https://rest.kegg.jp/link/hsa/pathway"...## Reading KEGG annotation online: "https://rest.kegg.jp/list/pathway/hsa"...head(kk)##                ID                                                   Description## hsa04110 hsa04110                                                    Cell cycle## hsa04114 hsa04114                                                Oocyte meiosis## hsa04218 hsa04218                                           Cellular senescence## hsa04061 hsa04061 Viral protein interaction with cytokine and cytokine receptor## hsa03320 hsa03320                                        PPAR signaling pathway## hsa04814 hsa04814                                                Motor proteins##          GeneRatio  BgRatio       pvalue     p.adjust       qvalue## hsa04110    15/106 157/8465 8.177242e-10 1.717221e-07 1.695702e-07## hsa04114    10/106 131/8465 5.049610e-06 5.302091e-04 5.235648e-04## hsa04218    10/106 156/8465 2.366003e-05 1.639157e-03 1.618617e-03## hsa04061     8/106 100/8465 3.326461e-05 1.639157e-03 1.618617e-03## hsa03320     7/106  75/8465 3.902756e-05 1.639157e-03 1.618617e-03## hsa04814    10/106 193/8465 1.433387e-04 5.016856e-03 4.953988e-03##                                                                            geneID## hsa04110 8318/991/9133/10403/890/983/4085/81620/7272/9212/1111/9319/891/4174/9232## hsa04114                          991/9133/983/4085/51806/6790/891/9232/3708/5241## hsa04218                           2305/4605/9133/890/983/51806/1111/891/776/3708## hsa04061                                 3627/10563/6373/4283/6362/6355/9547/1524## hsa03320                                       4312/9415/9370/5105/2167/3158/5346## hsa04814                   9493/1062/81930/3832/3833/146909/10112/24137/4629/7802##          Count## hsa04110    15## hsa04114    10## hsa04218    10## hsa04061     8## hsa03320     7## hsa04814    10KEGG pathway GSEAKEGG通路基因集富集分析,KEGG pathway gene set enrichment analysis,通过gseKEGG实现:
kk2 <- gseKEGG(geneList     = geneList,               organism     = 'hsa',               minGSSize    = 120,               pvalueCutoff = 0.05,               verbose      = FALSE)head(kk2)##                ID                             Description setSize## hsa04110 hsa04110                              Cell cycle     139## hsa05169 hsa05169            Epstein-Barr virus infection     193## hsa04613 hsa04613 Neutrophil extracellular trap formation     130## hsa05166 hsa05166 Human T-cell leukemia virus 1 infection     202## hsa04510 hsa04510                          Focal adhesion     192## hsa04218 hsa04218                     Cellular senescence     141##          enrichmentScore       NES       pvalue     p.adjust       qvalue rank## hsa04110       0.6637551  2.876742 1.000000e-10 7.900000e-09 5.263158e-09 1155## hsa05169       0.4335010  1.956648 2.185378e-07 8.632244e-06 5.750996e-06 2820## hsa04613       0.4496569  1.910465 7.157902e-06 1.884914e-04 1.255772e-04 2575## hsa05166       0.3893613  1.765888 1.482811e-05 2.928551e-04 1.951067e-04 1955## hsa04510      -0.4233234 -1.741010 3.210562e-05 5.072688e-04 3.379539e-04 2183## hsa04218       0.4115945  1.788002 8.805195e-05 1.159351e-03 7.723855e-04 1155##                            leading_edge## hsa04110  tags=36%, list=9%, signal=33%## hsa05169 tags=39%, list=23%, signal=31%## hsa04613 tags=37%, list=21%, signal=30%## hsa05166 tags=26%, list=16%, signal=22%## hsa04510 tags=28%, list=17%, signal=23%## hsa04218  tags=17%, list=9%, signal=16%##                                                                                             core_enrichment## hsa04110                                             8318/991/9133/10403/890/983/4085/81620/7272/9212/1111/9319/891/4174/9232/4171/993/990/5347/701/9700/898/23594/4998/9134/4175/4173/10926/6502/994/699/4609/5111/26271/1869/1029/8317/4176/2810/3066/1871/1031/9088/995/1019/4172/5885/11200/7027/1875#省略KEGG module ORAKEGG模块ORA分析,KEGG module over-representation analysis,通过enrichMKEGG实现:
mkk <- enrichMKEGG(gene = gene,                   organism = 'hsa',                   pvalueCutoff = 1,                   qvalueCutoff = 1)## Reading KEGG annotation online: "https://rest.kegg.jp/link/hsa/module"...## Reading KEGG annotation online: "https://rest.kegg.jp/list/module"...head(mkk)                   ##            ID## M00912 M00912## M00095 M00095## M00053 M00053## M00938 M00938## M00003 M00003## M00049 M00049##                                                                     Description## M00912                       NAD biosynthesis, tryptophan => quinolinate => NAD## M00095                           C5 isoprenoid biosynthesis, mevalonate pathway## M00053 Deoxyribonucleotide biosynthesis, ADP/GDP/CDP/UDP => dATP/dGTP/dCTP/dUTP## M00938                 Pyrimidine deoxyribonucleotide biosynthesis, UDP => dTTP## M00003                             Gluconeogenesis, oxaloacetate => fructose-6P## M00049                      Adenine ribonucleotide biosynthesis, IMP => ADP,ATP##        GeneRatio BgRatio     pvalue   p.adjust     qvalue     geneID Count## M00912       2/9  12/852 0.00620266 0.03721596 0.03264558 23475/3620     2## M00095       1/9  10/852 0.10126209 0.18449380 0.16183667       3158     1## M00053       1/9  11/852 0.11086855 0.18449380 0.16183667       6241     1## M00938       1/9  14/852 0.13914269 0.18449380 0.16183667       6241     1## M00003       1/9  18/852 0.17559737 0.18449380 0.16183667       5105     1## M00049       1/9  19/852 0.18449380 0.18449380 0.16183667      26289     1KEGG module GSEAKEGG模块GSEA分析,KEGG module gene set enrichment analysis
mkk2 <- gseMKEGG(geneList = geneList,                 organism = 'hsa',                 pvalueCutoff = 1)## preparing geneSet collections...## GSEA analysis...## leading edge analysis...## done...head(mkk2)##            ID                                                      Description## M00001 M00001        Glycolysis (Embden-Meyerhof pathway), glucose => pyruvate## M00938 M00938         Pyrimidine deoxyribonucleotide biosynthesis, UDP => dTTP## M00002 M00002         Glycolysis, core module involving three-carbon compounds## M00035 M00035                                           Methionine degradation## M00104 M00104 Bile acid biosynthesis, cholesterol => cholate/chenodeoxycholate## M00009 M00009                           Citrate cycle (TCA cycle, Krebs cycle)##        setSize enrichmentScore       NES      pvalue  p.adjust    qvalue rank## M00001      24       0.5739036  1.746110 0.006607415 0.2180447 0.2086552 2886## M00938      10       0.6648004  1.550423 0.041882396 0.4607064 0.4408673  648## M00002      11       0.6421781  1.548820 0.039734634 0.4607064 0.4408673 1381## M00035      11       0.5824213  1.404697 0.090476190 0.6366300 0.6092153 1555## M00104      10      -0.5876900 -1.370515 0.108247423 0.6366300 0.6092153  961## M00009      22       0.4504911  1.340658 0.125858124 0.6366300 0.6092153 3514##                          leading_edge## M00001 tags=54%, list=23%, signal=42%## M00938  tags=40%, list=5%, signal=38%## M00002 tags=55%, list=11%, signal=49%## M00035 tags=45%, list=12%, signal=40%## M00104  tags=50%, list=8%, signal=46%## M00009 tags=50%, list=28%, signal=36%##                                                         core_enrichment## M00001 5214/3101/2821/7167/2597/5230/2023/5223/5315/3099/5232/2027/5211## M00938                                              6241/7298/4830/1841## M00002                                    7167/2597/5230/2023/5223/5315## M00035                                           875/1789/191/1788/1786## M00104                                        6342/10998/1581/3295/8309## M00009            3418/50/4190/3419/2271/3421/55753/3417/1431/6389/4191KEGG通路可视化执行以下代码会直接打开网页查看:
browseKEGG(kk, 'hsa04110')或者也可以下载到本地,通过pathview这个包实现:
library("pathview")hsa04110 <- pathview(gene.data  = geneList,                     pathway.id = "hsa04110",                     species    = "hsa",                     limit      = list(gene=max(abs(geneList)), cpd=1))


WikiPathways ORA通过enrichWP函数实现,不过需要良好的网络环境,不然就会报错~
enrichWP(gene, organism = "Homo sapiens") ## ### # over-representation test## ### #...@organism Homo sapiens ## #...@ontology WikiPathways ## #...@keytype ENTREZID ## #...@gene chr [1:207] "4312" "8318" "10874" "55143" "55388" "991" "6280" "2305" ...## #...pvalues adjusted by 'BH' with cutoff <0.05 ## #...8 enriched terms found## 'data.frame':8 obs. of  9 variables:##  $ ID         : chr  "WP2446" "WP2361" "WP179" "WP3942" ...##  $ Description: chr  "Retinoblastoma gene in cancer" "Gastric cancer network 1" "Cell cycle" "PPAR signaling pathway" ...##  $ GeneRatio  : chr  "11/113" "6/113" "10/113" "7/113" ...##  $ BgRatio    : chr  "90/8444" "28/8444" "120/8444" "68/8444" ...##  $ pvalue     : num  2.59e-08 1.49e-06 4.18e-06 3.15e-05 3.70e-05 ...##  $ p.adjust   : num  7.14e-06 2.06e-04 3.84e-04 2.04e-03 2.04e-03 ...##  $ qvalue     : num  6.42e-06 1.85e-04 3.46e-04 1.84e-03 1.84e-03 ...##  $ geneID     : chr  "8318/9133/7153/6241/890/983/81620/7272/1111/891/24137" "4605/7153/11065/22974/6286/6790" "8318/991/9133/890/983/7272/1111/891/4174/9232" "4312/9415/9370/5105/2167/3158/5346" ...##  $ Count      : int  11 6 10 7 4 7 8 10## #...Citation##  T Wu, E Hu, S Xu, M Chen, P Guo, Z Dai, T Feng, L Zhou, W Tang, L Zhan, X Fu, S Liu, X Bo, and G Yu.##  clusterProfiler 4.0: A universal enrichment tool for interpreting omics data.##  The Innovation. 2021, 2(3):100141WikiPathways gene set enrichment analysis通过gseWP实现,也是需要良好的网络环境:
gseWP(geneList, organism = "Homo sapiens")## preparing geneSet collections...## GSEA analysis...## leading edge analysis...## done...## ### # Gene Set Enrichment Analysis## ### #...@organism Homo sapiens ## #...@setType WikiPathways ## #...@keytype ENTREZID ## #...@geneList Named num [1:12495] 4.57 4.51 4.42 4.14 3.88 ...##  - attr(*, "names")= chr [1:12495] "4312" "8318" "10874" "55143" ...## #...nPerm  ## #...pvalues adjusted by 'BH' with cutoff <0.05 ## #...66 enriched terms found## 'data.frame':66 obs. of  11 variables:##  $ ID             : chr  "WP2446" "WP179" "WP466" "WP2361" ...##  $ Description    : chr  "Retinoblastoma gene in cancer" "Cell cycle" "DNA replication" "Gastric cancer network 1" ...##  $ setSize        : int  84 111 42 23 62 201 77 102 41 61 ...##  $ enrichmentScore: num  0.731 0.663 0.792 0.837 0.665 ...##  $ NES            : num  2.86 2.75 2.74 2.55 2.47 ...##  $ pvalue         : num  1.00e-10 1.00e-10 1.00e-10 1.41e-09 2.66e-09 ...##  $ p.adjust       : num  2.12e-08 2.12e-08 2.12e-08 2.24e-07 2.83e-07 ...##  $ qvalue         : num  1.77e-08 1.77e-08 1.77e-08 1.87e-07 2.35e-07 ...##  $ rank           : num  1333 1234 1002 854 1111 ...##  $ leading_edge   : chr  "tags=51%, list=11%, signal=46%" "tags=40%, list=10%, signal=36%" "tags=55%, list=8%, signal=51%" "tags=52%, list=7%, signal=49%" ...##  $ core_enrichment: chr  "8318/9133/7153/6241/890/983/81620/7272/1111/891/24137/993/898/4998/10733/9134/4175/4173/6502/5984/994/7298/3015"| __truncated__ "8318/991/9133/890/983/7272/1111/891/4174/9232/4171/993/990/5347/9700/898/23594/4998/9134/4175/4173/10926/6502/9"| __truncated__ "8318/55388/81620/4174/4171/990/23594/4998/4175/4173/10926/5984/5111/51053/8317/5427/23649/4176/5982/5557/5558/4172/5424" "4605/7153/11065/22974/6286/6790/1894/56992/4173/1063/9585/8607" ...## #...Citation##  T Wu, E Hu, S Xu, M Chen, P Guo, Z Dai, T Feng, L Zhou, W Tang, L Zhan, X Fu, S Liu, X Bo, and G Yu.##  clusterProfiler 4.0: A universal enrichment tool for interpreting omics data.##  The Innovation. 2021, 2(3):100141Reactome富集分析Reactome(https://reactome.org/)也是一个通路数据库~这个网站自带的可视化功能其实很强大,大家可以去试试。

Reactome pathway over-representation analysisReactome ORA分析,通过函数enrichPathway实现:
library(ReactomePA)## ReactomePA v1.42.0  For help: https://yulab-smu.top/biomedical-knowledge-mining-book/## ## If you use ReactomePA in published research, please cite:## Guangchuang Yu, Qing-Yu He. ReactomePA: an R/Bioconductor package for reactome pathway analysis and visualization. Molecular BioSystems 2016, 12(2):477-479
x <- enrichPathway(gene=gene,                    pvalueCutoff = 0.05,                    readable=TRUE)
head(x)##                          ID                             Description GeneRatio## R-HSA-69620     R-HSA-69620                  Cell Cycle Checkpoints    22/143## R-HSA-2500257 R-HSA-2500257 Resolution of Sister Chromatid Cohesion    15/143## R-HSA-68877     R-HSA-68877                    Mitotic Prometaphase    18/143## R-HSA-69618     R-HSA-69618              Mitotic Spindle Checkpoint    14/143## R-HSA-68882     R-HSA-68882                        Mitotic Anaphase    18/143## R-HSA-2555396 R-HSA-2555396          Mitotic Metaphase and Anaphase    18/143##                 BgRatio       pvalue     p.adjust       qvalue## R-HSA-69620   293/10899 2.906024e-11 1.330959e-08 1.095112e-08## R-HSA-2500257 126/10899 8.316509e-11 1.904481e-08 1.567005e-08## R-HSA-68877   204/10899 1.539628e-10 2.350499e-08 1.933989e-08## R-HSA-69618   113/10899 2.130715e-10 2.439669e-08 2.007358e-08## R-HSA-68882   236/10899 1.657466e-09 1.354116e-07 1.114166e-07## R-HSA-2555396 237/10899 1.773951e-09 1.354116e-07 1.114166e-07##  省略Reactome pathway gene set enrichment analysisReactome GSEA分析,通过函数gsePathway实现:
y <- gsePathway(geneList,                 pvalueCutoff = 0.2,                pAdjustMethod = "BH",                 verbose = FALSE)head(y)##                        ID                          Description setSize## R-HSA-69620   R-HSA-69620               Cell Cycle Checkpoints     237## R-HSA-453279 R-HSA-453279 Mitotic G1 phase and G1/S transition     142## R-HSA-69278   R-HSA-69278                  Cell Cycle, Mitotic     457## R-HSA-69306   R-HSA-69306                      DNA Replication     137## R-HSA-69206   R-HSA-69206                      G1/S Transition     124## R-HSA-69481   R-HSA-69481                     G2/M Checkpoints     134##              enrichmentScore      NES pvalue     p.adjust       qvalue rank## R-HSA-69620        0.6678105 3.064037  1e-10 4.105556e-09 3.064327e-09 1905## R-HSA-453279       0.7016040 3.001137  1e-10 4.105556e-09 3.064327e-09 1155## R-HSA-69278        0.6077642 2.974757  1e-10 4.105556e-09 3.064327e-09 1769## R-HSA-69306        0.6968511 2.961013  1e-10 4.105556e-09 3.064327e-09 1769## R-HSA-69206        0.7046866 2.949856  1e-10 4.105556e-09 3.064327e-09 1155## R-HSA-69481        0.6876905 2.925269  1e-10 4.105556e-09 3.064327e-09 1905##                                leading_edge## R-HSA-69620  tags=43%, list=15%, signal=37%## R-HSA-453279  tags=41%, list=9%, signal=37%## R-HSA-69278  tags=36%, list=14%, signal=32%## R-HSA-69306  tags=49%, list=14%, signal=42%## R-HSA-69206   tags=42%, list=9%, signal=38%## R-HSA-69481  tags=49%, list=15%, signal=42%                                                 core_enrichment## R-HSA-69620                                                                        8318/55143/55388/991/1062/9133/10403/11065/220134/79019/55839/27338/890/983/54821/4085/81930/332/9212/1111/891/4174/4171/11004/993/990/5347/701/51512/9156/11130/79682/57405/2491/898/23594/4998/9134/4175/4173/10926/5984/1058/699/1063/85236/5688/5709/55055/641/1029/5698/1763/8970/5693/8317/4176/5713/79980/5982/9735/5721/2810/5691/9088/995/5685/7468/4172/7336/5690/5684/83990/5686/5695/11200/10213/8345/7534/80010/23198/5983/7979/54908/6396/4683/63967/3018/5699/5714/5702/3014/5905/3619/5708/55166/5692/10393/8290/5704/580/6119## R-HSA-453279 省略                              可视化这里简单说下Reactome富集分析的可视化,因为viewPathway函数是它专用的:
viewPathway("E2F mediated regulation of DNA replication",             readable = TRUE,             foldChange = geneList)## Loading required package: graphite

library(DOSE)## DOSE v3.24.2  For help: https://yulab-smu.top/biomedical-knowledge-mining-book/## ## If you use DOSE in published research, please cite:## Guangchuang Yu, Li-Gen Wang, Guang-Rong Yan, Qing-Yu He. DOSE: an R/Bioconductor package for Disease Ontology Semantic and Enrichment analysis. Bioinformatics 2015, 31(4):608-609Disease over-representation analysisDOSE支持疾病本体论(DO)、癌症基因网络和疾病基因网络(DisGeNET)的富集分析。
Over-representation analysis for disease ontology疾病本体论(DO)的ORA分析,和GO的ORA分析一模一样:
x <- enrichDO(gene          = gene,              ont           = "DO",              pvalueCutoff  = 0.05,              pAdjustMethod = "BH",              universe      = names(geneList),              minGSSize     = 10,              maxGSSize     = 500,              qvalueCutoff  = 0.05,              readable      = FALSE)head(x)##                        ID                       Description GeneRatio  BgRatio## DOID:1107       DOID:1107              esophageal carcinoma    15/157 195/7744## DOID:5041       DOID:5041                 esophageal cancer    15/157 229/7744## DOID:3459       DOID:3459                  breast carcinoma    22/157 461/7744## DOID:3748       DOID:3748 esophagus squamous cell carcinoma    10/157 131/7744## DOID:8719       DOID:8719                 in situ carcinoma    10/157 132/7744## DOID:0060071 DOID:0060071            pre-malignant neoplasm    11/157 159/7744##                    pvalue    p.adjust      qvalue## DOID:1107    8.724913e-06 0.006343012 0.005675786## DOID:5041    5.832237e-05 0.021200181 0.018970118## DOID:3459    1.412419e-04 0.033578155 0.030046043## DOID:3748    3.100853e-04 0.033578155 0.030046043## DOID:8719    3.297454e-04 0.033578155 0.030046043## DOID:0060071 3.664508e-04 0.033578155 0.030046043##                                                                                                                   geneID## DOID:1107                                       4312/6280/3868/6279/8140/890/5918/332/2146/4321/891/2066/3169/8614/11122## DOID:5041                                       4312/6280/3868/6279/8140/890/5918/332/2146/4321/891/2066/3169/8614/11122## DOID:3459    4312/6280/6279/7153/6241/4751/890/4085/332/6286/2146/6790/891/9232/771/4250/2066/3169/10647/5304/5241/10551## DOID:3748                                                              6280/3868/6279/8140/5918/2146/891/2066/3169/11122## DOID:8719                                                               6280/7153/6278/10232/332/9212/6790/891/2066/5241## DOID:0060071                                                       6280/7153/6278/10232/332/9212/4321/6790/891/2066/5241##              Count## DOID:1107       15## DOID:5041       15## DOID:3459       22## DOID:3748       10## DOID:8719       10## DOID:0060071    11注意:ont参数可以是"DO"或"DOLite",DOLite是一个简化后的DO版本,合并了一些冗余的DO term,但是数据不更新了,建议使用ont="DO"Over-representation analysis for the network of cancer gene癌症基因网络的ORA分析:
gene2 <- names(geneList)[abs(geneList) < 3]head(gene2)## [1] "8685"  "597"   "7153"  "23397" "6278"  "79733"
ncg <- enrichNCG(gene2) head(ncg)##                                                                      ID## pan-cancer_paediatric                             pan-cancer_paediatric## triple_negative_breast_cancer             triple_negative_breast_cancer## bladder_cancer                                           bladder_cancer## pancreatic_cancer_(all_histologies) pancreatic_cancer_(all_histologies)## soft_tissue_sarcoma                                 soft_tissue_sarcoma## paediatric_high-grade_glioma               paediatric_high-grade_glioma##                                                             Description## pan-cancer_paediatric                             pan-cancer_paediatric## triple_negative_breast_cancer             triple_negative_breast_cancer## bladder_cancer                                           bladder_cancer## pancreatic_cancer_(all_histologies) pancreatic_cancer_(all_histologies)## soft_tissue_sarcoma                                 soft_tissue_sarcoma## paediatric_high-grade_glioma               paediatric_high-grade_glioma##                                     GeneRatio  BgRatio       pvalue## pan-cancer_paediatric                162/2281 183/3177 1.833773e-08## triple_negative_breast_cancer         71/2281  75/3177 4.290660e-07## bladder_cancer                        97/2281 112/3177 1.253690e-04## pancreatic_cancer_(all_histologies)   40/2281  42/3177 1.262162e-04## soft_tissue_sarcoma                   26/2281  26/3177 1.742793e-04## paediatric_high-grade_glioma          25/2281  25/3177 2.434966e-04##                                         p.adjust       qvalue## pan-cancer_paediatric               1.613721e-06 7.721152e-07## triple_negative_breast_cancer       1.887890e-05 9.032967e-06## bladder_cancer                      2.776757e-03 1.328592e-03## pancreatic_cancer_(all_histologies) 2.776757e-03 1.328592e-03## soft_tissue_sarcoma                 3.067315e-03 1.467615e-03## paediatric_high-grade_glioma        3.073768e-03 1.470702e-03##                                                                                             geneID## pan-cancer_paediatric               2146/55353/4609/1029/3575/22806/3418/3066/2120/30012/867/7468/7545/3195/865/64109/4613/613/11177/7490/238/10736/10054/5771/4893/140885/1785/9760/3417/6597/6476/9126/4869/10320/7307/80204/1050/10992/8028/2312/6608/896/894/2196/4849/7023/5093/5079/5293/5727/55181/171017/51322/5781/3718/55294/60/673/8085/5897/4851/1665/51176/1108/7764/10664/6098/2332/2201/6495/3845/7015/1441/2782/64919/4298/23512/8239/29102/6929/8021/6134/6598/4209/5290/22941/8726/207/3717/2033/10716/4928/6932/694/5156/10019/6886/9968/7080/2623/7874/1654/4149/3020/23219/55252/55729/10735/5728/4853/23451/51341/387/3206/6146/79718/2624/63035/3815/171023/23269/25/23592/5896/7403/2260/54880/3716/9203/57178/6777/5789/4297/29072/90/546/120/25836/8289/4345/9611/5925/4763/1997/1499/7157/3399/5295/1387/4602/51564/1027/4005/2322/2078/678/6403/55709/1277/7494/64061/2625## triple_negative_breast_cancer 省略                                                           ##                                     Count## pan-cancer_paediatric                 162## triple_negative_breast_cancer          71## bladder_cancer                         97## pancreatic_cancer_(all_histologies)    40## soft_tissue_sarcoma                    26## paediatric_high-grade_glioma           25Over-representation analysis for the disease gene network疾病基因网络的ORA分析,DisGeNET(https://www.disgenet.org/)是一个综合的、全面的基因-疾病数据库,包含基因-疾病关联和snp-基因-疾病关联。

dgn <- enrichDGN(gene) head(dgn)##                ID                              Description GeneRatio   BgRatio## C0007124 C0007124    Noninfiltrating Intraductal Carcinoma    24/204 486/21671## C3642347 C3642347              Basal-Like Breast Carcinoma    16/204 245/21671## C1609538 C1609538                      Latent Tuberculosis    14/204 183/21671## C1827293 C1827293   Carcinoma of urinary bladder, invasive    16/204 287/21671## C0278601 C0278601            Inflammatory Breast Carcinoma    13/204 183/21671## C4733092 C4733092 estrogen receptor-negative breast cancer    17/204 356/21671##                pvalue     p.adjust       qvalue## C0007124 3.806436e-11 1.568251e-07 1.271350e-07## C3642347 1.555102e-09 3.038993e-06 2.463650e-06## C1609538 2.212859e-09 3.038993e-06 2.463650e-06## C1827293 1.491211e-08 1.535947e-05 1.245161e-05## C0278601 2.050738e-08 1.689808e-05 1.369893e-05## C4733092 5.070020e-08 3.481414e-05 2.822311e-05##                                                                                                                            geneID## C0007124 4312/6280/6279/7153/6278/9582/55872/3669/4751/5080/2146/1111/3887/6790/9370/125/8839/2066/3169/9547/10647/2625/7021/5241## C3642347                                       2305/1062/4605/9833/7368/11065/10232/55765/5163/2146/2568/3620/6790/3169/2625/5241## C1609538                                                  8685/3627/3669/6373/820/3002/50852/3902/3620/6355/10578/9370/3117/23158## C1827293                                       2305/6279/55165/220134/2146/9212/4321/6790/891/8544/9122/23158/652/2625/5241/10551## C0278601                                                      4312/6278/11065/9582/51203/5918/2146/4321/3887/2066/9547/10647/5241## C4733092                                2305/6278/79733/6241/81930/81620/2146/3620/80129/4137/8839/3169/1408/5304/2625/5241/10551##          Count## C0007124    24## C3642347    16## C1609538    14## C1827293    16## C0278601    13## C4733092    17snp <- c("rs1401296", "rs9315050", "rs5498", "rs1524668", "rs147377392",         "rs841", "rs909253", "rs7193343", "rs3918232", "rs3760396",         "rs2231137", "rs10947803", "rs17222919", "rs386602276", "rs11053646",         "rs1805192", "rs139564723", "rs2230806", "rs20417", "rs966221")dgnv <- enrichDGNv(snp)head(dgnv)##                ID               Description GeneRatio    BgRatio       pvalue## C0010054 C0010054 Coronary Arteriosclerosis      6/17 440/194515 1.568917e-12## C0151744 C0151744       Myocardial Ischemia      4/17 103/194515 1.754840e-10## C0031099 C0031099             Periodontitis      4/17 116/194515 2.839985e-10## C0007785 C0007785       Cerebral Infarction      4/17 123/194515 3.599531e-10## C0003850 C0003850          Arteriosclerosis      4/17 267/194515 8.145389e-09## C0004153 C0004153           Atherosclerosis      4/17 281/194515 9.996713e-09##              p.adjust qvalue## C0010054 2.761295e-10     NA## C0151744 1.544259e-08     NA## C0031099 1.583793e-08     NA## C0007785 1.583793e-08     NA## C0003850 2.867177e-07     NA## C0004153 2.932369e-07     NA##                                                             geneID Count## C0010054 rs5498/rs147377392/rs11053646/rs1805192/rs2230806/rs20417     6## C0151744                   rs5498/rs147377392/rs11053646/rs1805192     4## C0031099                         rs5498/rs909253/rs1805192/rs20417     4## C0007785                rs147377392/rs11053646/rs1805192/rs2230806     4## C0003850                        rs5498/rs1805192/rs2230806/rs20417     4## C0004153                        rs5498/rs1805192/rs2230806/rs20417     4Disease gene set enrichment analysisDO GSEA分析:
y <- gseDO(geneList,           minGSSize     = 120,           pvalueCutoff  = 0.2,           pAdjustMethod = "BH",           verbose       = FALSE)head(y, 3)##                        ID                          Description setSize## DOID:399         DOID:399                         tuberculosis     181## DOID:612         DOID:612     primary immunodeficiency disease     305## DOID:0050338 DOID:0050338 primary bacterial infectious disease     264##              enrichmentScore      NES      pvalue     p.adjust       qvalue## DOID:399           0.5030583 2.252875 1.00000e-10 2.180000e-08 9.789474e-09## DOID:612           0.4023288 1.898732 4.87282e-09 5.311374e-07 2.385117e-07## DOID:0050338       0.4150405 1.945371 1.17702e-08 6.414760e-07 2.880602e-07##              rank                   leading_edge## DOID:399     2082 tags=40%, list=17%, signal=34%## DOID:612     2099 tags=33%, list=17%, signal=29%## DOID:0050338 1864 tags=33%, list=15%, signal=29%##  省略  癌症基因网络的GSEA分析:
ncg <- gseNCG(geneList,              pvalueCutoff  = 0.5,              pAdjustMethod = "BH",              verbose       = FALSE)ncg <- setReadable(ncg, 'org.Hs.eg.db')head(ncg, 3) ##                                                        ID## pan-gynecological and breast pan-gynecological and breast## pan-gastric                                   pan-gastric## esophageal_adenocarcinoma       esophageal_adenocarcinoma##                                               Description setSize## pan-gynecological and breast pan-gynecological and breast      43## pan-gastric                                   pan-gastric      49## esophageal_adenocarcinoma       esophageal_adenocarcinoma      92##                              enrichmentScore       NES      pvalue  p.adjust## pan-gynecological and breast      -0.5263429 -1.734359 0.004764925 0.1718695## pan-gastric                       -0.4993803 -1.683334 0.006365539 0.1718695## esophageal_adenocarcinoma         -0.4235434 -1.550378 0.004980207 0.1718695##                                 qvalue rank                   leading_edge## pan-gynecological and breast 0.1585801 2464 tags=44%, list=20%, signal=36%## pan-gastric                  0.1585801 3280 tags=49%, list=26%, signal=36%## esophageal_adenocarcinoma    0.1585801 2464 tags=34%, list=20%, signal=27%##                                                                                                                                                                                                        core_enrichment## pan-gynecological and breast                                                                          ATM/ZC3H13/NIPBL/SPOP/ARID1A/RASA1/RB1/RNF43/MAP2K4/NF1/CTNNB1/TP53/PIK3R1/CDKN1B/CCND1/ARID5B/MAP3K1/TBX3/GATA3## pan-gastric                                                             BCOR/SOX9/TCF7L2/ATM/CALD1/SEMG2/HTR7/ARID1A/RASA1/RB1/TTBK2/RNF43/CTNNB1/TP53/BCL9/SMAD3/APC/ZFP36L2/TGFBR2/MUC6/MAP3K1/CACNA1C/ATP8B1/CYP4B1## esophageal_adenocarcinoma    NIPBL/ARID1A/RASA1/MSH3/RNF43/CTNNB1/DNAH7/TP53/GATAD1/PIK3R1/STK11/CDKN1B/SPART/APC/SLIT3/LIN7A/SLIT2/TGFBR2/EPHA3/MUC6/ABCB1/NAV3/SYNE1/MAP3K1/SEMA5A/FTO/NUAK1/PCDH9/CHL1/ABCG2/TRIM58疾病基因网络的GSEA分析:
dgn <- gseDGN(geneList,              pvalueCutoff  = 0.2,              pAdjustMethod = "BH",              verbose       = FALSE)dgn <- setReadable(dgn, 'org.Hs.eg.db')head(dgn, 3) ##                ID                  Description setSize enrichmentScore## C0024266 C0024266 Lymphocytic Choriomeningitis     120       0.5712593## C4721414 C4721414         Mantle cell lymphoma     368       0.4107437## C0205682 C0205682              Waist-Hip Ratio     401      -0.4425633##                NES pvalue    p.adjust       qvalue rank## C0024266  2.437904  1e-10 2.05275e-07 1.757895e-07 2579## C4721414  1.951356  1e-10 2.05275e-07 1.757895e-07 1745## C0205682 -1.946241  1e-10 2.05275e-07 1.757895e-07 2011##                            leading_edge## C0024266 tags=48%, list=21%, signal=38%## C4721414 tags=26%, list=14%, signal=23%## C0205682 tags=28%, list=16%, signal=24%##   省略MeSH富集分析meshes包支持使用MeSH注释(医学主题词表)对基因列表或整个表达谱进行富集分析(ORA和GSEA)。gendoo/gene2pubmed/RBBH的数据源都支持。
AnnotationHub在bioconductor 3.16版本(对应R4.2.0版本)之后得到了重用,专门用于存放各种注释数据的R包,通过它可以非常方便的进行查询、下载所有的注释数据!在此之前的版本都是各种注释数据都有自己的专属R包,不管R包多大,我们都可以通过更换镜像实现快速下载!
MeSH over-representation analysis首先自己构建下数据库,AnnotationHub下载数据太慢了...(但是如果网络环境好也是嗖嗖嗖地下载)
# 需要bioc版本在3.14以上library(AnnotationHub)library(MeSHDbi)ah <- AnnotationHub() #第一次运行会问你要不要建立本地缓存,选yeshsa <- query(ah, c("MeSHDb", "Homo sapiens"))file_hsa <- hsa[[1]] # 这一步是下载真正的注释,还好不用每次都下载#file_hsa <- "C:/Users/liyue/AppData/Local/R/cache/R/AnnotationHub/mesh_hs_db_98354"#这个是我自己通过迅雷下载的,可以读取,但是不知道为啥富集分析不能用db <- MeSHDbi::MeSHDb(file_hsa)来自官方的提示:
MeSH-related packages (MeSH.XXX.eg.db, MeSH.db, MeSH.AOR.db, and MeSH.PCR.db) are deprecated since Bioconductor 3.14. Use AnnotationHub instead. For details, check the vignette of MeSHDbi以前是可以安装各种注释R包的,换个镜像即可嗖嗖的下载,好日子一去不复返了!
## BioC 2.14 to BioC 3.13  ##library(MeSH.Hsa.eg.db)db <- MeSH.Hsa.eg.db接下来就是进行MeSH的ORA分析:
library(meshes)## meshes v1.24.0  ## ## If you use meshes in published research, please cite the most appropriate paper(s):## ## Guangchuang Yu. Using meshes for MeSH term enrichment and semantic analyses. Bioinformatics 2018, 34(21):3766-3767, doi:10.1093/bioinformatics/bty410## ## Attaching package: 'meshes'## The following object is masked from 'package:DOSE':## ##     geneSimdata(geneList, package="DOSE")de <- names(geneList)[1:100]x <- enrichMeSH(de, MeSHDb = db, database='gendoo', category = 'C')## Error in h(simpleError(msg, call)): error in evaluating the argument 'x' in selecting a method for function 'select': object 'db' not found
head(x)##                        ID                       Description GeneRatio  BgRatio## DOID:1107       DOID:1107              esophageal carcinoma    15/157 195/7744## DOID:5041       DOID:5041                 esophageal cancer    15/157 229/7744## DOID:3459       DOID:3459                  breast carcinoma    22/157 461/7744## DOID:3748       DOID:3748 esophagus squamous cell carcinoma    10/157 131/7744## DOID:8719       DOID:8719                 in situ carcinoma    10/157 132/7744## DOID:0060071 DOID:0060071            pre-malignant neoplasm    11/157 159/7744##                    pvalue    p.adjust      qvalue## DOID:1107    8.724913e-06 0.006343012 0.005675786## DOID:5041    5.832237e-05 0.021200181 0.018970118## DOID:3459    1.412419e-04 0.033578155 0.030046043## DOID:3748    3.100853e-04 0.033578155 0.030046043## DOID:8719    3.297454e-04 0.033578155 0.030046043## DOID:0060071 3.664508e-04 0.033578155 0.030046043##                                                                                                                   geneID## DOID:1107                                       4312/6280/3868/6279/8140/890/5918/332/2146/4321/891/2066/3169/8614/11122## DOID:5041                                       4312/6280/3868/6279/8140/890/5918/332/2146/4321/891/2066/3169/8614/11122## DOID:3459    4312/6280/6279/7153/6241/4751/890/4085/332/6286/2146/6790/891/9232/771/4250/2066/3169/10647/5304/5241/10551## DOID:3748                                                              6280/3868/6279/8140/5918/2146/891/2066/3169/11122## DOID:8719                                                               6280/7153/6278/10232/332/9212/6790/891/2066/5241## DOID:0060071                                                       6280/7153/6278/10232/332/9212/4321/6790/891/2066/5241##              Count## DOID:1107       15## DOID:5041       15## DOID:3459       22## DOID:3748       10## DOID:8719       10## DOID:0060071    11MeSH gene set enrichment analysis然后是GSEA分析:
y <- gseMeSH(geneList, MeSHDb = db, database = 'gene2pubmed', category = "G")## Error in h(simpleError(msg, call)): error in evaluating the argument 'x' in selecting a method for function 'select': object 'db' not found
head(y)##                        ID                                     Description## DOID:399         DOID:399                                    tuberculosis## DOID:612         DOID:612                primary immunodeficiency disease## DOID:0050338 DOID:0050338            primary bacterial infectious disease## DOID:104         DOID:104                    bacterial infectious disease## DOID:526         DOID:526 human immunodeficiency virus infectious disease## DOID:2237       DOID:2237                                       hepatitis##              setSize enrichmentScore      NES       pvalue     p.adjust## DOID:399         181       0.5030583 2.252875 1.000000e-10 2.180000e-08## DOID:612         305       0.4023288 1.898732 4.872820e-09 5.311374e-07## DOID:0050338     264       0.4150405 1.945371 1.177020e-08 6.414760e-07## DOID:104         321       0.3899673 1.856122 9.801772e-09 6.414760e-07## DOID:526         201       0.4147782 1.874250 4.756033e-07 2.073630e-05## DOID:2237        406       0.3328749 1.613797 1.567985e-06 5.697013e-05##                    qvalue rank                   leading_edge## DOID:399     9.789474e-09 2082 tags=40%, list=17%, signal=34%## DOID:612     2.385117e-07 2099 tags=33%, list=17%, signal=29%## DOID:0050338 2.880602e-07 1864 tags=33%, list=15%, signal=29%## DOID:104     2.880602e-07 2330 tags=36%, list=19%, signal=30%## DOID:526     9.311812e-06 2099 tags=36%, list=17%, signal=31%## DOID:2237    2.558292e-05 2082 tags=27%, list=17%, signal=23%## 省略自定义富集分析有些用户需要自定义自己的注释数据库或者没有支持的物种,也可以自己DIY。
library(msigdbr)msigdbr_show_species()##  [1] "Anolis carolinensis"             "Bos taurus"                     ##  [3] "Caenorhabditis elegans"          "Canis lupus familiaris"         ##  [5] "Danio rerio"                     "Drosophila melanogaster"        ##  [7] "Equus caballus"                  "Felis catus"                    ##  [9] "Gallus gallus"                   "Homo sapiens"                   ## [11] "Macaca mulatta"                  "Monodelphis domestica"          ## [13] "Mus musculus"                    "Ornithorhynchus anatinus"       ## [15] "Pan troglodytes"                 "Rattus norvegicus"              ## [17] "Saccharomyces cerevisiae"        "Schizosaccharomyces pombe 972h-"## [19] "Sus scrofa"                      "Xenopus tropicalis"选择我们想要的数据下载:
m_df <- msigdbr(species = "Homo sapiens")#下载数据head(m_df, 2) %>% as.data.frame##   gs_cat      gs_subcat        gs_name gene_symbol entrez_gene    ensembl_gene## 1     C3 MIR:MIR_Legacy AAACCAC_MIR140       ABCC4       10257 ENSG00000125257## 2     C3 MIR:MIR_Legacy AAACCAC_MIR140    ABRAXAS2       23172 ENSG00000165660##   human_gene_symbol human_entrez_gene human_ensembl_gene  gs_id gs_pmid## 1             ABCC4             10257    ENSG00000125257 M12609        ## 2          ABRAXAS2             23172    ENSG00000165660 M12609        ##   gs_geoid gs_exact_source gs_url## 1                                ## 2                                ##                                                                                                                                                                                           gs_description## 1 Genes having at least one occurence of the motif AAACCAC in their 3' untranslated region. The motif represents putative target (that is, seed match) of human mature miRNA hsa-miR-140 (v7.1 miRBase).## 2 Genes having at least one occurence of the motif AAACCAC in their 3' untranslated region. The motif represents putative target (that is, seed match) of human mature miRNA hsa-miR-140 (v7.1 miRBase).我们使用人类的C6注释集:
m_t2g <- msigdbr(species = "Homo sapiens", category = "C6") %>%   dplyr::select(gs_name, entrez_gene)head(m_t2g)## # A tibble: 6 × 2##   gs_name      entrez_gene##   <chr>              <int>## 1 AKT_UP.V1_DN       57007## 2 AKT_UP.V1_DN       22859## 3 AKT_UP.V1_DN       22859## 4 AKT_UP.V1_DN      137872## 5 AKT_UP.V1_DN         249## 6 AKT_UP.V1_DN         271有了这个数据之后,我们就可以根据这个自定义的注释信息做富集分析了:
em <- enricher(gene, TERM2GENE=m_t2g)head(em)##                                            ID            Description GeneRatio## RPS14_DN.V1_DN                 RPS14_DN.V1_DN         RPS14_DN.V1_DN    22/183## GCNP_SHH_UP_LATE.V1_UP GCNP_SHH_UP_LATE.V1_UP GCNP_SHH_UP_LATE.V1_UP    16/183## PRC2_EZH2_UP.V1_DN         PRC2_EZH2_UP.V1_DN     PRC2_EZH2_UP.V1_DN    15/183## VEGF_A_UP.V1_DN               VEGF_A_UP.V1_DN        VEGF_A_UP.V1_DN    15/183## RB_P107_DN.V1_UP             RB_P107_DN.V1_UP       RB_P107_DN.V1_UP    10/183## E2F1_UP.V1_UP                   E2F1_UP.V1_UP          E2F1_UP.V1_UP    12/183##                          BgRatio       pvalue     p.adjust       qvalue## RPS14_DN.V1_DN         186/10922 4.657342e-13 7.870908e-11 6.422230e-11## GCNP_SHH_UP_LATE.V1_UP 181/10922 5.765032e-08 4.871452e-06 3.974838e-06## PRC2_EZH2_UP.V1_DN     192/10922 7.574546e-07 3.419660e-05 2.790255e-05## VEGF_A_UP.V1_DN        193/10922 8.093869e-07 3.419660e-05 2.790255e-05## RB_P107_DN.V1_UP       130/10922 6.394609e-05 2.013355e-03 1.642787e-03## E2F1_UP.V1_UP          188/10922 7.477287e-05 2.013355e-03 1.642787e-03##                                                                                                                                        geneID## RPS14_DN.V1_DN         10874/55388/991/9493/1062/4605/9133/23397/79733/9787/55872/83461/54821/51659/9319/9055/10112/4174/5105/2532/7021/79901## GCNP_SHH_UP_LATE.V1_UP                                      55388/7153/79733/6241/9787/51203/983/9212/1111/9319/9055/3833/6790/4174/3169/1580## PRC2_EZH2_UP.V1_DN                                          8318/55388/4605/23397/9787/55355/10460/6362/81620/2146/7272/9212/11182/3887/24137## VEGF_A_UP.V1_DN                                                   8318/9493/1062/9133/10403/6241/9787/4085/332/3832/7272/891/23362/2167/10234## RB_P107_DN.V1_UP                                                                         8318/23397/79733/6241/4085/8208/9055/24137/4174/1307## E2F1_UP.V1_UP                                                                  55388/7153/23397/79733/9787/2146/2842/9212/8208/1111/9055/3833##                        Count## RPS14_DN.V1_DN            22## GCNP_SHH_UP_LATE.V1_UP    16## PRC2_EZH2_UP.V1_DN        15## VEGF_A_UP.V1_DN           15## RB_P107_DN.V1_UP          10## E2F1_UP.V1_UP             12再试一下C3基因集:
C3_t2g <- msigdbr(species = "Homo sapiens", category = "C3") %>%   dplyr::select(gs_name, entrez_gene)head(C3_t2g)## # A tibble: 6 × 2##   gs_name        entrez_gene##   <chr>                <int>## 1 AAACCAC_MIR140       10257## 2 AAACCAC_MIR140       23172## 3 AAACCAC_MIR140          81## 4 AAACCAC_MIR140          81## 5 AAACCAC_MIR140          90## 6 AAACCAC_MIR140        8754然后是GSEA分析:
em2 <- GSEA(geneList, TERM2GENE = C3_t2g)## preparing geneSet collections...## GSEA analysis...## leading edge analysis...## done...head(em2)##                                        ID          Description setSize## HSD17B8_TARGET_GENES HSD17B8_TARGET_GENES HSD17B8_TARGET_GENES     401## E2F1_Q3                           E2F1_Q3              E2F1_Q3     187## E2F1_Q6                           E2F1_Q6              E2F1_Q6     185## SGCGSSAAA_E2F1DP2_01 SGCGSSAAA_E2F1DP2_01 SGCGSSAAA_E2F1DP2_01     129## E2F_Q4                             E2F_Q4               E2F_Q4     193## E2F1DP1_01                     E2F1DP1_01           E2F1DP1_01     184##                      enrichmentScore      NES       pvalue     p.adjust## HSD17B8_TARGET_GENES       0.6368099 3.107103 1.000000e-10 1.655000e-07## E2F1_Q3                    0.4983913 2.220028 1.000000e-10 1.655000e-07## E2F1_Q6                    0.4906657 2.184070 2.011165e-10 2.218985e-07## SGCGSSAAA_E2F1DP2_01       0.5408182 2.289484 1.032436e-09 8.543410e-07## E2F_Q4                     0.4685394 2.099303 2.297950e-09 9.507767e-07## E2F1DP1_01                 0.4675989 2.083101 2.123251e-09 9.507767e-07##                            qvalue rank                   leading_edge## HSD17B8_TARGET_GENES 1.310526e-07 1042  tags=36%, list=8%, signal=34%## E2F1_Q3              1.310526e-07 2045 tags=36%, list=16%, signal=30%## E2F1_Q6              1.757123e-07 1819 tags=34%, list=15%, signal=30%## SGCGSSAAA_E2F1DP2_01 6.765174e-07 1797 tags=38%, list=14%, signal=33%## E2F_Q4               7.528809e-07 1663 tags=29%, list=13%, signal=26%## E2F1DP1_01           7.528809e-07 1797 tags=33%, list=14%, signal=28%#省略cellmarker除了msigdb数据库,还有一个cellmarker数据库,做单细胞的一定见过,我们先下载它的注释数据:
cell_marker_data <- vroom::vroom('http://xteam.xbio.top/CellMarker/download/Human_cell_markers.txt')## Rows: 2868 Columns: 15## ── Column specification ─────────────────────────────## Delimiter: "\t"## chr (15): speciesType, tissueType, UberonOntologyID, cancerType, cellType, c...## ## ℹ Use `spec()` to retrieve the full column specification for this data.## ℹ Specify the column types or set `show_col_types = FALSE` to quiet this message.
## instead of `cellName`, users can use other features (e.g. `cancerType`)cells <- cell_marker_data %>%    dplyr::select(cellName, geneID) %>%    dplyr::mutate(geneID = strsplit(geneID, ', ')) %>%    tidyr::unnest()有了数据就可以使用通用的enricher函数进行ORA富集分析了:
x <- enricher(gene, TERM2GENE = cells)head(x)##                                            ID            Description GeneRatio## Neural progenitor cell Neural progenitor cell Neural progenitor cell    33/153## MKI67+ progenitor cell MKI67+ progenitor cell MKI67+ progenitor cell    20/153## DCLK1+ progenitor cell DCLK1+ progenitor cell DCLK1+ progenitor cell     7/153##                          BgRatio       pvalue     p.adjust       qvalue## Neural progenitor cell 176/11582 3.395466e-29 3.259648e-27 2.716373e-27## MKI67+ progenitor cell 111/11582 1.426062e-17 6.845100e-16 5.704250e-16## DCLK1+ progenitor cell  99/11582 3.298755e-04 1.055601e-02 8.796679e-03##                                                                                                                                                                                              geneID## Neural progenitor cell 991/9493/9833/9133/10403/7153/259266/6241/9787/11065/55355/55872/51203/83461/22974/10460/79019/55839/890/983/4085/5080/332/3832/9212/51659/9055/891/4174/9232/1602/2018/4137## MKI67+ progenitor cell                                                                       991/9133/10403/7153/259266/6241/9787/11065/51203/22974/10460/890/983/332/9212/9055/891/9232/2167/51705## DCLK1+ progenitor cell                                                                                                                                        1307/730/54829/10234/79901/57758/4969##                        Count## Neural progenitor cell    33## MKI67+ progenitor cell    20## DCLK1+ progenitor cell     7使用GSEA进行基因集富集分析:
y <- GSEA(geneList, TERM2GENE = cells)## preparing geneSet collections...## GSEA analysis...## leading edge analysis...## done...head(y)##                                                            ID## Neural progenitor cell                 Neural progenitor cell## FOXN4+ cell                                       FOXN4+ cell## Paneth cell                                       Paneth cell## Leydig precursor cell                   Leydig precursor cell## FGFR1HighNME5- epithelial cell FGFR1HighNME5- epithelial cell## Ciliated epithelial cell             Ciliated epithelial cell##                                                   Description setSize## Neural progenitor cell                 Neural progenitor cell     149## FOXN4+ cell                                       FOXN4+ cell      63## Paneth cell                                       Paneth cell     261## Leydig precursor cell                   Leydig precursor cell     184## FGFR1HighNME5- epithelial cell FGFR1HighNME5- epithelial cell     131## Ciliated epithelial cell             Ciliated epithelial cell     217##                                enrichmentScore       NES       pvalue## Neural progenitor cell               0.7160571  3.085727 1.000000e-10## FOXN4+ cell                          0.7136090  2.685258 1.000000e-10## Paneth cell                          0.5381280  2.489150 1.000000e-10## Leydig precursor cell               -0.5710583 -2.308894 1.000000e-10## FGFR1HighNME5- epithelial cell      -0.5739472 -2.229562 1.476993e-10## Ciliated epithelial cell            -0.5012031 -2.064339 3.336445e-10##                                    p.adjust       qvalue rank## Neural progenitor cell         4.125000e-09 2.315789e-09  684## FOXN4+ cell                    4.125000e-09 2.315789e-09 1419## Paneth cell                    4.125000e-09 2.315789e-09 2187## Leydig precursor cell          4.125000e-09 2.315789e-09 2609## FGFR1HighNME5- epithelial cell 4.874076e-09 2.736323e-09 1404## Ciliated epithelial cell       9.175223e-09 5.151002e-09 1440##                                                  leading_edge## Neural progenitor cell          tags=47%, list=5%, signal=45%## FOXN4+ cell                    tags=51%, list=11%, signal=45%## Paneth cell                    tags=45%, list=18%, signal=38%## Leydig precursor cell          tags=45%, list=21%, signal=36%## FGFR1HighNME5- epithelial cell tags=39%, list=11%, signal=35%## Ciliated epithelial cell       tags=29%, list=12%, signal=27%#省略DO, GO, Reactome的分析是有readable参数的,其实是根据OrgDb进行转换的,这和setReadable函数的原理一样,所以用到OrgDb的都有这个参数。
data(gcSample)str(gcSample) ## List of 8##  $ X1: chr [1:216] "4597" "7111" "5266" "2175" ...##  $ X2: chr [1:805] "23450" "5160" "7126" "26118" ...##  $ X3: chr [1:392] "894" "7057" "22906" "3339" ...##  $ X4: chr [1:838] "5573" "7453" "5245" "23450" ...##  $ X5: chr [1:929] "5982" "7318" "6352" "2101" ...##  $ X6: chr [1:585] "5337" "9295" "4035" "811" ...##  $ X7: chr [1:582] "2621" "2665" "5690" "3608" ...##  $ X8: chr [1:237] "2665" "4735" "1327" "3192" ...同时对这8个基因集分别进行富集分析:
ck <- compareCluster(geneCluster = gcSample, fun = enrichKEGG)ck <- setReadable(ck, OrgDb = org.Hs.eg.db, keyType="ENTREZID")head(ck) ##   Cluster       ID                            Description GeneRatio  BgRatio## 1      X2 hsa05169           Epstein-Barr virus infection    23/401 202/8465## 2      X2 hsa05340               Primary immunodeficiency     8/401  38/8465## 3      X2 hsa04110                             Cell cycle    18/401 157/8465## 4      X3 hsa04512               ECM-receptor interaction     9/190  89/8465## 5      X3 hsa04060 Cytokine-cytokine receptor interaction    17/190 297/8465## 6      X3 hsa04151             PI3K-Akt signaling pathway    19/190 354/8465##         pvalue   p.adjust     qvalue## 1 7.981195e-05 0.02466189 0.02310346## 2 3.300857e-04 0.04463551 0.04181490## 3 4.333545e-04 0.04463551 0.04181490## 4 1.617209e-04 0.03272190 0.03037690## 5 3.565676e-04 0.03272190 0.03037690## 6 3.622350e-04 0.03272190 0.03037690##                                                                                                                          geneID## 1 LYN/ICAM1/TNFAIP3/E2F1/CCNA2/E2F3/BAK1/RUNX3/BID/IKBKE/TAP2/FAS/CCNE2/RELB/CD3E/ENTPD3/SYK/TRAF3/IKBKB/CD247/NEDD4/CD40/STAT1## 2                                                                                     ADA/TAP2/LCK/CD79A/CD3E/CD8A/CD40/DCLRE1C## 3                          CDC20/E2F1/CCNA2/E2F3/BUB1B/CDC6/DBF4/PKMYT1/CDC7/ESPL1/CCNE2/CDKN2A/SFN/BUB1/CHEK2/ORC6/CDC14B/MCM4## 4                                                                         THBS1/HSPG2/COL9A3/ITGB7/CHAD/ITGA7/LAMA4/ITGB8/ITGB5## 5                CXCL1/TNFRSF11B/LIFR/XCL1/GDF5/TNFRSF17/TNFRSF11A/IL5RA/EPOR/CSF2RA/TNFRSF25/BMP7/BMP4/GDF11/IL21R/IL23A/TGFB2## 6                    CCND2/THBS1/STK11/FGF2/COL9A3/ITGB7/FGF7/ERBB4/CHAD/FGF18/CDK6/PCK1/ITGA7/HGF/EPOR/LAMA4/IKBKB/ITGB8/ITGB5##   Count## 1    23## 2     8## 3    18## 4     9## 5    17## 6    19支持使用R语言中的formula形式:
mydf <- data.frame(Entrez=names(geneList), FC=geneList)mydf <- mydf[abs(mydf$FC) > 1,]mydf$group <- "upregulated"mydf$group[mydf$FC < 0] <- "downregulated"mydf$othergroup <- "A"mydf$othergroup[abs(mydf$FC) > 2] <- "B"
str(mydf)## 'data.frame':1324 obs. of  4 variables:##  $ Entrez    : chr  "4312" "8318" "10874" "55143" ...##  $ FC        : num  4.57 4.51 4.42 4.14 3.88 ...##  $ group     : chr  "upregulated" "upregulated" "upregulated" "upregulated" ...##  $ othergroup: chr  "B" "B" "B" "B" ...
formula_res <- compareCluster(Entrez~group+othergroup, data=mydf, fun="enrichKEGG")  head(formula_res)##           Cluster         group othergroup       ID## 1 downregulated.A downregulated          A hsa04974## 2 downregulated.A downregulated          A hsa04510## 3 downregulated.A downregulated          A hsa04151## 4 downregulated.A downregulated          A hsa04512## 5 downregulated.B downregulated          B hsa03320## 6   upregulated.A   upregulated          A hsa04110##                        Description GeneRatio  BgRatio       pvalue     p.adjust## 1 Protein digestion and absorption    16/326 103/8465 1.731006e-06 4.864127e-04## 2                   Focal adhesion    20/326 203/8465 1.030192e-04 1.447420e-02## 3       PI3K-Akt signaling pathway    28/326 354/8465 2.240338e-04 2.098450e-02## 4         ECM-receptor interaction    11/326  89/8465 5.802099e-04 4.075974e-02## 5           PPAR signaling pathway      5/43  75/8465 3.532307e-05 5.581045e-03## 6                       Cell cycle    21/224 157/8465 7.699196e-10 1.963295e-07##         qvalue## 1 4.555279e-04## 2 1.355516e-02## 3 1.965209e-02## 4 3.817170e-02## 5 5.131141e-03## 6 1.750554e-07##   省略可视化也是一样的支持:



#以ego为例,其他也是一样class(ego)## [1] "enrichResult"## attr(,"package")## [1] "DOSE"
go_res <- as.data.frame(ego)class(go_res)## [1] "data.frame"write.csv(go_res,file = "gores.csv",quote = F)所有的富集结果都是可以像这样转化的,方便你进行个性化的操作。
基本上data.frame取子集那些方法,包括[, [[, >$等操作符,都被我重新定义,也就是说,对于富集分析的结果,你完全可以像data.frame一样的操作。参考:https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/k-Lbpz8M616Wo0St0TQ-2Q不过在此之前,我们先探索下富集分析的结果。
dim(ego)## [1] 153  10#head(ego)这个富集结果共有153行,10列。其实这个数据就在ego@result这个数据框中,所有的操作也是在对这个数据框进行操作。
names(ego@result)##  [1] "ONTOLOGY"    "ID"          "Description" "GeneRatio"   "BgRatio"     "pvalue"     ##  [7] "p.adjust"    "qvalue"      "geneID"      "Count" 可以看到,就是常见的富集到的条目,P值等信息,其实各种数据操作和画图等,都是针对这个数据的,只不过clusterprofiler和enrichplot对这个过程进行了简化,不用你提取数据也能直接使用。
#asis=T让子集也是富集分析结果对象,可以直接用y = ego[ego$pvalue < 0.001, asis=T]dim(y)## [1] 153  10class(y)## [1] "enrichResult"## attr(,"package")## [1] "DOSE"如何查看某个条目下的所有基因名字,很简单,也是不断的取子集操作:
# 第一个条目的所有基因gsea_res[[gsea_res$ID[[1]]]]
## [1] "1673"   "5068"   "2919"   "5967"   "5968"   "1670"   "1671"   "2920"   "3553"  ## [10] "6373"   "4283"   "10563"  "6374"   "6372"   "6283"   "2921"   "6280"   "1755"  ## [19] "3627"   "5266"   "718"    "725"    "4057"   "931"    "629"    "3426"   "6278"  ## [28] "28461"  "1604"   "6347"   "54210"  "3495"   "1380"   "1378"   "1191"   "722"   ## [37] "1880"   "5199"   "5648"   "5788"   "1235"   "9308"   "717"    "3569"   "3500"  ## [46] "710"    "11005"  "5196"   "716"    "715"    "1236"   "64127"  "5079"   "940"   ## [55] "3507"   "28639"  "10417"  "2219"   "5452"   "124976" "2213"   "5450"   "10578" ## [64] "28912"  "3514"   "6590"   "3119"   "6036"   "3853"   "7124"   "4068"   "5919"  ## [73] "4049"   "6406"   "8547"   "3605"   "5473"   "3458"   "729230" "6480"   "240"   ## [82] "3123"   "4239"  除此之外,dplyr中的很多函数,包括filetr/arrange/select/mutate/slice/summarise,也被重新定义了,支持直接对这些富集结果进行操作,简直不要太方便。
y <- ego %>%   filter(p.adjust < 10^-8) %>%   arrange(Count)
dim(y)## [1] 27 10#head(y)
#结果依然是对象!class(y)## [1] "enrichResult"## attr(,"package")## [1] "DOSE"其他的就不多演示了,大家发挥自己的想象力即可,无非就是对数据框进行操作~
posted @ 2023-11-11 17:05  xiaojikuaipao  阅读(295)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报